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26-5-1669. At a meetinge of John Joyliffe, Capt James Olliuer, M'. John Richards, M'. Hezechiah Usher M'. Edward Raysford & Capt. Peter Olliuer.

Eliphalet Hill & Edward Bud to haue libertie granted to wharfe before theire owne land at the N. end of the towne, proportionablie to their breadth.

John Waite is prohibited to set vp the trade of a Baker in this towne.

It is agreed that there is need of another Meetinge house to be erected in this towne.

Vpon the motion of Capt Wm Dauis, Mr. John Hull & Mr. Thomas Brattle for the concurrance of the select men for erectinge of a Meetinge house; as ye case is circomstanced. Wee judge it doth not belonge to vs as prudentiall men to determine the placeinge of it.

23: 6: 69. Capt Wm Dauis is chosen Commissioner. to joyne with the select men in estimateinge and assessinge the psons & estates of all the inhabitants at a publique towne meetcinge

[46.] At a publique meetinge of the inhabitants warned from house to house Vpon a motion of Richard Taylors to haue his Lease of his shop vnder the towne house granted to him for a longer time. It was left to the select men if they saw fit, to agree with him about it.

The like libertie is graunted them to agree with John Woodmansey about his interest in y Docke. & the reversion thereof

The like libertie is given to ye Selectmen upon the motion of John Button to agree with him for a little pitt neere the winde mill in the Comon, to erect a house on, dureinge the time yt the mill is improued for the benefit of y° towne.

30: 6: 69. At a meetinge of Capt James Olliuer, Mr. John Richards, Mr. Hezechiah Usher, Capt Thomas Lake, Mr. Edward Raynsford, Capt. Peter Olliuer & John Joyliffe

This day accordinge to Court ord'. by warrant from the Countie Treasurer an assesment was made by the select men of the estates of ye scuerall inhabitants & comited to Capt. William Dauis who was chosen by the towne to be Commissioner for that end.

Gawdy James ordrd to open the old water Cource suffitiently to cleere the streete from anoyance betweene W Whitwells house & his new house within ten dayes vpon the penaltic of 203. p. wecke.

In answere to the motion of John Woodmansey to the towne, wch the towne referd to the select men. It is agreed that in consideration of his enjoyment of his land & houses on y° docke after the expiration of his present lease to pay 12. p. an. from this. time foreuer, to the use of the towne in mony.

At a publique meetinge of the inhabitants the 14: 4: 69. It was put to the vote whether the lease made by the Select men with Major Gen Leueret concerninge ye Land about Fox hill shall stand good; it was voted in the affirmatiue.

27:7: 69. At a meetinge of Mr. John Richards, Mr. Hezechiah Usher, Mr. Edward Raynsford, John Joyliffe, Capt James Olliver.

Edward Dauis & Peter Warren are Chosen Belman to begin the 29th instant, and continue to ye last of Aprill, accordinge to yo. instructions, folio 11 & 39.

[47.] 11:8: 1669. At a meetinge of ye freemen upon publique notice from house to house were chosen Commission" of ye towne for the yeare ensueing.

Cap Thomas Clarke, Mr Richard Parker, Mr Humphrey Dauy, Mr John Wiswall, Mr Anthony Stodder, M' Jeremiah Houchin, L' Richard Cooke.

25: 8: 69. At a meetinge of Mr. Hezechiah Usher, Capt. Thomas Lake, Mr. Edward Raynsford Capt Peter Olliuer, John Joyliffe, Capt. James Olliuer, Jo. Richards.

Libertie is granted to Joseph Cocke to set vp a warehouse ouer the slip betweene the widdow vpshalls wharfe & Peter Gees wharfe to be left open vnderneath to drawe vp timber & ye like occasions for comon vse, to enjoy it for him & his heires for the space of 40 yeares, he payinge 15'. in mony to ye towne treasurer p añ & to begin the 1st. of Septembe' last.

28:8:1669. In order to the townes grant and the selectmens agreement thereon with M John Woodmansey on the other side this day two paire and Indentures were signed sealed and dd betweene the selectmen and sayd Woodmansey One that the said Woodmansey shall possesse and enjoy that parte of the land and warehouse in his possession upon the North side of the Docks mouth after the expiration of his present lease (beinge for about 57 yeares to come) which he bought of Capt. William Hudson, he payeinge 12. in mony yearely to the towne treasurer for ever upon the 29th, day of September. The other that he possesse and enjoy that parte of the land and warehouse now in his possestion upon the South side of the said Docks mouth which he bought of Cap'. Edward Huchinson after the expiration of his said lease he payeinge a pepper corne to the said Treasurer upon demand for ever on the said 29th of September as more fully appeares by said Indenture.

In order to an agreement made by a Comittee and the Selectmen with Lt. Richard Cooke and Deacon John Wiswall the 26th. of the 2nd. mo. 1669 about the payment of a legacie given by Capt. Robert Keayne to the towne, this day the said Cooke and Wiswall did assigne and make over to the selectmen for the townes use the one halfe of the new house in Bostone (next yo. old house) which was a parte of M. Keayns thirds and secured to the treasurer the payment of £148, 63, 8a. one halfe thereof on the 28th of March 1670 the other halfe the 25th of March 1671.


