TRAITÉS d'Alliance, de Paix, de Tréve, de Neutralité, des Puissances et Etats DE L'EUROPE TANT DANS LEUR RAPPORT MUTUEL QUE DANS CELUI ENVERS LES PUISSANCES depuis 1808 jusqu'à présent. Tiré des copies publiées par autorité, des meilleures collections Décret de la Porte Ottomane sur l'exemption des droits de passage pour les bâtimens de commerce espagnols à leur entrée dans la Mer de -Marmora par les Dardanelles et à Constantinople. En date du 15 Avril 1830 e authentique). (Traduction anglaise authentique). Decree, dated the 15th April 1830 and addressed to the President of the Marine Department at Constan-tinople, of which a Copy was officially transmitted by the Reis- Effendi to His Catholic Majesty's Legation at -Constantinople, on the 20th of May -It is some time since, that, in virtue of the Royal Will, a convention was concluded having for its object the permission for Spanish commerce to be carried on in the Black Sea upon payment of a certain Duty, to be exacted on passing through the Bosphorus, by the Marine Department. The said convention having -been agreed upon and ratified, the Papers received in exchange from the King of Spain, were registered in the office of the Imperial Divan; and in consequence thereof, the necessary orders were sent to the Department of Marine, and to the Custom-house, and a Decree was issued, directing the President of the former to proceed to the levying of the Duty in question. In consideration however of the sincere frindship subsisting between the Sublime Porte and the King of Spain, His Imperial Majesty has been pleased to exempt Spanish Vessels from the payment of the Duty of Passage hitherto imposed; and an order to that effect has been registered in the office of State, and communicated to the Admirality and to the Custom-house. It is therefore the Supreme Will that, from this day, no Duty be any longer exacted on Spanish Ves Nouv. Série. Tome VI. A |