Gambar halaman

sable for horse and Cart according to the Grant of sd Town on penalty of 20. p. Week till it be done.

[232.] 1700. March 11. Att a publick meeting of the inhabitants of Boston upon publiek warning according to law were

chosen the town officers afternamed viz*.

Moderator. Capt Nath Byfield.

Select men.

- Daniel Oliver, Isaiah Tay, Joseph Prout, John Marion Jun', Tim° Clark, Elizer Holioke, Obodiah Gill. Town Clerk-Wm Griggs.

Town Treasurer - James Taylor.

Overseers of ye poor. - Elisha Hutchinson Esq, John Eyre Esq, Nath Oliver, Nath Byfield Esq. Sam" Lynde.

Constables. Benja Fitch, Henry Hill, Wm Man, Wm Welsted, Wm Clark, Joseph Billings, James Gooch, Joseph Dowden. For Rumney [Marsh.]-Jesse Winthrop.


Muddi River. Joseph Davis.

Surveyers. Thomas Walker, Stephen Minot, Jacob Malyne, John Goodwin.

For Rumney Mersh-John Tuttle.

For Muddi river. — John White, & John Devotion.

Fence Viewers. Peter Wier, Sam" Bridge, Tho: Barnard.
For Rumny Mersh. - John Brintnal & Hugh Floyd.

For Muddy River - Ralph Shepard, & Nat" Holand.

Clerk of y Market. Edward Procter, Robert Guttridge, Joseph Russell, Sam". Russell John Foreland, Richard Draper.

Sealers of Leather. James Maxwell, John Marion sen', Silence Allen.

Tything men No 1. Wm Everton, Joseph Williams. 2. Tho: Jackson, Sam" Turell. 3. John Jepson, Joseph Hillier. 4. Sam" Jacklin, George Elisston. 5. Tho: Clarck, Johon Edwards. 6. Richard Christopher, John Gerrish. 7. Benja Hollowell, John Boreland. 8. Wm Gibbins, Sam" Bridge. 9. Sam" Townsend, James Bell.

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Abra Blish, James Mears, John Cotta sen1. John

Hog reaves. Anthony Greenhill, Sam" Burnell, Sam" Bridge, Henry Emes, Sam" Earle.

Measur* of Boards & Timb'. — John Barnard, John Eustis. Measurers of Grain. Alexander Sherrerd, Job Ingraham, Sam" Johnson.

Cryers Gabrill Worner, Robert Shelstone.

[233.] 1700/1 March 11th. It was voted that there shall be overseer of the Poor. It was voted, That there should be but 7 Selectmen.

It was voted, That the Town should be at no charge, To the maintaining the Water ways Over at Winnicimet Ferry.

On the Consideration of Mr. James Taylors serving of the Town in the place of Town Treasurer 8 years to the month of March last past & Never Charged the Town any more then 51d. p. year for the same & being far less then really the Service is worth. Upon the consideration fore mentioned. It was Voted, That the Selectmen

should Cause a peice of plate to be made to the Value of 20 pounds, & psent the same to the s. Mr James Taylor as a small retaluation of his Service & Kindness to the Town.

It was further Voted, That sa Taylor for his service in sa office the year past shall be allowed 10 pounds.

Mr Simeon Stoddard being Imployed by the Selectmen, to buy 20 Barrels of Powder for the Towns use, & Mr James Taylor being Ordered by s Selectmen as he was Treasur". of the Town to receive sd powder into his Custatie and Care, affirms he Never recd any more then 15 barrels of them, Nor could Never understand what was become of the other five.

Therefor it was Voted, sa James Taylor as Treasu' of the Town should sue sa Simeon Stoddard for the 5 barrels of the Towns powder wch. is yet wanting.

Upon the Petition of the Inhabitants of Muddi river, To be a a District or Hamlet Seperate from the Town, for these reasons following, Namely the remoteness of thier Situation, wch renders them uncapable of Injoying Equal Bennifit & Advantage with other of the Inhabitants, of Public Schools for the Instruction of their Children, Relief of their poor, & repairing of their high ways.

Their petition being read, & the reasons given theirin Debated, It was Voted in the Negative & That tho' they had not for some years been Rated in the Town rate yet for the time to come the Selectmen Should rate them in the Town Tax as the other Inhabitants & as formerly they use to be. And for their Incouragement, It was Voted, that the Selectmen should provide a Schoolmaster for them, To teach their children to read, Write & Cypher, & order him his pay out of the Town Treasury.

Some of the Inhabitant of the North end of the Town, stood up and requested that they might haue the Libertie of a free-school, for the Teaching to Write & Cypher.

