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ssed in the SIXTH Session of the SEVENTH Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland-6 Geo. IV. 1825.

AN Act for granting and applying certain sums of money for the service of the year 1825.

I. An Act for raising the sum of twenty millions by exchequer bills for the service of the year 1825. II. An Act to indemnify such persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for offices and employments, and for extending the time limited for those purposes respectively. V. An Act to amend certain Acts relating to unlawful societies in Ireland.

7. An Act for punishing mutiny and desertion; and for the better payment of the army and their quarters. 71. An Act for the regulating of his majesty's royal marine forces while on shore.

VII. An Act for the further repeal

of certain duties of assessed taxes, and for granting relief in the cases therein mentioned.

VIII. An Act to amend and render more effectual an Act passed in the fifty-fifth year of the reign of his late majesty, for enabling spiritual persons to exchange their parsonage houses or glebe lands; and for other purposes therein mentioned. IX. An Act for continuing to his majesty for one year certain duties on personal estates, offices, and pensions in England; and also for granting certain duties on sugar imported; for the service of the year 1825.

An Act to facilitate the proceed. nigs before the commissioners of inquiry relating to courts of justice in Ireland.

XI. An Act to continue, until the twenty-fifth day of July 1826, an Act passed in the fifty-fourth year of the reign of his late majesty, for

rendering the payment of creditors more equal and expeditious in Scotland.

XII. An Act to prolong the time of the commencement of an Act of the last session of parliament, for ascertaining and establishing uniformity of weights and measures, and to amend the said Act.

XIII. An Act to reduce the duties on wine, coffee, and hemp, imported into the United Kingdom.

XIV. An Act for applying the sum of ten millions five hundred thousand pounds out of the consolidated fund, for the service of the year 1825.

XV. An Act to explain and amend two Acts passed in the forty-third and forty-fourth years of the reign of his late majesty King George the Third, for making and maintaining an inland navigation, commonly called the Caledonian Canal, by establishing further checks upon the expenditure of public money for that purpose, in certain cases. XVI. An Act to amend the laws relating to bankrupts.

XVII. An Act to extend the pro

visions of an Act of the fifty-ninth year of his late majesty, concerning the disposition of certain real and personal property of his majesty, his heirs and successors. XVIII. An Act to make further provision for the payment of the crews of his majesty's ships and vessels.

XIX. An Act for the amendment of

the law as to the offence of sending threatening letters.

XX. An Act for fixing, until the twenty-fifth day of March 1826, the rates of subsistence to be paid to inn-keepers and others on quartering soldiers.

XXI. An Act to amend an Act for
the more effectual administration
of the office of justice of the peace
in and near the metropolis.
XXII. An Act to regulate the quali-
fication and the manner of enrolling
jurors in Scotland, and of choosing
jurors on criminal trials there; and
to unite counties for the purposes of
trial in cases of high treason in

XXIII. An Act for the better regu-
lation of the sheriff' and stewart and
Burgh courts of Scotland.
XXIV. An Act for the more easy
recovery of small debts in the sherif
courts in Scotland.
XXV. An Act for defining the rights
of capital convicts who receive par-
don, and of convicts after having
been punished for clergyable fe-
lonies; for placing clerks in orders
on the same footing, with other
persons, as to felonies; and for
limiting the effect of the benefit of

XXVI. An Act for the consolidation of the Royal Naval Asylum with the Royal Hospital for seamen at Greenwich, in the county of Kent. XXVII. An Act for extending to Scotland certain provisions of an Act for the relief of the poor, in so far as the same relate to parochial relief to Chelsea and other pensioners. XXVIII. An Act for granting rates of postage for the conveyance of letters and packets between Great Britain and Ireland, by way of Liverpool.

XXIX. An Act to repeal an Act

made in the second year of the reign of King William and Queen Mary, for the discouraging the importation of thrown silk.

XXX. An Act to amend an Act of the fourth year of his present majesty's reign, for the better administration of justice in the court of Chancery in Ïreland.

