interruption, so long as they be have peaceably, and do not in any way offend the laws; and their effects and property, whether confided to individuals or to the state, shall not be subject to embargo or sequestration. 12. The subjects of his Britannic majesty, residing in the united provinces of Rio de la Plata, shall not be disturbed, persecuted, or molested on account of their religion, but they shall enjoy a perfect liberty of conscience in them, celebrating divine worship in their own houses, or in their own particular churches or chapels, which they shall be authorized to build and maintain in convenient situations, which shall be approved of by the government of the said United Provinces; it shall also be permitted to bury the subjects of his Britannic majesty, who shall die in the country of the United Provinces, in their own cemeteries, which they may in like manner form and maintain there. On the other hand the subjects of the said United Provinces shall enjoy in all the dominions of his Britanmic majesty, a perfect and unlimited freedom of conscience, and the exercise of their religion, public or private, in the houses where they reside, or in the chapels and religious houses destined for that purpose, conformably to the system of toleration established in his majesty's dominions. 13. The subjects of his Britannic majesty residing in the United Provinces may freely dispose of their property of every description in whatever form they please, or by will, as they think fit; and if a British subject should die in the United Provinces without a will or disposition of his property, his majesty's consul-general, or, in his absence, his representative, shall be authorized to appoint guardians, who shall take care of the property for the lawful heirs and creditors, without any interference, giving notice to the authorities of the country, and reciprocally. 14. His Britannic majesty, anxiously desiring the abolition of the slave-trade, the united provinces of Rio de la Plata engage to cooperate with his majesty in accomplishing so beneficial a work; and to prohibit all persons residing in the United Provinces, or subject to their jurisdiction, in the most effectual manner, and by the most solemn laws, from taking any part in the said traffic. 15. The above treaty shall be ratified, and the ratification exchanged in four months or sooner if possible. In testimony whereof the said plenipotentiaries have hereunto set their hands and seals. Done at Buenos Ayres, the 2nd of February, in the year of our Lord 1825. (L. S.) M J. GARCIA. We, Juan Gregorio de las Heras, Captain-general and Governor of the province of Buenos Ayres, charged with the supreme executive power of the united provinces of Rio de la Plata, now assembled in congress having in conformity with the fundamental law of the 23rd of January, 1825, communicated the said treaty to the constituent congress for its assent, and having obtained its full powers and appro bation to ratify and confirm the said treaty, by this present act we ratify and confirm it in due form, promising and engaging, in the name of the said United Provinces, that all the stipulations and obligations in the same shall be sacredly and inviolably fulfilled. In testimony whereof, we sign with our hand the present instrument of ratification, and have caused it to be attested by our minister of war and marine, solemnly sealing it with the national seal at Buenos Ayres, the 19th of February, in the year of our Lord 1825. JUAN GREGORIO DE LAS HERAS. FRANCISCO DE LA CRUZ. CONVENTION between his Excellency CHARLES TURNER, Knight Companion of the most Honourable the Military Order of the Bath, &c. Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of the Colony of SIERRA LEONE and its Dependencies, &c. &c. on the part of his BRITANNIC MAJESTY; and BANKA, King of SHERBRO, on the part and behalf of his tributary Kings, Chiefs, and Headmen, KONG CUBA, Prince of SHERBRO; SUMANA, King of BENDOO; TA BOMPAY, King of BULLOM; SOLOCCoo, King of BAGROO; SUWARROW, King of CHAR; KENEFARRE, Chief of SHERBRO ISLAND; WILL ADOO, Chief of JENKINS; and YA COMBA, by her lawful Representatives and next of Kin, THOMAS CAULKER, Chief of BOMPEY, and GEORGE CAULKER, Chief of TASSO and the PLANTAIN ISLES, on behalf of themselves, their tributary Chiefs, Headmen, and People. Whereas a cruel and destructive war has for several years raged between certain tribes of the Kussoo nation and the inhabitants of the countries, bordering on the Sherbro Bulloms, which countries the said tribes of the Kussoos have conquered and destroyed, and the defenceless inhabitants of which they have cruelly murdered or sold into slavery: and whereas the said Kussoo tribes have already commenced hostilities against the said Sherbro Bulloms, and have overrun and depopulated part of the territories belonging to the said Banka, king of Sherbro, and Ya Comba, queen of Ya Comba, their allies, tributary