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It was resolued upon the question that all the Inhabitants that were in the towne the 4:3: 1642 theire heires & successors have the true right & are the sole proprietors of such lands accordinge to the said towne order.

It was ordered that Edward Dauis be Cowe keeper for the yeare ensuinge & that he speedily bringe in a list of all those persons yt. keepe Cowes upon the Comon & that he take care that none put aboue 1 Cowe into ye. Comon.

It was ordered that noe person presume to put any Cowe vpon the Comon or Comon ground upon the Necke of Bostone who haue not a right thereto as an inhabitant by virtue of an order of the towne made the 18th. of the 3rd. mo. 1646 or as the successor of such an inhabitant upon the penaltie of haueinge theire Cowes impownded as trespassors.

Ordered that Whosoeuer shall put any Cowe into the said Comon or Comon ground this yeare shall deliuer the same to the care and charge of Edward Dauis the present Cowe keeper at or about the shop dore of Theophilus Freyrey where he will attend the receaueinge of them euery morninge this weeke.

Alsoe that they deliuer him in writinge by whose right & title they bring theire Cowes there, & if as successors the reason of theire claime to any right.

Ordered that noe man put aboue one Cowe vpon any pretents whatsoeuer into the Comon.

11:3: 1672. At a meetinge of all the foresaid Comittee (except Capt. Thomas Sauage & Mr. Hezechiah Usher)

It is Ordered that after the 20th day of this instant May noe person put any Cowe into the Comon or Comon ground belongeinge to the necke of Boston, without the aprobation & a note to the Cowe keeper vnder the hand of Capt Edward Huchinson & Cap Thomas Lake or either of them & the payment of 3o. in mony for euery Cowe (beside 2o. to Edward Dauis Cowe keeper for his care & paines) vpon the penaltie of haueinge their Cowes impounded as trespassers; who are to take care & prouide that whatsoeuer ways or bridges are necessary for Cattle to passe ouer any Creekes belonginge to the Marsh may be made firme and good & that the Gate leadinge to Roxbury be made secure and carefullie looked after. Agreed with Edward Dauis Cowe keeper to haue but 2o p. head for keepeinge the Cowes this somer & that he giue not ouer keepinge them till Deacon Jacob Eliott consent and aproue thereof.

[69.] 11:3: 1672. At a meetinge of Capt. William Dauis, Capt. James Olliuer, Mr. John Richards, Mr. Thomas Brattle, Capt. Thomas Lake & Jo. Joyliffe

Whereas the drawe bridge ouer the mill creeke, by theire order hath beene veiwed by Deacon Henery Allen & Hugh Drury Carpenters & returned to be insuffitient & dangerous (as it now is).

It is ordered that Edward Lillie or whome elce it doth concerne cause the timber ouer head that doth draw vp the bridge to be taken downe, and what other timber be rotten or defectiue be repaired, that the said bridge be made secure vnder foote & the chaines car

ried from post to post crosse the creeke for secureing the sides thereof, to be done betweene the day of the date hereof & tuesday next the 14th of this inst. vpon the penalty of 20. p. day for ye neglect thereof.

27:3: 1672. At a meetinge of Capt. James Olliuer, Mr. John Richards, Mr. Thomas Brattle, Capt. Thomas Lake, John Joyliffe, Mr. Hez. Usher

Libertie is granted to Thomas Ouerman who maried with Elder Wiswalls daught' to wharfe before theire owne land.

24: 4: 1672. At a meetinge of Mr. John Richards Mr. Thomas Brattle Capt Thomas Lake John Joyliffe M. Hezechiah Usher Capt William Dauis and Capt. James Olliuer.

27:4: 1672. Whereas the order above concerning the takeing downe parte of the bridge and repaireinge what was defectiue was not duly obserued & Edward Liliie not owneinge any estate to be in his hands on wch the fine might be leuyed.

It is this day Ordered that John Marshall giue warninge to all Comands of vessells within he bridge in the mill creeke that they cause theire vessells to be remoued out of the Creeke before saterday morning next; And that then he cause the two sides of the bridge to be placed euen for the accomodation of passengers & a good locke put vpon it, and a planke spiked downe, or some other meanes vsed that it may be kept shutt for preuentinge of damage that may be done by the openinge there of, beinge insuffitient, this till further order concerninge it.

