Gambar halaman

Jan 18, 1688. Ordered upon the motion of Robert Griffine Taylor an inabitant of this towne by the Selectmen thereof that a letter be sent by the Recorder to the Select of Marshfeild relatinge to the said Griffine containinge as followeth. Gentlemen. Whereas Robert Griffine Tayl. hath beene for some considerable time an Inhabitant in this towne and is now desireous and as he saith some incouragem. to reside in yo". towne for some time for his future livelihood the Selectmen of Bostone doe hereby ingage that if the said Robert Griffine doe at any time returne to this towne he shall be entertained an inhabitant as formerlie. In testimony whereof the said Selectmen have ordered me to signifie soe much to yourselves who am

To the Selectmen

of Marshfeila }

Your humble servt

J. J. R.

Feb 7th. 1688. This day John Mathewes signed and sealed a deed of his house and land in the School house lane to the present Selectmen of this towne for the use of the towne to them and theire assignes for ever upon consideration of £8 to be paid to his order and that the Selectmen and theire success. shall allow and provide for him necessary maintenance duringe his life and decent buryall after his death.

[189.] 1689/90. March 10th At a publique meetinge of the inhabitants of Bostone upon lawfull warninge for election of officers for the yeare ensueing were chosen as followeth

Moderator. - Cap Theophilus Frary.

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9 Selectmen. John Joyliffe, Capt James Hill, Capt Penn Townsend, Mr. Thomas Walker, Capt Tym°. Prout, Capt Daniell Turill, Mr. Richard Medlecot, Mr. Addam Wintrop, Mr. John Foster.

8 Constables for Bostone. Mr Sam". Lillie, Mr Nathan" Thare, Mr Roger Kilcup, Mr Samson Stoddard, Mr John Keitch, Mr Peter Welcome, Mr David Jefferies, Capt Sam" Legg, Memorand. Mr David Jefferies pa a fine of 10ld and Will: Husse chosen in his


Constable of Rumny Marsh. sen Sam" Townsend by ym.

referd to ye selectmen and cho

Constable of Muddy River. —Josiah Winchester.

4 Clarkes of the Market.

- Peter Townsend, Joseph Wheeler,

Henery Dawson, and John Comer.

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4 Surveyors of Highways for Bostone. Wm Hobbie, Isacke Goose, Thomas Harwood, Wm Coleman.

1 Surveyor for Rumny Marsh.

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2 Surveyors for Muddy River - Vriah Clarke, John Devotion. 4 Sealers of Leather John Miriam sen', David Copp, Jno Atwood, James Maxwell, & to inspect transportation of Hydes. 2 Water Bayliffes. Wm Holloway, Arthur Smith.

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2 Packers of Flesh & Fish Addam Dinsdall Robert Butcher 1 Measurer of salt . Francis Hudson.

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4 Scavengers. — Thomas Atkins, Sam" Bridge, Tymo Thornton, Jn° Mirion Jun".

6 Hogg Reeues. Joseph Rogers, Wm Parkman, James Burgis, Anthony Greenhill, Abraham Addams, and Percic Clarke.

4 Cryers. John Tucker, Richard Drew, Nich° White, John Mulbery.

4 To inspect makeinge of Brickes. John Goodwine, James Hawkins.

Thomas Atkins, WTM Dawes,

Selectmens Instructions. - Major Elisha Huchinson, Mr Eliakim Huchinson, Mr Samson Sheafe. are desired to drawe vp Instructions. Towne orders not read.

Question resolved, Whether the Eleaven clocke bell shall be continued hence forth to be runge at yo charge of this Towne. Voted in ye negatiue.

Voted that Mr Peter Sergeant, Mr Benj" Alford, & Mr Samson Sheafe be desired to Audit the Townes Acct. with ye Selectmen for the two yeares last past.

Voted that Muddy riuer Inhabitants are not discharged from Bostone to be a hamlett by them selues, but stand related to Bostone as they were before the yeare 1686.

Ordered That Mr John Cole be allowed to keepe a Free schoole for reading and writing & yt ye Select men agree with him for his salery.

Voted yt ye Select men prepare some thinge to present to the next publique Meetinge about the desires of some of the Inhabitants at this Meetinge, concerninge an Alteration in the choyse of Selectmen for the time to come.

[190.] 1688. March 10th. Whereas it is observed and complaint hath been made that several officers of this Towne haue been negligent in theire offices in performing the duties of theire places to ye prejudice of yo interest of the Towne, It is ordered that ye Select men shall haue powre & are required to lay a fine & Leauie the same on any scaveng" that neglect his dutie, prouided it exceed not 103. for one offence, alsoe on any Hogg Reeue that neglects his duty, the fine not exceedinge 10. And on any Survey' that is negligent in his place, the fine not exceedinge 20.

