EXECUTIVE MANSION. (Pennsylvania avenue, between Fifteenth and Seventeenth streets.) President of the United States.-BENJAMIN HARRISON, Executive Mansion. Private Secretary.-E. W. Halford, The Cochran. Assistant Secretary.-O. L. Pruden, 317 Eleventh street, S. W. E. F. Tibbott, 2136 G street, N. W. U. S. District Marshal.-Daniel M. Ransdell, 916 Fifteenth street, N. W. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. (Seventeenth street, south of Pennsylvania avenue.) Secretary of State.-JOHN W. FOSTER, 1405 I street, N. W. Assistant Secretary-Wm. F. Wharton, 1731 K street, N. W. Second Assistant Secretary.-Alvey A. Adee, 1019 Fifteenth street, N. W. Chief Clerk.-Sevellon A. Brown, 2034 O street, N. W. Chief of the Diplomatic Bureau.-Thomas W. Cridler, 407 Eighth street, S. E. Chief of the Bureau of Archives and Indexes.-John H. Haswell, 2025 G street, N. W. Chief of the Bureau of Rolls and Library.-Andrew H. Allen, 1633 Q street, N. W. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. (Fifteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue.) Secretary of the Treasury.-CHARLES FOSTER, 1122 Vermont avenue, N. W. Assistant Secretary.-Oliver L. Spaulding, The Elsmere. Assistant Secretary.-J. H. Gear, The Cochran. Chief Clerk.-Fred. A. Stocks, 101 Thirteenth street, N. W. Appointment Division.-Chief, Daniel Macauley, 902 T street, N. W. Warrant Division.-Chief, W. F. Maclennan, 728 Twentieth street, N. W. Public Moneys.-Chief, Eugene B. Daskam, 1423 R street, N. W. Customs Division.-Chief, John M. Comstock, 815 Vermont avenue, N. W. Revenue Marine Division.-Acting Chief, L. G. Shepard, 1807 Nineteenth street, N. W. Stationery Division.-Chief, A. L. Sturtevant, Howard avenue, Mount Pleasant. Loans and Currency Division.-Chief, A. T. Huntington, Vienna, Va. Mail and Files Division.-Chief, John Nichols, 646 East Capitol street. Supervising Special Agent of the Treasury Department.-A. K. Tingle, Spring street, rear Disbursing Clerk.-George A. Bartlett, Park street, Mount Pleasant. Disbursing Clerk.-Thomas J. Hobbs, 1622 H street. Private Secretary to Secretary of the Treasury.-R. J. Wynne, 1718 Thirteenth street, N. W. SUPERVISING ARCHITECT'S OFFICE. (In Treasury Building.) Supervising Architect.-W. J. Edbrooke, Willard's Hotel. Assistant and Chief Clerk.-H. C. McLean, 115 Maryland avenue, N. E. Law and Contract Division.-Chief, St. Julien B. Dapray, 1107 Thirteenth street, N. W Engineering and Drafting Division.-Chief, James P. Low, 1328 Corcoran street, N. W. Computing Division.-Chief, F. W. Pease, 1800 Eighth street, N. W. Construction Division.-Chief, O. G. Forrer, 101 E street, S. E. Account Division.-Chief, P. S. Garretson, 1341 T street, N. W. Tracing Division.-Chief, Chas. Ridgeway, 1515 R street, N. W. Record and File Division.—Chief, F. Milliken, 1722 Corcoran street, N. W. BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING. (Fourteenth and B streets, S. W.) Chief of Bureau.-William M. Meredith, 1412 Stoughton street, N. W. Accountant.-Edwin Lamasure, 216 Twelfth street, S. W. Engraving Division.—Superintendent, Geo. W. Casilear, 3019 N street, Georgetown. Custodian Dies, Rolls, and Plates.-John T. Williams, 45 Massachusetts avenue, N. W. SECRET-SERVICE DIVISION. (Treasury Department Building.) Chief-Andrew L. Drummond, 1529 Corcoran street, N. W. OFFICE STEAMBOAT INSPECTION. (Maltby Building, New Jersey avenue and B street, N. W.) Supervising Inspector-General.