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pressed, all those Lands, Countries, and Territories, situate, lying, and being in that Part of America, called Virginia, from the Point of Land, called Cape or Point Comfort, all along the Sea Coast to the Northward, two hundred miles, and from the said Point of Cape Comfort, all along the Sea Coast to the Southward, two hundred Miles, and all that Space and Circuit of Land, lying from the Sea Coast of the Precinct aforesaid, up into the Land throughout from Sea to Sea, West and Northwest; And also all the Islands lying within one hundred Miles along the Coast of both Seas of the Precinct aforesaid.—Charters and Constitutions of the United States, p. 1897.



Give, grant, and confirm to the said Treasurer and Com pany of Adventurers and Planters of the city of London for the first Colony in Virginia, and to their Heirs and Successors for ever, all and singular those Islands whatsoever situate and being in any Part of the Ocean Seas bordering upon the Coast of our said first Colony in Virginia, and being within three Hundred Leagues of any of the Parts heretofore granted to the said Treasurer and Company in our said former Letters-Patents as aforesaid, and being within or between the one-and-fortieth and thirtieth Degrees of Northerly Latitude. -Charters and Constitutions of the United States, p. 1903.


Their High Mightinesses have granted and allowed, and hereby grant and allow, the Petitioners that they alone shall have the right to resort to, or cause to be frequented, the aforesaid newly discovered countries situate in America between New France and Virginia, the sea coasts whereof lie in

the Latitude of from forty to forty-five degrees, now named New Netherland, as is to be seen by a Figurative Map hereunto annexed.-Documents relative to the Colonial History of New York, I., 10.


The States General of the United Netherlands to all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: do consent and grant, to the said Petitioners now united into one Company, that they shall be privileged exclusively to frequent or cause to be visited, the above newly discovered lands, situate in America between New France and Virginia, whereof the sea coasts lie between the fortieth and forty-fifth degrees of Latitude, now named New Netherland, as can be seen by a Figurative Map hereunto annexed.-Documents relative to the Colonial History of New York, I., 11.


Establish, that all that Circuit, Continent, Precincts, and Limitts in America, lying and being in Breadth from Fourty Degrees of Northerly Latitude, from the Equnoctiall Line, to Fourty-eight Degrees of the said Northerly Latitude, and in length by all the Breadth aforesaid throughout the Maine Land, from Sea to Sea, with all the Seas, Rivers, Islands, Creeks, Inletts, Ports, and Havens, within the Degrees, Precincts, and Limitts of the said Latitude and Longitude, shall be the Limitts, and Bounds, and Precincts of the second Collony: And to the End that the said Territoryes may forever hereafter be more particularly and certainly known and distinguished, our Will and Pleasure is, that the same shall from henceforth be nominated, termed, and called by the name of New-England, in America.-Charters and Constitutions of the United States, pp. 992, 993.

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That for the Term of four and Twenty years, none of the Natives or Inhabitants of these countries shall be permitted to sail to or from the said lands, or to traffic on the coast and countries of Africa from the Tropic of Cancer to the Cape of Good Hope, nor in the countries of America, or the WestIndies, beginning at the south end of Terra Nova, by the streights of Magellan, La Maire, or any other streights and passages situated thereabouts to the streights of Anian, as well on the north sea as the south sea, nor on any islands situated on the one side or the other, or between both; nor in the western or southern countries reaching, lying, and between both the meridians, from the Cape of Good Hope, in the East, to the east end of New Guinea, in the West, inclusive, but in the Name of this United Company of these United Netherlands. Hazard's American State Papers, I., 121123.


AND WHEREAS, the saide Councell established at Plymouth, in the County of Devon, for the plantinge, ruling, ordering, and governing of Newe England in America, have by their Deede, indented under their Comon Seale, bearing Date the nyneteenth Day of March last past, in the third Yeare of our Raigne, given, graunted, bargained, soulde, enfeoffed, aliened, and confirmed to Sir Henry Rosewell, Sir John Young, Knightes, Thomas Southcott, John Humphrey, John Endecott, and Symon Whetcombe, their Heires and Assignes, and their Associats for ever, all that Parte of Newe England in America aforesaid, which lyes and extendes between a greate River there comonlie called Monomack alias Merrimack, and a certen other River there, called Charles River, being in the Bottom of a certayne Bay there, comonlie called Massachusetts, alias Mattachusetts, alias Massatusetts

