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he has rendered in the foundation and organization of the Associa tion, are highly appreciated.

DR. JOHN P. GARRISH, New York County, extended an invitation to the Fellows to visit the American Institute Fair, on complimentary tickets to be obtained from him.

The following invitation was also received:

"Sister Irene," the Sister Superior of the New York Foundling Asylum, invites the Fellows and guests of the New York State Medical Association to visit the Foundling Asylum at 3 P. M. on Saturday. The institution is on 68th Street, between Third and Lexington Avenues. J. LEWIS SMITH.

The PRESIDENT then introduced the President-elect, DR. JOHN P. GRAY, of Oneida County.

DR. GRAY said he considered the compliment and the honor of the position conferred upon him the greatest that he had received and all that any medical man could ask for or expect to receive from his fellows. This Association was not an offshoot; it was not anything which had been broken off as a limb or branch to grow; it was an original and a grand conception, projected into the present as a great necessity for the advance and progress of medicine. It had shown that, with responsibility and duty to one another and to our patients, the medical profession of the State was not dead; but it had felt the need of those rules which were necessary to maintain discipline, order, union, unanimity of action, and that self-restraint which every man recognized as important in all organized bodies and in all great matters where many minds had to act in the interpretation of principles and facts. It was when that band of union, which held together the profession and maintained harmonious action, was threatened, that this Association immediately and spontaneously sprung up; not the offshoot, not the outgrowth of anything, but simply a body spontaneously brought together, where it now stood, the embodiment of the past, governed by certain principles which were acknowledged to be necessary in the regulation of the conduct of professional men toward each other. We were neither "old-coders," nor "newcoders," nor "no-coders"; we were men who believed in the declaration of principles that underlie the necessary organization of bodies, as expressed in what was called the code, which was ac

cepted by every State in the Union and by the National Association. We were simply a body of men, an association which represented those principles which we believed to be necessary for ourselves and for all medical men.

The minutes of the session were read and adopted, and the Association adjourned to meet at 2 P. M.

The afternoon session was devoted to the reading of papers and their discussion.


The last paper having been disposed of, the Chairman of the Committee on Scientific Contributions, DR. E. S. F. ARNOLD, of New York County, said, as it would doubtless be interesting to the Fellows to know what amount of scientific work had been done during the sessions, he would beg leave to report that, including the address of the PRESIDENT, and the morning addresses, no less than forty (40) papers, many of them of great interest, had been actually read and some of them discussed; ten (10) had been read by title and referred to the Publication Committee; three (3) papers were not presented, owing to their authors (two only) not putting in an appearance, and one was not called up, making the whole number of papers offered fifty-four (54).

The number of papers, including the address of the PRESIDENT and the three morning addresses, published in the "Transactions," is fifty.

E. D. FERGUSON, Acting Secretary.

[NOTE.-The supper provided by the Fellows of New York County, at 9.30 P. M. was worthy of the hosts, and was thoroughly enjoyed by the guests. The responses to the toasts brought into the lists of speakers representatives of several other States, and of the Army and Navy.

The demonstration of bacilli by Dr. E. G. Janeway, and the exhibition of cases by Dr. F. S. Dennis, at Bellevue Hospital, were well attended on Friday morning; and about one hundred and fifty Fellows, many accompanied by their wives and daughters, enjoyed the sail to the institutions on the islands, under the charge of the Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction.

At an impromptu meeting on board the boat, resolutions expressing the admiration of the Fellows of the Association for the efficient, humane, and economical management of the institutions by the Board of Commissioners were adopted and were gracefully acknowledged by Commissioners Hess, Brennan, and Porter.E. D. F.]




Held during the First Annual Session of the Association.

Minutes of an Adjourned Meeting of the Council, held at the Ebbitt House, Washington, D. C., May 6, 1884, at 9.30 A. M.

The President, DR. DIDAMA, in the Chair.

Present Drs. Didama, Ferguson, Flint, Jr., Gouley, Hinton, Hovey, Husted, Hyde, E. M. Moore, and J. W. Moore.

The Secretary presented the Articles of Incorporation, which had been procured by Dr. A. Flint, Jr., the President and the Vice-Presidents acting as incorporators.

