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treble awnings. Nothing could be done outside that protection until about six o'clock in the evening, when an hour might be snatched before darkness closed the scene. Laft could not therefore be considered as a possibility for a "naval base," in spite of its other decided advantages.

It was late in June when we steamed back through Clarence Strait, and anchored at its eastern entrance off the town of Bandar Abbás, which stands on the mainland here, and is faced by that famous island, Hormuz. Basra at the head of the Gulf, and Hormuz at its mouth, are names to take you back, as on a Magic Carpet, accompanied by Sindbad the Sailor, to a sandal-scented and romantic past. Until the seventeenth century Hormuz was the Mart of the East, where all the riches of India met in exchange with the pearls of Bahrein, with the attars, the pungent gums, and spicery of Araby the Blest; with dyed garments from Basra, with silks and carved work, damascened weapons, and delicate filigree of silver and gold from Baghdad the Fortunate. Ichabod! The glory has departed, indeed! Not a vestige now remains of it all, save dry ruins, houses crumbled so small that the few poor fishermen who still cling to the place cannot utilise them as dwelliugs, but make for themselves rude wigwams of date-palm leaves. On a low point above the village is the battered but still threatening remnant of a fort built by Albuquerque,

when, in September 1507, the Portuguese seized the place and its riches, and reduced its inhabitants to subjection, with no circumstance omitted of audacity and cruelty. There the Portuguese remained, in complete lordship, until 1622, when, after a siege of three months, Hormuz fell, with Kishm, before John Company's ships, aided by a Persian force. Beside the ruined fort there are many ancient tanks, now empty and dry, out into the rooky heart of the island. In the days of its splendid youth, water for these reservoirs was brought off in skins by boat from the river Minab, ten miles away. There is no other moisture obtainable, save for a saline trickle from the hills after rain. The general appearance of the little island is very remarkable. It consists of a rounded lump of hills, with three or four central conical peaks, seven hundred feet high. The lower parts, all completely barren, are striped, and patched, and barred with 8 geological "dazzle - painting" in ochre and red, brown, purple, and buff, while the surmounting cones, in strong contrast, are pure white. The whole effect is that of some monstrous pudding, standing on the blueand-white plate of the sea, over whose apex has been poured (in pre-war days!) a large jug of thick cream.

A telegram was waiting us at Bandar Abbás, which ordered us to Maskat, to await the next mail steamer, which was bringing written orders for further survey

work required, before should leave for England. yard. You come into it We sailed at once, rounding Cape Masandam, the Arabian gate post of the Gulf, where it is only twenty-five miles across to the Persian shore, The extremity of the point is a tattered peninsula of hills whose heart is penetrated by deep volcanic fiords, the whole being joined by a narrow neck to the mainland to the southward. On its barren slopes there clings a settlement, said to be formed of the last remnants of the aboriginal inhabitants of Arabia, children of Shem, undiluted by the restless Bedouin blood of Ishmael, the race now dominating the remainder of that highly undesirable land.

I four sides of a central court

It was refreshingly cool at Maskat, outside the Gulf limits, for the Monsoon had "broken." The gracious meisture and coolness which the Monsoon brings across the sea to India does not actually reach these deserts; but it affects the whole Indian ocean generally, so that every coastline bathed by its waters rejoices therein. The five days that followed at Maskat, while we waited for the mail, were pleasant enough. There was a good deal of back surveywork to be plotted and reports to be written, and the busy days on board the ship were usually ended by cheerful sundownings at the Residency, with tennis and tea. The Residency was a house, however, to be approached with some circumspection, in spite of the hospitality of its inhabitants. It is built around the