XXXI. An Act to defray the charge of the pay, clothing, and contingent and other expenses of the disembo

died militia in Great Britain and Ireland; and to grant allowances in certain cases to subaltern officers, adjutants, quartermasters, surgeons, assistant surgeons, surgeons mates, and serjeant majors of militia, until the twenty-fifth day of March 1826. XXXII. An Act to provide for the

application of monies arising in cer-
tain cases of assessments for land
tax in Great Britain.
XXXIII. An Act to repeal certain
Acts relating to the governor and
company of merchants of England
trading to the Levant seas, and the
duties payable to them; and to
authorize the transfer and disposal
of the possessions and property of
the said governor and company, for
XXXIV. An Act to empower the
the public service.
commissioners of his majesty's trea-
sury to purchase a certain annuity

respect of duties of customs
levied in the Isle of Man, and any
reserved sovereign rights in the said
Island belonging to John duke of

XXXV. An Act to render more
effectual the several Acts for au-
thorizing advances for carrying on
public works, so far as relates to

XXXVI. An Act for enabling the
corporation of Pembroke to relin-
quish and convey to the commis-
sioners of his majesty's navy the
right of letting the stalls, sittings,
and other conveniences in the mar-
ket established in the town of Pem-
broke dock, and the right to the
XXXVII. An Act to provide for
rents, tolls, and fees thereof.
the future assimilation of the duties
of excise upon sweets or made
wines, upon mead and metheglin,
upon vinegar, and upon cyder and
perry, in Great Britain and Ireland,
and to continue the duty of excise
on sweets or made wines in Great
Britain until the fifth day of Janu-
ary 1826.

XXXVIII. An Act for extending
the jurisdiction of the commissioners
acting in execution of an Act of the
fifth year of his present majesty, for
paving and regulating the Regent's
park, together with the new street
from thence to Pall Mall; and for
XXXIX. An Act for granting cer-
other purposes relating thereto.
tain powers and authorities


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company, to be incorporated by
charter, to be called The
Diemen's Land Company," for the
cultivation and improvement
waste lands in his majesty's island
of Van Diemen's Land, and for
other purposes relating thereto.

L. An Act to enable justices of the peace in England, in certain cases, to borrow money on mortgage of the rate of the county, riding or place, for which such justices shall be then acting.

LI. An Act to repeal the stamp duties payable in Great Britain and Ireland upon the transfer of property in ships and vessels, and upon bonds and debentures required to be given in relation to the duties, drawbacks, and bounties of customs or excise; and to grant other duties of stamps on such bonds and debentures. KLII. An Act for the better regulation of co-partnerships of certain bankers in Ireland.

KLIII. An Act to amend and render more effectual an Act made in the reign of King Charles the First, for impounding of distresses in Ireland.

XLIV. An Act for granting to his majesty rates of postage on the conveyance of letters and packets to and from Colombia and Mexico. XLV. An Act to allow, until the fifth day of July 1825, the enrolment of articles of clerkship to solicitors and attornies in England, and the making and filing of affidavits relating thereto, in certain cases, where the same may have been omitted or neglected.

XLVI. An Act to prevent articled clerks of attornies, and others, in Great Britain, from being prejudiced by the neglect of such attornies, and others, in omitting to take out their annual certificates.

XLVII. An Act for restricting the punishment of leasing-making, sedition, and blasphemy, in Scotland. XLVIII. An Act to alter and amend an Act passed in the thirty-ninth and fortieth years of King George the third, for the recovery of small debts in Scotland.

XLIX. An Act for encouraging the capture or destruction of piratical ships and vessels.

L. An Act for consolidating and amending the laws relative to jurors and juries.

LI. An Act for the amendment. of the laws with respect to special juries, and to trials in counties of cities and towns, and towns corporate, in Ireland.

LII. An Act to amend an Act of the

last session of parliament, for amending former Acts relating to presentments by grand juries for payment of the salaries of treasurers and public officers of the several counties in Ireland.

