Act of Jan. 7, 1904, ch. 2, 66. COPYRIGHT. Sec. 1. Temporary Copyright for Exhibits at Louisiana Purchase Exposition of Foreign Books, etc., 66. 2. Copies of Exhibits for Library of Congress, 66. 3. Record of Titles, etc., 66. 4. Fees, 67. 5. Term, 67. 6. Extension of Term, 67. 7. Temporary Copyrights for Exhibits of Foreign Paintings, etc.Term Fees, 67. 8. Copyright Laws Not Permanently Affected-Time Limit for Registration, 67. Act of March 3, 1905, ch. 1432, 68. Amends R. S. sec. 4952 by Adding Provisions Relating to Books An Act To afford protection to exhibitors of foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. [Act of Jan. 7, 1904, ch. 2, 33 Stat. L. 4.] [SEC. 1.] [Temporary copyright for exhibits at Louisiana Purchase Exposition of foreign books, etc.] That the author of any book, map, chart, dramatic composition, musical composition, engraving, cut, print, chromo, litho graph, or photograph published abroad prior to November thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, but not registered for copyright protection in the United States copyright office, or the heirs and assigns of such author, shall have in the case of any such book, map, chart, dramatic composition, musical composition, engraving, cut, print, chromo, lithograph, or photograph intended for exhibition at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition the sole liberty of printing, reprinting, publishing, copying, and vending the same within the limits of the United States for the term herein provided for upon complying with the provisions of this Act. [33 Stat. L. 4.] Books previously published here. This act is not applicable to a foreign publisher of a book previously published in Great Britain (The Encyclopædia Britannica), and also pre viously sold in this country by the publishers, as well as published and sold here by others. Encyclopædia Britannica Co. v. Werner Co., (1905) 135 Fed. Rep. 841. of SEC. 2. [Copies of exhibits for Library of Congress.] That one copy such book, map, chart, dramatic composition, musical composition, engraving, cut, print, chromo, lithograph, or photograph to be exhibited as herein provided shall be delivered at the copyright office, Library of Congress, at Washington, District of Columbia, with a statement duly subscribed to in writing that the book or other article is intended for such exhibition and that the copyright protection herein provided for is desired by the copyright proprietor, whose full name and legal residence is to be stated in the application. [33 Stat. L. 4.] SEC. 3. [Record of titles, etc.] That the register of copyrights shell record the title of each volume of any such book or other article herein provided for, or if the article lacks a title, shall record a brief description of it sufficient to identify it, in a special series of record books to be designated the Interim copyright record books," and shall furnish to the copyright claimant a copy of record under seal of such recorded title or description, and the said title or description is to be included in the Catalogue of Title Entries provided for in section four of the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one. [33 Stat. L. 4.] SEC. 4. [Fees.] That a fee of one dollar and fifty cents shall be paid to the register of copyrights for each title or description to be recorded and a certified copy of the record of the same, and in the case of a work in more than one volume the same amount, one dollar and fifty cents, shall be paid for each volume, and the register of copyrights shall deposit all such fees paid in the Treasury of the United States, and report and account for the same in accordance with the provisions in relation to copyright fees of the appropriation act approved February nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. [33 Stat. L. 4.] SEC. 5. [Term.] That the copyright protection herein provided for shall be for the term of two years from the date of the receipt of the book or other article in the copyright office. [33 Stat. L. 5.] SEC. 6. [Extension of term.] That if at any time during the term of the copyright protection herein provided for, two copies of the original text of any such book, or of a translation of it in the English language, printed from type set within the limits of the United States or from plates made therefrom, or two copies of any such photograph, chromo, or lithograph printed from negatives or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States or from transfers made therefrom, are deposited in the copyright office, Library of Congress, at Washington, District of Columbia, such deposit shall be held to extend the term of copyright protection to such book, photograph, chromo, or litho graph for the full terms provided for in title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, computed from the date of the receipt of the book, photograph, chromo, or lithograph and the registration of the title or description as herein provided for. [33 Stat. L. 5.] SEC. 7. [Temporary copyrights for exhibits of foreign paintings, etc. term fees.] That in the case of an original work of the fine arts (a painting, drawing, statue, statuary, and a model or design intended to be perfected as a work of the fine arts) which has been produced without the limits of the United States prior to the thirtieth day of November, nineteen hundred and four, and is intended for exhibition at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the author of such work of art, or his heirs and assigns, shall be granted copyright protection therefor during a period of two years from the date of filing in the copyright office, Library of Congress, at Washington, District of Columbia, a description of the said work of art and a photograph of it, and upon paying to the register of copyrights one dollar and fifty cents for the registration of such description, and a copy of record under seal of such recorded description. [33 Stat. L. 5.] SEC. 8. [Copyright laws not permanently affected-time limit for regis tration.] That, except in so far as this Act authorizes and provides for temporary copyright protection during the period and for the purposes herein pro vided for, it shall not be construed or held to in any manner affect or repeal any of the provisions of the Revised Statutes relating to copyrights and the Acts amendatory thereof. That no registration under this Act shall be made after the thirtieth day of November, nineteen hundred and four. [33 Stat. L. 5.] An Act To