—James A. Dumont, 216 A street, S. E. Chief of Bureau.-S. G. Brock, 1426 Q street, N. W. Chief Clerk.-J. N. Whitney, 1403 H street, N. W. Examining and Revising Division.—Chief, E. J. Keferstein, 1636 Sixteenth street, N. W. LIFE-SAVING SERVICE. (Treasury Department Building.) General Superintendent.—S. I. Kimball, 1316 Rhode Island avenue. (In Treasury Department Building.) Comptroller.-A. C. Matthews, 920 Fourteenth street, N. W. Deputy Comptroller.—J. R. Garrison, 1427 R street, N. W. Division of Judiciary Accounts.-Chief, Louis C. Ferrell, 1407 Rhode Island avenue, N. W. Division of Internal-Revenue and Miscellaneous Accounts.-Chief, Roch. F. Robb, 1344 Vermont avenue. Division of Warrants and Records, Public Lands, and Territorial Accounts.—Chief, Dan. A. Grosvenor, 1210 G street, N. W. Division of Foreign Intercourse and Public Debt.-Chief, Alexander McArthur, 1101 K street, N. W. Division of District of Columbia Accounts.-Acting Chief, John J. Glover, 1505 R street, N. W. SECOND COMPTROLLER'S office. (In Treasury Department Building.) Comptroller.-B. F. Gilkeson, 1920 Sunderland Place. Deputy.-E. N. Hartshorn, 805 O street, N. W. Army Back Pay and Bounty Division.-Collin Peebles, 513 Spruce street, LeDroit Park. Navy Division.-Geo. H. French, 1701 T street, N. W. Quartermasters' Division.-E. S. Norton, 214 New Jersey avenue, N. W. Army Paymasters' Division.-T. O. W. Roberts, Brightseat, Md. Indian Division.-W. M. Henry, 1915 H street, N. W. Miscellaneous Division.-Frank Swigart, 1402 Stoughton street, N. W. Army Pension Division.-Benj. S. Pike, 2040 I street, N. W. COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS. (In Treasury Department Building.) Commissioner.-Samuel V. Holliday, 1101 Twenty-fourth street, N. W. Customs Division.-Chief, H. E. Hoard, 120 Fourth street, S. E. Division of Appointments, Bonds, Refunds, and Records.-Chief, Thos. S. Chappell, 819 North avenue, Baltimore, Md. REGISTER OF THE TREASURY. (In Treasury Department Building.) Register.-William S. Rosecrans, Willard's Hotel. Assistant Register.-Henry H. Smith, 1513 O street, N. W. Loan Division.-Chief, A. M. Hughes, jr., 516 M street, N. W. Receipts and Expenditures Division.-Chief, J. H. Beatty, 610 East Capitol street. FIRST AUDITOR. (In Treasury Department Building.) Auditor.-George P. Fisher, 1754 M street, N. W. Deputy.-A. F. McMillan, 1311 Wallach Place, N. W. Judiciary Division.-Chief, Clark M. Watson, 122 Massachusetts avenue, N. W. Public Debt Division.-Acting Chief, A. B. Jameson, 1602 Vermont avenue, N. W. Miscellaneous Division.—Chief, J. A. Sparks, The Rochester, corner Thirteenth and G streets, N. W. Warehouse and Bond Division.-Chief, Ezekiel Dawson, 907 Twenty-second street, N. W. Mint and Sub-treasury Division.-Acting Chief, H. C. Stier, 1331 Corcoran street. SECOND AUDITOR. (Winder's Building, corner of Seventeenth and F streets, N. W.) Auditor.-J. N. Patterson, 822 Connecticut avenue, N. W. Deputy.-J. H. Franklin, 1433 L street, N. W. Paymasters' Division.-Chief, M. J. Hull, The Franklin. Book-keepers' Division.-Chief, Thomas Rathbone, Hyattsville, Md. Indian Division.-Chief, Charles C. Snow, 1737 Ninth street, N. W. Pay and Bounty Division.-Chief, H. A. Whallon, Alexandria County, Virginia. Archives Division.-Chief, Geo. A. Bailey, 435 Missouri avenue, N. W. Property Division.—Chief, Charles Lowell, 702 Nineteenth street, N. W. Ordnance, Medical, and Miscellaneous Division.