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rounding persons, but also to the foetusargue for a specific, alteration in the blood. The swelling of mumps is not a catarrhal inflammation, but a morbid swelling ot the glands depending upon varying hyperæta, which only occasions collateral hypeæmia and infiltration of the neighbouring tissues, when there happens to be a stoppage of blood in the glands.- Von Langenbeck's Archiv., xx. p. 600. Rundschau, June 1878The Practitioner.

Chloral Medicated with Camphor. (The Tropical application of Chloral Medicated with Camphor.) The mixture of chloral and camphor is transformed by heat into a thick oily transparent liquid, resulting from the solution of the camphor in the cloral hydrate, which thus loses its proportion of water. This topical application does not act like chloral by revulsion, for it does not produce the slightest hyperæmia of the skin. Its action appears therefore to be due to its absorp tion. Dr. Sune who has made out these facts, has seen several cases of pain in the side and slight attacks of neuralgia cured by this new medicine. (Independencia Medica.-Practitioner.)

Iodide of Potassium in Small Doses in Persistent Vomiting.-Dr. Formica Corsi states that iodide of potassium given in small doses cures obstinate vomiting which has resisted the ordinary treatment. In a case of a pregnant woman suffering from typhoid fever, Dr. Corsi administered two centigrammes of iodide of potassium dissolved in 100 grammes of water in a teaspoon every hour and a half. The vomiting, which had previously resisted all known antiemetic, ceased the following day. Dr. Giné confirms the antiemetic properties of iodide of potassium; and he uses the medicine in doses of one to five centigrammes daily for the cure of constipation, as he finds that it acts as a laxative. (Independencia Medica.)-The Practitioner.


Medical and Surgical Journal.



In the October number of this periodical we published an article on the question of the recognition of Colonial Degrees, and in doing so our desire was to endeavour to enlighten our English Brethren as to the nature and character of our institutions. It appears that the tone of this article has given. umbrage to the Editor of The Medical Times and Gazette. It is lamentable to see the absurd notions that are apparently entertained and expressed occasionally in the British Medical press concerning us Canadians, and the article in our journal above referred to, was one of a series that have from time to time appeared in our periodical, for the the express purpose of imparting some information to our fellow-countrymen on the other side of the Atlantic as to our social and medico-political status. But the article in question had a wider signification as it applied in a degree to our own local enactments. We are desirous of seeing that proper understanding, which should exist amongst us Canadians, but which, unhappily, does not exist, of harmonizing all our licensing bodies under one head, so that a man who is registered in one section of the Dominion can claim, on the strength of that qualification, registration in any other section. Far be it from us to hold out any threat, as is hinted in The Medical Times and Gazette; such a line of conduct would not be likely to attain the end desired. Perhaps our contemporary is not aware that Canada is a country sparsely populated, but containing an area of about as large as the whole

of Europe. That this country has a future and a bright one before it, few who are accustomed to reason on these subjects will deny. The Canadian faculty are in no way anxious that Jack's master should believe Jack to be as good a man as himself. They are perfectly willing that the master should remain in his self-imposed exclusiveness, be self-satisfied and convinced that he is far above other men, especially his man Jack. Still, Jack can go on in the old way, and if his master becomes too exacting he can simply cease to serve him or to recognise him in any way as his superior or even his equal. The world is all before us, and the Canadian Medical Faculty has yet to learn that recognition in any shape is essential to its being. If the tone of our article was "not altogether satisfactory," how can we characterize the tone of the reply in the leader of The Medical Times and Gazette of the 16th November, 1878.

