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For relieving the territory from the evils of long-distance government by arbitrary and interlocking bureaucratic regulation, and to that end we urge the speedy passage of a law containing the essential features of the Lane-Curry bill now pending co-ordinating and consolidating all federal control of natural resources under one department to be administered by a non-partisan board permanently resident in the territory.

For the fullest measure of territorial self-government with the view to ultimate statehood, with jurisdiction over all matters not of purely federal concern, including fisheries and game, and for an intelligent administration of federal control we believe that all officials appointed should be qualified by previous bona fide residence in the territory.

For a comprehensive system of road construction with increased appropriations and the full extension of the Federal Road Aid Act to Alaska.

For the extension to Alaska of the Federal Farm Loan Act.


The policy of the United States with reference to the non-admission of Asiatic immigrants is a true expression of the judgment of our people, and to the several states whose geographical situation or internal conditions make this policy and the enforcement of the laws enacted pursuant thereto of particular concern, we pledge our support.


The efficiency of the Post Office Department has been vindicated against a malicious and designing assault by the efficiency of its operation. Its rco a Polres assailants. Their voices are silenced and their charges have collapsed.

We commend the work of the Joint Commission on the Re-classification of Salaries of Postal Employes, recently concluded, which Commission was created by a Democratic administration. The Democratic party has always favored and will continue to favor the fair and just treatment of all Government employes.


We resent the unfounded reproaches directed against the Democratic administration for alleged interference with the freedom of the press and freedom of speech. No utterance from any quarter has been assailed, and no publication has been repressed which has not been animated by treasonable purpose, and directed against the nation's peace, order and security in time of war.

We reaffirm our respect for the great principles of free speech and a free press. but assert as an indisputable proposition that they afford no toleration of enemy propaganda or the advocacy of the overthrow of the Government of the State or nation by force or violence.


The shocking disclosure of the lavish use of money by aspirants for the Republican nomination for the highest office in the gift of the people has created a painful impression throughout the country. Viewed in connection with the recent conviction of a Republican Senator from the State of Michigan for the criminal transgression of the law limiting expenditures on behalf of a candidate for the United States Senate, it indicates the re-entry, under Republican auspices, of money as an influential factor in elections, thus nullifying the letter and flaunting the spirit of numerous laws, enacted by the people, to protect the ballot from the contamination of corrupt practices. We deplore these delinquencies and invoke their stern popular rebuke, pledging our earnest efforts to a strengthening of the present statutes against corrupt practices, and their rigorous enforcement.

We remind the people that it was only by the return of a Republican Senator in Michigan, who is now under conviction and sentence for the criminal misuse of money in his election, that the present organization of the Senate with a Republican majority was made possible.


Believing that we have kept the Democratic faith and resting our claims to the confidence of the people not upon grandiose promises, but upon the solid performances of our party, we submit our record to the nation's consideration and ask that the pledges of this platform be appraised in the light of that record.



Chairman-Edmund T. Melms, 579 Eighth Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Secretary and Treasurer--Otto Branstetter, 1752 Park Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Headquarters-220 South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois.


convened at New York, New York, Saturday, May 8, 1920, and adjourned Friday, May 14th. Reconvened at Washington, District of Columbia, May 15, 1920, and adjourned the same day. Nominated for President: Eugene V. Debs, of Terre Haute, Indiana; for Vice-President: Seymour Stedman, 1108 East Marquette Road, Chicago, Illinois. Adopted on May 13th the following


In the national campaign of 1920 the Socialist party calls upon all American workers of hand and brain, and upon all citizens who believe in political liberty and social justice, to free the country from the oppressive misrule of the old political parties, and to take the government into their own hands under the banner and upon the program of the Socialist party.

The outgoing administration, like Democratic and Republican administrations of the past, leaves behind it a disgraceful record of solemn pledges unscrupulously broken and public confidence ruthlessly betrayed.

It obtained the suffrage of the people on a platform of peace, liberalism and social betterment, but drew the country into a devastating war, and inaugurated a regime o. despotism, reaction and oppression unsurpassed in the annals of the republic.

