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"We live in practical times, facing practical issues which affect the business, the wages, the labor and prosperity of to-day. The campaign will be won or lost, not upon the bad record of James K. Polk, or of Franklin Pierce, or of James Buchanan-not upon the good record of Lincoln, or of Grant, or of Arthur, or of Hayes, or of Garfield. It will be won or lost upon the policy, foreign and domestic, the industrial measures, and the administrative acts of the administration of Benjamin Harrison. Whoever receives the nomination of this Convention will run upon the judgment of the people as to whether they have been more prosperous and more happywhether the country has been in a better condition at home and stood more honorably abroad-under these last four years of Harrison and Republican administration than during the preceding four years of Cleveland and Democratic government.

"Not since Thomas Jefferson has any administration been called upon to face and solve so many or such difficult problems as those which have been exigent in our conditions. No administration since the organization of the government has ever met difficulties better, or more to the satisfaction of the American people. Chili has been taught that, no matter how small the antagonist, no community can with safety insult the flag or murder American sailors. Germany and England have learned in Samoa that the United States has become one of the powers of the world, and no matter how mighty the adversary, at every sacrifice, American honor will be maintained.

"The Behring Sea question, which was the insurmountable obstacle in the diplomacy of Cleveland and of Bayard, has been settled upon a basis which sustains the American position until arbitration shall have determined the right. The dollar of the country has been placed and kept on the standard of commercial nations, and a convention has been agreed upon with foreign governments, which, by making bimetallism the policy of all nations, may successfully solve all our financial problems.

"The tariff, tinkered with and trifled with to the serious disturbance of trade and disaster to business since the days of Washington, has been courageously embodied into a code-a code which has preserved the principle of the protection to American industries. To it has been added a beneficent policy supplemented by beneficial treaties and wise diplomacy, which has opened to our farmers and manufacturers the markets of other countries.


"The navy has been builded upon lines which will protect American citizens and American interests and the American flag all over the world. public debt has been reduced, the maturing bonds have been paid off, the public credit has been maintained, the burdens of taxation have been lightened, two hundred millions of currency have been added to the people's money without disturbance of the exchanges. Unexampled prosperity has crowned wise laws and their wise administration.

"The main question which divides us is, to whom does the credit of all this belong? Orators may stand upon this platform, more able and more eloquent than I, who will paint in more brilliant colors, but they cannot put in more earnest thought the affection and admiration of Republicans for our distinguished ex-Secretary of State.

"I yield to no Republican, no matter from what State he hails, in admiration and respect for John Sherman, for Gov. McKinley, for Thomas B. Reed, for Iowa's great son, for the favorites of Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan, but when I am told that the credit for the brilliant diplomacy of this administration belongs exclusively to the late Secretary of State; for the administration of its finances to the Secretary of the Treasury; for the construction of its ships to the Secretary of the Navy; for the introduction of American pork in Europe to the Secretary of Agriculture; for the settlement (so far as

it is settled) of the currency question to Senator John Sherman; for the formulation of the tariff laws to Governor McKinley; for removal of the restrictions placed by foreign nations upon the introduction of American pork to our Ministers at Paris and Berlin-I am tempted to seriously inquire, who, during the last four years, has been President of the United States, anyhow? Cæsar, when he wrote those commentaries which were the history of the conquests of Europe under his leadership, modestly took the position of Eneas when he said, "They are the narrative of events, the whole of which I saw, and the part of which I was.'

"General Thomas, as the rock of Chickamauga, occupies a place in our history with Leonidas among the Greeks, except that he succeeded where Leonidas failed. The fight of Joe Hooker above the clouds was the poetry of battle. The resistless rush of Sheridan and his steed down the valley of the Shenandoah is the epic of our civil war. The march of Sherman from Atlanta to the sea is the supreme triumph of gallantry and strategy. It detracts nothing from the splendor of the fame, or the merits of the deeds, of his lieutenants to say that, having selected them with marvelous sagacity and discretion, Grant still remained the supreme commander of the national army.

"All the proposed acts of any administration, before they are formulated, are passed upon in Cabinet council, and the measures and suggestions of the ablest secretaries would have failed with a lesser President; but for the great good of the country, and the benefit of the Republican party, they have succeeded because of the suggestive mind, the indomitable courage, the intelligent appreciation of situations, and the grand magnanimity of Benjamin Harrison.

"It is an undisputed fact that during the few months when both the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury were ill, the President personally assumed the duties of the State Department and of the Treasury Department, and both with equal success. The Secretary of State, in accepting his portfolio under President Garfield, wrote: Your administration must be made brilliantly successful and strong in the confidence and pride of the people, not at all diverting its energies for reelection, and yet compelling that result by the logic of events, and by the imperious necessities of the situation.'

