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Sept 5. At a generall publique meetinge of the inhabitants of this towne upon lawfull warninge

Whereas the honra. Councell of the Countrie haue lately recomended to the Consideration of the select men of this towne the erectinge of a wall or wharfe upon the flatts before the towne from the sconce to Capt Samuell Skarlets wharfe, or vseinge some other meanes for the securitie of the towne from fire in case of the aproach of an enimie weh, the selectmen have this day represented to ye. inhabitants and this question beinge put to ye. vote of the publique Assembly Whether the inhabitants will be at the charge for the erectinge of such a worke as may be of vse for the end aforesaid it was resolued in the negative, 2ndlie. The question beinge put whether the Selectmen of this towne may order & dispose of the flatts before the towne from the sconce to Capt. Skarlets wharfe for the better securitie of the towne as they may judge best any former order to the contrary notwithstandinge It was resolved in the afirmitiue.

Septemb. 16th. At a meetinge of Capt James Olliuer, Capt. Thomas Lake, John Joyliffe, Mr. Hezechiah Usher & Mr. Thomas Brattle - Upon a motion & desire of L'. Richard Wooddy to viewe & determine a difference betweene him & Steephen Butler about a highway lyinge through the marsh on the south side of Jonathan Shrimptons warehouse towards the Sea which the said Butler claymes as a highway formerlie layd out by the selectmen of this towne and upon view & examination of deeds & witnesses doth apeare to be a highway formerly layd out as aboue but noe record made thereof It is now ordrd. that ye. said highway be continued, which is now staked out & Confirmed to be 12 foote in breadth from the highwaye leadinge from Thomas Rawlins Corner towards the bridge ouer against the Corner of the blew bell, downe on the sd. south side of Jonathan Shrimptons warehouse & land of Samuell Procters to a Corner post of a fence of Richard Wooddy now set downe on the south side of the s. highway leauinge the said 12 foote or way northerlie, & from the s. Corner post of Rich. Wooddie fence to run somethinge wheelinge toward the north to the northermost pte. of the outward wharfe formerlie Benjamine Wards lyinge next the sea & thence upon the flatts, wch. way is to be Kept cleere & free from any anoyance by layinge of timber or stones, buildinge of Vessells or any other incombrance whatsoeuer longer then y. usuall Costime of other wharfes or ways next the sea.

[79.] Sep 29. 1673. At a Meetinge of Capt Thomas Lake John Joyliffe, Mr. Hezechiah Vsher, M. Thomas Brattle & Capt James Olliuer.

Edward Dauis and Peter Warren are chosen to continue Belmen to walke through the towne euery night from this present 29th of September to the last day of Aprill accordinge to instructions giuen them in folio 11 & 39 of this Booke. Nath' Addams hath libertie granted him to carry out his wharfe as farr as Daniell Turines he haueinge the wharfe prouided and ready to set downe before the last order of the inhabitants concerninge the flatts.

Nov. 13. Seuerall psons driuen out of theire habitations at New Yorke, and come into this towne had, a coution presented to ye Countie Court against them this day, whose names are vnder written

Mr John Ryder at Peter Welcomes, Henery Matson at Thomas Matsons, Edward Smith, Back'. at Arth Harris, Thomas Bull, Labourer, at John Kings, John Ridle, Carpenter at John Buttons, John Higgs at John Frankes, Isaack Ratt at John Keaynes, William Sharpe.

Rob Millar, Weau', & Symond Williams, shoo maker, from New found land, pa" Dell, Wm Allen at Mr. Tynges, Robert Shelson & his wife at Xp' Crowes, Robt Hastinges and George Barb' Labour's and some others yt haue not beene before vs, soe knowe not theire names.

Nov. 14. 1673.

The severall persons underwritten ordered not to make any fire in their Coopers shop chimnies till they are suffitiently repaired to the satisfaction of the Selectmen upon the penaltie of 20. a time for every transgression of this order, vizt.

L' Richard Way, Sam Ward, Benj Breeme, Henery Coolie, Henery Ingram, John Somes, George Burrell, Sam Mattocke, Returne Mullins, Benjamine Frankline, John Marshalls sonns, Joseph Shaw, neither in his shop or leanto, Capt Wm Hudson, in his Castell chamber chimny.

Wm Dawes & Richard Knights are desired to survey the chimnys of Christopher Croe & George Burrell & make returne to the selectmen how they finde them.