It promised to the American people a treaty which would assure to the world a reign of international right and true democracy. It gave its sanction and support to an infamous pact formulated behind closed doors by predatory elder statesmen of European and Asiatic Imperialism. Under this pact territories have been annexed against the will of their populations and cut off from their source of sustenance; nations seeking their freedom in the exercise of the much heralded right of selfdetermination, have been brutally fought with armed force, intrigue and starvation blockades.

To the millions of young men who staked their lives on the field of battle to the people of the country who gave unstintingly of their toil and property to support the war, the Democratic administration held out the sublime ideal of a union of the peoples of the world organized to maintain perpetual peace among nations on the basis of justice and freedom. It helped create a reactionary alliance of imperialistic governments, banded together to bully weak nations, crush working class governments and perpetuate strife and warfare.

While thus furthering the ends of reaction, violence and oppression abroad, our administration suppressed the cherished and fundamental rights and civil liberties at home.

Upon the pretext of war-time necessity, the Chief Executive of the republic, and the appointed heads of his administration were clothed with dictatorial powers (which were often exercised arbitrarily), and Congress enacted laws in open and direct violation of the constitutional safeguards of freedom of expression.

Hundreds of citizens who raised their voices for the maintenance of political and industrial rights during the war, were indicted under the Espionage Law, tried ir an atmosphere of prejudice and hysteria, and many of them are now serving inhumanly long jail sentences for daring to uphold the traditions of liberty which once were sacred in this country.

Agents of the Federal Government unlawfully raided homes and meeting places and prevented or broke up peaceable gatherings of citizens.

The postmaster-general established a censorship of the press more autocratic than ever tolerated in a regime of absolutism, and has harrassed and destroyed publications on account of their advanced political and economic views, by excluding them from the mails.

And after the war was in fact long over, the administration has not scrupled to co tinu a policy of repression and terrorism under the shadow and hypocritical guise of war-time measures.

It has practically imposed involuntary servitude and peonage on a large class of American workers by denying them the right to quit work and coercing them into acceptance of inadequate wages and onerous conditions of labor. It has dealt a foul blow to the traditional American right of asylum by deporting hundreds of for sign born workers by administrative order, on the mere suspicion of harboring radical views, and often for the sinister purpose of breaking labor strikes.

In the short span of three years our self-styled liberal administration has succeeded in undermining the very foundation of political liberty and economic rights, which this republic has built up in more than a century of struggle and progress. Under the cloak of a false and hypocritical patriotism and under the protection of governmental terror the Democratic administration has given the ruling classes


unrestrained license to plunder the people by intensive exploitation of labor, by the extortion of enormous profits, and by increasing the cost of all necessities of life. Profiteering has become reckless and rampant, billions have been coined by capitalists out of the suffering and misery of their fellow men. The American financial oligarchy has become a dominant factor in the world, while the condition of the American workers has grown more precarious.

The respo, sibility do s not rest upon the Democratic party alone. The Republican party through its representatives in Congress and otherwise, has not only openly condo ed the pontical misdeeds of the last three years, but has sought to outdo it Democratic rival in the orgy of political reaction and repression. Its criticism of the Democratic administrative policy is that it is not reactionary and drastic enough. America is now at the parting of the roads. If the outraging of political liberty. and concentration of economic power into the hands of the few is permitted to go on, it can have only one consequence, the reduction of the country to a state of absolute capitalist despotism.

We particularly denounce the militaristic policy of both old parties of investing countless hundreds of millions of dollars in armaments after the victorious cora, of what was to have been the "last war.' We call attention to the fatal results of such a program in Europe, carried on prior to 1914, and culminating in the Great War; we declare that such a policy, adding unbearable burdens to the working class and to all the people, can lead only to the complete Prussianization of the nation, and ultimately to war; and we demand immediate and compete abandonment of this fatal program.

The Socialist party sounds the warning. It calls upon the people to defeat both parties at the polls, and to elect the candidates of the Socialist party to the end of restoring political democracy and bringing about complete industrial freedom.