through an archway at the back, and find a broad flight of stairs on the right hand, leading to the cool verandah and living-rooms on the first floor, which thus are well raised above the heat of the ground, and look widely forth on the harbour. Mrs Resident was a lady whose kindness of heart extended itself far past the plane of humanity, and reached down, even, to our distant and nasty little relatives, the Apes. She kept, in the courtyard of the Resideney, a collection of the more highly-coloured of these creatures. No Thames barge, brilliant in red, blue, and yellow, can display more startlingly effective bows, or a more originally conceived stern decoration than could these Simian guardians of the stairs; and no bargee ever had such a command of the language of exeoration as they. They gnashed their teeth, yearningly, at the unfortunate visitor; they leapt and danced at the full extent of their straining waist-chains, clucking and gibbering at him, or hideously shrieking battle, murder, and sudden death; they seized the hand-railmercifully a stout one, and they could only just reach itand shook it in impotent fury. In brief, they put the wind up you. By closely hugging the wall on the starboard hand, and not hauling to the wind again, until well past these dangers, it was, however, just possible to circumnavigate them; and the delightful wel

treble awnings. Nothing could be done outside that proteotion until about six o'clock in the evening, when an hour might be snatched before darkness closed the scene. Laft could not therefore be considered as a possibility for a "naval base," in spite of its other decided advantages.

It was late in June when we steamed back through Clarence Strait, and anchored at its eastern entrance off the town of Bandar Abbás, which stands on the mainland here, and is faced by that famous island, Hormuz. Basra at the head of the Gulf, and Hormuz at its mouth, are names to take you back, as on a Magio Carpet, accompanied by Sindbad the Sailor, to a sandal-scented and romantic past. Until the seventeenth century Hormuz was the Mart of the East, where all the riohes of India met in exchange with the pearls of Bahrein, with the attars, the pungent gums, and spicery of Araby the Blest; with dyed garments from Basra, with silks and carved work, damascened weapons, and delicate filigree of silver and gold from Baghdad the Fortunate. Ichabod! The glory has departed, indeed! Not a vestige now remains of it all, save dry ruins, houses crumbled so small that the few poor fishermen who still cling to the place cannot utilise them as dwelliugs, but make for themselves rude wigwams of date-palm leaves. On a low point above the village is the battered but still threatening remnant of a fort built by Albuquerque,

when, in September 1507, the Portuguese seized the place and its riches, and reduced its inhabitants to subjection, with no circumstance omitted of audacity and cruelty. There the Portuguese remained, in complete lordship, until 1622, when, after a siege of three months, Hormuz fell, with Kishm, before John Company's ships, aided by a Persian force. Beside the ruined fort there are many ancient tanks, now empty and dry, out into the rocky heart of the island. In the days of its splendid youth, water for these reservoirs was brought off in skins by boat from the river Minab, ten miles away. There is no other moisture obtainable, save for a saline trickle from the hills after rain. The general appearance of the little island is very remarkable. It consists of a rounded lump of hills, with three or four central conical peaks, seven hundred feet high. The lower parts, all completely barren, are striped, and patched, and barred with 8 geological "dazzle - painting" in ochre and red, brown, purple, and buff, while the surmounting cones, in strong contrast, are pure white. The whole effect is that of some monstrous pudding, standing on the blueand-white plate of the sea, over whose apex has been poured (in pre-war days!) a large jug of thick cream.

A telegram was waiting us at Bandar Abbás, which ordered us to Maskat, to await the next mail steamer, which was bringing written orders for further survey

work required, before I four sides of a central courtshould leave for England. We sailed at once, rounding Cape Masandam, the Arabian gate post of the Gulf, where it is only twenty-five miles across to the Persian shore. The extremity of the point is a tattered peninsula of hills whose heart is penetrated by deep volcanic fiords, the whole being joined by a narrow neck to the mainland to the southward. On its barren slopes there olings a settlement, said to be formed of the last remnants of the aboriginal inhabitants of Arabia, children of Shem, undiluted by the restless Bedouin blood of Ishmael, the race now dominating the remainder of that highly undesirable land.

