LIFE SAVING, cont'd. Establishment of life-boat stations, cont'd. On the coast of Lake Michigan, cont'd. Racine, 4-810 Sheboygan 4-810 Twin Rivers Point, 4-810 On the coast of Lake Ontario: Charlotte, 4-809 Oswego, 4-809 On the coast of Lake Superior: At or near the mouth of Portage Lake and Lake Superior ship canal, 4-812 On the coast of Oregon: Cape Arago, 4-809 On the coast of Texas: Galveston Island, 4-812 On the coast of Washington territory: Establishment of life-saving stations: Between Ocean House, south of Point Arena, 4-827 Point Diablo, 4-823 Between Indian River Inlet and Fenwick Island life-saving station, 10-220 Cape Henlopen, 4-809 Indian River, 4-809 Indian River Inlet, 4-824 On the coast of Florida: Jupiter Inlet, 4-817 Key West, 4-817 West of Apalachicola river, 4-817 On the coast of Lake Erie: Ashtabula, Ohio, 4-824 On the coast of Lake Huron: On the coast of Lake Michigan: Bois Blanc Island, Straits of Mack- Charlevoix, Mich., 4-827 Eagle Harbor on Keweenaw Point, Frankfort, Mich., 4-817 Grande Pointe au Sauble, 4-810 LIFE SAVING, cont'd. Establishment of life-saving stations, cont'd. Holland, Mich., 4-817 Michigan City, İnd., 4–817 Point aux Bec Scies, 4-810 South Haven, Mich., 4-817 On the coast of Lake Ontario: At or near mouth of Niagara river, Mexico Bay, east of Nine-Mile Mexico Bay, west of Stony Point, On the coast of Lake Superior: Life-saving_stations for Co- Four stations between White Fish Eaton's Neck, 4-822 Fisher's Island, 4-823 Rocky Point or East Marion, 4-826 On the coast of Maine, 4-808 On the coast of Maryland: Between Fenwick Island and Between Green Run and Chinco- Between Indian River and Green Green Run Inlet, 4-809 Ocean City, 4-824 On the coast of Massachusetts, 4-808 Between Cohasset and Scituate Between Hampton and Merrimac Between Parmet River station and Cape Ann, 4-817 City Point, Boston Harbor, 4-826 Gay Head, 4-825 Gloucester Harbor, 4-827 Nantucket and adjacent islands, 4817 LIFE SAVING, cont'd. Establishment of life-saving stations, cont'd. Peaked Hill Bars, Cape Cod, 4-817 Point Allerton, 4-823 On the coast of New Hampshire, 4-808 mac rivers, 4-826 Portsmouth Harbor, 4-817 On the coast of New Jersey, 4-807 Brigantine Beach, 4-817 Care of boats, 4-808 Seven-Mile Point, 4-817 On the coast of North Carolina, 4-808, Between Ocracoke Inlet and Cape Bogue Inlet, 4-828 Hatteras Inlet, 4-817 Oak Island, 4-823 Ocracoke Island, 4-828 Yaguina Bay, 4-824 On the coast of Rhode Island: Between Point Judith and Watch Block Island, 4-823 Brenton's Point or Beaver Tail, 4817 Point Judith, 4-822 On the coast of South Carolina, 4817 Morris Island station transferred On the coast of Texas, 4-812 At or near Sabine Pass, 4-812 On the coast of Virginia, 4-808, 812 Chincoteague, 4-809 Fisherman's Island, 4-823 Hog Island, 4-809 Lynn Haven Inlet, 4-824 On the coast of Washington territory: Peterson's Point, 4-824 Loomis Place on the Head, 4-824 Investigation of shipwrecks with loss of life, 4-815 Administration of oath, 4-815 Stations at light-houses, 4-808 Assistant to general superintendent, 4- District superintendents: Appointments to be made only for fitness, 4-820 Compensation, 4-818, 821, 822 Clerk hire, 4-822 On the coast of Delaware and Vir- On the coast of Florida, 4-810 On the coast of Lakes Huron and On the coast of Long Island and On the coast of Michigan, 4-810 Superintendent for coast bordering General superintendent, 4-814 Appointment, 4-814 Investigation of shipwrecks Thirteenth life-saving district extended to include coast of Alaska, 10-221 When life-saving stations to be kept open, 4-813 light-houses, etc.: Contracts for erection of light-houses must be upon advertisements for proposals, 6-115 Contracts must be founded on official plans and on a vote of the board, 4-832 Light-house appropriations to be expended by contract, 4-833 Officers, etc., not to be interested in contracts, 4-836 Regulation of contracts for materials, etc., 4-832 Discontinuance and re-establishment of lights, 4-835 Disposal of useless sites and property, 4-835 Employees in light-houses: Age of employees, 4-833 Erection of light-houses, beacons, etc.: Cession of jurisdiction over site to United States to be made before erection, 4-831 Preliminary survey, 4-832 Regulation of contracts for materials, etc., 4-832 Sufficiency of cession, 4-831 General powers and duties of board, 4-830 Estimates of light-house expenses, 4-831 Jurisdiction extended over Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri rivers, 4-830 Purchase of sites for light-houses, Jurisdiction of board over Mississippi, Organization, 4-829 President, 4-830 Regulation of meetings, 4-830 Transfer to department of commerce Light-house districts, 4-833 Cession of jurisdiction over site Detail of officers from engineer corps of army to superintend construction and renovation, 4832 Preliminary survey, 4-832 Sufficiency of cession of jurisdiction, 4-831 Substitution of light-houses for lightships, 4-833 Lights on bridges for security of navigation, 6-795 Lights on vessels, see COLLISIONS, Rules TO PREVENT. LIGHTS AND BUOYS, cont'd. Public piers: Acquisition of sites for pier-head beacons, 4-812 Cession of jurisdiction over site to United States to be made before erection of, 4-831 Pier-heads to be marked, 4-835 Regulation of contracts for materials, etc., 4-832 Sufficiency of cession of jurisdiction, 4-831 Sites for light-houses: Cession of jurisdiction requisite be- Purchase of sites, 4-831 Sales of useless sites, 4-835 Collectors of customs to act as superintendents, 4-834 Superintendents of construction, etc., of light-houses, 4-832 Transfer of light-house establishment to department of commerce and labor, 10-59 Warnings to be placed over obstructions, etc., 4-835 LIGHTS ON VESSELS: See COLLISIONS, RULES TO PREVENT. In general, 4-859, note. Negligence of agents, 4-859, note. Worn plates, 4-859, note. Foreign vessels, 4-857, note. General average, 4-858, note. Owner of vessels not exempt from contribution by statute relating to liability in case of loss by fire, 4-839, note. Injuries to others than cargo owners, 4-858, note. Injuries to passengers, 4-858, note. Liability to other vessels for collision, 4-858, note. Navigation or management of the ship, 4-862, note. |