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persuaded you will not think me insincere when I say, that I also feel the tenderest affection for you and all yours, and therefore could but, can but, sympathize with you on a loss which none but God could make up. And Oh what great things has he done for you my dear! When I have written to you on former anniversaries of this mournful event, I have only guessed at your supports; but now I have been an eye-witness to the aboundings of your consolation. Has he not proved himself, by a thousand instances, to be a God of love to you, and "that like as a father pitieth his children, "so the LORD pitieth them that fear him?" And how ought this to animate my dear

to future exercises of trust and confidence! because,

'Each sweet Ebenezer she has in review,

'Confirms his good pleasure to help her quite through.'

Yes, even to bring her weary feet to rest

with him she loved on earth, and to be with Jesus. This seems to be the consummation of bliss, to see His face, to have done with sin; and then farewell sorrow for ever and ever! Oh, how this body of sin and death, discovering itself in a thousand new and unthought of ways, bears down the spirits, and brings a dark and separating cloud between GOD and the soul! Your dear husband has done with all this, and is singing victory, victory, through the blood of the Lamb. Ere long I trust we shall also join the song. Believe me,

Your affectionate and obliged,

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and another that,

GOD, my dear

through the mercy of our has been in a fair way of

being restored to health and strength. I trust you will believe me when I say, I felt much for her, and for you all indeed, during her illness; and can therefore heartily rejoice with you on her recovery. Oh! how much reason have we all to be thankful for the innumerable instances of mercy and kindness with which we are continually surrounded! And again, how much cause for lamentation, when we reflect on our ungrateful abuse of them! The LORD continues to be very kind to me in every respect. Through his mercy, my dear partner and sweet babe continue quite well. The latter grows very much indeed, and affords me daily pleasure and gratification in doing all that I can for him. But some important things there are which I cannot do for him; these may I learn to leave to the LORD who is good as well as just, and will I trust (which is my daily

prayer) remember him in the best sense. He is righteous in all his ways, as well as holy in all his works.

Believe me truly your affectionate


M. C.

St. Peter's,

I intreat you my dear --to pardon my long silence, as I assure you, neglect of the subjects contained in your last favours has not prevented my addressing you; but a sense of the very great import of the contents, particularly that of the latter, wherein you acquaint me with your intention of changing your state in the course of this week. Permit me, though younger than yourself, to intreat you to beware of placing too great an attachment on those things which seem naturally to attract your atten

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tion at this juncture. The world and all its affairs, prosperous and adverse, are trifles when compared with that eternity, to which, as the subjects of mortality, we are hastening. It should then, be our great concern so to live, as we shall wish we had when we come to die; and bear with me, when I remind you, that as you are on the verge of entering on a new relation, new duties are attendant on such a situation. A master of a family is more or less accountable for the conduct of his wife, his servants, and his children. Let me intreat you then, to form this holy resolution, of an honoured servant of God, that as for you and your house, you will serve the Lord. I cannot think this only meant as a bare acknowledgement of a supreme Being; but I am persuaded there is implied in it an observance of family-worship, especially prayer, whereby we evidently testify to others our dependence on GOD for every mercy we receive, and implore his assistance for further protection.

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