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19:9: 64. This day A raite for Country and Towne occasions to the vallew of £620: 19: 6d. was deliuered to the Counstables to be leued according to law.


26 10 64. Att a mettinge of Edward Ranceford, Petter Oliuer, Thomas Lake, Joshua Scottow, Hezekiah Usher, Capt. Olliuer and John Hull

30: 11: 64. Att a metting of John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Capt. Oliuer, Petter Oliuer, Hez. Usher, Joshua Scottow, Thomas Lake.

Capt Scarlitt hath libertye to wharfe vpon a parcel of land bought of Samuell Grome lying next to Frances Hudsons House lott.

Itt is ordered that John Hull and Petter Oliuer is to take care about the inlardgment of the Towne schoole-house.

Richard Waite hath liberty to erect a porch befor his streat doore during the Towne pleasure, paying to the Towne Treasuerer 12a. p. Annum, to be paid the 25 of March yearely.

Martine Kent fined 10. for setting Jorney men att worke contrary to a towne order.

26: 12: 64. Att a metting of Capt. James Oliuer, John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Petter Oliver, Hezekiah Usher, Thomas Lake. Mrs. Jane Woodcock Widdow hath liberty of admittance into the Allme house duringe the Towne pleasure, Mr Petter Oliuer hath pouer to order ye same. Wm Morris vpon there request to kepp A house of Entertainm', the Select men positiuely forbid it.

6:164/5. Att a metting of the freemen upon publike notice from house to house

Majo' Gen' Leaueritt, Capt Thomas Clarke where chosen deputyes for the Gennerall Courts ordinary and extraordinarie for the whole yeare cnsueing.

Att the same metting Capt Will Dauis, Deacon Wizall, M' John Richards were chosen Comissioners to ioyne with the Selectmen to draw vpp instructions for the deputyes.

Att the same metting Capt Wm Dauis Chossen Commissione' to carry in the votes for nomination of Magistrats & the votes for the County Treasuerer for the Sheeres metting.

March 13th 1664/5. [18.] Att a publicke metting of the inhabitants upon lawfull warning from house to house where chosen for the yeare ensueing

Moderatour Capt Thomas Sauage.

Select men Capt Thomas Lake, Capt James Olliuer, Petter Olliuer, Joshua Scottow, Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Hezekiah Vsher.

Counstables-Peter Brackitt, Joseph How, Nathaniell Bishop, Augustine Clemunt, for Boston.

Samuell Dauis, for Rumny Marsh, Nathaniell Stedman, for Muddy Ryuer.

Clarkes for ye Markitt- Nath' Adams, John Audline, Will Killkup.

Surueyors John Button, Rich Bennitt for Boston.

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Benjamine Mussye for Rumny Marsh: Capt Hutcheson asistance desired. Thomas Gardner for Muddy Ryuer.

Sealers of leather - Habbicock Glouer, Nathan: Reanolds.
Watter bailiffs - Jonathan Ballstone, Thomas Pecke.

Packer of meat- Will Densdall.

Cullers of fishe - Francis Hudson, Ralph Sammes.
Culler of Staues - Edward Bellcher Sennior.

Itt is ordered that the former instructions giuen [to Selectmen] should continue in force.

Major Generall motion to the Towne for a peice of ground for Dauid Chapine, is left to the discretion of the Select men to order. Recorder. Hezekiah Vsher. Tresue". John Hull.

Sealers of waits &c. Petter Olliuer.

Att a meting of Capt. Thomas Lake, Capt Oliuer, Petter Oliver, Edw. Ranceford, John Hull, Hezekiah Usher, Joshua Scottow.

John Vyall is licenced to draw wine and beere for the yeare ensueing.

Widdow Vpshall, Witt Pollard, Clemment Groose, Wm Wardall licenced to draw beere for the yeare ensueing.

Wm Lyon hath vnder writt the agrement betwixt the select men of Boston and Obadiah Swift about the repayring of the high wayes In the Marsh towerds Roxsberry as apeares under his hand.

Edward Dauis is apointed to be Cow keper & pounder for the yeare ensueing ye Key to be left wth Isack Cullimore.

The order about Swinne made in the yeare (62) as apeares fol. 8 standeth in force for this yeare ensueinge.

[19.] Hennery Rayner is hereby orderedd to attend the yoakeing & ringing of Swynne belonging to the inhabitants of the Towne of Boston, and to aseize all forfeitures that shall arise by swine not being yoaked and ringed according to order as appears in the order fol. 8.

