Gambar halaman

the mortar and enfilading batteries were opened, and the breaching batteries had just commenced their fire at day-light on the morning of the 2nd, when the enemy's small rear-guard was discovered in full retreat towards the jungle. The place was immediately taken possession of; and, in addition to the great number of guns, &c. found on the works, granaries and dépôts of grain were taken, sufficient for the consumption of the army for many months. Maha Bundoolah was said to have been killed by a rocket while going his rounds on the preceding morning, and no entreaty of the other chiefs could prevail upon the panic-struck garrison to remain longer together. They fled through the jungle in the direction of Lamina. During the siege, the enemy made several bold and desperate sorties on our line, but were, on all occasions, quickly repulsed. In one of these sorties, a novel scene present ed itself in front of both armies. Seventeen large elephants, each carrying a complement of armed men, and supported by a column of infantry, were observed moving down towards our right flank. The body guard, under captain Sneyd, charged them, and mixing boldly with the elephants, shot their riders off their backs, and finally drove the whole into the fort.

Sir Archibald Campbell resumed, without loss of time, his march towards Prome. The enemy nowhere attempted any resistance; and though great preparations had been made for defence, he entered Prome on the 25th of April without firing a shot. The enemy, before they withdrew, had set fire to a part of the town, and a whole quarter was reduced to ashes.

In the mean time, the subordinate operations of the campaign had been carried on with success. Colonel Richards, on the 1st of February, obtained possession of Rangpoore by capitulation. By that acquisition, the Burmese and their allies were completely expelled from Assam, the whole of which was now reduced under our power. In Cachar, too, general Shuldham, who was directing his march upon Munnipore, which lies North by West of Ammerapoora about 200 miles, made some progress: though he was retarded, in a degree greater than had been anticipated, by the nature of the country. The forests and jungles were almost impenetrable: and the unusually heavy rains had rendered the task of constructing roads toilsome in the extreme.

A series of brilliant operations on the 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th, of March, gave general Morrison possession of Arracan. A force detached by him, under the command of general Macbean, occupied without resistance, the islands of Ramiree and Sandowey.

In the principal scene of warfare, no further operations took place. Sir Archibald Campbell's head-quar ters remained at Prome, where his army was shut up by the rainy season, which usually lasts in that country till the end of October. Although a considerable number of the inhabitants had returned to Prome and to other places, the system acted upon by the Burmese, of depopulating the country in the route of the British forces, had been to a great extent successful. Provisions for the supply of the army could not be obtained in the neighbourhood of Prome, in the requisite quantity, and they were conveyed from Rangoon,

a distance of about 150 miles, up the river Irrawaddy, by a flotilla of men-of-war's boats employed for that purpose, under the command of captain Alexander, of his majesty's ship Alligator. Nearly the whole of the country between Rangoon and Prome had been deserted by the inhabitants.

The Burmese army, amounting to 60,000 men, was stationed as follows:-20,000 at Meeaday, 50 miles from Prome; a second division, of the same strength, at Patana-go; and the remaining 20,000 at Ghem'bi'gune, where they were posted for the purpose of preventing our force in Arracan from joining the troops under the commanderin-chief.

The mortality among the troops was considerable. The season was more than usually rainy, and the partial inundation of the country greatly increased the epidemic. The proportion of Europeans who were sick, was about one-eighth of the whole number. In addition to the mortality caused by disease, the troops sustained considerable loss from the incessant attacks made upon them by the Burmese; for scarcely a day passed without some skirmish between our troops and the enemy. The latter always made their approaches under cover of the woods and jungles, and annoyed our troops, without giving them an opportunity of effectually chastising their assailants.

