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for answering the foregoing Services.

Daty on Sugar, Tobacco and Snuff, Foreign Spirits and Sweets,]
and on Pensions, Offices, &c..........
Trustees for the Payment of Naval and Military Pensions, and
Civil Superannuations per Act 3 Geo. 4, c. 51
East India Company, per Act 4 Geo. 4, c. 71

Sum to be brought from the Consolidated Fund, per Act 5 Geo.
4, c. 42

Surplus Ways and Means, per Act 5 Geo. 4, c. 42
Interest on Land Tax redeemed by Money
Repayments on account of Exchequer Bills issued pursuant to two
Acts of the 57th year of his late Majesty, for carrying on Public
Works and Fisheries in the United Kingdom

Exchequer Bills voted in Ways and Means; viz.

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30,000,000 0 0

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Mem.-THE Sum of £.2,000,000 was authorized by Aot 5 Geo. 4, c. 3, to be applied out of the Ways and Means granted for the Service of the year 1823, and the like Sum was granted out of the Ways and Moans 1824, to discharge the like amount of Supplies for the Service of the year 1823.

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An Account of the State of the PUBLIC FUNDED DEBTS of GREAT January, 1825, including the Debt

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Great Britain......767,636,957 4 0 14,469,008 16 9753,167,948 7 3

[blocks in formation]

£. s. d.

Note. The above Columns, 1 and 2, show the Totals of Debt for the United Kingdom, after deducting the Stock directed to be cancelled by various Acts of Parliament, and by redemption of Land Tax, amounting to ............ 484,408,884 19 9


BRITAIN and IRELAND, and of the CHARGE thereupon, at the 5th of created by 7,500,000l. raised in 1824.

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[blocks in formation]

Non-assented £.4 per cents, vested in the Commissioners as £3 per cents, 5 Geo. 4, c. 45 Purchased with the Sinking Fund................................ Transferred for Life Annuities .................................. Stock Unclaimed, 10 years and upwards Purchased with Unclaimed Dividends.......................... Transferred for Redemption of Land Tax under Schedules C. & D...

L. 3. d. 6,197,012 11 11 6,844,690 13 3 1,098,212 0 0 209,690 2 10 497,500 0 0 282,242 1 3

Total transferred to Commissioners, as above........ £. 15,129,347 9 3

National Debt Office, 9th February 1895.


(a) Chargeable with £. 538,491 58. Od. Life Annuities, per 48 Geo. 3, e. Do. with the sum of £. 106,100 1s. Od. Annuities for a Term of Years to the Waterloo Fund, per 59 Geo. 3, c. 34.

And also with the Payment of £6,197,012 118. 11d. (by Quarterly Instalments), being the amount of Non-assented £.4 per cents vested in the Commissioners, per & Geo. 4, c. 45.


S. HIGHAM, Compt. Gea.



An Account of the UNFUNDED DEBT of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, and of the Demands outstanding on the 5th
January 1825.

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Whitehall, Treasury Chambers, 1st February 1825


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