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John Andrws hath liberty for a seller doore prouided it be erected according to Towne order.

Francis Hudson hath liberty to kepp a house of publique entertainm'.

Whereas in the yeare 43. a graunt of 300 Ackers of Land as apeare in Booke of Records (fo. 66.) giuen to the first proprieters of the Watter Mills in the Towne of Boston on Condition of makeing a passage through the Mill dam, for Botts to goe into the mill pond, which Condicon being accomplished, Mr Will Stoughton sonne & heayre to Isarell Stoughton deceased, being an Assignie, to the pprieters in the sa Mills, makeing a demand of the same Itt is graunted the sd Wm Stoughton hath liberty to looke out 300 Ackers of land belonging to the Towne of Boston adjoining to Brantry which is neither layed out in peticuler Alottments [23.] nor leased out vppon Rent.

Itt is agreed that for this yeare the 30 Soldiers that ar listed for the Castle shall haue the head monny allowed by the Country made 4o. apeice to each Soldier out of the Towne Treasurye.

This day a lease signed for the Seller vnder the Towne house to Mr Robert Gibbs, for 51 Yeares, begining the 25 of March last, payeing 5o. in siluer to the Towne Treasuer one the 1st of March yearely.

Jacob Eliat for and in consideration of part of his land layed out for the high way to Cambridg and lookeing after the bounds of the Comon lands att Muddy Riuer, hath liberty to make vse of sd Commos att the great pond for the space of 7 yeares.

26: 1265. Att a metting of John Hull, Petter Oliuer, James Oliuer, Edward Ranceford, Joshua Scottow, Hezekiah Usher, Thomas Lake

This day was signed, sealed & deliuered a Lease to Major Gen1 Leaueritt for Fox Hill with all the Marsh about the same soe farr as the salt Watter floweth, bounded with the high way Sowth, with the Towne Common East & North, & with the Beach and Sea West. To have and to hould the said land the terme of 40 yeares from the 1st day of March insueing, paying to the Treasuer the Towne upon the 1st of March the sum of 30. p. annu in currant monny. Granting liberty to the Inhabitants of the Tow to fetch Sand or Clay from the s Hill, as doth more lardgly apeare in the s Artickles.

5:16. Att a metting of the freemen upon publike notis from house to house

Capt Thomas Clarke, M' Anthony Stodder choosen deputyes for the Gennerall Courts for the yeare ensucing.

Att the same metting Capt Wm Dauis chosen Commissioner to cary in the votes for nomination of Magistrats & the votes for the County Treasuer, to the Sheere metting.

The salt marshe belonging to the Towne Inclosed by Mr John Allcock with a ditch, In answer to the s Allcock's petition ye 10th 1m 61-2 being referred to the Selectmen determination is partly exchanged for a parcell of vpland containing 4 Ackers more or lesse

which did belong to the sa Allcocke & is now added to the Townes Common, And partly leased and graunted to hime for euer, paying for 15 yeares 12a. p. Annm & afterwards £3. p. Annum foreuer according to a deed from the sa Allcock bearing date the 6: 1mo: 64-5.

[24.] March 12. 1665. Att a publike metting of the inhab itants of the Towne of Boston from house to house where Chosen for the yeare ensueing.


Capt Thomas Sauage.

Select men Capt Lake, Capt Oliuer, Petter Oliuer, Joshua Scottow, John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Hezekiah Vsher.

Counstables. - Nath' Reanolds, John Button, Richard Bennitt, Arthur Masson, for Boston. Sam' Dauis for Rumy Marshe, Nathan. Stedman for Muddy Ryuer.

Clerks for the Markitt- Michaell Willis, John Merrian, Samuell Norden.


Petter Goose, Rich: Smith, for Boston Thomas Gardner for Muddy Ryuer, Will Ireland for Rumny Marsh: Benj Mussy hath accepted to hould for this year.

Sealers for Leather - Will Courser, Wm Gibbson.
Watter Bailiffs Jonathan Balston, Thomas Packe.
Cullers of fish - Francis Hudsonn, Ralph Sammons.
Cullers of Staues.

Wm Densdall.

Measu' of Salt

- Edward Bellcher. Packer of meat & fishe.

Francis Hudsonn. Recorder. Hezekiah Vsher. Tresuer. John Hull. Sealer of Waits &c. Petter Oliuer.

Voted in the negatiue one the motion made by the Counstables that their raites should be Taken of.

26: 1:66. Att a metting of Capt. James Olliuer, John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Hezekiah Usher, Joshua Scottow.