amend section forty-nine hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes. [Act of March 3, 1905, ch. 1432, 33 Stat. L. 1000.] [Amends R. S. sec. 4952 by adding provisions relating to books published in foreign countries.] That section forty-nine hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: "SEC. 4952. The author, inventor, designer, or proprietor of any book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, or photograph, or negative thereof, or of a painting, drawing, chromo, statue, statuary, and of models or designs intended to be perfected as works of the fine arts, and the executors, administrators, or assigns of any such person shall, upon complying with the provisions of this chapter, have the sole liberty of printing, reprinting, publishing, completing, copying, executing, finishing, and vending the same; and, in the case of a dramatic composition, of publicly performing or representing it, or causing it to be performed or represented by others. And authors or their assigns shall have exclusive right to dramatize or translate any of their works for which copyright shall have been obtained under the laws of the United States. "Whenever the author or proprietor of a book in a foreign language, which shall be published in a foreign country before the day of publication in this country, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall deposit one complete copy of the same, including all maps and other illustrations, in the Library of Congress, Washington, District of Columbia, within thirty days after the first publication of such book in a foreign country, and shall insert in such copy, and in all copies of such book sold or distributed in the United States, on the title page or the page immediately following, a notice of the reservation of copyright in the name of the proprietor, together with the true date of first publication of such book, in the following words: 'Published nineteen hundred and Privilege of copyright in the United States reserved under the Act approved nineteen hundred and five, by ,' and shall, within twelve months after the first publication of such book in a foreign country, file the title of such book and deposit two copies of it in the original language or, at his option, of a translation of it in the English language, printed from type set within the limits of the United States, or from plates made therefrom, containing a notice of copyright, as provided by the copyright laws now in force, he and they shall have during the term of twenty-eight years from the date of recording the title of the book or of the English translation of it, as provided for above, the sole liberty of printing, reprinting, publishing, vending, translating, and dramatizing the said book: Provided, That this Act shall only apply to a citizen or subject of a foreign State or nation when such foreign State or nation permits to citizens of the United States of America the benefit of copyright on substantially the same basis as to its own citizens." [33 Stat. L. 1000.] The section here amended is set out in vol. 2, p. 256. COUNTERFEITING. Weather Forecasts, see WEATHER, post CUBA. Imports from, see CUSTOMS DUTIES, post. CUSTOMS DUTIES. Act of April 12, 1902, ch. 500, 70. Act of Jan. 15, 1903, ch. 189, 70. Sec. 2. All Anthracite Coal Admitted Free, 70. Act of March 3, 1903, ch. 998, 71. Free Admission of Imported Breeding Animals, 71. Act of March 2, 1905, ch. 1311, 71. Imports from Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama, 71. Act of Dec. 17, 1903, ch. 1, 72. Sec. 1. Preferential Duties on Imports from Cuba, 72. 2. Fees Discrimination, 72. Act of Feb. 24, 1903, ch. 753, 73. Destruction of Invoices Authorized, Act of March 3, 1905, ch. 1413, 73. 73. Sec. 1. Filling Vacancies in Appraiser's Office, 73. 2. Appraiser May Nominate, etc., 73. Act of April 12, 1904, ch. 1245, 73. Making Vinalhaven, Maine, a Subport of Entry, 73. Act of April 28, 1904, ch. 1783, 74. Additional Assistant Appraiser at Boston, Mass., 74. Act of Feb. 2, 1905, ch. 293, 74. Making Norwalk, Conn., a Subport of Entry, 74. Act of March 24, 1904, ch. 815, 74. Making Utica, N. Y., a Port of Delivery, etc., 74. Act of Feb. 17, 1905, ch. 580, 74. Establishing Subports of Entry at Rouses Point and Malone, N. Y., 74. Act of Jan. 25, 1904, ch. 35, 74. Making Chester, Penn., a Subport of Entry, 74. Act of Jan. 30, 1904, ch. 40, 74. Appointment of a Customs Appraiser at Pittsburg, Penn., 74. Act of April 28, 1904, ch. 1785, 75. Making Lewes, Del., a Subport of Entry, 75. Act of Feb. 25, 1905, ch. 799, 75. Sec. 1. Deputy Collector at Manteo, N. C., 75. 3. In Effect, 75. Act of April 22, 1904, ch. 1414, 75. Sec. 1. Amends R. S. sec. 2566, as to Districts in Mississippi, 75. Act of Feb. 17, 1905, ch. 582, 76. Making Texas City, Tex., a Subport of Entry, etc., 76. Act of April 28, 1904, ch. 1807, 76. Amends R. S. sec. 2592, as to Alaska Customs District, 76.. Act of Jan. 22, 1903, ch. 197, 77. Making Portal, N.D., a Subport of Entry, etc., 77. Sec. 1. Making Salt Lake City a Port of Delivery, etc., 77. Act of Feb. 6, 1904, ch. 151, 77. Naval Officer for Chicago, 77. Act of April 28, 1904, ch. 1825, 77. Making Coal City, Ill., a Port of Delivery, 77. Act of April 12, 1904, ch. 1246, 77. Making Dayton, Ohio, a Port of Delivery, 77. Act of March 2, 1905, ch. 1306, 78. Amends R. S. sec. 2787, as to Bond by Agent Making Entry, 78. Act of March 2, 1903, ch. 982, 78. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Granted Immediate Transportation Privileges, 78. Act of April 27, 1904, ch. 1627, 79. Peoria, Ill., Granted Immediate Transportation Privileges, 79. Act of March 1, 1905, ch. 1300, 79. Gloucester, Mass., Granted Immediate Transportation Privileges, 79. Act of April 27, 1904, ch. 1625, 79. Sec. 1. Amends R. S. sec. 3095, as to Importations from Contiguous Countries, 79. 2. In Effect, 79. CROSS-REFERENCE. Duties on Goods Imported into Philippine Islands, see PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, post. SEC. 10. [Tea duty repealed.] That section fifty of the Act of June thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, be repealed, to take effect January first, nineteen hundred and three. [33 Stat. L. 99.] This is from the Act of April 12, 1902, ch. 500, "An Act to repeal war revenue taxation, and for other purposes." The provision repealed is set out in vol. 2, p. 517. SEC. 2. [All anthracite coal admitted free.] graph four hundred and fifteen of the tariff That the provisions of para- |