Gambar halaman

Mr Tho. Lake, Jos. Scottow, Sam Bennitt, & Jn° Tuttill for Perambulation betweene Boston & Lynn.

Itt is ordered yt ye Constable of muddy riuer seize ye rayles & payles cleft on ye Common by Leiu' Remington & to dispose of them to ye Townes Treasurer order.

Whereas y Pitts by Henry Bridgams were lett to Cap' Johnson for 7 yeares & hee hath this day desired a release of his contract with ye Towne, ye same being accepted by us, ye fore mentioned Pitts are now lett to Henry Bridgam for 7 yeares, hee paying 15 p. annum to ye Townes Treasurer.

Wm Whittwell is licensed to draw beere for this yeare, Goodwife Vpsall hath ye. like liberty, Clement Gross hath ye like liberty, as also Wm Pollard.

Itt is Ordered yt no person shall fell any timber vpon any of y Townes Comons upon pænalty of 10' for every tree felled withoutt leaue.

Peter Olliuer & Peter Aspinwall are deputed to joyne wth Cambridg men to lay outt a high way from Muddy-riuer to Cambridg.

Itt is Ordered yt ye surveyors of y° high wayes att muddy riuer shall forthwth repayre ye high way to Water towne mill where itt is defectiue.

Edward Cowell & Joseph Gridley are chosen to bee execution's of y Townes orders respecting swine for this yeare in consideration whereof all fines except forfeitures shall accrue to ye sd ptyes.

8: 2:1661. Att a generall Townes-meeting upon publick notice from house to house Vpon ye Petition of Leiut Rob Turner & Peter Olliuer respecting ye Cedar swamp att Muddy Riuer wch. was lett to them by Lease yt ye sd. Lease may bee for euer. Itt is Ordered, ye Propriety of ye sd swamp shall belong to ye. s p❜tyes for euer upon yo. paym' of ye rent mentioned in ye former Lease.

In answer to Mr Scottowes petition Itt is ordered yt ye former Comittee deputed ye 5-9-60 be appointed wth such other of ye ancient select men as Mr Scottow pleases to giue answer on y° Townes behalfe to ye sa petičon.

The Instructions for y select men signed by ye Committee appointed to draw them vp, being read, were voted y they should bee in force till new were appointed.

[3.] 29: 2:1661. Att a meeting of Jn°. Hull, Jo'. Scottow. Hez. Usher, Peter Olliver & Wm. Davis Whereas Wm Blantan hath hired some pcells of land for 7 yeares next ensuing beginning y first month -the dimensions of ye sa land is 8 Rod 6 foote 4 inches in front next ye high way, & in length downe to yo sea, in consideration whereof hee is to pay 14 p. annum to y° Townes Treasurer & all records of form'. contracts are hereby made null Wm Wardell is allowed to draw beere for ye yeare ensuing. Lieut: Rob Turner hath yo. like liberty granted to him

Tho' Blott is chosen Cow keeper for this yeare.

Itt is Ordered yt ye Constables begin their watch ye 1st of ye 3mo. att night according to instructions to former Constables & to continue ye. s watch till farther order bee taken to yo. contrary

Peter Olliuer is chosen sealer of Weights & measures in yo place of Nat. Williams deceased.

Whereas a small pcell of land was some yeares since sold to M' John Newgate lying on ye east side of his land in Sudbury streete & is now fenced in by him; ye sd land is hereby confirmed to Mr Jn° Newgate for euer.

Itt is Ordered yt two foote of ground bee allowed to Mr Symon Lyndes land att ye southeast end of his stone house by ye dock & so to rang along euen wth ye cellar doore att ye east end of his s house, weh land is allowed him in consideration of his taking in an old ware house into his yard whereby ye high way is enlarged.

