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spected him gave it as their opinion, that his lungs were placed in a different position to that usually occupied in the human frame. Since his arrival, sir Astley Cooper, by whom he has been visited, finds that his heart is placed so much out of the common region allotted to it, that it is precisely its own length lower than if properly placed.

The health of this singular being has been uninterruptedly god, except about five years ago, when he had a liver complaint, which subjected him to the application of numerous leeches, the traces of which are still visible on his skin. His respiration is confined, being the necessary result of a contraction of the lungs; yet, upon the whole, he does not appear to be much inconvenienced on that account, in consequence of the little exercise he takes and the consequent quiescent state of the animal system.

In regard to the texture of the skin of this living wonder, it is of a dry, moistless, parchment-like appearance, which, covering any other human form, would not answer the purposes of its functions, but seems calculated alone to cover the slender juiceless body of the being whom nature intended to array. On the shins nodes appear in the form of buttons, though not obtrusively to the eye, and the toes of the feet are bent over one another.

The ribs are not only capable of being distinguished, but may be clearly separated, and counted one by one, and handled like so many pieces of cane, and, together with the skin which covers them, resemble more the hoops and outer covering of a balloon of a small size, than any thing in the ordinary course of VOL. LXVII.

nature. We come now to the action produced by the efforts of the lungs, and which, strange as it may appear, does not proceed from the chest as in ordinary cases, but from the lower extremity of the abdomen, as though the organs of respiration, from excessive laxity, had absolutely descended from their proper sphere, and that, by a tenacious effort of nature, unwilling to yield possession of her functions, they had accommodated themselves by time to such an unnatural and incredible position.

The subject is presented to view in a state of nudity, save a mere covering of several inches deep round the loins, through which are cut large holes to admit of the hip-bones to pass, for the purpose of keeping it in its proper place. The poor fellow appears conscious of the only use that can now be derived from his crazy frame, and, as the last and only good he can bequeath to his more fortunate beholders, patiently submits to every proper examination, and readily answers any question at all calculated to elucidate his extraordinary state and existence.

History of a patient from whom three hundred and ninety-five needles were extracted.-The history of this case has been published by Dr. Otto, of Copenhagen.

Rachael Hertz, had, up to her 14th year, lived in the enjoyment of pretty good health; she was of a delicate constitution, active, and cheerful. On the 16th of August, 1807, she came under the care of professor Herholdt for a violent colic, which soon yielded to the employment of antiphlogistic medicines. She continued well up to the 24th of November of the same year, at which time she was seized with Q*

erysipelas of the face, accompanied with severe fever, which subsided in about the usual time, but returned again very frequently during the three following months.

In March, 1808, the patient found herself very weak, and became gradually emaciated; her countenance was pale and haggard, and many symptoms appeared which partook of an hysteric nature, but which would not yield to the ordinary anti-hystercial medicines.

From March, 1808, to the end of May, 1809, a period of fourteen months, she suffered from very distressing paroxysms of hysteria, sometimes accompanied by fainting, so severe that many persons thought that she was dead. At other times she was seized with violent epileptic attacks, and some times with high delirium, drowsiness, and hiccup. These symptoms continued from March to May, 1808, and during the fits of delirium she repeated long passages from the writings of Goethe, Schiller, Shakspeare, and Oehlenschlager; she delivered them with a loud voice and with as correct an emphasis as any one in health could do; and although at such times her eyes were closed, she accompanied her declamations with suitable gesticulations. The delirium went on increasing, and at last reached a fearful height; she gnashed with her teeth, bit the people about her, and kicked and fought with great violence, so as to disturb, not only her own household, but the whole neighbourhood with her ravings: sometimes she lay in a soporose state, deprived of all sense and power of motion, appearing scarcely to breathe, and would again suddenly start up and utter wild and piercing shrieks.

On the 20th of May, a violent vomiting of blood, continuing for three days and nights, more or less, was added to the list of her former complaints, followed by a cough, hiccup, and purging of a very darkcoloured offensive matter.