"Garfield fell before the bullet of the assassin, and Mr. Blaine retired to private life. General Harrison invited him to take up that unfinished diplomatic career where its threads had been so tragically broken. He entered the Cabinet--he resumed his work-and has won a higher place in our history. The prophecy he made for Garfield has been superbly fulfilled by President Harrison. In the language of Mr. Blaine, the President has 'compelled a reelection by the logic of events and the imperious necessities of the situation.'

"The man who is nominated here to-day to win must carry a certain wellknown number of the doubtful States. Patrick Henry, in the convention which started rolling the ball of the independence of the colonies from Great Britain, said: 'I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.


New York was carried in 1880 by General Garfield, and in every important election since that time we have done our best. We have put forward our ablest, our most popular, our most brilliant leaders, for Governor and State officers, to suffer constant defeat. The only light which illumines with the sun of hope the dark record of those twelve years is the fact that in 1888 the State of New York was triumphantly carried by President Harrison. He carried it then as a gallant soldier, a wise senator, a statesman who inspired confidence by his public utterances in daily speech from the commencement of the canvass to its close. He still has all these claims, and, in addition, an

administration beyond criticism, and rich with the elements of popularity with which to carry New York again.

"Ancestry helps in the Old World, and handicaps in the New. There is but one distinguished example of a son first overcoming the limitations imposed by the preeminent fame of his father, and then rising above it; and that was when the younger Pitt became greater than Chatham.

"With an ancestor a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and another who saved the northwest from savagery and gave it to civilization and empire, and was also a President of the United States, a poor and unknown lawyer of Indiana has risen by his unaided efforts to such distinction as lawyer, orator, soldier, statesman and President that he reflects more credit on his ancestors than they have devolved upon him, and presents in American history the parallel of the younger Pitt.

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By the record of a wise and popular administration, by the strength gained in frequent contact with the people, in wonderfully versatile and felicitous speech, by the claims of a pure life in public and in the simplicity of a typical American home, I nominate Benjamin Harrison.”


HON. WHITELAW REID, who was nominated for the Vice-Presidency by unanimous vote of the delegates at Minneapolis on June 10, 1892, is the editor and proprietor of the "New York Tribune." An excellent sketch of his career, accurate and impartial, was published in the columns of the "Tribune" on the morning following the nomination. The sources of information being of course the most reliable, practically indorsed by the nominee, the liberty is taken of reproducing the sketch as it appeared in the columns of his

own paper:

Whitelaw Reid, the Republican nominee for the office of Vice-President, was born in Xenia, Ohio, in October, 1837. His father, Robert Charlton Reid, had married Marian Whitelaw Ronalds, a descendant in direct line from the Clan Ronald of the Highlands of Scotland. His paternal grandfather, also of Scotch blood, emigrated to this country toward the close of the last century, and, as one of its earliest pioneers, settled in Kentucky; but in 1800 he crossed the river and bargained for land upon the present site of Cincinnati. But he was a stern old Covenanter, and found his conscience uneasy, owing to a condition of the sale which required him to run a ferry every day of the week across the Ohio River. Sooner than violate the Sabbath, he gave up his bargain, and removing to Greene County, he became one of the earliest settlers in the township of Xenia. An uncle, Hugh McMillan, D. D., a Scotch Covenanter and conscientious man, took the task upon himself for fitting Whitelaw for college. Dr. McMillan was a trustee of Miami University and principal of the old and long-noted Xenia Academy, which was then reckoned by the officers of Miami the best preparatory school in the State. As a teacher of classics and general instructor Dr. McMillan had a fine reputation. Under his instruction his nephew was so well drilled in Latin that at the age of fifteen years he entered Miami as a sophomore, with a Latinist rank equal to that of scholars in the upper classes. This was in 1853, and in 1856 he was graduated with the scientific honors, the classical honors having by his own request been yielded to a classmate. Just after graduation he was made principal of the graded schools in South Charleston, Ohio, his immediate pupils being generally older than himself. Here he taught French, Latin and the higher mathematics. During this period he repaid his father the expense of his senior year in college, and, returning home at the age of twenty, he bought the Xenia News" and for two years led the life of a country edi




Directly after leaving college Mr. Reid had identified himself with the then new Republican party, and took the stump for John C. Frémont. He was a constant reader of the New York Tribune," and his own paper, the "News," edited with vigor and such success as to double its circulation during his control of its columns, was conducted by him, as much as possible, after the model of that great humanitarian journalist he was destined to succeed. In 1860, notwithstanding his personal admiration of Mr. Chase, he advocated the nomination of Mr. Lincoln, the "News" being the first West

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