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for euer in consideration of Land giuen by Mr Christopher Stanly. the sa rent of 13. 4. is remitted to the said Will Phillips and his heyres for ever.

In consideration of a high way layed out from Mr John Farniseed to the cross high way leading to the Buring place as apears in fol. 89. the 12th 2:50. As allso another high way leading from Jerimiah Morrell, to Dannell Treuas.

Further it is agreed that part of the ould Foot way bordering vpon the Mill pond, from the high way leading to the Watter mills, vnto the sowtherly end of the Brick kills be relinkquished vnto Majo W Phillips his heyres & assigns for euer

4:1:66/7. Att a metting of the freemen upon publique notis from house to house Cap' Thomas Clarke & Mr Anthony Stodder were chosen deputyes for the Generall Courts the yeare ensueing. The same day Capt. Wm Dauis was chosen Commissioner to carrye in the votes for nomination of Magistrates and the votes for the County Tresuer to the Sheere metting.

[27.] March 11th 66/7. Att a publique metting of the inhabitants of the Towne of Boston from house to house were Chosen for the yeare ensueing.

Moderatour. -Cap Thomas Sauage.

Select men-Capt Thomas Lake, Capt James Oliuer, Mr Peter Oliuer, M' Joshua Scottow, Mr John Hull, Mr Edw" Ranceford, & Hezekiah Vsher: Senio".

Counstables-John Bateman, John Brookine, Thomas Blye, Thom Hull, for Boston. John White Senior for Muddy Ryuer. John Center for Rumny Marsh.

Clarkes for ye Markitt - John Peas: Allexand: Baker Will. Gibson.

Surueyors for Highwayes-Rich Bennett, Peter Goose, for Boston. Edward Kebby, for Muddy Ryuer. Hen: Grenn, for Rumny Marsh.

Sealers of Leather-Will Courser, John Cleere.

Water Bailiffes Barthelmew Barnard, Joseph Gridly.

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Cullo' of Fishe-Mr W Tillye, Francis Hudson, Ralph Sammons Cullo' of Staues - Edward Belcher.

Packer of meat & Fish-Will Densdall.

Measu' of Salt - Francis Hudsonn. Record' Hezekiah Vsher. Tresuerer-John Hull. Sealer of wtt" &c. Petter Olliuer.

Whereas In fol. 85 in the ould Booke of Records, the Planters of Long Iland and Specttackle Iland by agreement with the Towne to allow 6. one acker p. annum to the Towne Tresuer which annuall rent is by the Towne's Consent is made voyde. prouided that what is short payed in of there rent be forthwith payed to the Towne Tresuere.

Free-Grace Bendall moueing for accommidation for house plott to build vpon, itt is left to the discression of the Townesmen to agree both for place and termes; and to perpetuate ye same. James Pemmerton and John Moore chosen Surueyours of Fences att Muddy Ryuer.

25:1:67. [28.] Att a metting of Mr. Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Capt. Oliuer Petter Oliuer, Capt Lake, Joshua Scottow, Hezekiah Usher.

James Landon fined 20 shillings Joseph Dauis fined 20 shillings John White fined 20 shillings Clemmant Sammon fined 5o. for entertaineing & Imployeing of Steuen Brace contrarie to a Towne order. Steuen Brace fined 203. for setting vp his callinge of Feltmaker, without libertye from the Select men.

Whereas sundry of the Inhabitants desire to keepe Sheepe vpon the Comon instead of Cowes Itt is ordered that all such persons shall prouide a keeper for there sheepe & if any Sheepe be found without a keeper, Itt shall be lawfull for any person to impound such sheepe for which every owner shall pay, 2a for every sheepe soe impounded, and shall be lyable to paye all dammages done to any by them in inclosures or otherwise.

Itt is ordered that all swine which shall be found within the bounds of the Towne of Boston out of the ground of the Owners without being yoake and ringed after the 12th of Aprill 1667, all owners shall forfeit for every such Swine, every time soe found, the sum of two shillgs sixe pence.

4:1:67. Mr John Hull, Jacob Elliatt, Theophilus Frirye, Thomas Gardner, Petter Aspinall, ar chosen perambulators for the bounds betwenn Muddy Riuer, Roxsberry, and Cambridge.

29: 267. Att a metting of Hezekiah Usher, Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Capt. Oliuer, Petter Oliuer, Thomas Lake.

Mr Dauis hath liberty to raise tow Buttresses for strengthninge of his gate, butting one the hye way.

Steuen Brace fined 20. for the contempt of the Townesmen order in there restriction the last metting day: And further forbidden to worke any other worke then Jorny worke for 12mo, on penaltie of 20. p. month.

Wm Lyons ordered to answere the presentm of the defect of the high wayes to Roxsberry The next County Court at Boston.