The order about Sheep fo. 3. standeth in force after the 1st of Aprill.

Sam' Bennitt & John Tuttle chosen together with Capt Hutcheso" to goe the Bounds betwixt Boston, & Line, and Maulding.

24:2: 65. Att a metting of Joshua Scottow, Capt. Thomas Lake, Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Petter Oliuer, Capt. Oliuer, Hezekiah Usher.

Wiłłi Whitall, Thomas Snow, Witti Courser, licenced to draw Beere for the yeare ensueing. James Webster hath a graunt of land, in length towerds the towne high way 44 foot in bredth, in the North West 45 foot, towerds the pond 45 foot, and on the East with James Burgis land, for which hee is to pay 12a. p. yeare for 30 yeares terme which he is to enjoy the same.

Barthellmew Cheeu'es hath a graunt of a strip of land bounded on the N. W. with street, and is in bredth 17 foot, & thence vpon a straite line to the sixt post from the lane end, is in length 116

foot, in the midle it is 8 foot in bredth, for which he is to pay 2". p. yeare in mony for ye terme of 30 yeares.

John Lewis hath liberty for keping of Cooke shop for yeare ensueing.

Thomas Hawkins hath liberty for drawing Beere & to kep Cooke shop for year ensueing.

Itt is ordered that the Counstables Watch begine the first of May according to instructions given fo. 10 and to continue the said watch untell further order be taken to the contrary.

4:3: 65. Att a metting of the freemen Mr Anthony Stodder is chosen Deputy for the Gennerall Court this yeare ensueing.

Att a mettinge of the Comittie apointed by the Freemen of the Town of Boston to draw vp Instructions for the deputies it is agreed to p'sent these ensueing viz. First that there may be an amicable compliance with his Majesties Honrble Comissioners according as dutye to God & allegiance to his Majestie obligeth wthout any receding from o' iust priuelegies according to Pattent.

Secondly. In as much as the number of Free men in this Towne of Boston (consisting of two distinct churches) is very lardg, that either the number of deputies theire representatiues may bee inlardged according to proportion of Free men, or that there may bee shere deputyes.

Thirdly that whereas there be diuers officers (as sealers of leather &c.) whoe after election, by law, oft to be sworne to the execution thereof whoe yett refuse the [20.] same, that there may be some penaltie inflicted vpon the refuser of the same that soe the worke may not be frustrated.

Fourthly-That whereas the Standard for waights in Townes exceeds not 4 pounds, that it may be enlardged to 56 pound waight, whereby fraud may be p'uented in greater draughts.

Fiftly That where as for the future there may bee more vse of Bricks then formerly, for p'uention of damadge that the law relateing to Tiles may be inlardged to Bricks, as to Clay they are made of and that there may be a size apointed for there demensions and that there moldes may bee shod &c. Subscribed by

Will Dauis, John Wissall, John Richards, together with the Select men.

29:365. Att a metting of Petter Oliver, Edward Ranseford, John Hull, Thomas Lake, Joshua Scottow, Hezekiah Usher, Capt. James Oliuer.

Mr Rocke and Mr Barthellmew with the rest of their neightbours being desirous to paue the causye from ye end of Goodman Courser dwelling house to the end of the lane by M' Rocke, they haue libertye to sett vp posts att each end to kepp of Carts for the securing the causye.

Gorg Hiskitt Allowed to keep a Wherry to goe aboord ships. John Cox hath the like liberty.

Itt is ordered that Thomas Jay In consideration of a peice ground butting vpon the new metting house to the North as his fence now stands, the s Thomas Jay is freed from all raites during his & wife naturall life, & 40°. in siluer besides.

John Glander Joiner fined 10. for opening shop without liberty, which fine he payed in a Chaier.

Clemment Grosse fined 20. for long continnuance of entertainm* of Martine Kent.

Capt Sauadge, fined 10. for letting a roome to Martine Kent contrary to Towne order.

John Cottie fined 10. for opeing shop. contrary to Towne order. In consideration of Land receiued of Richard Bellingham Esq. for the Towne high way towerds Roxsberry, In exchange thereof wee haue graunted and layed out a square peice of ground Butting upon Thomas Snow on the Sowth, & Mr Collborne on the East, & the Common on the West, and North as it is now fenced in.