March 11. At a meetinge of the Selectmen as within were the severall officers followinge made choyce of vizt Treasurer, Mr Richa. Medlecot. John Joyliffe, Recorder. Sealer of waights and - Capt Tymothy Prout. Cull of staues, Sam" Mattocks, George Burrell.


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Measurers of Corne. John Marshall, John Tucker. Ouerseers of Wood Cords. Henery Dawson, John Butler, Seth Perry, Jeremiah Fitch, Ephraim Sale, John Bull.

Cords. of wood. Sam". Davis, Thomas Narramore, David Cumins, Daniell Fairfeild, John Fairefeild, Fearenot Shawe, John Tuckerman sen'. John Tuckerman jun. John Aliset Mathew Grosse.

Measurers of Bords. -Thomas Barnard, Caleb Rawlins, Jabesh Negus.

Chimny Sweeps. Joseph Dayes, Richard Drew, John Stride, Jeremy y Negro.

Ordered yt Capt Townsend pay Mr Ezechiell CheevTM 101. Arreeres due to him From the Towne.

pte of

Ordered That Capt Townsend receaue of Mr David Jefferies 10ld. for his Fine not servinge in ye Office of Constable.

Ordered that if any housekeepers refuse to pay John Marshall theire fine for sufferinge theire chimnys to fire contrary to the towne ord. in that respect the Recorder shall give warrant to a Constable to distraine theire fine out of theire estates

Ouerseers to inspect Chimnys that are insuffitient and danger. Mr John Cony sen', Mr Wm Rouse, Mr John Comer, Mr Edward Cowell, Mr Nehemiah Peirce, Mr Abraham Blish.

March 17th. By apoyntmt of the Select of Charlestowne to run the line of the bounds betweene them and Bostone at Rumny Marsh were chosen by the Selectmen of this towne William Ireland Samuell Townsend and John Wiswall who are to meete with theire men the last Tuesday of this instant March at 8 of the clocke in the morninge at Daniell Whittamores at the head of South River to attend that service. Pambulators for Linn Malden and Readinge were chosen by the Selectmen and ordered notice to be given to the Selectmen of those townes that upon the last Tuesday in Aprill next they are to send men to attend that service and to meete with ours viz Capt James Hill M'. Thomas Walker Capt Bozoone Allen Lt. John Smith and Capt John Floyd at the house of Goodman Edmonds at 8 of

[Note to these pambulat" for Bostone John Wiswall was afterward aded.]

[191.] the clocke in the morninge of said day being the 29th. of said month, those of Malden at 8 of the clocke and Readinge at 12 of the clocke the same day, at the begininge of the line betweene the 2 towne bounds, of Readinge and Bostone.

March 17th. Pambulators for Cambridge and Muddy River Roxbury and Muddy River were chosen by the Selectmen of Bostone Capt Jacob Eliott Capt Theophilus Frary M. Joseph Eliott John Devotion Andrew Gardn1. Benja. White to run the line of the bounds betweene Bostone and those townes and to meete those of Cambridge at the house of Symon Gates upon the last Tuesday of Aprill next being the 29th. of said moneth at 9 of the clocke in the forenoone and those sent from Roxbery at the bound corner where Roxbury Cambride and Bostone meete at 2 of the clocke in the afternoone.

At the meetinge of the Selectmen this day it was Agreed betweene them on the behalfe of the towne and Robert Williams that he shall continue as formerlie to warne the Towne Meetings vpon occasion, to ringe the bell at Fiue of the Clocke in ye morninge, Exchange Bell at eleauen of ye clocke, and at nine in the night, & carfullie looke after & keepe the Towne clocke in the old Meetinge house. To which is aded his goeinge about the Towne at least once a month or oftn' as may be occasion to inquire after New Comers into the Towne & informe the Select men at theire monthlie Meetinges for which he is to be paid 12ld. for one yeare.

Aprill 4th. 1690. At a publique meetinge of the freemen of Bostone upon lawfull warninge for the election of 7 comiss". for this towne and three psons to set the price of wheate to the white bread Bakers for the yeare ensueing were chosen as followeth

Comissioners. Capt Theophilus Frarie, Doct" John Clarke, John Joyliffe, Mr Edward Willis, Mr Peter Sergeant, Mr. Tym° Thornton, Mr. Addam Wintrop.

Comittee to set the price of Wheate to the White bread Bakers. - Mr Edward Brumfeild, Capt Jeremiah Dumer, Mr Thomas Harwood, and Mr John Eyres.