[29.] There is lett out to Thomas Batt the lyme pitts, that he formerly rented, to make vse of them for 14 yeares at 7. 6a. p. Annum, to be payed to the Tresuer of the Towne of Boston then in being to his due satisfaction the 1st of March yearely.

Itt is Ordered that the Counstables watch shall begine the first of May according to instructions giuen, foli. 10. and yo said watch to continue untell further order be given to ye contrary.

Thomas Iorns fined 5o. for breking vp the Towne ground.

Capt Wm Hudson, John Vyall, John Turner Licenced to draw Beere and Wine for the yeare ensueing.

Will Wardall, Clemment Groose hath liberty to draw Beere for the yeare ensueing. Widdow Vpsall hath liberty for halfe a yeare to draw beere. Thomas Snow licenced but for half year vnles he remoue his dwelling into the streat leding into the Towne from Roxsberry. Wm Pollard hath licence for to draw beer for halfe yeare vnles he remoue his dwelling into the streat leading to Roxsbery. Will Courser hath liberty to draw Beere for the yeare ensueing, Thomas Hawkins hath the like liberty.

Will Kemp hath liberty to keep a Cooke Shopp prouided he sell not strong Beere, wyne or stronge drincke.

Will Whittwell hath liberty to draw Beere for the yeare ensueing on consideration, of his great losses, the last yeare.

Mr Will Howard hath liberty to keep a wrighting schoole, to teach childeren to writte and to keep accounts.

Edward Dauis is apointed to be Cowe keeper, and pounder for the yeare ensueing, the key to be left with Isack Cullimore

27: 3: 67. Att a metting of Mr Joshua Scottow, Hezekiah Usher, Petter Olliuer, John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Thomas Lake, Capt James Oliuer.

Cap Thomas Lake, M' John Hull, and M' Joshua Scottow, are deputed to make inquire into the thirds of M" Coole estate, and are hereby fully impoured to ishue all matters concerning the Townes legacye.

John Clow is prohibited from makeing of Candles, either priuately or publiquely to sell them in a retaile way one the penaltye

of 20 a month.

[30.] Vpon the complaint of the defectiue Couering of the passage ouer a seller in the hye way from the North Battery neare Mr Rocke house now in the posession of Eliakim Hutchinson, It is therfore ordered that he repayre the same within 15 dayes from the date hereof, and in non compliance with this order, he shall pay 20o. p. month, monthly.

The fence belonginge to the house pertaining to the Childeren of the late Good. Browne deceased, next to Joh Jacksons. being sett into the streett one the Townes ground, by John Sweete order. Itt is hereby ordered to be remoued within one Month one penaltye of 10. & soe 10o. each month vntell it be remoued.

24: 4: 67. Att a mettinge of Capt James Oliuer, Joshua Scottow, Capt. Lake, John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Hezekiah Usher, Petter Oliuer

John Starr is Fined 10. for Fencinge against the Town high way, without informeing the Select men according to Towne order allsoe 12. p. month tell the Fence be remoued.

There is lett a peice of ground to Mr. Petter Olliuer, att the vpper end of his lott, bordering vpon Fort hill, being in lengh 6 Rod to the Sowth and in bredth to the West 3 Rod 5 foott and to the East commeth of to a point, Allowing to the Town Tresuer 2o. p. annu, and to hould the same duringe the Towne pleasure.

Capt. Walkers Bench & Fence standinge 10 Inches into the Townes ground, hath libertye to stand during the Towne pleasure, payinge 64. p. yeare to the towne Tresurer.

Steuen Talbyes porch standing one the Towne ground 4 inches hath libertye to stand duringe the Towne pleasuer, paying 64. p. annm. to the Towne Tresuer.

15: 5: 67. Att a publique Towne metting John Smith is chosen Counstable for Rumy Marsh in the rome of John Center deceased.

Mr. Thomas Brattle chose Commissioner to Joine with the Select men in the estimate of the estates of the seuerall Inhabitants of the Towne in order to a raite.

29: 5: 67. Att a metting of Petter Oliuer, Capt. James Oliuer, Hezekiah Usher, Edwa Ranceford, John Hull, Thomas Lake.

Hennery Heriat put himeselfe to Aprentice to Joseph Dauis Felt maker, for to serue 6 yeares from the [31.] 11th July 1667 to the end of the terme of 6 yeares haueing served 2 yeares one the same calling formerly.

Isacke Cullimore declares that he formerly layed out a way betwenne Jeremiah Cushion house And Richard Bradleys, of 4 foot wide, leading from the street to Richard Martine paells, which I desire may be recorded in the Towne Booke.

