additional copies printed and bound, as may in his opinion be needed for distribution and sale at cost thereof, not exceeding in any one year one thousand copies of the laws of any one Congress." [28 Stat. L. 615.] [Official Register.] "Of the Official Register three thousand copies shall be printed and bound, which shall be distributed as follows: To the President of the United States, four copies, one copy of which shall be for the library of the Executive Mansion; to the Vice-President of the United States, two copies; to each Senator, Representative, and Delegate in Congress, one copy; to the Secretary and Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, to the Clerk and Sergeant-at-Arms of the House, one copy each; to the library of the Senate, ten copies; to the library of the House of Representatives, ten copies; to the Library of Congress, twenty-five copies; to the Department of State, one hundred copies; to the Treasury Department, one hundred and fifty copies; to the War Department, fifty copies; to the Navy Department, twenty cop ies; to the Department of Justice, twenty copies; to the Department of the Interior, two hundred copies; to the Post-Office Department, one hundred copies; to the Department of Agriculture, fifteen copies; to the Department of Commerce and Labor, one hundred and fifty copies; to the Smithsonian Institution, four copies; to the Government Printing Office, four copies; to the Interstate Commerce Commission, two copies; to the Civil Service Commission, four copies; to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, two copies; and the remaining copies shall be delivered to the superintendent of documents, who is hereby authorized to send one copy to each designated depository and to such public college or school library not a depository of public documents, and one copy to such other person as shall be designated by each Senator, Representative, and Delegate in Congress, and shall hold the remainder for sale under the provisions of this law. The usual number of the Official Register shall not be printed." [28 Stat. L. 619.] Joint Resolution Providing for the editions to be printed of the annual and special reports of the Librarian of Congress. [Res. of Feb. 24, 1904, No. 8, 33 Stat. L. 583.] [Annual and special reports of Librarian of Congress.] That of the annual and special reports of the Librarian of Congress hereafter submitted to Congress, but including the report for nineteen hundred and three, there be printed and bound in cloth five thousand copies for the use of the Library of Congress. [33 Stat. L. 583.] Joint Resolution Amending public resolution numbered eight, Fifty-sixth Congress, second session, approved February twenty-third, nineteen hundred and one, "providing for the printing annually of the report on field operations of the Division of Soils, Department of Agriculture." [Res. of March 14, 1904, No. 9, 33 Stat. L. 583.] [Report on field operations of Division of Soils, Department of Agriculture.] That public resolution numbered eight, Fifty-sixth Congress, second session, approved February twenty-third, nineteen hundred and one, be amended by striking out all after the resolving clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following: That there shall be printed ten thousand five hundred copies of the report on field operations of the Division of Soils, Department of Agriculture, of which one thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use of the Senate, three thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives, and six thousand copies for the use of the Department of Agriculture: Provided, That in addition to the number of copies above provided for there shall be printed, as soon as the manuscript can be prepared, with the necessary maps and illustrations to accompany it, a report on each area surveyed, in the form of advance sheets, bound in paper covers, of which five hundred copies shall be for the use of each Senator from the State, two thousand copies for the use of each Representative for the Congressional district or districts in which the survey is made, and one thousand copies for the use of the Department of Agriculture. [33 Stat. L. 583.] The provision here amended is set out in vol. 6, p. 176. Joint Resolution Authorizing the reprinting of certain documents to be sold by the superintendent of documents. [Res. of March 28, 1904, No. 11, 33 Stat. L. 584.] That there shall be printed three thousand copies of the Special Report on Diseases of the Horse and fifteen hundred copies of the Special Report on the Diseases of Cattle, for sale by the superintendent of documents under the provisions of section sixty-one of an Act providing for the public printing, binding, and the distribution of documents, approved January twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five; and the superintendent of documents is hereby authorized to order reprinted, from time to time, such public documents as may be required for sale, such order for reprinting to be subject to the approval of the Secretary or head of the Department in which such public document shall have originated: Provided, That the appropriation for printing and binding shall be reimbursed for the cost of such reprints from the moneys received by the superintendent of documents from the sale of public documents. [33 Stat. L. 584.] [Sale of post-route maps- proceeds.] The provisions of the Act of April 28, 1902, ch. 594, set out in vol. 6, p. 187, are repeated in the subsequent Acts of Feb. 25, 1903, ch. 755, 32 Stat. L. 902; March 18, 1904, ch. 716, 33 Stat. L. 134; Feb. 3, 1905, ch. 297, 33 Stat. L. 679. [SEC. 1.] [Distribution of publications of Geological Survey.] the Director of the Geological Survey shall hereafter distribute to public libraries that have not already received them such copies of sale publications as may remain on hand at the expiration of five years after date of delivery to the Survey document room, excepting a reserve number not to exceed two hundred copies. [32 Stat. L. 1146.] * * * This is from the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act of March 3, 1903, ch. 1007. PUBLIC LANDS. The General Land Office, 354. Act of April 19, 1904, ch. 1396, 354. Recorder to Certify Copies of Patents, Records, etc., 354. Registers and Receivers, 355. Act of March 22, 1904, ch. 748, 355. Transcripts of Records-Fees - Transcripts as Evidence, 355. Act of April 19, 1904, ch. 1398, 355. Production of Original Papers on Subpæna Duces Tecum, 355. Sec. 1. Compulsory Attendance of Witnesses before Registers and 2. Fees and Mileage, 356. 