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Att a Councill holden at y house of y° Honble Tho' Pollock Esq' in Chowan on ffryday y° 9th day of Jan" 1713

Present the Honble Tho" Pollock, Esq' &c

[blocks in formation]

Whereas by an act of Assembly Instituted an act for defraying some part of yo publick charge It is Enacted That an Exact list of the Claims due from y publick within every respective precinct shod be exactly drawn up by y Clk of ye Assembly & examined & attested by the Secty and Speaker of y' house of Commons on or before ye 25th day of Xber last and then forthwth deliver to y° Treasurer of every respective precinct togetherwth a Due number of yo public bills in proportion to the Debts Due in yo said precinct as afd which said Bills shall be paid on Demand to y severall Claimers proportionable to their Claimes.

And whereas it doth appeare to this Board that Robert Hicks ye p'sent Ck of y Assbly hath hitherto refused & neglected to draw up y° afore3d lists of Claimes, soe that it might be attested and delivered as afa to the great Detrim of y° said Claimers as well as to yo great disincouragem of men to serve yo Country for y° future and in contempt of ye afd act.

It is therefore Ordered by this Board that y° said Robert Hicks make his person' appearance before this Board at y house of the Honble the Presid' on Saturday y 11th of this Instance Jan" to answare y said compl Upon examination a Senottoway Indyan taken by one of y° South Carolina Indyans in their march hither It dos appeare yt ye sd Indyan

was sent by y Seneca's persuant to an order from ye Goverm* of New Yorke to Caution y Tuscaroras agt going to warr wth ye English here for W-ch reason it is thought fitt that y° said Indyan be purchased from ye s South Carolina Indyan by the publick and sent back to his owne nation and therefore it is ordered & agreed that y° Honble the Presid' doe purchase y said Indyan on behalfe of y publick and take care that he

be sent as afs that in consideration of y° said Presid paying for ye said Indyan & for yo trouble he has had wth ye rest of ye Indyans he doe have and take to his own use three Tuscaroro men & one Mattecumska now in his custody.

It is Ordered by this Board that y Comission' appointed to make out the publick Bills of Creditt doe forthwth proportion out yo Said Bills according to ye Debts Due from y° publick in every p'cinct and deliver yo same to ye severall Treasurers in each precinct together wth y° Claimes of ye said precinct soe Soone as they are Examined and attested persuant to y act of Assbly in that behalfe made and that noe father delay be made in that Case as they will answer yo Contrary att their perrills

It appeareing to this Board that two Core Indyans taken and sent in hither from Verg" are Slaves belonging to one Mr Drayton & one M' Wright Inhabitants of South Carolina

It is ordered that y° Said Indyans be delivered to Co" James Moore for y use and on behalfe of yo Owners afsd

Upon Petition of John Browne on behalfe of himselfe and und' his comand in y° Garrison at Shackelfords plantation praying Liberty

to plant Corne on y° said plantation

Ordered that y° people in y° afsa Garrison have liberty to plant Tend & Gather Corn on ye Said plantation dureing the time they Keep Garrison there as afs

Then this Board Adjourned till Monday Morne next.

Monday Morne Jany 12th this Board mett againe present ut supra ecept T Knight

Whereas the Honble Rich Sanderson Esq Depty to y° Heyres of Seth Southell dec'd One of Lds propts of this province hath not for a Considerable tyme past given his attendance on y Council or Assembly nor given any reason why he dōs not Come

And Whereas y present Emergencys of ye Governm require y said Sanderson attendance or some other in his stead

It is therefore Ordered by this Board that y° said Richa Sanderson doe give his personall attendance at yo next Councill (having notice thereof)

or that he be suspended in y° Said Deputacon and some other fitt person be appointed in his stead And that y° Secty doe take Care to send a Copy of this Order to him

Whereas Information has been made to this Board that Benjamin Tull under pretence of authority hath Impress'd and Kill'd severall Beefs of which he hath rendred noe account and hath in a Contemptable maner abused y precinct Court of Corratuck and divers other matter of the like nature

Whereupon it is Ordered by this Board that y° provost marsh" or his Deputy doe take y° said Benja Tull into his Custody untill he doe give good Security to appeare at y° next Councill to be holden at Capt Jn° Hecklefields on y° third day of y° next Gen" Court and in the meanewhile to be of his good behaviour.

Mad Catha Hyde Came before this Board and was admited to prove upon oath y Importation of Eight person into this Governm (Viz1) Edwd Hyde Esq Mrs Penelope Hyde Wm Clayton Jn° Lovick Mary Tudo James Gregory, Andrew Stephenson & her selfe

Maj' Christo Gale was allowed to prove upon oath the Importation of of ffour rights for which he has not as yet taken up any Land (Viz1) himselfe twice his daughter Eliza and Author Harris and assigned yo same over to Coll Wm Reed

Whereas Co" Edwd Moseley was Instructed by the Assbly of this province to send an adress from ye said Assembly to y° Gov' of Virga which said adress has been either Carelesly lost or otherwise Imbezled by yo said Moseley.