Aprill 15th. Daniell Fairefeild chosen by all the Selectmen to be the Cow Keeper for the yeare ensueinge. At a meetinge of y°. Selectmen Capt Frarie & Mr Joseph Prout chosen to giue ticketts to y Cowe Keeper for those that haue libertie to put Cowes on the Comon vpon the Necke.

22th. At a publique meeting of the freemen of this towne upon lawful warninge for nomination of magestrates and a countie Treasurer & a Comission". to receaue their votes alsoe to choose 4 Deputies for the Generall Court

Voted that the Deputies be chosen for the whole yeare ensuinge Deputies chosen were. - Capt Pen Townsend, Doct' John Clarke, Cap Tym Prout, Capt Theophilus Frarie.

Comission to receave the votes for Nomination of Majestrates, &c. Capt Pen Townsend. Voted that the freemen proceed to choose seaven Comissions for ye tryall of small Cases, becaus of those chosen as aboue, some did refuse, and the rest not willinge to take the oath.

[192.] 1690. 22th. Aprill. Comission". chosen for the yeare ensueinge were - Capt Theophilus Frarie, John Joyliffe, Capt Pen Townsend, Mr Tymothy Thornton, Doct John Clarke, Mr. Edward Willis, Mr John Foster.

July 18th. 1690. Rec. by the Selectmen ye Ord's. followinge

Ordered by the General Court that the select men of Bostone take care that the house in ye Fort on ye Hill be prouided for Entertainmt. of sicke and wounded soldiers & seamen. Alsoe to prouide sutable Nurses provisions & all necessarys for them at the charge of the Countrie. By Order of the Generall Court

Bostone 18th. July 1690.


Capt Sam Legg and Mr Samson Stoddard, latelie chosen to serue as Constables for the Towne of Bostone beinge necessary imployed in publique service, for settinge forth the intended sea expedition, Whereby they are rendred vncapable of attendinge the Constables office, they are hereby dismissed from the same And the select men of Bostone are Ordered to apoynt a Meetinge of the Inhabitants of sd towne of Bostone to choose two other Meete psons

to serue as Constables, to fill up the usuall nomber for this present yeare..

Bostone July 19th. 1690

SYMON BRADSTREETE Gouern'. in the name of the Councill.

July 21th. In observance of the ord'. foregoinge at a publique meetinge of the inhabitants of Bostone upon lawfull warninge for ye. election of 2 Constables for this towne in the roome of capt Sam". Legg & Mr. Samson Stoddard were chosen

George Elistone & Samuell Phillips Constables for the remainge pte. of this present yeare.

July 23th. This day a rate was comited to the 8 Constables of Bostone to collect 10 single Countrie rates by warrt. from John Phillips Esq. Countrie Treasurer and pay the same to the said Treasurer or his order amountinge to

besides what was overpa. him in the last 7 rates

in which is included Rumny Marsh and

Muddy River, all is

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1685b. 8o.

14. 12. 6

1700. 00. 6

More comited to Samuell Phillips Constable in his said rate to collect for the occasions of this towne to be paid to Mr. Richard Medlecott Towne Treasurer the sume of 98. 7.

August 6th. This day by warrt. of the Country Treasurer of the 24 of July 1690 for 2 single Countrie rates to be paid in mony was comited to the 8 Constables of Bostone Rumny Marsh and Muddy River an assesm'. made by the Selectmen for said 24 mony rates amountinge to 451b. 12. 2d. to be collected and paid to said Treasurer at or before the 10th, day of September next.

[193.] 1690. Aug. 18th. At a publique meetinge of the inhabitants of Bostone upon lawfull warninge by warrt. from John Phillips Esq. Countrie Treasurer for choyce of a Comission'. to joyne with the Selectmen to take a list of yo. male psons & estimation of real & psonall estates of this towne

Major Elisha Huchinson was chosen to be said Commissioner.

Aug 29th. At a meetinge of Major Elisha Huchinson with all the selectmen of this towne this day a valuation of estates and number of heads was taken perfected & comited to the said Major Huchinson Commission'. chosen as above

Which valuation of Estates amounted to- a penny p lb 601d. 19. Heads cont 894 at 20 p head am to

74. 10.

135. 9

Publique Houses for Entertainm aproved of by the Selectmen and returned to the Countie Court to be licenced.

Capt Wm Write, Moses Paine, George Monke, John Vyrall, John Winge, Wid An Pollard, James Meeres, Joseph Hilliard, Edward Mortimore, Richard Phillips, Mary Lawrence, Wm Towers,

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