The article in the CANADA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL was based on an editorial item which appeared in The London Lancet of the 26th of October, in reply to a letter of complaint from a British graduate, who, we must confess, was treated with apparent injustice,—an injustice which, by-the-way, was rectified by order of the President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, as soon as the circumstances became known to that official. We are not so sure that the editor of The Lancet is correct in his opinion that persons registered under the imperial law are entitled to be registered in the Colonies, on payment of the necessary fee, at least, so far as Canada is concerned. According to the British North American Imperial Act, the various Provinces of this Dominion are granted the power to legislate for themselves. There is no saving clause protecting the rights of registered British Medical Practitioners. We have always held, and we do so still, that British practitioners should be entitled to registration on what their papers show. In Canada we are general practitioners, and a man to register with us must hold the double qualification. A pure surgeon would have to satisfy the board of examiners, by examination on the subjects in which his papers are deficient of his fitness to enter the profession as a general practitioner. So, again, a

pure physician would have to satisfy the board by examination that he was proficient in surgery before he could obtain his license to practice. Our friends on the other side do not seem to be aware of this fact.

It would seem that the master insists on recognition from his man Jack, not on account of what he is in verity, but because of what he would desire to be.

The Medical Times and Gazette assumes that the grievance of non-recognition is, to a very great extent, a sensational one. In this we do not altogether agree. Was it a sensational grievance when the agents in England of the Canadian line of. Steamships received a notice from the Board of Trade in London, that after the 1st January, 1877, the steamers of that line would not be allowed to clear at the Custom House in Great Britain unless the Surgeon on board was provided with a Diploma from some of the colleges in England, Ireland or Scotland. This action of the Board of Trade was resisted by the Messrs. Allan.

Sir Hugh Allan, the head of that firm, who resides in Montreal, in a letter which he addressed to Dr. G. W. Campbell, the Dean of the Medical Faculty of McGill University, and which we published at the time, remarks, under date, January 19, 1877 :

"I am totally ignorant of the reason why this regulation is proposed, or of any good to be attained by it.

"We have for the last twenty years carried Canadian Surgeons on board our steamers, as well as English ones, and the result of our experience is, that the Canadian Surgeons are quite equal both in professional acquirements, and gentlemanly bearing, to those we receive from the Colleges in England.

"I therefore am not disposed to submit to this requirement, inasmuch as I think it is a great injustice to the institutions of this country, as well as to the young men who study therein, and in point of fact it is a slight upon the Dominion itself.

"I have written to the Government urging them to take action in this matter without delay, and I write this letter to you with the view that you should bring it before the authorities of the University of McGill College, or in any other way that you think most likely to attain the object I have in view, and that is a full and perfect recognition of our own medical men as being equal to any others.”

We have reason to know that correspondence on this subject passed between the governments of the two countries and the action of the Board of Trade was for the time rescinded, but the Canadian surgeons are not in a legal position. Their qualifications are not recognised as giving them any status, further than that if a man is registered in his own colony under the local enactments of his own country he is permitted to serve on British ships. This is a state of things which is unsatisfactory, more especially as the profession of Great Britain is seeking for further legislation as regards this very subject of registration. The last clause of the article in the Medical Times and Gazette can apply equally in our favor as in theirs, for how are we to know that the standard of their ordinary pass-examination is equivalent to our own. We take it for granted that it is and we admit men hailing from their schools to registration without examination, but we do so in a spirit of broad liberality and with a full hope that an equally liberal spirit will guide the councils of those in authority in Great Britain; not, however, be it distinctly understood, because we are compelled to do so. We possess our own legislating bodies in this country who can, if it seems advisable, exclude every person from participating in our Registration Act unless the person so applying comes with a curriculum of study equivalent to our own and passes an examination before our local boards.

Dr. Clark, senior physician to the London Hospital, who accompanied H. R. H. Princess Louise, and his Excellency the Marquis of Lorne on their coming to this country, was entertained by the profession of this city at dinner at the Windsor Hotel. Some thirty gentlemen sat down. The Dean of the Medical Faculty, McGill University, took the chair, having on his right the guest of the evening.

Dr. J. P. Rottot, President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Province of Quebec, occupied the vice chair. A most enjoyable evening was passed. The usual loyal and other toasts were given and heartily responded to.

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