—Chief, T. S. Parks, 916 French street, N. W. Inquiries and Replies Division.-Chief, Solomon E. Faunce, 929 New York avenue, N. W. Division for Investigation of Fraud.-Chief, J. Q. A. Pfeiffer, 121 C street, S. E. Mail Division.-Chief, Theophilus Gaines, 608 East Capitol street. Old Army Division.-Chief, C. G. Heath, 931 K street, N. W. Disbursing Clerk.—Francis H. Goodall, 932 P street, N. W. THIRD AUDITOR. (In Treasury Building ) Auditor.-William H. Hart, 2313 M street, N. W. Deputy.-A. D. Shaw, 1334 New York avenue, N. W. FOURTH AUDITOR. (In Treasury Building.) Auditor.-John R. Lynch, 1511 Corcoran street, N. W. Deputy.-A. J. Whitaker, 1928 Fifteenth street, N. W. Claim Division.-In charge, Robert Kearon, 614 M street, N. W. Navy Pay and Pension Division.-Chief, Robert H. Terrell, 1415 Corcoran street, N. W. Paymasters' Division.-Chief, L. K. Brown, 134 C street, S. E. Record and Prize Division.—In charge, B. P. Mimmack, 1763 Q street, N. W. Book-keepers' Division.-Chief, Theo. F. Lang, 2409 North Calvert street, Baltimore, Md. FIFTH AUDITOR. (In Treasury Department Building.) Auditor.-Ernst G. Timme, 1309 L street, N. W. Deputy.-J. Lee Tucker, 102 Eleventh street, S. E. Internal Revenue Collectors' Division.-Chief, H. Borchsenius, 812 Thirteenth street, N. W. Miscellaneous Division.-Chief, John Stevenson, 2248 M street, N. W. Diplomatic and Consular Division.-Chief, A. O. Latham, 1306 R street, N. W. SIXTH AUDITOR. (In Post-Office Department Building.) Auditor.-T. B. Coulter, 1723 De Sales street, N. W. Deputy. John I. Rankin, 1429 R street, N. W. Chief Clerk.-Boone Chambers, 603 F street, N. W. Disbursing Clerk.-T. D. Keleher, 409 A street, S. E. Examining Division.—Chief, E. S. Rockwell, 920 Fourteenth street, N. W. Collecting Division.-Chief, M. M. Holland, Fifth and Colfax streets, N. W. TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES. (In Treasury Building.) Treasurer.-E. H. Nebeker, The Cochran. Assistant Treasurer.-J. W. Whelpley, 800 East Capitol street. Assistant Cashier.-James F. Meline, 1747 Corcoran street, N. W. Receiving Teller.-G. C. Bantz, 2107 Oak street, Baltimore, Md. Assistant Teller.-D. W. Herriott, 1554 Howard avenue, Mount Pleasant. Accounts Division.-Chief, D. W. Harrington, near Alexandria, Va. Division of Issues.-Chief, James A. Sample, 1344 Riggs street, N. W. National-Bank Division.--Chief, Jason E. Baker, 2014 Portner place, N. W. Principal Book-keeper.-Sherman Platt, 1425 Q street, N. W. Assistant Book-keeper.-A. D. Johnston, 1332 V street, N. W. National Bank Redemption Agency.—Superintendent, Thos. E. Rogers, 523 Spruce street, Le Droit Park. COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. (In Treasury Building.) Comptroller.-A. B. Hepburn, The Arlington Hotel. Deputy Comptroller.-R. M. Nixon, 25 La Fayette square. Chief Clerk.-Hopkins J. Hanford, 1413 Rhode Island avenue. Organization Division.-Chief, E. Z. Perkins, 1317 Riggs street. Division of Reports.—Chief, George M. Coffin, 1421 Twentieth street, N. W. Redemption Division.—Superintendent, G. W. Robertson, 1217 K street, N. W. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE. (In Treasury Building.) Commissioner.-John W. Mason, 1415 Hopkins street. Solicitor-Alphonso Hart, Kensington, Montgomery County, Md. Chief Clerk and Appointment Division.—Henry C. Rogers, 1746 M street, N. W. Stamp Division.