It was refreshingly cool at Maskat, outside outside the Gulf limits, for the Monsoon had "broken." The gracious moisture and coolness which the Monsoon brings across the sea to India does not actually reach these deserts; but it affects the whole Indian ocean generally, so that every coastline bathed by its waters rejoices therein. The five days that followed at Maskat, while we waited for the mail, were pleasant enough. There was a good deal of back surveywork to be plotted and reports to be written, and the busy days on board the ship were usually ended by cheerful sundownings at the Residency, with tennis and tea. The Residency was a house, however, to be approached with some circumspection, in spite of the hospitality of its inhabitants. It is built around the

yard. You come into it through an archway at the back, and find a broad flight of stairs on the right hand, leading to the oool verandah and living-rooms on the first floor, which thus are well raised above the heat of the ground, and look widely forth on the harbour. Mrs Resident was a lady whose kindness of heart extended itself far past the plane of humanity, and reached down, even, to our distant and nasty little relatives, the Apes. She kept, in the courtyard of the Resideney, a collection of the more highly-coloured of these creatures. No Thames barge, brilliant in red, blue, and yellow, can display more startlingly effective bows, or a more originally conceived stern decoration than could these Simian guardians of the stairs; and no bargee ever had such a command of the language of execration as they. They gnashed their teeth, yearningly, at the unfortunate visitor; they leapt and danced at the full extent of their straining waist-chains, clucking and gibbering at him, or hideously shrieking battle, murder, and sudden death; they seized the hand-railmercifully a stout one, and they could only just reach itand shook it in impotent fury. In brief, they put the wind up you. By closely hugging the wall on the starboard hand, and not hauling to the wind again, until well past these dangers, it was, however, just possible to circumnavigate them; and the delightful wel

come that greeted the visitor to carry the tea things up that on the top landing made quite atrocious precipice. In my well worth the Passage Peril- cowardly and sympathising ous below. One day there was heart I could not blame him. to be a picnic, which (it was Not so Mrs Resident. With so arranged) was to take place high originality of method, on the top of the steep rooky and entire knowledge of orags that rose immediately human-and especially of behind the Residency, to a Arab-nature, she summoned height of about three hundred to the verandah her whole feet. There was no path, it household, there seemed to was real mountaineering, and be about twenty of them. involved stepping upwards, Selim was then ceremoniously nearly perpendicularly, from conducted to the largest and one dangerous and precarious grandest chair, while the refoothold to the next. It was mainder of the "boys" were supposed to be cooler up there directed to pass before him, than on the shady verandah, there enthroned, and to salaam, and in any case it was a deep and lowly, proffering rechange. Such pionies had speotful salutations to one who often taken place before, and had grown so great as even to special wooden trays, upon equal the Mem Sahib in the which to carry up the tea giving of orders-the very things, formed part of the Mem herself, upon whom the Residential equipment. No eyes of all, hitherto, had diminution was permitted in waited! It was great fun; the glory of the repast. It and no strike was ever more was set forth on the topmost effectively or good-humouredly orag as exquisitely as on the broken. By the time the fourth verandah; the silver, the linen, reverential mocker had passed, the delicate china-all had to Selim had had enough of it. be carried up by the "house- He leapt from the chair, seized boys." No difference whatever his tray of silver, and preswas allowed, and they must ently, with several others, his have been jugglers of no mean chamois - assistants, was soalattainments to have scaled ing the difficult peaks, where these precipices, as they con- presently we followed them, stantly did, carrying the deeply impressed. heavy trays, without either smashing or spilling anything. When we, from the Sphinx, arrived that afternoon and had successfully evaded the raging monkeys, we were in time to witness an impressive scene and to learn a lesson in household management.

It appeared that Selim, head house-boy, had struck! He had refused point-blank again

The mail steamer came at last, and the orders she brought were for us to visit, and report on, Chahbar, a good-sized bay, 150 miles away on the Makran coast, opposite Maskat— whether Persian or Beluchi, it would be difficult to say. It was of strategio importance, and that was enough for us. We sailed immediately for that delectable spot, and spent

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