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stripped saddles, Artillery hitched, pack train with riggings only, no cargo, etc.

Points to be considered:

(1) Condition of animals.

(2) Grooming.

(3) Condition of leather equipment (Including metal attachments).


(4) Condition of wheeled transportation cleanliness.

(5) Shoeing.

Each point mentioned will be given equal weight in scoring. b. Inspection of stables and saddle or harness room. Points to be considered:

(1) Standings in stable and at picket line. Are they so constructed as to secure a dry footing even during the rainy season? (2) Cleanliness.

(3) Neatness.

(4) Have all improvements possible with material available been made?

c. Method of feeding, watering, and bedding.

(1) Are animals fed the proper amounts?

(2) Are the individual requirements of each animal considered?

(3) Are animals watered often enough and at the correct times in relation to the time of feeding?

(4) Is water discipline good? (By this is meant, Is watering done in an orderly manner and are the animals allowed uninterrupted opportunity to drink?)

(5) Is forage wasted?

(6) Is the forage divided into the proper sized feeds, depending upon the time of day of feeding?

(7) Are good beds provided for all animals?

(8) Is the bedding wasted?

(9) Are the officers and stablemen well informed as to the principles of feeding and watering? This will be determined by questioning the men concerned and inspection of system of feeding and watering employed.

NOTE.-Scoring under this heading will require several inspections at unannounced times.


d. Scoring:

50 points will be allotted to inspections in subparagraph a. 25 points will be allotted to inspections in subparagraph b. 25 points will be allotted to inspections in subparagraph c. [353.52, A. G. O.]


General, Chief of Staff.



The Adjutant General.



No. 18.


The following instructions previously published in War Department numbered circulars for the month of April, 1920, are published for the information and guidance of all concerned :


Civil service preferment of soldiers furloughed to the reserve-..
Continuous-service pay of enlisted men and bonus of three months'
pay for reenlistment_-_.
Electric time service---

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

I__Civil service preferment of soldiers furloughed to the reserve (Cir. No. 133, W. D., 1920).-On January 10, 1920, the United States Civil Service Commission ruled that persons presenting, as a basis for their claim for preference to appointment to clerical and other positions in the executive branch of the Government in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, certificates of furlough to the Regular Army Reserve shall be entitled to the same preference as persons who have received an honorable discharge from the United States Army.

[326.1, A. G. O.]

II__Continuous-service pay of enlisted men and bonus of three months' pay for reenlistment (Cir. No. 142, W. D., 1920). The following instructions relating to continuousservice pay of enlisted men and bonus of three months' pay for reenlistment are published for the information and guidance of all concerned:

1. In cases of enlisted men who enlisted or reenlisted on or after November 1, 1912, the enlistment period for the purpose of continuous-service pay will be determined by the length of time served, counting four years as an enlistment for all enlistments accomplished from November 1, 1912, to and including October 31, 1916, and three years as an enlistment for all enlistments on and after November 1, 1916. In calculating enlistment periods time absent without leave (24 hours or more) or absence from duty under paragraph 54, Compilation of General Orders, Circulars and Bulletins (sec. I, G. O., No. 45, W. D., 1914), will be excluded.



2. In adjusting enlistment periods to conform to the terms of this ruling, reenlistments will be considered only when accomplished within three months from date of discharge, except during the period August 8, 1918, to February 28, 1919, when voluntary enlistments were suspended; for men honorably discharged between these dates service will be considered as continuous, provided that the soldier reenlisted within three months from February 28, 1919, date of approval of the act of Congress authorizing resumption of voluntary enlistments in the Army (sec. II, Bul. No. 9, W. D., 1919).

3. Enlisted men called into Federal service with National Guard units will be credited with service from date of reporting at company rendezvous, such date to be considered constructively as date of enlistment in determining the four or three years required to complete an enlistment period. (This paragraph must not be construed to disturb the decision in 24 Comp. Dec., 120 (Bul. No. 60, W. D., 1917), relating to the counting of prior service in cases of enlisted men of the National Guard drafted into Federal service under the provisions of section 111 of the act of Congress approved June 3, 1916 (Bul. No. 16, W. D., 1916).)

4. An enlisted man honorably discharged for the convenience of the Government since November 1, 1912, is entitled to credit for the actual time served, the provisions contained in the act of Congress approved May 11, 1908 (G. O., No. 80, W. D., 1908), to the effect that men discharged under such conditions after having served more than half of an enlistment are considered as having served an enlistment period, having been repealed by the act of Congress approved August 24, 1912 (Bul. No. 15, W. D., 1912). Service terminated by purchase of discharge since November 1, 1912, will also be credited as for actual time served. The conditions set forth in this paragraph require a reenlistment within three months to carry the benefits of continuous-service pay.

5. The proviso contained in the act of Congress approved May 11, 1908, that a soldier honorably discharged at the termination of the first or any succeeding enlistment period who reenlists after the expiration of three months shall be regarded as in second enlistment, has not been repealed by subsequent legislation.

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