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ander general Maffena, to take advantage of the night, and gain the rear of the Auftrian army.

General Beaulieu, having reinforced his army, began the attack at break of day. The fuccefs was various, and the victory remained undecided, until the divifion under general Maffena, who had been

fent round by Buonaparte, appeared on their left and rear. Unable to withstand this shock, the Austrian army was thrown into confufion, and, being completely routed, was purfued by the French to Cairo. Their lofs amounted to three thoufand five hundred men, of whom two thousand were prisoners.

"In the winter of 1796, general Buonaparte was united to Madame Beauharnois, a beautiful French woman, who had experienced a variety of perfecutions during the time of Robespierre. Her former husband had attained the rank of general in the fervice of the republic, and had always conducted himself as a friend of liberty. On that memorable day, when Louis XVI. and his family repaired to Paris, M. de Beauharnois fat as president of the national affembly, and exhibited great dignity of demeanour; notwithstanding this, he fell a victim to the terrorists, who, joining the narrow ideas of fectarists to the ferocious character peculiar to themselves, perfecuted all whofe opinions were not exactly conformable to their own ftandard. M. Barras, at length, luckily for her, extended his protection to the widow, who is now the wife of his friend.

"The campaign of 1797 opened under the moft aufpicious circumstances for France, as well as Spain, who was now in alliance with her; Sardinia acted a fubordinate part under her controul; Tufcany obeyed her requifitions; Naples had concluded a feparate peace, and Rome was at her mercy. In this fituation, the eyes of the court of Vienna, and indeed of all Europe, were turned to the archduke Charles, who was faid to inherit the military talents of the houfe of Lorraine. It was accordingly determined that this young prince should be appointed commander in chief, and that the hero of Kehl should oppofe the hero of Italy. The conteft, however, was not long between birth and genius; between a young man of illuftrious extraction, furrounded by flatterers, and educated in the corrupting circle of a court, and a hardy Corfican, brought up amidst perils, breathing the spirit of the ancient republics; acquainted with all the machinery of modern warfare, directing every thing under his own eye,-whofe miftrefs was the commonwealth, and whose companion was Plutarch!

The war on the continent may at length be faid to be at an end. An emperor and a pope humbled; the imperial crown reduced to nearly an empty name, and the pontifical one held at the will of the conqueror;—two kings fubjected-one to humiliation, and the ether to unconditional submission; - Corfica restored to France without an effort- and a new and formidable republic erected in that country, which has beheld the overthrow of five armies appertaining to its ancient master; fuch is the fummary of the political efforts and martial achievements of a general, who has as yet fcarcely attained the thirtieth year of his age.

"As to his perfon, Buonaparte is of fmall ftature, but admirably proportioned. He is of a fpare habit of body, yet robuft, and calculated to undergo the greateft fatigues. His complexion, like that of all the males of fouthern climates, is olive; his eyes blue, his chin prominent, the lower part of his face thin and his forehead fquare and projecting. The large whole length Italian print, published in London by Seftolini, exhibits a good likenefs; but the best portrait ever taken of him was at Verona, in confequence of the folicitations of an English artift, who applied to him for this purpose, by means of a letter from a relation, now in London.

"In respect to his mind, he poffeffes uncommon attainments. He converfes freely, and without pedantry, on all fubjects, and writes and speaks with fluency and eloquence. Above all things, he has attempted, and in a great meafure obtained, the maftery over his paffions. He is abftemious at his meals, and was never feen, in the flightest degree, intoxicated; he poffeffes many friends, but has no minions; and preferves an inviolable fecrecy, by means of a rigorous filence, far better than other men do by a loquacious hypocrify.

His mother, the beautiful Letitia Buonaparte, is ftill alive, as are alfo his two fifters. They were lately taken prifoners by an English armed veffel, during their passage from France to Corfica; but by this time they are updoubtedly restored to their country and their friends.” MONTHLY MAGAZINE.


The victory at Monte-Notte was immediately followed by one yet more fignal and decifive, at the village of Millefimo. Buonaparte taking advantage of the diforder of the Auftrians, pufbed forward and gained poffeffion of Cairo, a poft on the Bormida, which commanded the roads leading to Turin, and into Lombardy. The Auftrians retreating along the mountains to the left of this river, halted at Millefimo; the defiles leading to which village were forced by general Angereau on the 11th of April, who furrounded a diviñon of fifteen hundred grenadiers, commanded by the Auftrian general Provera; but this officer, instead of furrendering, threw himself into the ruins of an old castle on the fummit of mount Coffaria, where he threw up intrenchments. After a fevere cannonade of feveral hours, a general attack was made in four columns on this poft, in which the French were repulfed, with the lofs of two of the generals who commanded the affault: and Provera keeping firm in his pofition, stopped the progrefs of the French army for five days, and gave time for the Auftrians to recover their diforder, and recruit their forces. On the fifth day, the two armies prepared for a general action. Angereau, who commanded the left wing of the French army, ftill held Provera blockaded in the ruins of the caftle. The Auftrians and Piedimontefe, attempting to force the centre, were repulfed with great lofs; and their left wing, which was flanked by the village of Dego, where they were ftrongly entrenched, was turned by general Maffena. General Laharpe, in the mean time, paffing the Bormida with his divifion in clofe columns, fucceeded in turning the right flank of the left

wing of the Auftrian army; and, while the divifion under general Cervoni marched directly towards the centre, general Boyer, with a third divifion, threw himself in their rear, to endeavour to cut off their retreat. The Auftrians loft upwards of ten thousand men in this action, of whom eight thousand were prifoners, with thirty-two pieces of cannon, and fifteen pair of colours; and general Provera, with his garrifon, furrendered themfelves prifoners of war.