On the 5th July, 1809, she was seized with a peculiar pain in the lower belly; she complained of nausea, a sense of writhing, and great uneasiness in the region of the left flexure of the colon, with great anxiety of countenance and depression of spirits: to this succeeded a severe and obstinate ischuria, which was treated in the usual manner without much benefit; a careful examination of the rectum showed that there was a stricture of the gut, and that the distension about the strictured point pressed upon the urethra and bladder. The rectum was so firmly contracted that the pipe of an injecting syringe was with difficulty passed; the daily employ ment of the catheter was necessary in order to procure the evacuation of the urine, till at length, by the use of various diuretic medicines, the hip-bath, aromatic fomentations, and copious injections, the spasmodic contraction of the rec■ tum was overcome, and with it the globus hystericus was also removed; the ischury continued, however, just as bad as before, notwithstanding the further employment of the same remedies for a great length of time.

In the beginning of March, 1809, the general state of the patient was somewhat improved, and she was able at last to take some rest, which afforded a hope that a favourable change had taken place; she soon verged into the opposite extremes, and became so comatase that it was necessary to give sti

mulating medicines in large doses. About the middle of the day this unfortunate woman lay as if dead, deprived of sense and motion, and the respiration so slow, that it appeared at times altogether suspended, and the pulse was so small and soft that it could scarcely be felt. Medicine could accomplish nothing for her relief, and during the space of a week she took nothing to eat or drink; her bowels were opened only once in eight days, and then without her knowledge.

On the 13th of May, 1809, she was seen by the celebrated Callisen, who recommended that snuff should be introduced into the nose, in order to rouse her from that comatose state in which she was at times plunged, and the first essay was attended with great success; it did not produce sneezing but restored her to her senses, and during the rest of the day the power of motion also returned. During the eight following days the snuff produced less effect, and the patient gradually reverted to her former state of torpor, drowsiness, and delirium, which continued with the ischury, more or less severe, from the 18th of May, 1809, to the 8th of December, 1810.

At the end of November, 1810, she was seized with extreme weakness: her extremities were cold, the countenance had a cadaverous appearance, the deglutition was difficult, the respiration slow and laborious, and interrupted frequently by sighs; the bowels much constipated, and the secretion of urine almost entirely suppressed. From this she again gradually recovered, but remained incapable of moving the right side. During the two following years she enjoyed tolerable health.

In April 1813, she had the measles, and in July of the same year she was attacked by intermittent fever, succeeded by cough and some vomiting of blood. Cooling vegetable acids were administered, with sedatives, and by the end of November these complaints were removed, and up to the 13th of June, 1814, she remained pretty well. A large carbuncle then made its appearance on the left thigh, which was removed by the ordinary means.

In May, 1816, the patient was seized with violent pains in the abdomen, particularly about the region of the left hypochondrium, succeeded by vomiting of blood, from which she again recovered, and remained without any relapse for about three years.

In January, 1819, violent colic pains seized the patient, attended with considerable fever and purging of blood, and so low was she reduced, that no one who saw her thought that she could recover.

On the 2nd of February, a tumour, which had appeared just beneath the umbilicus was examined, and was found to consist of three principal divisions or lobes; sedative and emollient cataplasms were applied to this, but the pain was not assuaged; the patient appeared to be gradually sinking She remained very low until the 12th of February, when Professor Herholdt considered it necessary to make a deep incision into the swelling, in order to let out any pus that might have been con-tained in it. No matter came out, and but very little blood; he then examined the wound with a probe, and felt it strike against something, which communicated the sensation to the hand of its being a metallic body with a forceps he laid hold

of it, and, to his great surprise, drew out a needle. All the symptoms gradually subsided, but soon after returned again with a fresh vomiting of blood. The abdomen was again examined, and another tumour was discovered in the left lumbar region, the slightest touch of which occasioned great pain.

On the 15th of February, an incision was made into it, and a black oxydised needle extracted from its centre. From this time, that is to say, from the 12th of February, 1819, to the 10th of August, 1820, a period of 18 months, the patient experienced pains in different parts of the body, supposed to be occasioned by needles deeply seated, and during that time 295 needles were at different intervals extracted; namely

From the left breast


the extraction.