In the mean time some negotiations for the restoration of peace had been set on foot; and on the 17th of September, lieutenant-col. Tidy and lieutenant Smith, commanding the light division, were met at Meeady by the Attawoon, Moonjee Maha Moula Rajah, and the Woondock Maha Seree Senkeegah, duly authorized by Saha

Menjee Maha Mengom, first minister of the king of Ava, when the following articles were agreed upon, signed by, and exchanged between the parties:

"1st. There shall be a cessation of hostilities between the British and Burmese armies, from the date hereof to the 17th day of October next, inclusive:


"2nd. The first minister of the king, Sahdo Menjee Muha Mengon, being invested with full powers from his majesty for that purpose, will meet the British authorities (duly qualified by their government) at the village of Nenbonzick (being half-way between the armies) on the 2nd of October next, there to enter into negotiations for the re-establishment of peace between the subjects of the two countries:

"3rd. A line of demarcation shall be drawn between the two armies, commencing at Comma, on the western bank of the Irrawaddy, passing through the village of Nenbonzick, and continuing along the road from that village to Tongho.

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The respective parties engage to prevent their troops or adherents passing the said line; and further give assurance that all parties or detachments belonging to either shall be immediately recalled to their own side of the line respectively.

"It is further agreed on the part of the British commander, that this cessation of hostilities shall be observed by the several British armies on the frontiers of these dominions, which shall remain without making any forward movement before the 18th of October next, when the armistice shall cease and determine; the Burmese authorities engaging that this ar ticle shall be reciprocally observed.

"4th. Two officers from each army are to meet on the 23rd instant at the village of Neebenzimk, to mark off the ground for the encampment of the respective chiefs and their followers, and to make any other arrangements which they may deem requisite, preparatory to the meeting of the said high commissioners.

"5th. The state of the king of Ava's first minister absolutely requiring that he shall not move without the attendance of 500 men with fire-arms, and 500 men with swords, the British commander will of course be attended by a corresponding number, should he deem it requisite."

Accordingly, on the 2nd of October, sir A. Campbell and sir J. Brisbane met the Burmese commissioners, Kee Woongee and Lay Mayn Woon, in a Lotoo, or Hall of Audience, at Nemben-ziek, the spot chosen for the scene of negotiation. That day was devoted to ceremony and not to business: compliments and courteous speeches passed on both sides; the Burmese envoys politely inquired after our king's health, and offered to accompany sir A. Campbell to England, or any where else! The discussion took place the succeeding day. On the part of the British were present, sir A. Campbell, sir J. Brisbane, brigadier-general Cotton, captain Alexander, brigadiergeneral M'Creagh, lieutenant-col. Tidy, and captain Snodgrass. The following chiefs appeared on the part of the court of Ava: Sada Menjec Maha Mengom-kee Woongee, Munnoo Rut'ha Keogong, Lay Mayn Woon, Mengee Maha Menlajah Attawoon, Maha Sri Sencra, Woondock Menjee, Maha Menla Sear Sey-Shuagom Mooagoonoon, and Mengee Attalla Maha Sri Soo

Asseewoon. The Burmese chiefs endeavoured to prevail upon us to withdraw our demands for territorial cessions and indemnification for the expenses of the war, referring to what had happened in our dispute with China. Finding that we would not recede, they requested a prolongation of the armistice, in order that they might consult their court; it was accordingly extended till the 2nd of November. An exchange of prisoners was proposed by sir A. Campbell, and agreed to by the chiefs.

The next day the Burmese Woongces, Attawoons, and Woondocks, to the number of twelve, dined with the British commander. The repast was served up in the Lotoo. Toasts were drunk to the health of the king and royal family of Ava; and Mengee MahaMenlajah, with reference to the difference between the two nations, observed that the sun and moon were now eclipsed, but when peace was restored, they would dazzle the astonished world with increased splendour. Soon afterwards brigadier-general M'Creagh and lieut.col. Tidy proceeded to Ammerapoora. These negotiations, however, did not lull the vigilance of our troops; and preparations were made to prosecute the war with effect, in case the armistice did not lead to a definitive treaty.

In another quarter of India some events happened, which excited interest.