On the following day, whilft the French were indulging themselves in fecurity after the fatigues of the battle, they were furprised at the village of Dego by general Beaulieu, at the head of feven thoufand men, whom he had rallied. The Auftrians diflodged the French from this poft, and repulfed them three feveral times, with general Maffena at their head, in their attempt to retake it. General Cauffe, whilft rallying his divifion, was mortally wounded. The day had far advanced before its fate was decided. The Auftrians maintained their pofitions with obftinate valour; but, preffed by the French troops who had been rallied by Buonaparte, they were at length compelled to retreat, after lofing two thoufand men, of whom fourteen hundred were made prifoners.

After the victory at Dego, the Piedmontefe army evacuated the poft of Montefimo: in confequence of which Angereau was enabled to effect a junction with the divifion that had penetrated across the mountains from Oneglia, and afterwards marched on to attack the enemy's intrenched camp beforeCeva, of which, after a flight refiftance, he gained poffeffion, as well as of the town. The Piedmontefe, in retreating towards

Turin, had taken advantageous pofitions at the confluence of the rivers Cunaglia and Tanaro, on the banks of which they had placed batteries, fo as to render their flank unaffailable; and, affembling the weight of their forces on the right, had forced the left of the French army to retreat; when, general Malena having croffed the Tanaro near Ceva during the night of the 20th of April, and marched along its banks to the village of Lozengo, and Buonaparte having made difpofitions to march forwards to Mondovi, the Piedmontefe general, count Colli, apprehending the ifue of a conteft where he might esfily be furrounded, and his retreat cut off, withdrew during the night to that place. At break of day, the French attacked him at the entrance of the village of Vico; the redoubt which covered the centre of the Piedmontefe army was taken, and Mondovi itself on the fame day, upon the further retreat of the Piedmontefe, fell into the hands of the French. The Sardinian troops paffed the Stura, between Coni and Cherafco, extending their line to each of thofe towns; whila,the Piedmontefe general established his head-quarters at Foffano, a fmall town lying between both. The attack was general along the river Cherafco, ftrong by its pofition, and rendered ftill more fo by its works, was evacuated. Foffano furrendered, and general Angereau took poffeffion of the town of Alba.

The Piedmontefe finding it now impoffible to withstand the force of the republicans, retreated further towards Turin, from whence the French were now diftant but twenty-four miles; general Angereau was alfo about to pafs the Tanaro on the right flank of the

Thus fituated,

retreating army. with no profpect of effective defence for the capital, count Colli, on the 23d of April, propofed a fufpenfion of arms, while his Sardinian majefty fhould fend his minifter to Genoa to treat for peace with the ambaffador of the republic. The conditions of the fufpenfion of arms were dictated by Buonaparte; and the march of the French troops to the walls of Turin was prevented only by this timely fubmiffion.

Having put the French into poffeffion of the fortreffes ftipulated by the armiftice*, his Sardinian majefty fent his minifters to Paris, who concluded a treaty of peace with the republic on the 17th of May. As Piedmont lay altogether at the mercy of the conquerors, the king was compelled to fubmit to whatever conditions were propofed. By this treaty, he agreed to withdraw himself in the most unequivocal manner from every alliance, offenfive or defenfive, formed with any of the powers in the coalition against the French republic; to renounce, both for himself and his fucceffors for ever, all title to Savoy, Nice, and the country now forming the department of the maritime Alps; to determine the limits of the refpective countries by new demar cations advantageous to the republic; and to grant a full and entire amnefty to all thofe of his fubjects who had been or were profecuted for their political opinions. In addition to the places ftipulated in the armiftice, which were to be put into the poffeflion of the French, his Sardinian majefty confirmed to them by this treaty the poffeffion of other fortreffes both on the frontiers of France and Lombardy; the fortifications of two of which on the frontiers of France, Sufa and Bru

Coni, Alessandria, and Tortona.


netta, were to be demolished at his own expence, under the direction of commiffaries appointed by the directory; binding himself neither to establish nor repair any fortifcation on this part of the frontier. By this article the French enfured what they claimed by another article of the treaty, the free paffage of their troops at all times into Italy. To fill up the measure of his humiliation, the king engaged to apologize by his minifter, for the conduct obferved towards the late ambaffador of France, and to difavow the infult which was thus offered to the republic.

