Stealing a letter, being a postman Stealing in a dwelling house to the value of 40s. and upwards Bigamy Manslaughter Receiving stolen goods Forging names of attesting witnesses Selling counterfeit coin Larcenies of various descriptions Misdemeanors Sending a threatening letter to extort money Maliciously killing two mares Perjury Of these there were sentenced To death To transportation for life 83 To Ditto for 7 years To Ditto for 14 years 46 425 To imprisonment in Newgate and in the Houses of Correction for two years Ditto, for eighteen months Ditto, for one year Ditto, for nine months Ditto, for six months Ditto, for four months Ditto, for two months Ditto, for six weeks Ditto, for one month and under Fined one shilling and discharged, and one 40s. Whipped and discharged Received his Majesty's free pardon 1 Those whose judgment remains respited Seventeen of whom have been executed for the following offences Joseph F. Lightbourn, Jesus. James Rhoades, Wadham, Edward J. Stanley, Christ Church. Marwood Tucker, Balliol. In Disciplinis Mathematica et Physicæ. Arthur J. Beaumont, Queen's. CLASSIS II. Richard M. Bonnor, Christ Church. Hon. Thomas Vesey, Christ Church. CHANCELLOR'S PRIZES. Latin Essay." De Tribunitia apud Romanos Potestate." Christ Church. Fred. Oakelay, English Essay." Language in its Copiousness and Structure considered as a Test of National Civilization." J. W. Mylne, Balliol. SIR ROGER NEWDIGATE'S PRIZES. Latin-" Incendium Londinense anno 1666." E. P. Blunt, Corpus. English-" The Temple of Vesta at Tivoli." R. C. Sewell, Magdalen. An annual prize of Twenty Guineas (secured upon an estate at Horspath, in the county of Oxford) was founded during the last year by Dr. Ellerton, Fellow of Magdalen College, for the encouragement of theological learning, for the best English Essay on some doctrine or duty of the Christian Religion, or on some of the points on which we differ from the Romish Church, or on any other subject of theology which shall be deemed meet and useful. All Members of the University, who have passed their examination for their first degree of A, B. or B. C. L. and who have commenced their sixteenth Term from their Matriculation inclusively, for the space of eight weeks previous to the day appointed for sending in the Essays, and not exceeded their twenty-eighth Term from their Matriculation inclusively, on the day on which the subject of the Essay shall be proposed in each year, are entitled to write for this Prize. The President of Magdalen College for the time being, and the Regius Professor of Divinity for the time being, and the Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity for the time being, are the three Judges, who are every year to select the subject of the Essay, and award the Prize. If any of the three Judges shall be prevented by sickness or unavoidable absence from the University, from assisting in adjudging the Prize, or selecting the subject of the Essay, such Judge shall appoint, with the consent of the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors, and of the other two Judges, a Member of the University, of the degree of B. D. or D. D. to act for him in this behalf, provided that the three Judges who award the Prize be in all cases, if practicable, Members of three different Colleges or Halls. If at any time hereafter the President of Magdalen College shall be a Layman, or happen to be either Regius, or the Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity, then, and in that case only, the Master of University College shall act as Judge, instead of such President, to all intents and purposes whatsoever. Any difference of opinion among the Judges to be decided by a majority. The subject of the Essay to be proposed in Michaelmas Term the first year, and in Act Term before the Commemoration in all future years; the Essays to be sent in on or before Wednesday in Easter week next ensuing. If in any year none of the Essays sent in be deemed worthy of a Prize, in that case the proceeds are to be reserved for rewarding, at the discretion of the Judges, the writers of the second best Essay in any two future years, by a donation of Ten Guineas to each. The Essay to which the Prize may be adjudged is not to be published, except in cases where the Judges shall unanimously approve of the publication. The writer of a second best Essay, rewarded with a donation, is subject to a similar restriction as to the publication of his Essay. The Essay to which the Prize shall have been adjudged, is to be read before the University, in the Divinity School, on some day and hour to be fixed by the Vice-Chancellor in the week next before the Commemoration of the Benefactors of the University in each year. No person to whom the Prize shall have been adjudged can again offer himself as a Candidate. English Verse." Sculpture," E. G. Lytton Bulwer, Trinity. Latin Essay." De Statu Futuro quænam fuere veterum inter Græcos et Romanos Philosophorum dogmata?" John Buckle, Trinity. PORSON PRIZE. Shakspeare's King John, Act 4, Scene 2.-" How oft the sight of means" to "an innocent child." John Hodgson, Trinity. SIR W. BROWNE'S MEDALS. Greek Ode.-W. Selwyn, St. John's. do. Latin Ode.-Robert Snow, SEATONIAN PRIZE." The Building and Dedication of the Second Temple." John Overton, M. A., Trinity. LAW CASES |