The same day the selectmen assigned over the said Cooks and Weswalls deed or assignment to Nicholas Page and his heires for ever the said halfe parte of the new house in consideration of £120 to be paid by him to the Treasurer for the use of the towne viz £40 March 25th 1670, £50 March 25th 1671 and £30 March 25th 1672 all in mony secured by said house as apeares by his obligation.

29: 969. At a meetinge of Capt. Thomas Lake, Mr. Edward Raynford, Capt Peter Olliuer, John Joyliffe, Capt. James Olliuer, M'. John Richards, & M. Hezechiah Usher.

Agreed with Henry Taylo' Chirurgeon that in consideration of a cure vpon good wife Frankline some time since & his promise of attendance for the yeare ensueinge vpon any poore, sicke or hurt in the towne, his rate is remited for this yeare.

In con

[48.] Accordinge to a vote of the towne the 23 of 6 mo. 1669 The select men agreed with Richard Taylor about his shop vnder the towne house. That sa Taylor and his assignes shall enjoy the s shop for the space of 61 yeares next ensucinge. sideration whereof he hath now put it into good repaire & paid 7£. as a fine, and is obliged & to keep the same in good repaire & to pay 203. p. annum to the treasurer of the towne duringe the said terme.

Whereas the draine belonging to the new house of Arthur Mason & others is found to be an anoyance to the high way where it runs forth into the streete, It is ordered that the said Mason and those whome it doth concerne doe within 1 moneth after the date hereof stop up the said draine or take care that the water coming from it be conveyed some other way, as may be without anoyance. and that vpon penalty of 203. p. week.

9 10 69. This day A Rate for the collectinge of £727. 3. for the Countrie County and towne occasions deliuered to the 4 Constables of Boston, the Constables of Rumny Marsh & Muddy River signed by 6 of the selectmen of Bostone.

27: 10: 69. At a meetinge of Mr. Edward Raynsford, Capt. Peter Olliuer, John Joyliffe, Capt. James Olliuer, Mr. John Richards, Mr. Hezechiah Usher, Capt. Thomas Lake.

Ordered that Mr John Richards shall take care that the waies from ye water side at Halsells wharfe be made fit for landinge persons at lowe water.

Mr Raynsford to giue notice to Mrs Woodmansey that the towne occasions need the vse of the schoole house and to desire her to prouide otherwise for her selfe.

21: 11: At a meetinge of Mr. Hezechiah Usher, Capt Peter Olliuer, Capt James Olliuer & John Joyliffe.

Wm Dawes & Ambrose Dawes are ordered imediately to survey the Chimny's belonginge to the house of John Cole wherein Mrs Conygraue & Returne Molins now dwell. The surveyers made returne that they finde the said Chimny's to be altogeather insuffitient and unfit to make fire in them without greate danger to the house ordered thereupon that the sd Mrs. Conygraue nor Returne Molins make noe fire in the sa Chimnyes before they are suffitientlie repaired.

22: 11: 69. Giuen Libertie to Mrs Conygraue & Returne Molins to burne charcole on ye hearth, till they can prouide bette for themselues.

31:11: 69. At a meetinge of Capt Peter Olliuer, John Joyliffe, Capt James Olliuer, Mr. John Richards, Mr. Hezechiah Usher Capt Thomas Lake Mr. Edward Raynsford

[49.] 28: 12: 1669. At a meetinge of John Joyliffe, Capt. James Olliuer, Mr. John Richards, Mr. Hezechiah Usher, Capt Tho. Lake, Mr. Edward Raynsford, Capt Peter Olliuer

This orde'. is given to Rich. Taylor. & the Constables of Rumny Marsh & Muddy Riuer to warne theire freemen to meete upon ye.

7th. of 1o. next for nomination of magestrates, Election of a Countie Treasurer & Deputies of yo. Generall Court- & to warne the inhabitants to meete the 14th of the same moneth for election of Select men, Constables &c

Whereas vpou the 23: 12: 1662 there was granted to Joseph Gridley on acre of ground more or lesse (as it was set out by Mr Edward Raynsford & Capt Peter Olliuer) at the end of Mrs Colbornes Feild to make brickes for 21 yeares paying 30. p. an wch the gd Gridly hath relinquished & giuen vp to the towne. The same land is now let to Alexand' Simpson for 21 yeares, payinge 24". yearly. Wm Slater, is aproued of to sell beere for the year ensueinge Elisha Huchinson is aproved of to sell stronge liquor by retaile. Whereas vpon the 1st day of May last the Select men went to Muddy riuer vpon the request of Goodman Harris & others of his neighbours, to viewe the way through Mr Bowens ground leadinge to the comon land. It is ordered that there be free egresse and regresse, through the sa land by gates to be opened for driueinge of Carts & Cattle thereby

7: 1:48. At a meetinge of the freemen upon publique notice from house to house

Cap Thomas Clarke & Mr Anthony Stoddar were chosen Deputies of the Generall Court for ye yeare ensueinge. At the same meetinge. Mr John Richards was made choyce of to carry in the votes for Magestrates & a Countie Treasurer. Whereas Alexandr Simson formerly hired a peas of land of the town of Boston, which land is deliuered up againe and the rents payed in full (blank).