John Vyall is licenced to draw Wine & Beere for the yeare ensueing. Wm Wardall, Widdow Vpshall, Wm Courser, Clemont Groose, Tho: Hawkins, Wm Pollard, Thomas Snow, Will Whittwell Licenced to draw Beere for the year ensueing [The latter] haueing assured vs that he will not any longer then the Yeare kepp a house of entertainm*.

The order about Swyne made in the yeare 1662 apearing foli (8) standeth in force for the yeare ensueinge.

John Crosse is hereby ordered to attend the yoaking & ringing of the Swyne belonging to the inhabitants of the towne and to asseize all forfeitures [25.] that shall arise by the Swine not being yoaked and ringed according to order apering foli. (8) The order about Sheep fo. 3, standeth in force after the 11th Aprill. John Crosse is apointed to be the Toune cryer, to be allowed 2a. for what he cryeth att the metting house, And what he Crye vpp & downe from street to street is to be allowed 6. a time; further the s John Crosse is ordered to cleare the streets of Carron, & other offenciue matters.

Agreed with Mr Dannell Hincheman for £40. p. Annm to assisst Mr Woodmancy in the grammer Schoole & teach Childere to wright, the Yeare to begine the 1st of March 65-6.

John Dawes, You are hereby impoured to take care of the Youth and such persons att the new metting house, that are disorderly in the time of God sollem worship, to compell such as ar without doors to goe into the metting house & such as ar disorderly within with a small wand to correct them, & in case of contempt. You are to take such p'sons names, & by the helpe and assistance of the Counstable to bring them befor Authority that they may be delt with according to the demerritt the day following. this order signed the 21: 2: 66. by yo Gouerno' & He: Vsher in the name of the Select men.

John Lewis hath liberty for keping a Cooke Shop for y° yeare ensucing.

Widdow Turner hath liberty to draw wine & beer for the yeare ensueing.

30: 266.

Att a metting of Hezekiah Usher, Petter Oliuer, John Hull, Edward Ranceford.

Let Tuttle, Corn' Hazy, Sam Dauis, are made choice of as a Committie to settle the high way at pulling point leading out of the necke to Rumy marsh, And to ishue all such differences about high wayes betwixt neighbour & neighbour & to make returne thereof the next metting day.

Mr Deane Winthrup, Cap Edward Hutchenson, James Bill, are made choice of as a Committie to Settle the high way from the high way that is apointed to be layed out from pulling point to the Country high way & soe likewise a high way leading to Maldine & likewise to settle such high wayes as shall be conuenient betwixt neighbour & neighbor. makeing returne thereof.

Itt is ordered that the Counstables watch shall begine the 1st of May according to instructions given fo. 10. & the sd watch to continue untell further order be given to the Contrary.

Scavengers Orders.

That noe person whatsocuer shall upon the penalty of 5 shillings for euery default suffer any stones, clay, timber, firewood, bords, clapboards or any other thing to lay aboue 48 houers which might annoy y streets.

[26.] That noe inhabitant shall throw forth o' lay any intrales of beasts or fowles garbidge or Carrion dead dogs or ratts dead beasts or any other stinking thing in any highway ditch or Common belonging to this towne but are injoyned to bury ye same for the preventing of annoyance thereby and allsoe yt noe person shall throw forth dust o' dung, shreeds of cloth or leather, tobbacco stalkes or any other thing wh may tend to the annoyance of the streets upon penalty according to law puided and to be moderated according to ye discretion of ye Selectmen further it is ordered for the prevention of annoyance to the Town, all garbidge, beast entralls &c. are to be throwne into the Mill Creek ouer the Mill Bridge upon penalty of 20 shillings fo' euery default, and euery other person is to obserue sa ord' on sa penaltic.

Itt is further ordered that noe parson shall annoy the Commō by casting stones out of there lotts or other thinges, which may be

offensiue or by laying any carrion upon it, upon the penalty of 20 shillings to be paid by euery pson transgressing.

Edward Davis is apointed to bee Cowkeper for the yeare ensueing and likewise to be pounder of all such Cattle as ar contrary to towne order and the key to be left with Isack Cullimore.

28:3: 66. Att a metting of Petter Oliuer, Hezekiah Usher, John Hull, Edward Ranceford, James Oliuer, Thomas Lake.