Whereas sundry of ye Inhabitants desire to keepe sheepe vpon ye Comon instead of Cowes, Itt is ordered yt all such psons shall pvide a keeper for theire sheepe; & if any sheepe bee found withoutt a keeper, itt shall be lawfull for any pson to impound such sheepe, for wch ye owners shall pay 2a for euery sheepe so impounded, & shall be lyable to pay all damage done to any by them, in inclosures or otherwise.

Itt is Ordered yt all swine within the Towne shall bee kept vp in their owners ground, & if any swine bee found abroad after ye last day of ye next month, ye owners of such swine so found abroad shall pay 2s. 6d. for euery such swine so found abroad & Edward Cowell & Joseph Gridly are required to give notice hereof to all ye Inhabitants forthwith from house to house.

Itt is Ordered yt Mr Vsher & M' Hull demaund & receiue M' Webbs legacy of £100 & to giue a discharge on ye Townes behalfe. Voted att y Gen. Townes meeting y 8. 2. 61. y' whereas Capt James Johnson is to pay his rent ye first of March in euery yeare vpon forfeiture as in his deed bearing date y 60 is exprest,

Itt is now further agreed y' if hee miss paym' ye sd day, ye Treasurer of ye Towne is to demaund ye sd rent, & ye sum of 10. more (wch hee [4.] is to pay for ye first default of paym') then ye sd Rent, & if hee pay nott ye sd Rent & 10' more by ye 1st of May following, then to pay 40'. more for ye 2a default. And if ye Rent & if y° sd 50*. bee nott på by ye 1st of June following, then to pay £3 more, y' is in all £5. 10. besides yo Rent in ye sd deed. And if all ye Rents & ye sd £5. 10. bee nott på ye sd 1st of June, then ye forfeiture to bee fully exacted, as in ye sd deed is expressed. And y full intent of this vote is yt ye forfeitture bee nott exacted till ye Towne Treasurer have made three demaunds of ye sd rent.

27: 3: 61. Att a meeting of M! Tho. Lake, Jn Hull Peter Olliver, Hez. Usher & W Davis, Whereas Alexander Adams hath taken vp an Anchor on ye Flatts, wch hauing beene cried, & no owner appeares Itt is ordered yt ye sd Anchor shall be d'd. to y Townes Treasurer, & yt ye sd water bayliffes shall haue of ye sd

Anchor if nott owned.

This day a Rate for ye Townes occasions was made to y° sum of £265. 7o. 2a. & d'd to ye Constables to bee forwth leuied.

24:4: 61. Att a meeting of Jo! Scottow, Peter Olliver, Tho. Lake, Hez. Usher, Jn. Hull & WTM Davis

Itt is Ordered yt Rich: Taylor shall enjoy y shop vnder ye stayres att ye west end of ye Towne-house during his life & his wiues life, paying y yearely rent of 303., yo one halfe in mony, ye other in goods or corne, hee fitting vp ye sd shop att his owne charge, & yo sd shop to bee left after their death wth all ye appurtenances to yo Townes vse wthoutt any consideration from y Towne. And ye reason of taking no more Rent is, because his charge of fitting vp ye sd shop amounts to £10.

Edward Barker is ordered to dig ye new burial place orderly either beginning att one end or one side & so lay ye Corps orderly

to bee buried.

Whereas y line between Boston & Lyn hath nott beene laid outt hitherto, Itt is now mutually agreed betweene y select men of both townes yt ye sd line shall bee run by L. Fisher & Jno. Gardiner. if to bee had, or some other Artist, as by y agreemt by ye sd Selectmen mutually subscribed more fully appeares.

29: 5.61. Att a meeting of Peter Olliver, Tho. Lake, Josh: Scottow, Hez. Usher, Jn. Hull & Wm. Davis Voted vpon y question by y Comittee appointed att ye Gen Townes-meeting, whether Jos. Scottow shall couer ye hutts, as they were before, att ye three anglis of ye draw-bridg, nottwthstanding yo. former Act of ye Comittee prouided ye way by y' Hutt next Jn°. Batemans bee left so, as to rowle a hhd. in & outt to his yard. Itt was voted in y° affirmatiue.