28: 4: 1672. Whereas some differences haue beene amonge the proprietors of the Comon Feild at Muddy riuer referring to a high way from the Feild gate to Charles riuer. It is ordered that

the said high way shall lie from the said gate as it now is, till it come to the ditch & fence cast vp before Capt Hulls & the widdow Minotts land & ye land of suball seau" & thence to goe on within the sd fence and ditch next the upland and soe forward till it comes to Charles riuer, The said way to be made passable at the charge of John White, Thomas Gardner, & Comp" who Butt vpon the said Fence upon the marsh side and that the whole way be two rodds in breadth throughout And — whereas there was land allowed for a landinge place for wood at riuers side in the land [70.] now possest by John Sharpe, It is ordered that the sa Sharp allowe the vse of the s land for the ends aforesaid at ye place comonlie called Mr Cottons landinge place.

29: 5: 1672. At a meetinge of Mr. Thomas Brattle Capt. Thomas Lake, John Joyliffe Mr. Hezechiah Usher Capt. William Dauis, Capt. James Olliuer & Mr. John Richards.

Josias Cobbet sen' ordered to remoue his hay out of his dwellinge house within 10 dayes after the date hereof, vpon the penaltie of 20. p weeke.

31:5:1672. Whereas the 25th of the 10th: 1671. John Skarlet had libertie granted him to wharfe before his Land bought of Nathaniell Fryar bounded Westerlie from Mr Eliphalet Hetts warehouse 20 foote, It is now ordered that the pte of s" wharfe casterlie between him & Thomas Ouerman shall runn vpon a staite line from the corner bound post betweene them next the highway to the casterlie pte of the Campsall in the front of sa Skarlets wharfe being about a foote and halfe more easterlie then the corner post thereof wch. line is to be the bounds betweene s. Skarlet & Ouerman

5; 6: 1672. John Vyall hath libertie granted him to wharfe before the towne high way lyeinge betweene his land and the sea at the north end of the towne, next to Thomas Berrys land.

Whereas in the old booke of records folio 123 there is an ord". that none shall turne out any horse loose to water &c. It is now ordered that if any horse or mare be found loose in any of the streetes of the towne it shall be lawfull for any person to impound the said horse or mare or giue information thereof to the select men and the owns. of the said horse or mare shall pay 12 pence for eucry offence in that kinde.

And Whereas the Cowkeeper is impowred to impound any horses mares or Cowes not allowed goeinge on the Common It is hereby ordered that any persons are allowed to impound the said horses & mares as the Cowekeeper might doe, for weh the ownTM. shall pay 12 pence for euery offence, to the use of the impounder. Further because some take libertie to put horses or mares upon the Common on the Lords day It is ordered that if any be taken up or seene there upon the Lords day & proofe made thereof, the owners of s. horses or mares shall pay 5 shillinges for every such offence.

19:6:1672. Capt Thomas Sauage is chosen Comissioner to joyne with the Selectmen of this towne for assessinge all matters rateable by him & them at publique meetinge of the inhabitants vpon lawfull warninge

26th. 6th. 1672 Att a meetinge of Capt Thomas Lake John Joyliffe, Mr. Hezechiah Usher Capt. William Dauis, Capt James Olliuer Mr. John Richards & Mr. Thomas Brattle

It is Ordered that the towne treasurer pay Nathaniell Byshop £3. 6. for beere deliuered out of his house at the Fire at Mr Olliuers brewe house, by ord' of the Deputy Gouern & some of the select men.

[1.] 30: 6: 1672. At a meetinge of Capt. Thomas Lake, John Joyliffe, M. Hezechiah Usher, Capt. William Dauis, Capt. James Olliuer, M1. John Richards & M'. Thomas Brattle.

It is Ordered that Thomas Baker remoue his hay out of his house and yard within a weeke vpon the penaltie of 20o.

Ordered that Benjamine Smith remoue his hay that is in Mr. Gibbs his ground further of the lane at the lower end of Mr.

Turners yard, to the farther side of y° ground, or some other inoffensiue place, vpon the penaltie of 20. within one weeke after the date here of.

This day accordinge to Court order by warrant from the Treasurer an assesment was made by the Selectmen of the estates of the severall inhabitants & comited to Capt. Thomas Sauage Comission'.

26: 7: 72. Edward Dauis & Peter Warren are chosen Bell men to walke through the towne every night from the 29th of this instant September to the last day of Aprill accordinge to instructions giuen them in folio 11 & 39 of this booke.

30: 7: 1672. At a meetinge of Mr. Hezechiah Usher, Capt. William Dauis, Capt. James Ölliuer, Mr. John Richards, Capt. Tho. Lake, John Joyliffe,

Edward Drinker brought a deede or grant of a high way to the towne of Richard Gridlies to be recorded wch is as followeth.