kings, chiefs, and headmen, and have manifested so determined a spirit as to leave no room to doubt that their ultimate object is, to overrun the said territories to exterminate the present possessors of the soil by the sword, or by selling them into slavery; and so satisfied thereof are the said Banka and Ya Comba, their tributary kings, chiefs, and headmen, that they have, of their own free will and accord, stepped forward and thrown themselves and their countries upon the protection of his excellency the governor-general of Sierra Leone and the British government, as the surest means of saving themselves and subjects from the destruction threatened by their cruel and implacable enemies: and whereas, in the progress of the said war violent outrages have been committed by parties to the war, upon the property and persons of British subjects engaged in lawful trade and commerce, plundering the one, seizing and selling into slavery the others: and whereas his excellency the governor-general of Sierra Leone, feeling no less apprehension for the peace and security of his Britannic majesty's territories the war having already approached the frontiers of the colony of Sierra Leone-than indignation at the insults offered to his nation, in the outrages committed on the persons and properties of its subjects, has determined, for the peace and security of the British possessions, and for checking the further progress of this cruel and desolating war, to accede to the prayer of the said kings, chiefs, and headmen. Wherefore his excellency Charles Turner, knight companion of the most honourable the military order of the Bath, commander of the Portuguese order of the Tower and Sword, and of the Turkish order of the Crescent, captaingeneral and governor-in-chief of the colony of Sierra Leone and its dependencies, the forts and settlements on the river Gambia, Cape Coast Castle, and the forts on the Gold Coast, the Isles de Loss, and the islands, territories, and factories to his majesty belonging on the western coast of Africa, from the twentieth degree of north latitude to the twentieth degree of south latitude; vice-admiral, chancellor, and ordinary of the same; major-general of his majesty's land forces, colonel of his majesty's royal African colonial corps, and commander-in-chief of his majesty's forces on the western coast of Africa, &c. &c., on the part and behalf of his Britannic majesty: and Banka, king of Sherbro, by the advice and consent of his tributary kings, chiefs, and headmen-namely Sumana, king of Bendoo; Suwarrow, king of Char; Kong Cuba, prince of Sherbro; Ta Bompay, king of Bullom; Soloccoo, king of Bagroo; Kennefarree, chief of Sherbro Island; Will Adoo, chief of Jenkins; and Ya Comba, queen of Ya Comba, by her lawful representatives and next of kin, Thomas Caulker, chief of Bompey, and George Caulker, chief of Tasso and the Plantain Isles, with the advice and consent of their tributary chiefs and headmen, have mutually agreed as follows: 1st. Banka, king of Sherbro, by the advice and consent of his said tributary kings, chiefs, and headmen, and the said Thomas Caulker and George Caulker, representatives of the said Ya Comba, queen of Ya Comba, have, for themselves, their tributary kings, chiefs, headmen, and people, for them, their heirs and successors for ever, ceded, transferred, and given over unto his said excellency Charles Turner, governor of the said colony of Sierra Leone, and his successors, the governors of the said colony for the time being, for the use and on the behalf of his majesty the king of Great Britain and Ireland, and his successors, the full, entire, free, and unlimited right, title, possession, and sovereignty of all the territories and dominions to them respectively belonging, being situate between the southern bank of the Camaranca river on the north, and the town of Camalay and the line which separates the territories of king Sherbro from those of the queen of the Galinas, on the south; together with all and every right and title to the navigation, anchorage, waterage, fishing, and other revenue and maritime claims in and over the said territories, and the rivers, harbours, bays, creeks, inlets, and waters of the same. 2nd. The said Charles Turner, for himself and his successors, the governors of the said colony of Sierra Leone for the time being, on the part and behalf of his said Britannic majesty, agrees to accept the cession of the aforesaid territories and dominions from the said Banka, king of Sherbro, and the said Ya Comba, queen of Ya Comba, their tributary kings, chiefs, and headmen; giving and granting to the said Banka, king of Sherbro, and Ya Comba, queen of Ya Comba, their tributary kings, chiefs, and headmen, and the other native inhabitants of the said territories and dominions, the protection of the British government, the rights and privileges of British subjects, and guaranteeing to the said Banka, king of Sherbro, his