-Chief, Charles M. Shinn, 633 East Capitol street. Division of Distilled Spirits.-Chief, Thomas A. Cushing, 1333 N street N. W. Division of Revenue Agents.—Chief, F. D. Sewall, 1338 H street, N. W. Division of Accounts.-Chief, Samuel H. Goodman, Brown street, Mount Pleasant, D. C. Sugar Bounty Division.—Chief, J. B. T. Tupper, 1316 Nineteenth street, N. W. DIRECTOR OF THE MINT. (In Treasury Building.) Director of the Mint.-Edward O. Leech, 1216 L street, N. W. Examiner.-R. E. Preston, 53 K street, N. E. Computor of Bullion.-B. F. Butler, 418 Maple avenue, Le Droit Park. BUREAU OF NAVIGATION. (In Treasury Building.) Commissioner of Navigation.-E. C. O'Brien, The Arlington. Deputy Commissioner.-Thomas B. Sanders, 2309 M street, N. W. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD. (In Treasury Building.) Chairman.-Rear Admiral James A. Greer, U. S. N., 2010 Hillyer Place. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. (Coast and Geodetic Survey Building, south of the Capitol.) Superintendent.-T. C. Mendenhall, 8 B street, N. E. Assistant in charge of Office.-B. A. Colonna, 138 B street, N. E. Hydrographic Inspector.-Lieut. Commander S. M. Ackley, U. S. A., 1711 H street, N. W. Naval Paymaster.-Paymaster H. T. Wright, 1516 P street, N. W. MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE. (Supervising Surgeon-General's Office, 3 B street, S. E.) Supervising Surgeon-General.-Walter Wyman, The Cochran. ASSISTANTS. Surgeon H. W. Austin, No. 1214 Eighteenth street N. W. Surgeon F. W. Mead, 25 Lafayette square. Passed Assistant Surgeon J. J. Kinyoun, 210 New Jersey avenue, S. E. SUPERINTENDENT OF IMMIGRATION. Superintendent of Immigration.-W. D. Owen, 1323 M street, N. W. WAR DEPARTMENT. (Seventeenth street, south of Pennsylvania avenue.) Secretary of War.—STEPHEN B. ELKINS, 1435 K street, N. W. Chief Clerk.-John Tweedale, 911 Rhode Island avenue. Disbursing Clerk.-William S. Yeatman, 505 Second street, N. W. Record Division.-Chief, Samuel Hodgkins, 1335 Q street, N. W. Correspondence Division.-Chief, John B. Randolph, 1636 Fifteenth street, N. W. Requisition and Accounts Division.-In Charge, Charles B. Tanner, cor. Fifteenth street and Kenesaw avenue, Mt. Pleasant. Supply Division.-Chief, Martin R. Thorp, 1709 G street, N. W. Private Secretary to Secretary of War.-S. D. Miller, 1808 Massachusetts avenue, N. W. Stenographer.-B. W. Hanna, 1009 New Hampshire avenue. Private Secretary to Assistant Secretary of War.-J. C. Grant, The Elsmere. HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY. (In War Department Building.) Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield, Commanding the Army, 1224 Connecticut avenue. First Lieut. T. H. Bliss, First Artillery, 1911 N street, N. W. Second Lieut. R. M. Schofield, Fourth Cavalry, 2024 Hillyer Place. Assistant Adjutant-General.-Bvt. Brig. Gen. T. M. Vincent, 1221 N street, N. W. Chief Clerk.-J. B. Morton, 127 D street, S. E. OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT-GENERAL. (In War Department Building.) Adjutant-General.—Brig. Gen. R. Williams, 2029 Hillyer Place. Maj. A. MacArthur, jr., 1618 Rhode Island avenue. Chief Clerk.-R. P. Thian, 3311 N street, Georgetown. OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL. (In War Department Building.) Inspector-General.-Brig. Gen. Jos. C. Breckinridge, 1314 Connecticut avenue. Chief Clerk.-Warren H. Orcutt, 509 East Capitol street. |