Wee whose names are vnder written being made choice of by the Select men of Boston to lay out the hie wayes att Puline pointe leading into the Counterie, as allsoe the hie wayes betwixt nighbour and neighboure, and soe to the wattersides, Wee iudge & apointe that the accustomed wayes now vsed shall still be continnued, only wee iudge it conuenient, That the gate betwixt Mr Winthorps ground & Elder Penn be remoued heyer vp the hill towards M Winthropps ground, to be layed aboue the well; and judge it necessary that euery man that hath ground (that hye wayes goe through) that is for ye publique hige way to Rumnye Marsh is to make hand gates for more conueniensy, for to pass thorow & not to haue onely railes to drawe, weh wee conceiue may suffise for Carts, dated att Puland pointe this 18th May 1666.


Wee whose names vnderwritten a Committie to setle the high wayes att Rumney Marsh, Wee haueing vewed the seuerall wayes, doe judge it most conuenient that the accustomed wayes now vsed both to the high way leading to Linne, as allsoe the high waye — [The next folio is also 26 marked 27.] leading to Malden, As allsoe the high wayes leading to Winnetsemet, As allsoe the high wayes be twixt neightbour & neightbour & to the watter sides shall still be continued, being founde by long experience to be most conueinient and on our veiucing of them wee finde them soe to bee. And whereas there was a high way formerly layed out through Rumny Marsh which wee iudge in many places of it Inconuenient. And therefore by reason either of hilles or Swampe hath not been vsed, Wee judge such as haue landes joyninge upon it, And soe forced to sufer the high way to goe through there other landes for more conucaniency, Wee iudge it conuenient that soe much of that hye way as is not now made vse of, But the way turned for Conueniencye, otherwise that the propritie' of the land butting upon the high wayes shall have liberty to take it into there lands which now the highwayes goes thorow (and the records to be made, to confirme) only the acustomed high wayes now vsed, dated at Rumny Marsh this 25: 3 mo: 1666.

JAMES BILL his marke.

26: 466. Att a metting of Thomas Lake, James Oliuer, Petter Oliuer, Hezekiah Usher, Edward Ranceford, John Hull

Mr Jones one the 28: 3mo. 1666 being sent for by the Select men for keeps a schoole and being required to performe his promise to

the Towne in the Winter to remoue himeselfe and famyly in the springe: And forbideng to keep schoole any longer.

Robert Coxe hath lyberty graunted to sell scuruy grasse Aile &c.

27: 666. Att a metting of John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Petter Oliuer, Capt. Oliuer, Hezekiah Usher, Joshua Scottow

A raite made for strangers to the vallew of £18. 1o. 8a. & committed to the Cunstables to gather vpp.

24 7 66. Att a metting of Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Thomas Lake, Capt. James Oliuer, Hezekiah Usher

Edward Dauis & Joseph Gridly are apointed Bell men and to begine their seruise the 2a of Oct', att night following.

29:8: 66. Att a metting of Joshua Scotto, John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Hez. Usher

Itt is Ordered that Mr Henry Shrimpton legacie of £50. is to be layed out in the purchass of some land o' house as may bring in some Annuall Rent, In the meane while, the £50 to be lett out to some able persone as may allow consideration for it. hereof is comitted to the Towne Treasurer.

The care

19:966. This day a raite made for Country and Towne occasions to the vallew of £726. 18. 0 delivered to the severall Counstables of Boston to be leued according to law. [The next folio is also 우.]

[26.] 26: 9: 66. Att a metting of Capt. Thomas Lake, Joshua Scottow, John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Petter Oliuer, Hezekiah Usher.

28:11:66 Att a metting of Mr. Joshua Scottow, Petter Oliuer, Capt James Oliuer, Capt Lake, Hezekiah Usher, Edw. Ranceford, John Hull

Will Whitwell hath liberty together with his neightbours to wharfe one the North side of the mille taile for landing wood, &c. And in case the neightbours refuse to beare p.portinall charge with him then to requier wharfedge of such p'sons as shall make vse thereof.

Mr Edward Ting, Joshua Scottow, Thomas Lake, James Mattock, Edward Naylor, Samuell Mattocke, Mrs Paddy, Benjamine Phipinye. Gamaliell Phippinye, John Comos, Humphery Mylam, hath liberty to wharfe or make dockes as they shall agree on, or any of them before theire owne landes betwenn the mill Creeke & John Phillips dock.

25:12: 66. Att a metting of M' John Hull, Petter Oliuer, Capt James Oliuer, Capt Lake. Joshua Scottow, Hezekiah Usher & Edward Ranceford

Whereas In the ould booke of Records. fol 85. bereing date the 19th: 2 month: 49. Mr Wm Phillips was bound both himselfe heyres and assignes to paye to the Free Schoole of Boston, 13. 4a. p. Ann

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