[5.] 26:6:61. Att a meeting of Hezekiah Usher, John Hull, Thomas Lake, Peter Olliver & Wm. Davis

Itt is Ordered yt ye Townes Treasurer shall forthwith agree wth Henry Messenger or some other workman to secure ye foundation of ye Towne house from damage as also any other pt of ye house. Itt is Ordered yt ye Treasurer shall allow for ye keeping of Elizabeth Habell in ye time of her sickness, outt of ye Townes stock.

Mr Anthony Stodard was chosen Comissioner this day by y° Towne meeting to joyne wth ye select men for making y° Country


27:8:61. Att a meeting of Wm. Davis, Hezekiah Usher, Jno. Hull. Peter Olliver & Tho. Lake

Itt is Agreed with Wm Ireland & Aron Way to make and keepe in sufficient repayre all ye country high way from ye foote of powder horne hill to Mr Newgates lott for y° space of 10 yeares next ensuing, & to leaue ye same in ye like sufficient repayre att yo end of ye tearme afores". In consideration whereof ye Towne is to allow to ye afores Wm Ireland & Aron Way 25'. p. anu. during ye gd tearme. [Wm. Ireland's signature is here in original. W.H.W] Widow Thomas is allowed to draw beere till Aprill next according to ye former grant to her late husband.

Francis Smith is fined 20. for erecting a building vpon yo head of ye dock withoutt license.

5:9: 61. Att a meeting of Wm. Davis, Tho. Lake, Jno. Hull, Hez. Usher & Peter Olliver

Whereas Mr Tho: Deane hath employed a Negro in yo manufacture of a Coop. contrary to ye orders of ye Towne Itt is therefore ordered yt ye sd Mr Tho: Deane shall nott employ ye sa Negro in ye sd manufacture as a Coop. or any other manufacture or science after ye 14th day of this month on ye poenalty of 20. for euery day yt yo sd Negro shall continue in such employment.

Jn° Pemberton & Jn° Moulton are allowed to keepe a publick house of intertainment att Winisimett till April court next.

25. 9. 61. Att a meeting of Jno. Hull, Tho. Lake, Jo'. Scottow, Hezekiah Usher, Peter Olliver & Wm Davis There is liberty granted to Rich Gridley & Henry Allin to erect a windmill att ye point before Abell Porters house & to enjoy ye land vpon yo sea side N. E. 120 foote & as much to ye N. west before William Leatherlands land alwayes leauing outt a highway, & nott to build any housing vpon ye sd land: This liberty they shall enjoy during theire maintaining a seruiceable windmill they paying yearely euery first of March to y" Townes Treasurer 2 bushells of wheate, ye first paymt beginning in March 64/65.

[6.] 30. 10. 1661. Att a meeting of Tho. Lake, Jno. Hull, Peter Olliver, Hez. Usher & Wm. Davis

The legacy of £60 giuen by Cap' Rob' Keayne in his will, wth ye rent due, of £4. p. anum was this day demaunded of Mr Ed. Lane.

27. 11. 61. Att a meeting of Jo'. Scottow, Tho. Lake, Hez. Usher, Peter Olliver & Wm. Davis,

Ens. Scottow is chosen Treasurer till a new bee chosen, M' Hull, ye former Treasurer being on a voyage to Eng'.

The repayring of ye high wayes betweene Boston & Roxbury is lett to Jacob Eliott & Obadiah Swift for 10 yeares from y° 1st of Octob' last as p. a Contract between us may more at large appeare for weh ye town is to pay £20. p. ann.

24. 12. 61. Att a meeting of Hez. Ushier, Peter Oliver, Tho. Lake & Josh. Scottow

It is Ordered y' Tho: Stocker Constable of Rumny Marsh shall be allowed 40°. for p'sent supply of one good Favour Inhabitant of Rumny Marsh besides what he hath disbursed for him.