The Socialist party of the United States therefore summons all who believe i this fundamental doctrine to prepare for a complete reorganization of our social system, based upon public ownership of public necessities; upon government by representatives chosen from occupational as well as from geographical groups, in h ony with our industrial development; and with citizenship based on service; that we may end forever the exploitation of class by class.

To achieve this end the Socialist party pledges itself to the following program:


All business vitally essential for the existence and welfare of the people, such as railroads, express service, steamship lines, telegraphs, mines, oil wells, power plants, elevators, packing houses, cold storage plants and all industries operating on a national scale, should be taken over by the nation.

All publicly owned industries should be administered jointly by the Government and representatives of the workers, not for revenue or profit, but with the sole object of securing just compensation and humane conditions of employment to the workers and efficient and reasonable service to the public.

All banks should be acquired by the Government and incorporated in a unified public banking system.

business of insurance should be taken over by the Government, and should be extended to include insurance against accident, sickness, invalidity, old age and unemployment, without contr bution on the part of the worker.

Congress should enforce the provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments with reference to the Negroes, and effective Federal legislation should be enacted to secure to the Negroes full civil, political, industrial and educational rights.


Congress should enact effective laws to abolish child labor, to fix minimum wages, based on an ascertained cost of a decent standard of life, to protect migratory and unemployed workers from oppression, to abolish detective and strike-breaking agencies and to establish a shorter work-day in keeping with increased industrial productivity.


The constitutional freedom of speech, press and assembly should be restored by repealing the Espionage Law and all other repressive legislation, and by prohibiting the executive usurpation of authority.

All prosecutions under the Espionage Law should be discontinued, and all persons serving prison sentences for alleged offenses growing out of religious beliefs, political views or industrial activities should be fully pardoned and immediately releas d

No alien should be deported from the United States on account of his political views or participation in labor struggles, nor in any event without proper trial on specific charges. The arbitrary power to deport aliens by administrative order should be repealed.

The power of the courts to restrain workers in their struggles against employers by the writ of injunction or otherwise, and their power to nullify Congressional legislation, should be abrogated.

Federal judges should be elected by the people and be subject to recall. The President and the Vice-President of the United States should be elected by direct popular election, and be subject to recall. All members of the Cabinet should be elected by Congress and be responsible at all times to the vote thereof. Suffrage should be equal and unrestricted in fact as well as in law for all men and women throughout the nation.

Because of the striet residential qualification of suffrage in this country, millions of citizens are disfranchised in every election; adequate provision should be made for the registration and voting of migratory voters.

The Constitution of the United States should be amended to strengthen the safeguards of civil and political liberty, and to remove all obstacles to industrial and social reform, and reconstruction, including the changes enumerated in this program, in keeping with the will and interest of the people. It should be made amendable by a majority of the voters of the nation upon their own initiative, or upon the initiative of Congress.


All claims of the United States against allied countries for loans made during the war should be cancelled upon the understanding that all war debts among such countries shall likewise be cancelled. The largest possible credit in food, raw material and machinery should be extended to the stricken nations of Europe in order to help them rebuild the ruined world.

The Government of the United States should initiate a movement to dissolve the mischievous organization called the "League of Nations" and to create an international parlame, t, composed of democratically elected representatives of all nations of the world, based upon the recognition of their equal rights, the principles of self-determination, the right to national existence of colonies and other dependencies, freedom of international trade and trade routes by land and sea, and universal disarmament, and be charged with revising the Treaty of Peace on the principles of justice and conciliation.

The United States should immediately make peace with the Central Powers and open commercial and diplomatic relations with Russia under the Soviet Government. It should promptly recognize the independence of the Irish Republic.

The United States should make and proclaim it a fixed principle in its foreign policy that American capitalists, who acquire concessions or make investments in foreign countries, do so at their own risk, and under no circumstances should our Government enter into diplomatic negotiations or controversies or resort to armed conflicts on account of foreign property-claims of American capitalists.


All war debts and other debts of the Federal Government should immediately be paid off in full, the funds for such payment to be raised by means of a progressive property tax, whose burdens should fall upon the rich and particularly upon great fortunes made during the war.