LIII. An Act for limiting the time within which inquisitions of lunacy, idiotcy, and non compos mentis, may be traversed, and for making other regulations in the proceedings pending a traverse.

LIV. An Act to amend an Act of the first and second years of his present majesty, for the establishment of asylums for the lunatic poor in Ireland.

LV. An Act to regulate the proceedings as to sealing of writs in the court of Exchequer in Ireland. LVI. An Act to amend two Acts for removing difficulties in the conviction of offenders stealing property in mines and from corporate bodies. LVII. An Act for the amendment of the law respecting the settlement of the poor, as far as regards renting tenements and paying parochial


LVIII. An Act for providing equivalent rates of excise duties, allowances, and drawbacks on beer and malt, and on spirits, made in Scotland or Ireland, according to the measure of the new imperial standard gallon.

LIX. An Act to provide for the extinction of feudal and seignioral rights and burthens on lands held à Titre de Fief and à Titre de Cens, in the province of Lower Canada; and for the gradual conversion of those tenures into the tenure of free and common soccage; and for other purposes relating to the said pro


LX. An Act to amend an Act of the fourth year of his present majesty's reign, for the better administration of justice in the equity side of the court of Exchequer in Ireland. LXI. An Act to amend two Acts of the fifty-eighth year of his late majesty, for regulating the payment of regimental debts, and the distribution of the effects of officers and soldiers dying in service, and the receipt of sums due to soldiers; and of the fourth year of his present majesty, for punishing mutiny and desertion of officers and soldiers in

the service of the East India company. LXII. An Act to amend an Act of the Scottish parliament, relative to the aliment of poor prisoners. LXIII. An Act to make further provisions for the regulation of cotton mills and factories, and for the better preservation of the health of young persons employed therein. LXIV. An Act to alter for one year, and until the end of the then next session of parliament, the duty on wheat the produce of the British possessions in North America. LXV. An Act to allow, until the fifteenth day of August 1825, the entry of warehoused corn, grain, and wheaten flour for home consumption, on payment of duty. LXVI. An Act for explaining and amending an Act of the sixth year of the reign of her majesty Queen Anne, intituled "An Act to make further provision for electing and summoning sixteen peers of Scotland to sit in the house of peers in the parliament of Great Britain, and for trying peers for offences committed in Scotland, and for the further regulating of voters in elections of members to serve in parliament, so far as relates to the trial of peers for offences committed in Scotland. LXVII. An Act to alter and amend an Act passed in the seventh year of the reign of his majesty King James the First, intituled "An Act that all such as are to be naturalized or restored in blood shall first receive the sacrament of the Lord's supper, and the oath of alle. giance and the oath of supremacy." LXVIII. An Act to regulate the conveyance of printed votes and proceedings in parliament, and printed newspapers, by packet boats between Great Britain and Ireland, and the British colonies, and also in the United Kingdom. LXIX. An Act for punishing offen. ces committed by transports kept to labour in the colonies; and better regulating the powers of justices of the peace in New South Wales. LXX. An Act for raising the sum of ten millions five hundred thousand pounds by Exchequer bills, for the service of the year 1825. LXXI. An Act to enable his majesty.

to grant an annual sum to his royal

highness Ernest Augustus duke of Cumberland, for the purpose of enabling his said royal highness to provide for the support and education of his highness prince George Frederick Alexander Charles Er nest Augustus of Cumberland. LXXII. An Act to enable his majesty to grant an annual sum to her royal highness Mary Louisa, Vic. toria duchess of Kent, for the purpose of enabling her said royal highness to provide for the support and education of her highness the princess Alexandrina Victoria of Kent.

LXXIII. An Act for further regu

lating the trade of his majesty's possessions in America and the West Indies, and for the warehousing of goods therein.

LXXIV. An Act for consolidating and amending the laws relating to conveyances and transfers of estates and funds vested in trustees, who are infants, idiots, lunatics, or trustees of unsound mind, or who cannot be compelled or refuse to act; and also the laws relating to stocks and securities belonging to infants, idiots, lunatics, and persons of unsound mind. LXXV. An Act to enable his majesty to grant to a company, to be incor. porated by charter, to be called

The Canada Company," certain lands in the province of Upper Canada, and to invest the said company with certain powers and privileges, and for other purposes relating thereto.

