* * * [SEC. 1.] [Secretary of War to report number of draftsmen, etc., in office of Chief of Ordnance.] The services of skilled draftsmen and such other services, not clerical, as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, may be employed in the office of the Chief of Ordnance to carry into effect the various appropriations for the armament of fortifications, to be paid from such appropriations, in addition to the amount specifically appropriated for draftsmen in the Army Ordnance Bureau; * * * that the Secretary of War shall each year in the annual estimates report to Congress the number of persons so employed and the amount paid to each. * * * [33 Stat. L. 661.] This is from the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation Act of Feb. 3, 1905, ch. 297, repeating similar provisions in the Act of March 18, 1904, ch. 716, 33 Stat. L. 115. [Commissioner of Indian Affairs to report number of employees at schools, etc.] The provisions of the Act of March 3, 1901, ch. 832, set out in vol. 2, p. 929, are repeated in the Acts of March 3, 1903, ch. 994, 32 Stat. L. 1007; May 27, 1902, ch. 888, 32 Stat. L. 274; April 21, 1904, ch. 1402, 33 Stat. L. 217. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. Act of March 2, 1903, ch. 975, 87. Sec. 1. Expenditures for Newspapers, 87. Sec. 1. Detail of Employees, 87. CROSS-REFERENCE. See COMMERCE AND LABOR, ante, p. 58. [SEC. 1.] [Expenditures for newspapers.] * * * That section one hundred and ninety-two, Revised Statutes, shall not apply to the subscriptions to newspapers by the military information division for the fiscal years ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, and thereafter. [32 Stat. L. 929.] * This is from the Army Appropriation Act of March 2, 1903, ch. 975. * * * [SEC. 1.] [Detail of employees.] That employees of the Executive Departments and other establishments of the executive branch of the Government may be detailed from time to time to the office of the President of the United States, for such temporary assistance as may be necessary. [33 Stat. L. 642.] This is from the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation Act of Feb. 3, 1905, ch. 297. EXTRADITION. See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, post. 87 Volume X. FISH AND FISHERIES. Fur Seals and Salmon, see ALASKA, ante, pp. 31, 32. FLAGS. Res. of Feb. 28, 1905, No. 22, 88. Return of Union and Confederate Battle Flags, 88. Joint Resolution To return to the proper authorities certain Union and Confederate battle flags. [Res. of Feb. 28, 1905, No. 22, 33 Stat. L. 1284.] [Return of Union and Confederate battle flags.] That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to deliver to the proper authorities of the respective States in which the regiments which bore these colors were organized certain Union and Confederate battle flags now in the custody of the War Department, for such final disposition as the aforesaid proper authorities may determine. [33 Stat. L. 1284.] 88 Volume X. FOOD AND DRUGS. Act of March 3, 1905, ch. 1405, 89. Sec. 1. Inspection of Adulterated Food, Liquors, etc.-Importations -- Act of April 23, 1904, ch. 1486, 89. * * * To investigate [SEC. 1.] [Inspection of adulterated food, liquors, etc.- importations powers and duties of Secretary of Agriculture.] the adulteration, false labeling, or false branding of foods, drugs, beverages, condiments, and ingredients of such articles, when deemed by the Secretary of Agriculture advisable, and report the result in the bulletins of the Department; and the Secretary of Agriculture, whenever he has reason to believe that such articles are being imported from foreign countries which are dangerous to the health of the people of the United States, or which shall be falsely labeled or branded either as to their contents or as to the place of their manufacture or production, shall make a request upon the Secretary of the Treasury for samples from original packages of such articles for inspection and analysis, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to open such original packages and deliver specimens to the Secretary of Agriculture for the purpose mentioned, giving notice to the owner or consignee of such articles, who may be present and have the right to introduce testimony; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall refuse delivery to the consignee of any such goods which the Secretary of Agriculture reports to him have been inspected and analyzed and found to be dangerous to health or falsely labeled or branded, either as to their contents or as to the place of their manufacture or production or which are forbidden entry or to be sold, or are restricted in sale in the countries in which they are made or from which they are exported, [33 Stat. L. 874.] This is from the Agricultural Department Appropriation Act of March 3, 1905, ch. 1405, 33 Stat. L. 874. Provisions somewhat similar were contained in the Acts of March 3, 1903, ch. 1008, 32 Stat. L. 1157; April 23, 1904, ch. 1486, 33 Stat. L. 288. For earlier provisions on same subject see vol. 3, p. 137. After delivery to importer. The department of agriculture and the treasury department have no jurisdiction or power under the Act of March 3, 1903, 32 Stat. L. 1157, to prevent or punish the false labeling or branding of dairy or food products after they have passed the custom house and are delivered to the owner or consignee. (1903) 24 Op. Atty.-Gen. 675. The charges for storage of imported foods, etc., detained by order of the secretary of the treasury pending examination under these acts cannot be imposed upon the importer. U. S. v. Acker, (1904) 133 Fed. Rep. 842. [Inspection of dairy products intended for exportation of Agriculture.] duties of Secretary The provisions of the Act of June 3, 1902, ch. 985, set forth in vol. 3, p. 137, are repeated in the Acts of March 3, 1903, ch. 1008, 32 Stat. L. 1151; April 23, 1904, ch. 1486, 33 Stat. L. 281; March 3, 1905, ch. 1405, 33 Stat. L. 865. * * * [SEC. 1.] [Nutritive investigations.] To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to investigate and report upon the nutritive value of the various articles and commodities used for human food, with special suggestions of full, wholesome, and edible rations less wasteful and more economical than those in common use, including special investigations on the nutritive value and economy of the diet in public institutions; and the agricultural experiment stations are hereby authorized and directed to cooperate with the Secretary of Agriculture in carrying out said investigations in such manner and to such extent as may be warranted by a due regard to the varying conditions and needs of the respective States and Territories, and as may be mutually agreed upon; and the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to require said stations to report to him the results of any such investigations which they may carry out, whether in cooperation with said Secretary of Agriculture or otherwise, dollars. * * * [33 Stat. L. 294.] This is from the Agricultural Department Appropriation Act of April 23, 1904, ch. 1486. FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE. Application of Laws to Philippine Islands, see PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, post. GAME ANIMALS AND BIRDS. Designation of Preserve for, see TIMBER LANDS AND FOREST RESERVES, post. |