Gambar halaman
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(Consul-general at Al-

Post captain U. S. Navy.

Consul-general at Al-

Captain, U. S. Navy.
Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to France.
Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to the Neth-

To conclude a treaty of commerce with Envoy, extraordinary Great Britain.

and minister plenipo-
tentiary to Great

(Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to France.

with Great Britain relative to commerce.

To renew the convention of July 3, 1815, Envoy extraordinary

To conclude with Spain a treaty of cession,
navigation, commerce, and in settlement
of all differences between the two coun-

To do any act necessary to give effect to the
decision of the Emperor of Russia on the
question of the construction of the first
article of the treaty of Ghent, referred to
him for arbitration under the fifth article
of the convention of 1818 by the United
States and Great Britain.

and minister plenipotentiary to Great Britain. Secretary of State.

Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Russia.

To conclude a treaty of navigation and com- Secretary of State. merce with France.


Statement of the persons employed by the United States in conducting negotiations since 1789-Continued.

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Other office held at same time.

To conclude a treaty of commerce with Por- Envoy extraordinary

To conclude a treaty of commerce with Spain.

To conclude a treaty of commerce with Bue-
nos Ayres.

To conclude a treaty of commerce with Co-

To conclude with Great Britain a treaty
relative to commerce, the suppression of
the slave trade, and the principles of mar-
itime law and neutrality.

To conclude a treaty with Russia relative
to the respective rights and claims of the
two countries in respect to navigation.
fishery, and commerce on the northwest
coast of America; the abolition of the slave
trade, and the principles of maritime war
and neutrality.

To conclude a treaty of commerce with

To conclude a claims convention and treaty
of commerce with France; also a treaty
for the suppression of the African slave

To conclude a treaty of commerce with

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and minister plenipo-
tentiary to Portugal.
Minister plenipotentiary
to Spain.

Minister plenipotentiary
to Buenos Ayres.
Minister plenipoten-
tiary to Colombia.
Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to Great Brit-

Minister plenipoten-
tiary to Chili.
Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to France.

Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to Mexico.


Henry Clay..

Nov. 22, 1825


Apr. 17, 182€

Albert Gallatin..

May 10, 1826

Richard C. Anderson John Sergeant

May 11, 1826 President and Senate.

John James Appleton... Joel R. Poinsett.

Jan. 23, 1827 Feb. 12, 1827

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June 8, 1827 President do

William Tudor

Mar. 29, 1828

James Cooley.

Apr. 8,1828

Henry Clay..

Apr. 18, 1828

James Barbour.

July 15, 1828

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To conclude a treaty of peace, friendship, Secretary of State. commerce, and navigation with the Central Republic of America.

To conclude a treaty of peace, friendship,
commerce, and navigation with Denmark.
To conclude with Great Britain a treaty
relative to commerce, boundaries, the
principles of maritime law and neutrality,
and the navigation of the St. Lawrence;
and also a claims convention.
(To conclude treaties of "peace, friendship,
commerce, navigation, maritime law, neu-
tral and belligerent rights, and all other
matters interesting to the American na-
tions" with "the ministers of that assem-
bly duly empowered, from all or any of
the nations of America."

To conclude a treaty of commerce and navi-
gation with Sweden.

To take the place of Richard C. Anderson (deceased) at that assembly.

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Statement of the persons employed by the United States in conducting negotiations since 1789-Continued.

John Nelson...

Oct. 24, 1831

To conclude a treaty of commerce and claims with the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

To conclude treaties of navigation and commerce with Cochin China, Siam, and Muscat.

To conclude a treaty of commerce and navi-
gation with Buenos Ayres.

To conclude a treaty of amity, commerce,
and navigation with the Netherlands.
To conclude a treaty of amity, commerce.
and navigation with Saxony.

To conclude with Russia treaties concerning
(1) the principles of maritime war and neu-
trality, and (2) commerce and navigation.
To conclude a treaty of amity, commerce,
and navigation with Belgium.

To conclude a treaty of commerce with the
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
To conclude a treaty

concerning certain
principles for the guidance of nations at
war with each other" with the Republic
of Central America.

To conclude a treaty of amity, commerce,
and navigation with New Granada.

To conclude a treaty of commerce and navigation with France.

Chargé d'affaires in the
Kingdom of the Two

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Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Russia.

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