MEETING DAYS OF CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. [Committees not given below have no regular meeting days, but meet upon the call of the chairmen.] MEETING DAYS OF CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES. [Committees not given below have no regular meeting days, but meet upon the call of the MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY. FRIDAY chairman.] SENATE.-Judiciary; Post-Offices and Post-Roads; Public Lands. HOUSE. - Indian Affairs; Mines and Mining; Patents; Pensions; Printing; Public Lands; Rivers and Harbors. SENATE.-Education and Labor; Finance; Indian Affairs; Pensions. HOUSE. Claims; Elections; Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Indian Affairs; Invalid Pensions; Judiciary; Militia; Naval Affairs; Post-Office and Post-Roads; Ways and Means. _SENATE.—Claims; Foreign Relations; Interstate Commerce; HOUSE. - Agriculture; Coinage, Weights, and Measures; SENATE.-Commerce; Library; Military Affairs; Privileges HOUSE. Foreign Affairs; Indian Affairs; Judiciary; Mili- SENATE.-Agriculture and Forestry; District of Columbia; HOUSE. - Banking and Currency; Elections; Invalid Pen- RATIO OF REPRESENTATION. Constitution, 1789, ratio 30,000, whole number of Representatives. In connection with the above table the following exhibit will be of value: 65 105 141 181 213 240 223 233 243 293 325 356 3, 929, 214 5, 308, 483 7, 239, 881 9, 633, 822 12, 866, 020 17,069, 453 23, 191, 876 31, 443, 321 38, 558, 371 50, 155, 783 1870. Population of the United States 62, 622, 250 |