It was Voted in the affirmative, That the Selectmen should agree wth a Schoolmaster for them, & Order him his payment out of the Town Treasury.

The Inhabitants of Rumney Marsh standing by and seeing the Town in so good a frame, also put in their Request yt a free school might be granted them to Teach to Read, Write & Cypher.

It being put to the Town to know their minds, It was Voted, in the affirmative, with this proviso, That it did appear to the Selectmen, yt there were a sutable Number of Children to Come to the School, Then the Selectmen should agree with a schoolmaster, to Teach their Children to read Write & Cypher, for wch service he should be payd out of the Town Treasury.

[234.] 1700. March 11th. Vpon the Petition of Joseph Buckminster of Muddi-river for a Committee to be Chosen by the Town, to Lay out a Highway to his Land, he having no high way thereto, by Vertue of a Town Order, That all Proprioters of Lots of Land wthin the Town & precinct thereof, wch haue no high way Layd out to thier Lands shall haue a high way Layd out thereto by a Committee Chosen and authorized by the s town for that Purpose. Sa Buckminsters Petition was read and It was voted, That Capt Theo. Frary, Mr. John Bennet, Mr. Joseph Prout be a Committee

to view s Buckminster's Land & make report to ye Town, the Next Gen" Town meeting what may be proper to be done therein.

Vpon the Consideration of the great Charges this Town is at Yearly, from the Growing Numb'. of Poor Amonge us & the great Number Come in amonge ous wch has been Occasioned by the Eastern warr wth the Indians, & other poor and vild persons yt has Come in amonge us from Other Towns, Our Town being so Populous and they shifting from place to place, so long before they be Descouered that the law makes them Inhabitants. Now these things do presage great Poverty to be hastening upon this Town if some sutable methods be not timely Taken to prevent the same. Vpon the Consideration of the things for mentioned, It was Voted that there be 5001d. raised upon the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, To be Layd out and improved by the Overseers of the poor & such others wch shall by the Town be added to them, as a stock to be imployed for the procuring materials & Tools, To Sett and keep the poor people and Ill persons at work as the Law Directs.

It was voted that 2651. be raised upon the inhabitants of the town of Boston for defraying the Charge of the Watch, from the 20th of June last past to the 20th June comeing.

It was voted that there be 400 pounds raised upon the inhabitans of Boston for the relief of the poor.

It was voted that there be raised upon the inhabitants of Boston 300ld for the payment of schoolmasters, fitting ye house of Correction, Repairing the fortifications & all other Necessary Charges of s Town.

Whereas there was a Vote, the 18th of April 99 For the raising 500l. for the repairing of the Neck & no other use.

It is now Voted that sa Vote be Nuld, and 200ld be raised for the same use, and no more, nor no other use.

It was Voted, That all the land on both sides of the way between the oak and Walnut & the Fortification, The Towns Right and Title therein be given to such pson or persons as shall under Take sufficiently to make & maintain the highway for Ever not Less then 50 foot wide: And that Sam". Sewell Esq & Capt Bozoon Allen be a Committee to agree wth persons accordingly; and to make Application to the proprietors for their Approbation and Consent; [235.] That if any appear to accept of the Land Vpon these Conditions, They may haue an Unquestionable Title.

Elisha Cook Esq. Isaac Adington, Esq. Sam" Sewell Esq. Penn Townsend Esq. Capt Sam" Checkley were by a vote of the town chosen a Committee to draw up instructions for the Selectmen and Overseers of the Poor and psent the same to the Town (the next Gen". Town meeting) for their approbation. And it was further

Voted, That the same Committee, Together with the select men shall Consider about repairing or Building, or hiring a House for Mr Ezek" Cheever, wch they Judge may be best.

It was voted that when there shall be any occasion for the Town Treasu'. to sue any pson or psons in behalf of the town it shall be always with yo. advice and consent of the Selectmen.

Whereas there was formerly a vote of the town ye. 14th. March

1698 that when the town met together to chuse Jurymen it should be out of the psons present as well as those absent

It was voted that they would go on in the practice of the foregoing vote, in the choise of Jurymen of those yt. are psent as well as of those wch, are absent and that non should mention any more then one pson at a time to be put to yo. vote.

Aprill 8th. At publick town meeting of the inhabitants of Boston upon publick warning according to law it was

Voted, That they would haue no other assessors, But ye Select


Mr. James Barnes & Mr. Robert Gibbs, were chosen Selectmen in the room of Mr. Isaiah Tay, & Mr Obodiah Gill, who were chosen Selectmen ye 11th March last past, but refused to serve in that office. Sam" Bridge, Richard Christophers, Joseph Williams at the same time were Chosen Tythingmen But upon their pleas made to the Town at this meeting, Were by a Vote of the Town Dismised from that office.