3. Penalty for Refusal to Appear and Testify, 356. 5. Depositions in Behalf of Opposing Parties, 356. Land Districts, 357. Act of March 16, 1904, ch. 550, 357. Sec. 1. North Dakota - Dickinson Land District, 357. Act of March 3, 1905, ch. 1450, 357. Homesteads, 357 Utah Uintah Land District, 357. Act of April 23, 1904, ch. 1491, 357. Sec. 1. Time Extended for Final Proofs in Original Homestead 2. In Effect, 358. Act of March 4, 1904, ch. 394, 358. Officers before Whom Affidavits, etc., May Be Made - Penalty for False Swearing - Fees, 358. Act of April 28, 1904, ch. 1776, 359. Sec. 1. Failure to Perfect Entry-Second Entry, 359. 3. Commutation Not Allowed, 359. Res. of April 18, 1904, No. 25, 359. Proof of Loyalty Not Required on Refund of Fees Under Act of June 16, 1880, ch. 244, 359. Act of April 28, 1904, ch. 1801, 360. Sec. 1. Homestead Entries on Arid Lands in Nebraska, 360. 3. Fees-Commutation Not Allowed-Additional Entries- Reservation and Sale of Town Sites, 361. Act of Feb. 9, 1903, ch. 531, 361. Town Site Entries Extended to Ceded Indian Lands in Abandoned Military Reservations, 361. Act of April 23, 1904, ch. 1496, 361. Fort Abraham Lincoln Reservation, 361. 10 F. S. A. — 23 353 Volume X. Grants in Aid of Railroads, 362. Act of March 3, 1903, ch. 1013, 362. Sec. 1. Homestead Lands in Lieu of Lands Granted Railroads in 2. Regulations, 362. Act of Feb. 24, 1905, ch. 779, 362. Sec. 1. Transfers Allowed for Canceled Homestead Entries on Railroad Lands in Alabama, 362. 2. Regulations, 363. School Lands, 363. Act of Feb. 11, 1903, ch. 543, 363. School Indemnity Selections in Lieu of Lands in Abandoned Military Reservations Confirmed - Disposal of School Sections, 363. Miscellaneous Provisions, 363. Act of March 3, 1905, ch. 1424, 363. Amends R. S. Sec. 2288 Relating to Transfers by Settlers before Patent for Public Purpose, 363. Act of March 9, 1904, ch. 503, 364. Sec. 1. Confirmation of Entries, etc., Made Outside of Proper District, 364. 2. In Effect, 364. CROSS-REFERENCES. In Alaska, see ALASKA, ante, p. 25. Powers of Court of Private Land Claims Conferred on Commissioner of General Land Office, see PRIVATE LAND CLAIMS, COURT OF, ante, p. 340. [THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE.] [Assistant Commissioner of General Land Office.] The provision of the Act of April 28, 1902, ch. 514, set out in vol. 6, p. 210, is repeated in the subsequent Acts of Feb. 25, 1903, ch. 755, 32 Stat. L. 892; March 18, 1904, ch. 716, 33 Stat. L. 124; Feb. 3, 1905, ch. 297, 33 Stat. L. 631. [SEC. 1.] [Depositary.] * * * one depositary acting for the Commissioner as receiver of public moneys and also as confidential secretary, two thousand dollars; [33 Stat. L. 670.] * * * This is from the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation Act of Feb. 3, 1905, ch. 297, being repeated from prior acts. It first appeared in the Act of Feb. 25, 1903, ch. 755, 32 Stat. L. 893. An Act Authorizing the recorder of the General Land Office to issue certified copies of patents, records, books, and papers. [Act of April 19, 1904, ch. 1396, 33 Stat. L. 185.] [Recorder to certify copies of patents, records, etc.] That copies of any patents, records, books, or papers in the General Land Office authenticated by the seal and certified by the recorder of such Office shall be evidence equally with the originals thereof to the same force and effect as when certified by the Commissioner of said Office. [33 Stat. L. 185.] [REGISTERS AND RECEIVERS.] An Act To authorize registers and receivers of United States land offices to furnish transcripts of their records to individuals. [Act of March 22, 1904, ch. 748, 33 Stat. L. 144.] [Transcripts of records — fees · transcripts as evidence.] That registers and receivers of United States land offices shall, in addition to the fees now allowed by law, be entitled to charge and receive for making transcripts of the records in their offices for individuals, the sum of ten cents per hundred words for each transcript so furnished; and the transcripts thus furnished, when duly certified to by them, shall be admitted as evidence in all courts of the United States and the Territories thereof, and before all officials authorized to receive evidence, with the same force and effect as the original records. [33 Stat. L. 144.] An Act To authorize the Commissioner of the General Land Office to transmit original papers to be used as evidence. [Act of April 19, 1904, ch. 1398, 33 Stat. L. 186.] [Production of original papers on subpœna duces tecum.] That whenever the register of any United States land office shall be served with a subpoena duces tecum or other valid legal process requiring him to produce, in any United States court or in any court of record of any State, the original application for entry of public lands or the final proof of residence and cultivation or any other original papers on file in the General Land Office of the United States on which a patent to land has been issued or which furnish the basis for such patent, it shall be the duty of such register to at once notify the Commissioner of the General Land Office of the service of such process, specifying the particular papers he is required to produce, and upon receipt of such notice from any register of a United States land office the Commissioner of the General Land Office shall at once transmit to such register the original papers specified in such notice, and which such register is required to produce, and to attach to such papers a certificate, under seal of his office, properly authenticating them as the original papers upon which patent was issued; and such papers so authenticated shall be received in evidence in all courts of the United States and in the several State courts of the States of the Union: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior shall make rules and regulations to secure the return of such documents to the General Land Office, after use in evidence, without cost to the United States. [33 Stat. L. 186.] An Act Providing for the compulsory attendance of witnesses before registers and receivers of the land office. [Act of Jan. 31, 1903, ch. 344, 32 Stat. L. 790.] [SEC. 1.] [Compulsory attendance of witnesses before registers and receivers service of process.] That registers and receivers of the land office, or either of them, in all matters requiring a hearing before them, are authorized and |