Vpon the complaint of Rich: Taylour of the greatnes of his charge vpon the shop at the foot of the Towne house staires, it is agreed that there shall bee an abatement of 10. añually vpon the rent formerly agreed the 24 (4) last past.

Hez Vsher & Pet' Oliver appointed to stake out the land granted vnto Rich. Gridley & Hen: Allen for a windmill upon the 25 (9) 1661.

3: 1: 1661/62. Att a meeting of the freemen upon publique notice Cap Savage & M' Edw: Tyng are chosen Deputies for the yeare next ensuing both in ordinary and extraordinary courts.

Mr Hez Vsher is chosen Commissioner to carry in the votes for Magistrates & County Treasurer.

It is Voted that Eld. Pen, Cap. Clarke, Cap: Hutchison, Mr Tho. Brattle & Deac. Wiswall with the select men draw vp Instructions for the Deputies of the Gen: Court & to p'sent them to the next meeting of freemen for their concurrence.

10. 1. At a publique Towne meeting of all the inhabitants upon lawfull warning from house to house were Chosen for the yeare ensuing.

Moderatour Cape Tho. Savage. - Select men

-Mr Tho: Lake. Corn Pet. Oliver, Josh Scottow, C. Oliver, Mr Vsher, Mr Rainsford, Mr Joyliff. Constables. Hen. Way, Hen: Phillips, John Lake, Sam: Sendall. Aaron Way at Rumny Marsh. John Stedman sen. att Muddy river.-Clarkes of Market. John Button, Edw. Cowell, Theoph: Frary. Sealers of leather. Tho: Emans Sen Wm Courser. Water Bailiffs John Swit. Tho. Peek. [7.] Surveyors of highwayes-Jaacob Elliot, John Audlin, Rich: Bennet, Chr. Gibson. Wm Hazy, for Rum. Marsh. Peter Aspinwall for Muddy river.

Packer of meat & fish & Gager of Cask - Wm Dinsdall.

Vpon the proposičon of M' Alcock vnto the Towne about sale or exchange of a parcell of salt marsh belonging to the Towne for a parcell of land belonging to the said Alcock vpon the neck of land, it being voted it was carryed on the affirmative that it should be left vnto the Townesmens discretion to exchange the sa land.

Cape Cullicks peticon for the land before his two houses as far as they Jet over the street to be granted vnto him & his Heires being voted, it was carryed on the Negative.

Capne Savages peticon for the laying out of a garden plot granted unto him by the Towne & appearing in the Records fol: 31. being voted was carryed on the negative. but afterwards further liberty granted by the Towne to enquire of Eld: Colburne & the ancient Townesmen soe as the matter might be further considered of. Mr Hez: Vshier is chosen Recorder.

Capne Oliver is chosen Treasurer.

Corn Pet Oliver is chosen Sealer of weights & measure.

Goody Vpshall is allowed to draw beere for the yeare ensueing.

17. 1. §. Att a meeting of Hez. Usher, Petter Olliver, Tho. Lake, Joshu. Scottow, James Olliver, Edward Ranceford, John Jollife. this 17th of March 8 a raite for the Country to the summ of £96. 9. and noe pence payeable in wheat or barly att 4. 6o. p. bushell, and peas att 3o. 6a. p. bushell. or if in monny rebateing the fift part thearof.

A raite allsoe then made for Rumny Marsh to the summe of £6. 3. 3d. And Alsoe for Muddy River to the summe of £4. 1o. 6a. to be leued as aboue sd. y° aboue mentioned raites Committed to the severall respectiue Constables.

20. 1. 8. Att a meeting of Hezekiah Usher, Petter Olliver, Tho. Lake, Jos Scottow, James Olliver, Edward Ranceford, John Jollife

Christopher Pickett with the Consent of ye Selectmen, put forth

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