Whereupon it is ordered by this Board that ye Provost Marsh" or his Deputy doe take y said Moseley into his Custody untill he shall give good Security to appeare before y° next Assbly to answer y° afs Neglect and that in the mean while he of his good behaviour

It is Ordered by this Board that ye Honble the presidt Doe give such Instruction as he shall think fitt to Maj Gale who is hereby appointed to wait on yo Gov' of Virga in order to Consert Such measures as may be thought proper in yo disposal of wt moneys or other things y Governm of Virg" has Contributed towards Carrying on ye Warr here agt ye Indyan Enemy






Hond Sr



Jan's 15th 1713.

Since mine by Charleton, I have reced four of yrs: on by the indians that came with Tom Blunts brother, another by the Guard of the indian Priffoners-The 3d by Charleton, and the laft came wth goods in the cannoe: one teusday the 13th instant. And concerning our not sending in to you the indians Coheree and Hancock, I believe it never entered into Governo Hyds thoughts, nor mine, nor any of the Counsels that ye would have defired it. And their crimes likewise being chiefly against this Government wee did not imagine it could give any offence to have them suffer here: And non here ever queftioned but if they had been brought in to you, you would have fent them in here to have Recd their deferved punisht-upon receat of y' honors' last letter, sent away a runner to Tome Blunt, to defire him to be in at Mr Cottens on the 20th inftant; And likewife have appointed the bearer Major Christopher Gale, our Agent, to concert what meaffures your honor thinks moft advantagious, for carrying on the war wth what y° Affembly hath raised for us. Coll: Moore would lykewife willingly have come in, but the deftructione his indians make here of our Catle & Corne is intollerable, having already eat up a great deall of the corne that was rayfed by the Affembly to maintain the ware, and alfo destroyed all the Catle wherever they have come, so that fome of the people here have been seemingly more ready to ryfe upe against them, then march out against the enemy. So that he is forced to march out with them, intending, to depart from hence on faturday next, and to attact the Fort, he was at in coming in. I am doubtfull wee fhall be put to a ftrait for provifione for the army; all the publick corne that is left, I fear will fcarcely be sufficient for the Forces twoe months, And such a fcarcity in the Countrey that no more, I believe can be raised, feverall people not being able to pay this last tax. So that I beleive itt will be neceffary, if you thinke to send y' forces speedily to our affistance, that provifions be purchased for them out of the 1000th. But if you doe not send them untill our Provifione is caryd round, then wee shall be more capable to judge what we may want-As for the 180 to be laid out in duffels (For fear of the mifcariadge of the

supply that is expected from Sth Carolina) I believe it may be convenient to reserve so much of it as may purchass three or four bariels powder & ball answerable-If your honor thinke fitting to send out yo forces speedily, I leave it to your mature confideration, whether it may not be best, whill Coll' Moore is attacking the further forts, that your forces fhould march to Tome Blunts, and either Force him to joine his forces wth yours againft the others or attack him as ane enemy. Butt if you thinke it more fitting when some Coll' Moore's indians (having got fome flaves by taking a fort, or fome other blow) have left him, then to fend out yre Forces to joine him to proffecute the warr wth vigoure and reduce them to a neceffity of making Peace-For I am Really persuaded that untill the Tuscaroroes have had a fmart blow given them ther can be no Expectatione of a firme peace with them. All woh I leave to y' honors more ferious confideratione, not doubting of yr utmoft indeavor for the good and Peace of this poore diftreffed Country-I was much troubled to understand that the Addreff from our Affembly was not caryed in and delivered to you as I had writt, and as I certainly expected-But I hope when y' honor hath perufed the inclofed (wth is a true account of the proceedings in that affaire fo far as I know, you will imput it only to my weakness and inadvertency in trufting too much to others: and can affure you to the best of my knowledge ther shall no falfhood to your honor nor no other slipe from his pen who fincerely is

Your honors'

most obedient humble Servant


[From CalendAR OF VIRGINIA STATE PAPERS. VOL. 1. p. 162.]

21 January 1713.

To Coll: Pollock


(From Gov: Spotswood)

Since an interview which I took so much pains to obtain & to make easy to you, hath not been judged of such importance as either to merit your presence, or the thoughts of your Government to instruct your Agents in any one overture for promoting your Service against the Enemy: And since I perceive, both, by your letters and their discourse, that I am not to expect any provisions for the Forces desired from hence,

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