Bay, and also all and singuler those Landes and Hereditaments whatsoever, lyeing within the Space of three English Myles on the South Parte of the said Charles River, or of any, or everie Parte thereof; and also, all and singuler the Landes and Hereditaments whatsoever, lyeing and being within the Space of three English Myles to the Southwarde of the Southermost Parte of the saide Bay called Massachusetts, alias Mattachusetts, alias Massatusetts Bay; and also, all those Landes and Hereditaments whatsoever, which lye, and be within the space of three English Myles to the Northward of the said River called Monomack, alias Merrymack, or to the Northward of any and every Parte thereof, and all Landes and Hereditaments whatsoever, lyeing within the Lymitts aforesaide, North and South in Latitude and bredth, and in Length and Longitude, of and within all the Bredth aforesaide, throughout the Mayne Landes there, from the Atlantick and Westerne Sea and Ocean on the East Parte, to the South Sea on the West Parte;

All that Parte of Newe England in America, which lyes and extendes between a great River there, comonlie called Monomack River, alias Merrimack River, and a certen other River there, called Charles River, being in the Bottome of a certen Bay there, comonlie called Massachusetts, alias Mattachusetts, alias Massatusetts Bay; and also all and singuler those Landes and Hereditaments whatsoever, lying within the Space of three Englishe Myles on the South Parte of the said River, called Charles River, or of any or every Parte thereof; and also all and singuler the Landes and Hereditaments whatsoever, lying and being within the Space of three English Miles to the southward of the southermost Parte of the said Baye, called Massachusetts, alias Mattachusetts, alias Massatusetts Bay: And also all those Landes and Hereditaments whatsoever, which lye and be within the Space of Three English Myles to the Northward of the saide River, called Monomack, alias Merrymack, or to the Northward of any and every Parte thereof, and all Landes and Hereditaments whatsoever, lyeing within the Lymitts aforesaide, North and South, in Latitude and Bredth, and in Length and Longitude, of and within all the Bredth aforesaide, through

out the mayne Landes there, from the Atlantick and Western Sea and Ocean on the East Parte, to the South Sea on the West Parte.-Charters and Constitutions of the United States, P. 934.


Traité entre Louis XIII., Roi de France, et Charles I., Roi d'Angleterre, pour la restitution de la Nouvelle France l'Acadie et le Canada, et des Navires et Marchandises pris de par et d'autre. Fait à St. Germain-en-Laye, le

29ème jour de Mais, 1632.

III. De la part de Sa Majesté de la Grande Brétagne, ledit Sieur Ambassadeur, (Sir Isaac Wake,) en vertu du pouvoir qu'il a, lequel sera à la fin des présentes, a promis et promet pour et au nom de Sadite Majesté, de rendre et restituer à Sa Majesté Très-Chrétienne, tous les lieux occupés en la Nouvelle France, l'Acadie et le Canada, pas les sujets de Sa Majesté de la Grande Brétagne, iceux faire retirer desdits lieux. Et pour cet effet ledit Sieur Ambassadeur délivrera, lors de la passation et signature des présentes, aux commissaires du Roi Très-Chrétien, en bonne forme le Pouvoir qu'il a de Sa Majesté de la Grande Bretagne, pour la restitution desdits lieux, ensemble les commandements de Sadite Majesté, à tous ceux qui commandent dans le Fort-Royal, Fort de Quebec et Cap Breton, pour être lesdites places et forts rendues et rémis es mains de ceux qu'il plaira à Sa Majesté Très-Chrétienne ordonner, huit jours après lesdits commandements auront été notifiées à ceux qui commandent ou commanderont esdits lieux, ledit tems de huit jours leur étant donné pour retirer. .-Lindsey, Boundaries of Ontario, p. 107.


On behalf of his Majesty of Great Britain, the said Ambassador, (Sir Isaac Wake) in virtue of the power held by him, which will be at the end of these presents, has promised and promises for and in the name of his said Majesty, to give up and restore to his Most Christian Majesty all the lands occupied by the subjects of his Britannic Majesty, in New France, Acadia, and Canada, the said subjects to be

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