This melancholy reverse of fortune, in fo fhort a fpace of time, excited the fympathy even of his enemies and it required the confideration that he had been the most pertinacious enemy of the revolution, the moft obftinate in refufing terms of accommodation,had opposed the strongest barrier to the entrance of the French into Italy during three campaigns, and though in reality a feeble adverfary, had enjoyed by his pofition the advantages of an enemy the moft formidable, and had fued for peace only when the enemy was under the walls of his capital, and his whole country at their difpofal,-in order to reconcile thefe hard conditions with that boafted generofity which is faid to be the characteristic of republics.

The paffage of the Alps, by fuch apparently inadequate means, in the face of fo formidable an enemy, has juftly been a fubject of aftonishment and admiration. The plan which Buonaparte had conceived with all that temerity of genius which belongs to the new mode of French military tactics, of dividing the Auftrian and Piedmontefe armies in the very centre

of the enemy's country, and in pofitions which were judged impreg nable, was executed with equal intelligence and intrepidity. In this arduous enterprize, Buonaparte was ably feconded by the zeal of his generals, each of whom led on his refpective divifion with that address and precition which could alone have enfured fuccefs in a war among the Alps. The battles of MonteNotte, and Millefimo, the previous movements and skirmiflies, the detail of the various manœuvres of the army, the junction of diftant columns, and the good pofitions chofen among this chaos of mountains by thefe young and comparatively inexperienced commanders, are worthy of fixing the attention of the best inftructed military men. But what will not fail to claim the gratitude of their fellow-citizens and the admiration of pofterity, was the generous manner in which thefe generals devoted their lives, by marching at the head of their columns to almoft certain deftruction, and thus infpiring their foldiers with that contempt of danger and of death, which raised them into heroes, and carried them even beyond the bounds which thefe generals, whilft living, had marked out for their courage.

The cities ceded to the French' were Coai, Alessandria, and Tortona, to which marshal Beaulieu, after his defeat at Dego, and his feparation from the Piedmontefe army, had retreated in order to cover the Milanefe from the further incursions of the French. Conftrained to evacuate thefe fortresses, he paffed the Po at Valenza, and laboured with great diligence to defend the paffages of that river, as well as thofe of the Gogna and the Teffino, as he judged from the convention made by the French gene


ral with the king of Sardinia for the delivery of Valenza, that the paffage of the French would be effect ed by that route. Buonaparte favoured this mistake, by making a variety of feigned preparations and military evolutions, and while the Auftrian general was waiting his attack on the left of the Po, paffed on to Caftel St. Gioamei, on the right fide of the river, with a detachment of his army; and had advanced twenty leagues into Lombardy before his march was difcovered. Marshal Beaulieu, on perceiving his error, advanced with rapid marches along the Po, in the hope of arriv. ing in fufficient time to prevent the paffage, whenever Buonaparte fhould attempt to effect it. But he arrived too late. The French general had reached Placentia early in the morning of the 7th of May, the day after his departure from before Valenza; and having feized on the boats, barges, and rafts, in the vicinity of the place, the whole of the army effected the paffage in the courfe of the day. Apprifed that a confiderable divifion of Auftrians were approaching in order to oppose the paffage, Buonaparte marched with the forces that had already paffed the river, and met them at the village of Fombio, where they had intrenched themselves with twenty pieces of cannon. After a wigo rous refiftance, the, Auftrians retreated with lofs.

In the mean while another body of Auftrians were advancing to fupport the divifion which had been pofted at Fombio, and had reached the head-quarters of general Laharpe at Codogno. A flight action took place, in which the Austrians were repulfed; but the French army experienced a very fevere lofs in the death of their general, who had distinguished himself with fo much

bravery at Monte-Notte, and Millefimo, and who had in 1791 been condemned to death as an inhabitant of the Pays de Vaud, by the magiftracy of Berne, for his attachment to the French revolution. General Berthier arrived in the interval, and purfued the enemy to Cafal, of which he took poffeffion.

The dukes of Parma and Modena, on whofe territory the French had entered, and who did not expect fo fpeedy an attack, were compelled to demand a fufpenfion of arms, which was granted on condition of the payment of ten millions of livres to replenish the exhaufted magazines of the army; and of contributing to the national mufeum of Paris a certain number of the most celebrated paintings, at the choice of the general, or commiffi→ oners named for that purpofe; and finally, fending ambaffadors to Paris to treat for peace with the directory.

The Auftrians, defeated at Fombio, had made good their retreat to Lodi, on the river Addi, where marfhal Beaulieu had concentrated his forces.On the approach ofthe French, they had abandoned the town with fo much precipitation that they had not time to deftroy the bridge, which was, however, defended by a confiderable artillery; and the imperial troops were drawn up in line of battle to prevent the paffage. (10th May) A fevere cannonade took place for fome hours: but the fhew of refiftance made by the Auftrians appeared fo formidable, that the French generals were for fome time undecided with refpect to the manner of the attack. To pafs the bridge in the face of the Auftrian army posted fo advantageoufly, was incurring certain deftruction to numbers; and therefore in the deliberation which took place between the French generals, the majority were of opinion that

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