ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1892, BY W. H. MICHAEL, IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, AT WASHINGTON. NOTE. The new biographies in this edition are those of Senator Eppa Hunton, of Virginia, successor to Hon. John S. Barbour, deceased, and Hon. Samuel Greeley Hilborn, Third district of California; Hon. John B. Brown, First district of Maryland; Hon. Lewis P. Ohliger, Sixteenth district of Ohio; Hon. William Allen Sipe, Twenty-fourth district of Pennsylvania; Hon. John Loundes McLaurin, Sixth district of South Carolina, and Edwin Le Roy Antony, Ninth district of Texas. The Seventh district of New Jersey and the Second district of New York are vacant. The subcommittees on the regular appropriation bills of the Senate and House are given as matter often sought for by those having business with Congress. No changes having occurred in the boundaries of Congressional districts since the last edition of the Directory, the maps were not inserted in this edition. The unofficial list of the members of the House of Representatives, Fiftythird Congress, has been carefully revised and corrected as far as possible at this date. MEETING DAYS OF CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. [Committees not given below have no regular meeting days, but meet upon the call of the chairmen.] MEETING DAYS OF CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES. [Committees not given below have no regular meeting days, but meet upon the call of the MONDAY TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY.. FRIDAY chairman.] HOUSE. - Foreign Affairs; Indian Affairs; Judiciary; Mili- SENATE.--Agriculture and Forestry; District of Columbia; HOUSE. - Banking and Currency; Elections; Invalid Pen- |