ment signed by the president, signifying that the same had been duly inspected, and reported upon to the lord lieutenant, lord deputy, or other chief governor or governors of Ireland, according to the provisions of this act. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That when any person shall receive from the see of Rome, or from any authority under the same, an instrument which relates wholly and exclusively to the spiritual concerns of an individual or individuals, he shall so certify, within after he has received the same, and shall verify such certificate by the following oath : "I A. B. do swear, That the in"strument (describing the in"strument) which I hereby ac"knowledge to have received "from the see of Rome (or from "such other bodies or persons, "as the case may be) under the "authority of the see, relates "wholly to the personal spiritual "concerns of the party or parties "in respect of whom it has been "issued, and to no other matter "or thing whatsoever. "So help me God." Which oath it shall and may be lawful for such person to take and subscribe before the said board of commissioners (who are hereby empowered to administer the same) or in any of the courts herein before mentioned, or before of his majesty's justices; if the person taking and subscribing the same shall be resident more than miles from Dublin, or shall from ill health or infirmity be unable to travel, and in every such case it shall and may be lawful for the said board of commissioners, in the exercise of their judgment and discretion to direct the said instrument to be transmitted, sealed up, for the sole inspection and verification of the president of the said board; who shall inspect the same, and if he shall after such inspection certify that the said instrument, is in his conscientious opinion and judgment, of the nature described in the certificate and oath of the person by whom the same shall have been so transmitted as aforesaid, the receipt thereof shall be reported to the lord lieutenant, or lord deputy, or other chief governor or governors of Ireland, and thereupon the said instrument shall be returned, sealed up, to the person by whom the same shall have been so transmitted, after being indorsed by the said president. And be it further enacted, That any person or persons in Ireland, receiving any such bull, dispensation, or other instrument as aforesaid, who shall so deliver the same, or cause it to be delivered in the original, or who shall so certify the receipt, and so describe and verify by oath the nature of the said instrument by him or them received as aforesaid, and whose certificate and oath shall be so confirmed and allowed as aforesaid, shall be free and exempt from all pains and penalties whatsoever, to which he or they would be liable by any laws now existing in Ireland, against the receiving and publishing bulls, dispensations, or other instruments from the see of Rome, or from any authority or pretended authority under the said see. And be it further enacted, That any person or persons so receiving any such bull, dispensation, or other instrument as aforesaid, and not so delivering or causing to be delivered as aforesaid, either the said original instrument, or such certificate of the receipt thereof, accompanied by such oath as hereinbefore prescribed; or who shall publish or put in execution, or be wilfully and knowingly concerned in publishing or putting in execution, any such bull, dispensation, or other instrument as aforesaid, in Ireland, before the same shall have been properly inspected and indorsed as aforesaid, shall be deemed and taken to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall suffer such punishment as may by law be imposed upon persons guilty of a misdemeanor, instead of any punishment which such person would be liable to for such offence, by any law or statute now in force in Ireland. REPORT of the SELECT COMMITTEE of the HOUSE of LORDS on the STATE of IRELAND. That the committee have proceeded, in obedience to the orders of the House, to examine such persons as appeared best qualified to afford information upon the various points respecting the state of Ireland, which fell within the scope of the inquiry they were directed to pursue. As the inquiry has been proceeding, they have thought it desirable to lay before the House the whole of the evidence, which will be accompanied with an index, affording convenient means of reference. In the present advanced state of the sessions, they do not feel themselves enabled to do more than to select, from the mass of information which has been brought before them, some of the subjects to which it appears to them to be advisable that the attention of government and of parliament should be more especially directed. With respect to the civil disabilities of the Roman Catholics, they have examined a considerable number of persons, of various professions and of different stations in life, in order to afford the House all the information which it was in their power to collect; but they abstain from making any observations upon that evidence, because they are persuaded that upon a subject of such paramount importance, and connected with such great constitutional questions, it was the intention of the House that their duty should be confined to the collection of information. It is material likewise to observe, that little evidence has been taken upon the subject of education. This duty had already been delegated to commissioners, whose report, which appears to the committee to contain most valuable information upon the branch of this subject relating to the education of the poor, has lately been presented to the House; and they understand that the future inquiries of the commissioners will be directed to other branches, and will bring the whole under the view of the government and of parliament. The committee have received a great body of evidence on the actual state of the relations between landlord and tenant, and are of opinion that the whole of that most important subject is deserving of the attentive consideration of parliament. Amongst the great evils existing in the present state of these relations, are repre sented to be the minute subdivision of land; the number of persons who intervene between the head landlord and the immediate occupier; the extreme difficulty of preventing the subletting of land, and the power possessed by every intermediate landlord, as well as the principal landlord, to distrain upon the occupying tenant. It is for the wisdom of parliament to consider, whether any and what improvement in the law relating to these subjects, may be expedient or practicable. Many valuable suggestions on these as well as other points respecting the relations between landlord and tenant will be found in the evidence. The committee observe with satisfaction, that the increasing intelligence of landlords is now endeavouring to apply a gradual remedy to the subdivision of land; and they cannot but entertain a confident expectation, that for the mutual benefit of both landlord and tenant, this remedy will be as extensively applied as the nature of existing contracts, and the comfort and well-being of the people, will permit. The extent of the burden brought upon the country by the present system of grand jury presentments has long been a subject of complaint. Various suggestions have been made for the improvement of this system, and some of the abuses to which it was liable have been partially corrected by the legislature. It is stated, however, that more is still necessary to be done; that the mode of deciding what works are to be undertaken, of regulating the expenditure, and of passing the accounts, is still in many respects imperfect. It appears at all events desirable, that if it should be found expedient to continue to intrust these functions to grand juries, the publicity