Knowe all men by these presents that I Richard Gridlie of Bostone Bricke maker, for diuers good considerations me therevnto moueinge, more espetially my loue to my Childrens conveniencie and a certaine sume of mony to me paid by Edward Drinker, as alsoe my loue to all the neighbourhood & the conveniencie of that part of the towne; haue layd out of my feild a highway of 12 foote wide from the fort lane to John Harrisons rope walke, I say of 12 foote wide from the lower post of my sonne Edward Dauis Garden by the fort lane to my sonn Josephs Garden, & soe straight through my Feild to the lowest post of Hercules Coursers, or now Edward Drinkers ground, by the rope walke there to be 12 foote toward my sonn Josephs house & this I haue done for a publique and common vse for euer for the vse of the towne witnesse my hand. Bostone 10: 11: 1671. the marke R. of RICHARD GRIDLIE.


7: 8: 1672. Comissioners for this towne were chosen by the freemen thereof at a publique meeting upon lawful warninge Capt. Thomas Clarke, Mr Richard Parker, Mr Humphery Dauie, L' Richard Cooke, Mr Anthony Stoddar, Capt Ed. Huchinson & L' Thomas Clarke,

25 9: 1672. At a meetinge of Capt. William Dauis, Cap*. James Olliuer, Mr. John Richards, Capt. Thomas Lake, John Joyliffe, Mr. Hez. Usher & Mr. Thomas Brattle,

Nicholas Best ordered to be returned to the Countie Court not admited an Inhabitant, alsoe John Pococke Taylor.

Wm Norton is aproued of to brewe & sell strong beere out of dores & Capt Olliuer & Mr Thomas Brattle are desired to moue the Court to giue him licence to doe it on consideration of his necessitous condition.

John Frankes is aproued of keepe a house of publique entertainmt, and his certificate of aprobation presented to the County Court on the back side of his petition.

[72.] 30th. 10th. 1672. At a meetinge of Capt James Olliuer Mr. John Richards, Mr. Thomas Brattle Capt. Thomas Lake John Joyliffe M'. Hezachiah Usher, Capt. William Dauis.

At the re

10: 11: 1672-3. At a meetinge of the Selectmen. quest of Capt John Allen Collector of the Customes, and vpon his complaint that Henery Montfort refused to pay his customes or showe his Invoyces of goods imported as the lawe requires which apeares by the testimony of Richard Knight, and the said Montfort confessinge he had 4 tunns of goods landed out of Mr Greenowes ship not entred by him with the said Collector. It is ordered that the said Montfort pay said Capt £16. in mony for the impost of said goods recd ashore.

27: 11: 1672–3. At a meetinge of Mr. John Richards, Thomas Brattle, Capt. Thomas Lake, John Joyliffe, Mr. Hezechiah Usher, Capt. William Dauis & Capt James Olliuer.

Mr Bartholmew Barnard & Mrs Dorathy Jones are aproued of to keepe a house of publique entertainement for the selling of Coffee, Chuchaletto & sydar by retayle.

Ordered that Samuell Smith, Mason who lodgeth at goodman Wise his house be returned to the Court, not beinge aproued of to be an Inhabitant but that he imediately depart out of this towne.

24th. 12th. 1672-73. At a meetinge of Thomas Brattle Capt Thomas Lake John Joyliffe, Mr. Hezachiah Usher Capt. William Dauis, Capt. James Olliuer and Mr. John Richards.

3 : 1: 1672-3. At a meetinge of the freemen of this towne upon lawfull warninge were chosen Deputies of the Generall Court for one yeare ensueinge.

Capt Thomas Clarke & Mr Anthony Stoddar. Mr John Richards was chosen Comissioner to carry in the votes for Majestrates and a Countie treasurer.

[73.] 10 March 1672-3. At a publique meetinge of the inhabitants of Bostone upon lawfull warninge from howse to house were chosen for officers the yeare ensuinge.

Moderato. Capt Thomas Sauage.

Selectmen Cap Thomas Lake John Joyliffe, Mr. Hezechiah Usher Mr. Thomas Brattle, Capt. James Olliuer, Capt. William Dauis, Mr. John Richards.

Constables Mr Christopher Clarke, Mr John Faire weather, Capt Samuell Skarlet, Isaacke Goose, Moses Paine, and Mr Samuell Shrimpton.

Mr Samuell Shrimpton, in the publique meetinge, desired to pay a fine of Tenn pounds to be released, wch was accepted by the towne, for as full & ample satisfaction as if he had serued the whole yeare & Thomas Pecke was chosen Constable in his roome and place for the yeare ensueinge.

Muddy Riuer Constab'. John Winchester sen".

Rumny Marsh - Constable Samuell Townsend.

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