24 Nov. At a meetinge of Capt. William Dauis Mr. John Richards, Capt. Thomas Lake, John Joyliffe, Mr. Hezechiah Vsher, M. Thomas Brattle & Cap' James Olliuer.

Ordered the Treasurer to satisfie Jonathan Negus rent as formerlie.

29 Dec. 1673. At a meetinge of Mr. John Richards, Capt Thomas Lake John Joyliffe, Mr. Hezechiah Vsher, Mr Thomas Brattle, Capt. James Olliuer, Capt. William Dauis.

Ordered that the Treasurer of the towne satisfie Wm Salt for entertainein of Boatswaine Russell wife 11 months beinge comited to y° Prison by order of the Gouern'.

Robert Caruar hath libertie granted him to wharfe before his owne land vpon the flatts.

5 Jan. This day a Rate was comitted to the Constables of Bostone Muddy Riuer & Rumny Marsh for the collectinge of £734. G. for the Countrie and townes occasions £144. 9. 3 farthings whereof was giuen by the General Court toward the Fortifications of this towne.

[80.] 26 Jan 1673-4. At a meetinge of Capt Thomas Lake, John Joyliffe, Mr. Hezechiah Vsher, Thomas Brattle, Capt James Olliuer, Capt. William Dauis Mr. John Richards

Libertie is granted to John Ingolsbey who married the late widdow Griffin to make vse of ould fallen wood vpon the Comon wast land at Muddy Riuer for the vse of the tenent that liues in her house for fire wood duringe the pleasure of y° towne.

Thomas Matson is approued of to sell stronge beere by retayle at the prison till Aprill court next.

23 Feb. 1673. At a meetinge of John Joyliffe, Mr. Hezechiah Vsher, Thomas Brattle, Capt. James Olliuer Capt. William Dauis, Mr. John Richards & Capt Tho. Lake. Agreed with Giles Dyer to keepe the clocke from the 25th of March next for one yeare for which he is to haue £6. and ordered the treasurer to pay him proportionablie for 10 months past.

Whereas the Widdowe Feltch hath made a complaint that John Harrison hath made a cross fence in that high way (where he makes his ropes) & thereby obstructed her in her occations, which apeares by the testimony of seuerall antient Inhabitants of this towne to be a high way layd out many years since, & made vse of from time to time as a highway without interruption. It is ordered that the sa John Harrison remoue the sd cross fence and leaue the sa high way open & free as formerlie for the accomodation of the sa Feltch or any other that may haue occasion to make vse of it as a highway upon the penaltie of 20. a weeke.

Whereas by an ord". of the inhabitants the 11th. of March 1666–7 the selectmen upon ye. 26th of Aug. 1667 did lease unto Free Grace Bendall a pcell of land at Fort Hill & agreed with him that he should lay out a highway of a rod broade downe from the Fort Hill to the waters side through the said land next the hond. Gouern1. Leuerets land as more fully apeares. by a deed thereof, And the said Bendall hath since built pte. of his house 3 foote into the said rod of ground where the highway ought to be It is now mutually agreed betweene the present Selectmen & the said Bendall & hereby ordered that the said highway for the time to come be but 13 foote broad & that the said Bendall lay out another highway from yo. lower end of the former to the sconce betweene his dwellinge house & his wharfe & soe through his owne land of 20 foote broade.

March yo. 2a. Whereas upon the 31st. of March 1673 libertie was granted to Richard Gridlie to wharfe before his owne land in proportion with other men & he hath lately for end staked out a proportion upon the flats not onely before his owne land but the townes ground & highway adjoyninge to his land It is hereby ordered that the s. Gridly doe not proceede in wharfinge there wthout the consent & aprobation of y°. Selectmen first had & obtained upon the penaltie of 20 shillings

[81.] It is ordered that the Articles of Agreement betweene seuerall inhabitants & yo. Selectmen & the seuerall subscriptions for crectinge a wall or wharfe upon the flatts be here recorded which are as followeth

Bostone in New England Septemb1. 10th 1673 Whereas the hond. Councell of this jurisdiction haue lately recomended to ye. consideration of the Selectmen of this towne the necessitie of erecting a wall or wharfe upon the flatts before the towne from the sconce to Capt. Skarlets wharfe or useinge some other meanes for secureinge ye. said towne from fire ships in case of the aproach of an enimie wch. the Selectmen represented to the inhabitants at a publique towne meeting warned for that purpose & mett on yo. 5th day of Septemb'. 1673 And Whereas the sa. inhabitants did on the day aboue sa. by 2 publique votes, first deny to have yo. sa. worke to be carryed, on end on the publique charge of the towne & secondly did grant & give powre to the selectmen that they might order & dispose of the flatts before ye. towne from ye. sconce afores. to Capt. Skarlets wharfe for the better securitie of the towne as they shall think best.