tributary kings, chiefs, and headmen, namely, Sumana, king of Bendoo; Suwarrow, king of Char; Kong Cuba, prince of Sherbro; Ta Bompay, king of Bullom; Soloccoo, king of Bagroo; Kenefarree, chief of Sherbro Island; Will Adoo, chief of Jenkins; and the said Ya Comba, queen of Ya Comba, and her representatives; and to the said Thomas Caulker, chief of Bompay; and George Caulker, chief of Tasso and the Plantain Isles, and the other native inhabitants of the aforesaid territories Signed at the Plantain Islands, on Saturday the twenty-fourth day of September, 1825, and ratified in the presence of all the kings, chiefs, and headmen of the Sherbro Bulloms at Yoni, on Sherbro Island, this fifth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five. CHARLES TURNER, governor of Sierra Leone and dependencies. BANKA, king of Sherbro. YA COMBA, queen, by her representatives. THOMAS CAULKER, chief GEO. S. CAULKER, chief of WILL ADOG, chief of Jen- TA BOMPAY, prince of king of Bul lom by king Sherbro. BA YENDA, and dominions, and to their heirs In the presence of and successors for ever, the full, free, and undisturbed possession and enjoyment of the lands they now hold and occupy. chief of Brama. G. RENDALL, A. C. J. K. MACAULAY, M. C. W. Ross, M. C. SPEECH of the KING of the NETHERLANDS at the opening of the States General, October 17, 1825. High and Mighty Sirs ;-The marriage of my second son has taken place since your last meeting. His excellent spouse has been most cordially received by my subjects, and this happy circumstance has greatly augmented the happiness of my house. I continue to receive from all foreign powers the most indubitable assurances of friendship. The hope of more firmly strengthening those reciprocal feelings of amity presents itself through the medium of commercial treaties, of which the necessary negotiations will be conducted with all the care with which the desire of promoting the good of my people can inspire me. With the same view I have issued orders for facilitating the commerce of my subjects in all parts of the world. The late exhibition of works of industry at Haarlem produced a display no less flattering to national pride than gratifying and honourable to the industry of my people, and satisfactory in regard to the general good of the nation. All the productions which luxury as well as the common wants of life can require, were there collected, and there could the Netherlander convince himself that in that respect he need not envy any other people. The general attention is directed to the opportunity which the nature and position of many countries afford to the development of our national industry, through which I hope she will see the channels for the fruits of our industry, and our lands, multiply, which the plans of the trading company has already begun to open. The spirit of forming associations, so advantageous to great undertakings, has spread itself more and more, and has extended its influence to the most useful objects; the devoting of considerable capitals to ship-building has given a new life to our docks, and has occasioned the laying down of innumerable keels. The salt-herring fisheries, which have for many years been a losing concern, will, from all appearances, prove most profitable for this last year. But with regard to the Greenland and Davis' Straits fisheries, my Netherlanders will, I fear, par ticipate in the general unfavourable result common to all who have this year undertaken them. Schools for instruction are now almost universally established throughout the kingdom, and have in many instances shown their utility, especially those of recent establishment. The Universities have lately been much improved and enlarged, and have in many branches of learning had additional facilities afforded for the attainment of knowledge, and they now furnish the most liberal means for the study of the various sciences. One institution, devoted to the wants of my Roman Catholic subjects, will afford to the young people appointed to study for the church the opportunity of obtaining that knowledge which the present state of civilization requires; and I hope I may promise myself the best consequences to the honour of that church in my kingdom. Through the beneficence and liberality of the nation, through the strenuous co-operation of your high mightinesses, and through the praiseworthy exertions of the authorities and officers, I am happy to say, that the disasters which were caused by the late floods are already materially repaired, and the dikes will soon be placed in a state of security against the weather. The commissioners who were appointed by me to examine the best courses for rivers have fulfilled their very important task, and will ere long lay before me the result. The formation of new plans of improvement is carried on with vigour. "The plan adopted for the prisons developes itself more and more, and will soon be established, |