Sam Sewell Esq, Capt Bozoon Allen, Mr Sam" Lynde, Capt Natha Byfield, Major Tho: Savage, were by a vote of the town chosen a Committee To audit the Towns accot'. with ye Treasu' for the year Ensuing, notifying the Selectmen when they meet to be wth them, the major part present to do the work

[236.] Upon the return of the Committee wch were chosen by the town ye. 11th, March last past to take a view of the land of Joseph Buckmaster of Muddi river and to judge what might be done with respect to the laying out of a highway thereto according to an antiant record of the town that every alotment should have a way laid out to it by a Committee chosen and authorized by the town for yt purpose The return of sa. Committee was that they judged sa Buckminster Ought to have a high way Laid out to his Land. upon wch returne by a vote of the town

The former Committee with the addition of Thomas Gardner & Sam" Aspenal were Chosen and impowered to Lay out a High way to sa Buckmasters Land.

It was voted that the Selectmen do consider and agree of a body of By lawes yt. may be proper and benificial for the towns good & present the same to the nex Gen". Town meeting there to be read for the towns approbation

May 14th. At a Gen". meeting of the inhabitant of Boston upon publick warning according to law were chosen for Representatives vizt.

Capt Tim Clark, Mr Nath". Oliver, Mr Isaiah Tay, Mr James Barnes Representatives.

Mr Natha Oliver Refused to serve in the place of a Representative up wch, refusal the town emediately aplyed themselves to a new choise and chose Capt Bozoon Allen in sa. Olivers room.

Whereas provision is made by a vote of the town for the support of the Watch as it now is untill the 20th. of June next and not longer, the mind of the town is desired to be signified by their vote whether a Watch shall be continued for another year & that they

will support the charge thereof, and that they will grant the sume of £265 to be leveyed on the inhabitant for yt. end.

It was voted in yo. affirmative.

Maj John Wally, Coll. Ben Townsend, Capt Byfield, Mr Nath Oliver, Capt Sam" Chickley, Capt Theo. Frary, Were by a vote of the town Chosen a Committee to Joyne with ye Selectmen to give instructions to the Representatives.

[237.] Whereas on the 8th of April last past a Committee was chosen and impowered to lay out a highway for Joseph Buckminster of Muddiriv'. to his land he having yet had no highway laid out thereto.

Said Committee mett together and layd out a highway through Josiah Winchesters land to said Buckmasters land and said Winchester being dissattisfyed with what was done presented his petition to the town to desire that other meet psons might be chosen by sayd town, to take a view of what is done and to make a report of the same to the town, his petition being read and considered Cap Nath". Williams and M'. Isaiah Tay were chosen by a vote of the town, to joyne with the former Committee to indever the settlement of that concerne.

[238.] 1701. March 10th. At a publick town meeting of the inhabitants of Boston upon publick warning according to law were chosen the town officers hereafter named viz'.

Moderator-Cap Nath Byfield

Selectmen -Jo. Prout, Daniel Oliver, Rob'. Gibbs, Eliz. Holioke, John Marion Jun2., Timo Clark, James Barnes, Isaiah Tay, John Barnard. Town Clerk - Jo3. Prout. Town Treasu'. James Taylor.

Constables Francis Thrasher, William Wilson, Benj". Brame, Savil Simpson, Zeca. Long, Peter Barber, John Clough, Francis Clark.

Rumney Marsh - Jo'. Belcher.

Muddiriver - John Druce.

Overseers of the poor- Co'. Elisha Hutchinson, Capt Nath". Byfield, Mr. Sam: Lynde, Capt Sam. Checkley, Sam: Sewell Esq. Surveyers Thomas Adkins, Rich: Gridly, Tho: Downes, Sam: Plumer, Jo". Royal.

Rumney Mash

John Brintnal.

Muddiriver - Jo". White, John Devotion, Joshua Child.

Fence Viewers - David Langdon, Thomas Barnard, Peter Wier. Rumney Marsh-Jo". Bill, Elisha Tuttle.

Muddiriver-Josiah Winchester, Daniel Harris.

Clerks of the Market - John Eyres, Sam: Greenwood, Benj". Walker, James Mears, Josiah Franklin, John Bennet.

Sealers of Leather-John Marion Sen', Thomas Davis, James Maxwell.

Scavingers Sam: Lynde, Andrew Belcher, Sam: Bridge, William Keen, Jo". Hilliard.

Hogreaveaves-Rich: Sherren, Francis Holmes, Dan: Bristow, Isaac Marion, Sam: Pearse, Jabiz Salter.

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