The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Volume 10

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Samuel Johnson
C. Bathurst, 1779

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Halaman 249 - Like transitory dreams given o'er, Whose images are kept in store By memory alone. The time that is to come is not; How can it then be mine? The present moment's all my lot; And that, as fast as it is got, Phillis, is only thine. Then talk not of inconstancy, False hearts, and broken vows; If I by miracle can be This live-long minute true to thee, 'Tis all that Heaven allows.
Halaman 224 - Prostrate my contrite heart I rend, My God, my Father, and my Friend, Do not forsake me in my end.
Halaman 258 - Likes me abundantly ; but you take care Upon this point, not to be too severe. Perhaps my muse were fitter for this part, For I profess I can be very smart On wit, which I abhor with all my heart. I long to lash it in some sharp essay, But your grand indiscretion bids me stay And turns my tide of ink another way.
Halaman 217 - Comment that your Care can find, Some here, some there, may hit the Poet's Mind; Yet be not blindly guided by the Throng; The Multitude is always in the Wrong.
Halaman 263 - Prest by Necessity, They kill for Food; Man undoes Man, to do himself no good. With Teeth and Claws by Nature arm'd, They hunt Nature's Allowance, to supply their Want: But Man...
Halaman 215 - Immodest words admit of no defence ; For want of decency is want of sense.
Halaman 253 - Courted, admir'd, and lov'd, with Presents fed ; Youth in her Looks, and Pleasure in her Bed : Till Fate, or her ill Angel, thought it fit To make her doat upon a man of Wit : Who found 'twas dull to love above a day ; Made his ill-natur'd jeast, and went away.
Halaman 222 - Through every swelling vein a loud retreat: So when a Muse propitiously invites, Improve her favours, and indulge her flights; But when you find that vigorous heat abate, Leave off, and for another summons wait.
Halaman 224 - THE mighty rivals, whose destructive rage Did the whole world in civil arms engage, Are now agreed ; and make it both their choice, To have their fates dctermin'd by your voice. Ciesar from none but you will have his doom, He hates th...
Halaman 261 - I'll fire his Blood, by telling what I did When I was strong, and able to bear Arms.

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