26:4:65. [21.] Att a mettinge of Mr John Hull, Potter Oliuer, Thomas Lake, Joshua Scottow, Hezekiah Usher,

John Hubbert hath not liberty to abide to continnue in the Towne, vnles he serue 3 yeare to perfect hime in the trade of a Joinner.

31: 5: 65. Att a metting of Edward Ranceford, Cap! Oliuer, Joshua Scottow, Thomas Lake, Petter Oliuer, John Hull, Hezekiah Usher

Cap Hudson is to make vpp the Fence about the burying place, within 14 dayes after the date of these presents or elce the promise to hime relateing to the s burying place to be voyd from thenceforth.

Mr Petter Oliuer is apointed for to repaire the well belonging to M' Increase Mather, soe farr forth as it was impared for the Town


Sam Emmens fined 10. for entertaininge of Roger Champion contrary to Towne order.

Barthellmew Barnard hath liberty before his one ground to wharfe.

28: 6: 65. Att a metting of Capt. James Oliuer, Petter Oliuer, Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Hezekiah Usher, Joshua Scottow This day according to Court order by warrant from the County Tresuere assessmt was made by the selectmen of the estates of the seuerall inhabitants & committed to Capt Wm Dauis whoo was chosen by the Towne to be Comissio' for that end.

Mr John Hull is ordered to treat with the Selectmen of Brantry about the allowance to the Indians for there Lands and to compound and agree About the same.

1:7: 65. Mr Benjamine Gillum J' haueing obstructed the high way leading to Fort hill, one the West side of his dwelling house and ware house, Itt is therefore ordered that the s highe way shall be forth with layed open & left 10 foot in bredth vpon penaltie of 20. a week weekly vpon the defect thereof.

25:7: 65. Att a metting of Capt. Thomas Lake, Capt. James Oliuer, Petter Oliuer, Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Hezekiah Usher, Joshua Scottow,

Edward Dauis and Joseph Gridly are apointed Bell-men and to take up the seruisse when the Counstable watch is giuen upp.

31:5: 65. Sargt Will Turner was ordered to puide for himselfe and family in some other place, haueing carred it ofenciuely heere.

28-6: 65. On the 28th 6m following, notwithstanding continnueing his aboode heere, hee was againe ordered to remoue out of the Towne, within a forth night.

One the 25th of the 7mo Sargt Will Turner refuseing to depart out of the Towne haueing due warning giuen hime, Itt is therefor ordered that he shall be presented to the next County Court.

John Marshall is ordered to goe from house to house to require fines of all such houshoulders that are defectiue in puideing Lathers accordinge [22.] to Towne order fol. 104. ould records.

30:8: 65. Att a metting of Joshua Scottow, Thomas Lake, Petter Oliuer, James Oliuer, John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Hez. Usher,

Robert Walker acknowledgd Thomas Jeffery his saruant hath serued his time of Aprentiship according to his Endenturs.

John Dawes is ordered to ouer see the youth at the new metting house, that they behaue themselues reuerently in the time of diuine worship, and to act according to his instructions therein.

10:8: 65. The Vote respecting Comisio's Choice one by one, was repealed.

13:9: 65.

This day a raite for Country and Town occassions to the vallew of £575. 1a. 6d. was deliuered to the Counstables of Boston to be leeued according to law.

27:9:65. Att a metting of Hezekiah Usher, Thomas Lake, Joshua Scottow, John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Petter Oliuer. Will Kent hath liberty to keep a Cooke Shop.

Vpon Information of the necessitye and Inabillity of the North end of the Towne to repaire there metting house, wee iudge mett to allow £40. out of the Towne Treasuery towerds the same.

25:10: 65. Att a metting of Petter Oliuer, Edward Ranceford. Hezekiah Usher, Thomas Lake, Joshua Scottow, Capt. Oliuer, John Hull

Itt ordered that Hennery Phillips shall be alowed 35 Rood in lewe of the 35 Rood taken out of his ground for the high way towerds Roxsberry to be layed out att the N. E. end of his pastour, allowing a sufficient high way.

Capt Hutcheson returne relating to there perambulation between Boston Maulden & Lin and in perticuler the causy on Rumny Marsh, one the file.

29:11: 65. Att a metting of Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Petter Oliuer, Joshua Scottow, James Oliuer, Hezekiah Usher, Thomas Lake.

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