LXXVI. An Act to extend to the island of Mauritius the duties and regulations which relate to the British islands in the West Indies. LXXVII. An Act to authorize the application of part of the land revenue of the Crown for the repair and improvement of Buckingham house.

LXXVIII. An Act to repeal the

several laws relating to the performance of quarantine, and to make other provisions in lieu thereof. LXXIX. An Act to provide for the assimilation of the currency and monies of account throughout the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

LXXX. An Act to repeal the duties payable in respect of spirits distilled

in England, and of licences for dis tilling, rectifying, or compounding such spirits, and for the sale of spirits, and to impose other duties in lieu thereof; and to provide other regulations for the collection of the said duties, and for the sale of spirits, and for the warehousing of such spirits, without payment of duty, for exportation.

LXXXI. An Act to repeal several duties payable on excise licences in Great Britain and Ireland, and to impose other duties in lieu thereof; and to amend the laws for granting excise licences.

LXXXII. An Act to abolish the sale of offices in the court of King'sbench in England, to make provision for the lord chief justice of the said court, and to grant an additional annuity to the said lord chief justice on resignation of his office. LXXXIII. An Act to abolish the sale of offices in the court of Common Pleas in England, to make provision for the lord chief justice of the said court, and to grant an additional annuity to the said lord chief justice on resignation of his office.

LXXXIV. An Act to provide for the augmenting the salaries of the master of the Rolls and the vice chancellor of England, the chief baron of the court of Exchequer, and the puisne judges and barons of the courts in Westminster-hall; and to enable his majesty to grant an annuity to such vice chancellor, and additional annuities to such master of the Rolls, chief baron, and puisne judges and barons, on their resignation of their respective offices LXXXV. An Act for further regula ting the payment of the salaries and pensions to the judges of his majesty's courts in India, and the bishop of Calcutta; for authorizing the transportation of offenders from the island of St. Helena; and for more effectually providing for the administration of justice in Singapore and Mallacca, and certain colonies on the coast of Coromandel. LXXXVI. An Act to provide for the erection of certain courts and offices of justice in Scotland. LXXXVII. An Act to regulate the payment of salaries and allowances to British consuls at foreign ports,

and the disbursements at such ports for certain public purposes. LXXXVIII. An Act to make provision for the salaries of certain bishops, and other ecclesiastical dignitaries and ministers, in the diocese of Jamaica, and in the diocese of Barbadoes and the Leeward islands; and to enable his majesty to grant annuities to such bishops upon the resignation of their offices. LXXXIX. An Act to authorize the purchase of the office of receiver and comptroller of the seal of the court of King's-bench and Common Pleas, and of custos-brevium of the court of Common Pleas.

XC. An Act to amend an Act of the fifty-seventh year of his late majesty for enabling his majesty to recom pense the services of persons holding or who have held certain high and efficient civil offices.

XCI. An Act to repeal so much of an Act passed in the sixth year of his late majesty King George the First, as relates to the restraining several extravagant and unwarrantable practices in the said Act mentioned; and for conferring additional powers upon his majesty, with respect to the granting of charters of incorporation to trading and other companies.

XCII. An Act to render valid marriages solemnized in certain churches and public chapels in which banns have not usually been published. XCIII. An Act to render valid certain decrees and orders at the Rolls court.

XCIV. An Act to alter and amend an Act for the better protection of the property of merchants and others, who may hereafter enter into contracts or agreements in relation to goods, wares, or merchandize intrusted to factors or agents. XCV. An Act to enable such persons as his majesty may be pleased to call to the degree of a sergeant at law, to take upon themselves that office in vacation.

XCVI. An Act for preventing frivo lous writs of error.

XCVII. An Act for the better pre

servation of the peace and good order in the universities of Eng


XCVIII. An Act to prevent the fur. ther circulation of tokens issued by

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