of that It portion of their proceedings which relates to the levying, and expenditure of the public money should be effectually provided for. has also been suggested, that the charges of grand jury assessments for objects of a permanent nature ought to fall, in future leases, upon landlords and tenants in their due proportion. It has been strongly urged, that the criminal and civil business of the quarter sessions should be kept entirely separate, and that all the criminal business should be first disposed of, so as to release the magistrates who are called together for that portion of the business belonging to the quarter sessions, instead of retaining them and the juries and the witnesses, to their own great inconvenience and the increased expense of prosecutions. It has been suggested as an improvement, that the assistant barristers should not practise as counsel in the counties where they sit upon the bench. The constitution of the civil bill courts deserves serious consideration; and at all events it appears to be advisable to require that their process should be executed by their own sworn officers, or by persons more trust-worthy and responsible than many of those who are at present employed. Strong representations have been made to the committee against the mode in which the process of custodiam writs in the superior courts is exe→ cuted, and also respecting mesne process. Several important suggestions have been made respecting the office of sub-sheriff, viz.-That each sub-sheriff should have a regular office within his own county, where he should attend at certain hours; that this appointment should be subject to the approbation of the last going judge of as size; that he should be rendered legally capable of serving more years than one; and that the execution writs should not be committed to any person except the sheriff's officers. The administration of justice by the magistrates in corporate towns has been stated to be more frequently exceptionable than that exercised by county magistrates; and the levy of tolls, and the expenditure of the money received, is stated to require examination and correction. Obstacles are also stated to be opposed to the admission of persons to their freedom, although entitled thereto by birth, servitude, or marriage. The present remedy by an application to the court of King's-bench, is deemed to be tedious and expensive; and it is represented, that justice would be more easily rendered to the individuals claiming admission, by giving double or treble costs in the case of an unjustifiable refusal to admit. Although upon the same grounds upon which they have confined themselves to the collection of information as to the civil disabilities of the Roman Catholics, the committee abstain from doing more than to report the evidence they have received on the practical effect of the present state of the elective franchise, they feel it necessary to state, that it may be found expedient to adopt some further and more effectual provision against the creation of fictitious or fraudulent qualifications, under the law as it now exists. It has been strongly recommended that some provision should be made for the relief of the extreme distress of the poorer classes in age or infirmity, if not by law (to which great objections have been stated), at least by organizing the collection and distribution of charitable contributions. In addition to the suggestions above stated, various others have also been received, respecting the encouragement of emigration-the extension of public works of unquestionable utility, by reasonable facilities afforded by the government the extension of the fisheries-improvements in the state of the lunatic asylums and houses of industry-the regulation or abolition of manor courts-the constitution and powers of vestries-and respecting many details in the subordinate administration of justice. For these, and other matters, which are in different degrees deserving of attention, the committee beg to refer to the evidence, where they will be found under the heads in the index. The committee cannot close this report without expressing the pleasure they have received from the concurrent testimony of so many witnesses, who in speaking of the different measures which have been of late adopted for the improvement of the state of Ireland, have, in a greater or less degree, agreed in attributing to them a highly favourable effect. The establishment of the police and constabulary force the revision of the magistracy, as far as it has gone-the meeting of the magistrates in petty sessions-the administration of justice by the assistant barristers the change which has taken place of late years in the mode of appointing sheriffs the public works undertaken by the executive go vernment-the alteration in the system of the distillery laws, and in the general mode of collecting the revenue the remission of all direct taxes-the re --- peal of the union duties and the increased facility of commercial intercourse, have all contributed, not only to remove grievances, but to improve the situation of the country. The composition for tithe, under the authority of the acts passed in the two last sessions of parliament, has been hitherto as rapid and as beneficial as could have been expected under the circumstances of the times; and the greatest advantages may reasonably be anti cipated from the further progress of this important measure. The restored tranquillity of the country has already afforded the opportunity for a more extensive introduction of different branches of manufacture; and should it fortunately continue uninterrupted, the best hopes may be entertained that by furnishing employment to the poorer classes, one of the greatest incentives to disturbance may be permanently removed. SUMMARY STATEMENT of the OBJECTS and OPERATIONS of the SOCIETY for the PROPAGATION of the GOSPEL in FOREIGN PARTS. This society was originally incorporated in the year 1701, for the support of a learned and zealous body of clergy in his majesty's colonies, and for the general propagation of the gospel in foreign parts. The business of the society is conducted by certain official members nominated in the charter,* and the incorporated members who are chosen by ballot. The archbishop of Canterbury was first appointed, and has since been annually elected president. The acknowledgment of the independence of the United States of America unfortunately deprived those provinces of the benefits which they had long received from * The lord archbishop of Canterbury, the lord archbishop of York, the lord bishop of London, the lord bishop of Ely, the lord Almoner, the dean of Westminster, the dean of St. Paul's, the archdeacon of London, the regius professor of divinity in Oxford, the regius professor of divinity in Cambridge, the Margaret professor of divinity in Oxford, the Margaret professor of divinity in Cambridge. the exertions of this society. But the society left a blessing behind it in the Protestant episcopal church in that country, whose very existence at the present moment may be justly attributed to its early and truly christian efforts. The field of the society's labours has since that period been greatly enlarged, and its operations now extend over the vast provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward's_Island, Newfoundland, and the Ber mudas. Of late years the population in those colonies has increased to such an extent, that the society has deemed it necessary greatly to increase the number of its missionaries. The list subjoined to the present document will show that the spiritual wants of those countries cannot be adequately supplied without such an addition to the ministers of religion as would triple the number that was employed even at so late a period as the year 1816. The actual number of missionaries now in the service of the |