[50.] March 14th 1669-70. At a publique meetinge of the inhabitants of Bostone upon lawfull warninge from house to house were chosen for the yeare ensueinge

Moderator-Capt Thomas Sauage

Selectmen Capt Thomas Lake John Joyliffe, Mr. Hezechiah Usher Capt James Olliuer Capt Pet Olliuer Mr. John Richards & Capt William Dauis.

Constables for Bostone Mr Thomas Snossall, Mr Wm Tayler, Mr Thomas Deane, John Meriam, Mr Peter Lidget, Mr Wm Whittingham. Constable for Muddy Riuer Thomas Gardner. Constable for Rumny Marsh Benj" Mussey.

Clarkes of y Markett. John Blake, Hencry Tomson, Robt Cox. Surveyore for Bostone - Thomas Blith, Gawdy James, Robert Sanford. For Rumny Marsh Samuel Stocker. For Muddy River John Winchester, senr.

Sealers of Leather - Wm Inglish, Thomas Fitch, Theophilus Frayrey. Water Bayliffes - Nath' Greenwood, Thomas Pecke sen'. Cullors of staues. Edward Belchard sen'. James Hill, Sam Mattocke. Cullors of Fishe. - To be appoynted by the Countie Court. Packers of meat & fish. Wm Densdall & John Densdall. Measurer of salt-Francis Hudson.

Scauengers - Isaacke Goose, Richard Bennet, Benj" Smith.

Selectmens Instructions - Voted that the former stand in force y yeare ensueinge

It is ordered & agreed that noe person or persons whatsoever shall or may after the 30th day of Aprill next ensueinge suffer any swine of theires to goe in the streetes, lanes, or Comon ground in

this towne within the necke of land, but to keepe them in theire owne ground upon penaltie of forfeitinge ye said swine soe found, one third of the value to be for him that takes the same up, the other two thirds to the poore to be judged & distributed by the Selectmen.

Voted & ordrd to execute the ord above concerninge Swine.

Mr Henery Taylor, Edwa Lilly, Zachariah Phillips, Wm Towres, Nehemiah Perce & James Meeres, Mathew Barna. Tho. Wyborne or any other Inhabitant may make vse of the same power as he finds occasion to doe it.

Ordered that all Carts, belonginge to this Towne within ye necke of Bostone shall be & goe without shod wheeles, after one yeare next ensueinge vpon penalty of 5s for euery offence therein.

Ordered that the paucinge of the streets be left to the consideration of the towne, against the next yeare.

In answere to a Motion of Richard Gridlies to accommodate him with a piece of ground for his trade dureinge his life, it is left to the determination of yo select men to accomodate him.

A Motion of John Lowells to wharfe vnder pte of yo Fort hill is refered to the Milicia & select men of the towne to consider of and give him an answere.

Granted to Wm White and his heires for ever the land on which his dwelling house stands and thereto belonginge as now inclosed containing North vpon the highway, 5 rod 12 foote, East vpon John Rosse. 7 Rod 6 foote, West vpon Capt Sauages land 8 Rod 4 foote, South vpon the sea 5 Rod 14 foote.

[51.] 14: 1: 1669-70. At a publique meetinge of yo. inhabitants upon law full warning

Vpon the request of Mrs Margeret Woodmansey Widdowe to prouide her a house to liue in, if she remoueth from the schoole house, It was granted to allowe her £8. p. an for that end, dureinge her widdowhood.

John Joyliffe is chosen Record'.

Mr John Richards Treasurer.

Capt Peter Oiliuer seal of waights & Measures.

28:11670. At a meetinge of Capt. Thomas Lake, John Joyliffe, Mr Hezechiah Usher, Capt. James Olliuer, Capt Peter Olliuer, Mr. John Richards, Capt. William Dauis

Ordered that ord' concerninge scauengers folio 25 be put in execution by the present scauengers.

16. 2. 1670. At a meetinge of Capt Thomas Lake, John Joyliffe, Hezechiah Usher, Capt. James Olliuer, Mr. John Richards, Capt William Dauis & Thomas Deane Constable

Vpon the decease of Capt Peter Olliuer Capt James Olliuer is chosen seal of waights & measures.

The survey's of Bostone are required to take care yt ye way by William Courcers to Thomas Hawkins be repaired within a weeke on ye penaltie of 20s: a day, till it be done.

21: 2: 1670. At a meetinge of Capt Thomas Lake, John Jowliffe, Capt James Oliuer, Mr John Richards & Capt William Davis. Whereas the 29th of 3d Mo. 1665 there was libertie granted to Mr Joseph Rocke and others his neighb's to set vp posts at each end of of ye lane leadinge by Mr Rocks house It is now ordered that

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