A standing progressive income tax and a graduated inheritance tax should be levied to provide for all reeds of the Government, including the cost of its increasing social and industrial functions

The unearned increment of land should be taxed, all land held out of use should be taxed at full rental value.



Chairman-Virgil G. Hinshaw, Chicago, Illinois.

Vice-Chairman-Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith, 1024 Third Avenue, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Secretary-Mrs. Frances E. Beauchamp, Lexington, Kentucky.

Treasurer-H. P. Faris, Clinton, Missouri.

Headquarters-6 South Fifth Avenue, La Grange, Illinois.

National Committeomen from Pennsylvania--Byron E. P. Prugh, Harrisburg, Dauphin County; Elisha Kent Kane, Kushequa, McKean County.


convened in the Auditorium, Lincoln, Nebraska, Wednesday, July 21, 1920, and adjourned July 22d. Aaron S. Watkins, of Germantown, Ohio, was made temporary chairman; and Miss Marie C. Brebm, of Long Beach, California, was made the permanent chairman. Nominated for President: *Aaron S. Watkins, of Germantown, Ohio; for Vice-President: D. Leigh Colvin, of New York, New York. Adopted on July 22d the following

*The Convention nominated William Jennings Bryan, of Lincoln, Nebraska, for the office of President, but he declined the nomination.


The Prohibition party assembled in National Convention in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, on this twenty-second day of July, 1920, expresses its thanks to Almighty God for the victory over the beverage liquor traffic which crowns fifty years of concentrated effort. The principles which we have advocated throughout our history have been so far recognized that the manufacture and traffic in intoxicating drink have been forever prohibited in the fundamental law of the land; Congress has rightly interpreted the Eighteenth Amendment in laws enacted for its enforcement; and the Supreme Court has upheld both the Amendment and the law.

Asking that it be clothed with governmental power, the Prohibition party challenges the attention of the nation and requests the votes of the people on this Declaration of Principles.


The organized liquor traffic is engaged in a treasonable attempt to nullify the Amendment by such modification of the enforcement act as will increase the alcoholic content in beer and wine and thus thwart the will of the people as constitutionally expressed.

In the face of this open threat the Republican and Democratic parties refused to make platform declarations in favor of law enforcement, though petitioned so to do by multitudes of people. Thus the Prohibition party remains the sole political champion of the National Prohibition.

The Prohibition party in its platform in 1872 declared; "There can be no greater peril to the nation than the existing party competition for the liquor vote; any party not openly opposed to the traffic, experience shows, will engage in this competition, will court the favor of the criminal classes, will barter away the public morals, the purity of the ballot, and every object of good government for party success." Notwithstanding the liquor traffic is now outlawed by the Constitution. this fitly describes the present political attitude of the old parties.

The issue is not only the enforcement, but also the maintenance of the law to make the Amendment effective.

The proposed increase in the alcoholic content of beverages would be fraught with grave danger in that it would mean the return of the open saloon with all its attendant evils.


The League of Nations is now in existence and is functioning in world affairs. We favor the entrance of the United States into the League by the immediate ratification of the treaty of peace, not objecting to reasonable reservations interpreting American understanding of the covenant. The time is past when the United States can hold aloof from the affairs of the world. Such course is short-sighted and only invites disaster.


We stand for a constitutional amendment providing that treaties of peace shall be ratified by a majority of both Houses of Congress.

We stand by our declaration of 1916 against militarism and universal military training. Without it our boys were in a short time trained to whip the greatest army ever assembled and with national prohibition to make sure the most virile manhood in the world we should encourage universal disarmament and devotion to the acts of peace.


We stand for compulsory education with instruction in the English language, which, if given in private or parochial schools, must be equivalent to that afforded by the public schools, and be under state supervision.


The Prohibition party has long advocated the enfranchisement of women. Suffrage should not be conditioned upon sex. We congratulate the women upon the freedom which the party has helped them to achieve.


We approve and adopt the program of the National League of Women Voters providing for:

The prohibition of child labor;

Adequate appropriation for the Children's Bureau:

Protection for infant life through a Federal program for maternity and infancy


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