The patient, during the greatest part of this time, was so low and weak that she was obliged to keep to her bed, and although she did not experience much pain when the needles were deep, yet as soon as they approached the surface her sufferings were very great. Professor Herholdt was often urged to cut into the skin to seek for the needles, and thus to afford some relief to the patient, but such attempts were without success; it was in vain that he sought for them; he was obliged to wait several days, until the needles appeared in the wound, or could be distinguished by the touch. Only once did he attempt to draw out a needle with his fingers from the breast without making an incision, but the needle broke and he was obliged to make two openings to get it out. On four occasions only did any bleeding follow the extraction, but no suppuration attended a single case. The patient bore her sufferings with wonderful fortitude until January, 1822; when her mother was seized with an apoplectic fit, her which had such an effect upon 3 mind that she became paralytic, first in her right arm, then in her left, and afterwards in her lower extremities also; she lost the use of speech, so that neither by words nor by signs could she direct the attention of the by-standers to the places at which the needles gave her pain. In about five days the voice returned, and up to the 10th of August, 1820, no more needles were discharged; the pain in the bowels, and other symptoms, had also ceased. By the employment of antispasmodic medicines, cold baths, blisters, and so on, the patient gradually became better, and, on the 8th of March, 1821,


between the breasts......... 14
the epigastric region.
the left hypochondriac region 19
right hypochondriac region 20

the navel.......
the left lumbar region
the right ditto

the hypogastric region
right iliac region
left iliac region

the left thigh

the right thigh


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Many of them were broken or corroded, some being without points, others without eyes; some were large and black, like the pins used for dressing the hair, and others were small. The brass needles retained their proper polish, but all the others were black and oxydised. They made their appearance at different intervals; sometimes days, weeks, and months intervening between the times of

she appeared to be quite relieved: so much improved was she, that Professor Herholdt considered her quite well. Thus she remained up to this time, when a new series of sufferings commenced; a painful tumour showed itself in the right armpit, which increased to a great size, and was so very painful that her life was considered in great danger. This swelling also contained needles, and so great was the number, that, from the 26th of May to the 10th of July, 1822, 100 were extracted, making, with the 295 before mentioned, the enormous number of 395!

The patient is marked with scars in various parts of the body, and is at present in Frederick's Hospital, at Copenhagen, where she has been visited by Dr. Otto and thirty other persons, at different times. The patient's ischury, in the year 1822, left her, and she was, instead of it, attacked by diabetes insipidus, which proceeded to a very great length; her bowels remained obstinately costive, with great emaciation and debility, but hopes are still entertained of her recovery. During this long illness, or rather toward the latter part of it, the patient amused herself by learning Latin, and wrote an account of the principal changes that had occurred in the history of her case.

It is supposed by Professor Herholdt and Dr. Otto that she must have swallowed the needles during delirious fits.

Anatomical Invention. Paris March 27.-M. Ouroux, a physician has presented to the Academy of Sciences, a piece of artificial anatomy, representing the body of a man according to its natural dimensions. Immediately under the skin are exhibited the venous

system, and the superficial coat of muscles. Each muscle may be separately detached, and with it the vessels and nerves that run along its surface, or go through it. The succeeding coats of muscles, &c. may, in like manner be detached and studied separately, or in selection with the other organs of the system, until the student at length arrives at the bare skeleton. A portion of the last coat of muscles and of the vascular and nervous system, the separation of which offered no advantage, remain attached to the bones. In the cavities are found all the organs proper to them. The cranium may be opened and the brain taken out. In this, by means of a cut through its entire mass, may be seen the minutiae of its organization. The eye, detached from its orbit, may be studied apart. The muscles, the vessels, the nerves, and the membranes of this delicate organ are represented with scrupulous accuracy; the transparent parts are imitated in glass. The organization of the throat may be examined by means of this piece of mechanism, with greater precision than on a natural subject. In the thoracic cavity is seen the heart, and vessels that branch off from it, and which may be followed to their remotest ramification. One portion of the lungs is divided in two, in order to exhibit the pulmonary circulation. In the abdominal cavity, separated from the preceding by the diaphragm, are found an exact representation of the viscera. On removing the intestinal mass, the veins, the spleen, the liver, &c. are disclosed to view. The preparation of the organs contained in the cavity of the pelvis is particularly worthy of attention. The removal of all

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