Bhurtpore is situated in a plain 28 miles N. N. W. of Agra. The town is one of the most extensive and populous in Hindoostan. It is said to be eight miles in circumference. The fortifications, although constructed according to the system usually adopted by the natives, possess considerable strength. The peo

ple are active, brave, and well armed. A handsome palace stands within the fortress, containing numerous apartments and a spacious hall of audience. On one side of the town an extensive sheet of water gives security; while on the opposite side, which is the weakest in artificial defences, a jungle extends nearly to the counterscarp of the ditch. The fortress was originally built by an enterprising Jaut, named Churamun, who had enriched himself by plundering the baggage of Aurungzebe's army, in his last march to the Deccan. After various changes in the state and opulence of Bhurtpore, it first became interesting, as connected with British politics, in 1803, when a treaty of perpetual friendship was concluded by lord Lake with Runjeet Sing, the rajah. This treaty the rajah shortly afterwards violated; and he openly supported Holkar. The consequence was, that lord Lake invested Bhurtpore; but from the want of the artillery and ammunition requisite for the siege of so strong a place, he was obliged to retreat, with a considerable loss both of troops and of fame. Runjeet Sing was succeeded by his son Bulder Sing. That prince finding his health on the decline, requested the British government to acknowledge his son, an infant six years of age,

as his heir apparent. The resident of Malwa and Rajpootana accordingly recognized the child with the usual formalities, about the beginning of February last. Scarcely had a month elapsed, when the rajah died at Goberdhun. His appointed successor was duly proclaimed; but the shouts, which hailed his opening career, were the signals for the explosion of private intrigue. A cousin of the young rajah, named Doorjun Lol, aided by a numerous gang of partisans, amongst whom were three regiments of regulars seduced from their allegiance, gained possession of the fort by blowing open one of the gates, and usurped the sovereign power. The rajah, with 500 soldiers of unshaken fidelity, retreated to the private apartments of the palace; and the rebels were deterred from attacking this asylum only by a threat of the old Ranee, to explode an extensive magazine of powder, if force were resorted to. Doorjun Lol was represented as being a few degrees above idiotism, which rendered him a convenient instrument for the aggrandizement of a younger brother, who was reputed to possess abilities and ambition unrestrained by principle.

Sir David Ochterlony took measures to repress the disorders which this usurpation produced.


FRANCE.-Opening of the Session of the French Chambers-King's Speech-The Civil List-The Law for giving a Compensation to Emigrants-The Law for the future Regulation of the Sinking Fund, and for the Conversion of the Rentes into Three per Cent. Stock, and Four and a Half per Cent Stock-Partial Success of the Minister in the Conversion of the Rentes-The Budget-State of the Sinking Fund-Law of Sacrilege-State of the Clergy-Unsuccessful Prosecutions of Newspapers-Foreign Policy of the French Cabinet-Negotiations with Hayti-Ordinance of Recognition; acceptance of the Ordinance by Hayti-State of Hayti.


VER since the apparently prosperous issue of the invasion of Spain in 1823-an invasion, the final consequences of which may yet be the subject of as much regret to France as to Spain-the government of the Bourbons had acquired more confidence. The people were gratified by the sight of a neighbouring country occupied by their armies; the shame of defeat seemed to be in some measure wiped away; and the administration became more popular on account of that very measure, which could not but have excited universal execration, if any accurate ideas of liberty had been incorporated with the public opinion, or if a love of liberty had formed any part of the national sentiment. The success of the ministers, in excluding their adversaries at the election of the deputies in the preceding year, had reduced the formal and apparent strength of the opposition almost to nothing; and though violent declamations against their plans were still heard from the few anti-ministerial orators who had a seat in the popular chamber, the self-called patriots found

few to join in their tirades either in the assembly, or in the country at large. The only obstacles that could stand in the way of ministerial projects, were looked for, not so much in the force, argument, or influence of the coté gauche, as in the dissentions of the cabinet or the imprudences of the Ultra-royalists.

The commencement of the session of the Chambers was expected with considerable interest; for it was known that M. de Villèle had some important schemes in agitation, and the world was naturally curious to see in what tone the new sovereign would address the two legislative bodies. The session began on the 22nd of December, 1824. "Gentlemen," said the king to the two Chambers on that occasion, "the first impulse of my heart is to speak to you of my grief and of your own: we have lost a king wise and good, tenderly beloved by his family, venerated by his people, honoured and respected by all foreign governments. The glory of his reign will never be effaced. Not only did he re-establish the throne of my ancestors,

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