Now the afores. Selectmen haueinge taken into theire serious consideration the necessitie of somethinge to be done to the end afores. & of some way of incouragem. to such as shall undertake soe greate a worke, doe propound to yo. inhabitants of this towne as followeth

1. First yt. a wall or wharfe of wood & stone be erected from yo. sd. sconce to Capt. Skarlets wharfe wh. is in length about two thousand and two hundred foote, yt. it be made in breadth 22 foote at yo. bottom & to be raised 6 foote high at ye. least with all expedition & afterwards (as soone as may be) to ad thereto in height as shall be judged convenient for a brest worke to play Guns on wch, is supposed to be about 14 or 15 foote high in all & soe carryed up to be 20 foote broad at ye topp, to be made substantiall and uniforme & continued & mainetained at the cost & charges of yo. undertakers accordinge to their proportions

2nd. For incouragem1. hereunto the said Selectmen of this towne of Bostone in the behalfe of themselves & theire success". in yo. sa. place doe accordinge to the powre comited to them, hereby order & declare 1st. yt. such of the inhabitants of this towne as shall carry an end & undertake ye. s. worke as above expressed, shall possesse and enjoy & hereby is granted to them theire heires & assignes for euer all those flatts yt. lie before the towne betweene the towne & yo. said wall or wharfe, to be soe built 200 foote whereof back towards yo. towne & next adjoyninge to ye. sa. wall or wharfe shall be free for them the s. undertakers to build wharfes & warehouses upon as they shall see cause, proportionable in breadth to what they build in ye. front, the remainder to be for docks or shelter, for ships or vessells, exceptinge alwayes & it is hereby reserued to such of the present abuttTM. or borderers on the said flatts as shall come in undertakes of the aforesaid wall or wharfe & carry an end the same in convenient time with the rest of the undertakers yt. they shall haue libertie of carryinge out theire present wharfes before theire owne land in proportion with others about 100 foote beyond y°. Hond. Gouern'. Leverets & Mr. Alfords present wharfe and to improve thereat for ye. best advantage of them theire heires [82.] and assignes for euer, as shall be staked out in a circular line accordinge to a platt or Mapp now taken of the said Coue, reseruinge

alsoe to such others of the present abutt". or borderers on yo. sa. flatts who refuse to joyne in ye. wall or wharfe afores. libertie of egresse & regresse of vessells & lyeinge att theire wharfes for loadinge & unloadinge & graueinge before them

2ndlie Y. ye said undertake. & carryers an end of the said wall & worke as aboue shall accordinge to the proportion of what they built in yo. front, haue right unto all incomes aduantages or emolumts. y. may arise or acrue by dockage or anchorage of any such vessells as shall harb'. or be secured within y°. sa. Coue as alsoe by fishinge in the said Coue or in the mouth thereof & all other liberties & priuiledges that may arise by virtue of this grant of ye. Selectmen betweene the said wharfe or wall now to be erected & the wharfes & dockes now borderinge on said flatts or to be made as aboue expressed except what is reserued as above.

It is further ordered & declared y'. noe man shall subscribe or undertake for lesse then 20 foote on yo. said wall or wharfe.

[blocks in formation]

Wee whose names are underwritten doe each of us for ourselues engage & promise to & with the Selectmen of Bostone to begin & carry an end the wall or wharfe as within mentioned, from yo. sconce to Capt. Skarlets wharfe proportiablie accordinge to our seuerall subscriptions on the termes there expressed with all convenient speed.

Capt. Thomas Clarke puided it may be made good as pposed
John Anderson.




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Edmond Montfort & John Farnam upon the acct. of John
Farnam, Sen'.

John Sweete

Augustine Clement

John Pincheon Sen'. pvided it be carryed on accordinge to


William Dauis

Humphrey Warren

[ocr errors]










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