Whereas there was a complaint preferd by Ambros Bennitt of the defectiue Chymnyes of the house of Good Newell Senior of Roxsberry Rented to Joshua Rice, vpon veiw of Richard Knight, and Will Dawes, bricklayers ar Judged insuficient and dangerious, Wee therfor order that the sa Chymnies within 8 dayes bee repaired, one penaltee of 103. & soe 53. for each day vntell they be secured.

John Ingoldsby hath put himselfe aprentice to Joseph Dauis for to learne the trade of felt maker, beging the first of May and soe to serue the terme of 8 yeares.

Widdow Vpshall, Will Pollard [each] permitted to keep a publique house of entertainmt for the next halfe yeare ensueing.

Whereas John White, of Muddy Ryuer hath preferred a complaint against James Pemberton, for setting vp a gate in the high way by the Bridge betwenn the s John White & Pemberton, Wee iudge the s complaint groundles, for as much as that for many years before, and some time sence, John White's dwelling theere a gate was erected and allowed in or neare the same place, And we see noe cause to accept against it.

Vpon complaint of seuerall Inhabitants of the abuse and Cumber of the street by John Lowell, the Cooper, by his callinge & the defect of the passage in the high way befor his doore, Itt is therfor Ordered that John Lowell shall remoue all such annoyance & forthwith repayre the high way befor his doore, betwixt this and the 24th of Aug. on penaltye of 10. each month after the limited time for neglect thereof.

Vpon the Complaint of seuerall Inhabitants of a fraime sett vp, ouer against Esdras Reades belonging to Thomas Edsall that the Gabell ends being redy to dropp down to the danger and hazard of the liues of persons that passe by, Itt is therefor Ordered, that the sd Thomas Edsall within 3 dayes doe either take downe or secure the Gable ends, on penaltye of fiue for each day they soe abide after the 3 dayes expired.

[32.] 1:6: 67. One complaint of the insufficiencie of Riggine, made by Jo" Wing, Itts therefore ordered that Mr John Hay-' man, Tho: Moore and Rich Myles are to take a fitt season to vew ye Rigging & make returne thereof, to the Selectmen at the nixt metting, whether the Rigging be seruiceable.

26:6: 67. Att a metting of John Hull, Petter Oliuer, Capt. James Oliuer, Capt. Thomas Lake, Hezekiah Usher, Edward Ranceford.

Benj. Thompson being made choice of by the selectmen for to officiate in the place of the schole master for one yeare, Mr. Hull being apointed to agree for tearmes, what to allow hime p. Annu.

By vertue of a Towne vote past 11 March 66 giueing power to the Select men to accomidate Mr Free grace Bendall a house plott, and to perpetuate the same, We ye said Select men haue leased to Mr Free-grace Bendall a piece of ground one Fort hill as appeares by deeds beareing date the 27 May, 1667: Further, Mr. Freegrace Bendall hath liberty to wharfe out vpon the Flatts before his ground, to the Channell, if hee pleas.

In respect of the death of Rumny Marsh Counstable being vnwilling to trouble the whole Towne to come together, wee desire for this present remaining part of the yeare, that the Inhabitants of the said place, choose some fitt person and send hime to take the oath of A Counstable.

Whereas there is great Annoyance by George Nowells stoppage of the watter course neere the Conduit, the Towne ordereth the 8d Nowell to giue the said watter it [s] ancient passage, and free the street from such Annoyances within 15 dayes or otherwise to pay as a fine to the towne 20o. a week for euery weekes defect, after the 15 dayes.

30: 7: 67. Att a metting of Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Petter Oliuer, Hezekiah Usher, Thomas Lake, Joshua Scottow. The tresuer. hath liberty to releife Moses Bartlett, a lame man.

Edward Dauis and Joseph Gridly are chosen for perform the Bell man office according to directions. fo. 11.

[33.] 14. 8. 67. Att metting of the freemen Mr. Jeremiah Houtchine was chosen deputy for this Sessions of the Gen1. Court. Att the metting of the fremen upon publique notis from house to house. Mr. Edward Ting, Mr Jerimiah Houtchine, Mr Antho: Stodder, Mr Richard Parker, Capt Thomas Clarke, Mr Humphery Dauir, and Mr Edward Rawson where chossen Comissioners for the Towne.

28.8. 67.

Att a metting of Joshua Scottow Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Petter Oliuer Hezekiah Usher Capt. James Oliuer Capt. Tho. Lake.

Granted to Will Tayler Merch ye reuersion of the ground one which his Warehouse standeth and of the Wharefe before it, which originally were in the possession of Majo' Bourne, he payeing, for euer to the vse of the Free schoole in monny 10. p. Annū. payeable from the 1st. of Aprill 1670 as p. deeds apeareth.

25 9: 67. At a meeting of Capt. Oliver, Capt. Lake, John Hull, Peter Oliver, Edw. Rainsford, M'. Usher & Josh. Scottow.

2: 11: 67. This day a raite for £711. 10. 104. for the Country

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