Dr. Flint, Jr., in behalf of the Committee appointed to draft a Constitution and By-laws, presented a report. The report was accepted, and the form of Constitution and By-laws was read by sections and adopted, and was finally adopted as a whole.

The Committee on Publication, consisting of Dr. Gouley and the Secretaries, was authorized to have an edition of four thousand copies of the Constitution and By-laws printed for distribution.

The preparation of a Certificate of Fellowship was referred to the Committee on Publication, with power.

The Committee on the Association Seal reported, and their report was accepted and adopted.

The Treasurer made an informal report of the finances of the Association.

The Council, by unanimous vote, extended its thanks to the

President, Dr. H. D. Didama, for his gift of $100, reported by the Treasurer.

The Council then adjourned, to meet at the same place on the following day, at 9.30 A. M.

E. D. FERGUSON, Secretary.

The Council met, pursuant to adjournment, May 7, 1884, at 9.30 A. M., Dr. Hutchison being present in addition to the members present on the previous day.

The Secretary presented communications from Drs. Green, Reynolds, and Wilson, regretting their inability to attend.

The bill of Mr. H. L. Sprague, for services rendered in securing the incorporation of the Association, was received and ordered to be paid.

A communication from the Medical Association of the State of Alabama was received, and the Secretary was directed to have it published in the "Journal of the American Medical Association," with a suitable reply. It was also directed that a reply be sent to the Secretary of the Alabama Medical Association.

Dr. Gouley moved that a committee of three be appointed to prepare a plan for Branch Associations, and to report the same to the Council at the November meeting. Carried.

The Chair appointed Drs. Gouley, Flint, Jr., and Hinton, such committee, and, on motion, the Corresponding Secretary was added.

The Committee on a Medical Journal reported progress.

The Corresponding Secretary was authorized to take such measures as might seem best, to provide for the scientific work of the first annual meeting of the Association.

On motion of Dr. Flint, Jr., the Secretary was directed to add, in future lists of Fellows of the Association, the word "Founder" after each of the 164 names of Fellows appearing in the list published in the minutes of the Albany Convention, and after the name of each Fellow joining thereafter and until the close of the meeting of the Association in November, 1884, the word "Original."

On motion of Dr. J. W. Moore, and in accordance with the By-laws, Drs. Gouley, Flint, Jr., Hinton, and Husted were appointed a Committee of Arrangements, with power to add to their number.

The minutes of the meetings of May 6 and May 7 were read and adopted, and the Council adjourned to meet in New York city on the day before the annual meeting of the Association. E. D. FERGUSON, Secretary.

The Council met in annual session at the Murray Hill Hotel, New York city, November 17, 1884, at 7.30 P. M. The President, DR. DIDAMA, in the chair.

Present Drs. Crawe, Didama, Ferguson, Flint, Jr., Gouley, Hinton, Hutchison, Reynolds, Townsend, Van de Warker, and Wilson.

The Secretary read the names of those who had applied for Fellowship since the publication of the minutes of the Albany Convention, and on motion the two hundred applicants, who had been properly vouched for, were appointed Original Fellows, which number, added to the one hundred and sixty-four Founders, made a total membership of three hundred and sixty-four Fellows.

The Secretary reported the death of four Fellows; viz., Dr. M. R. Peck, of Warren County; Dr. J. R. Cotes, of Genesee County; and Drs. John G. Adams, and Allen S. Church, of New York County.

On motion of the Secretary, Section 2, Article iii, of the Bylaws, was amended so that seven instead of ten members of the Council shall constitute a quorum, and Section 3, Article vii, was amended to read as follows: "No paper that has appeared in any publication, prior to being read at a meeting of the Association, shall be printed as a part of the transactions of the Association."

Dr. Flint, Jr., chairman of the Committee on a Medical Journal, reported informally, and the report was accepted.

On motion, it was decided that, of the elected members of the Council, those whose names appear first on the list for each district in the printed edition of the Constitution and By-laws, shall go out of office at the close of the first annual meeting of the Association. Dr. Gouley reported the receipt of notices of the appointment of the following delegates to the first annual meeting of the Association Dr. W. C. Wile, Connecticut; Drs. S. S. Clark and E. F. Upham, Vermont.

On motion, the President was authorized to receive properly accredited delegates and duly proposed invited guests.

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