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It was Ordered yt James Burgis be paid 25o. in mony for halfe a yeares rent due to him for Sarah Covill, the 25th of this inst. And that the wife of James Webster be allowed 8". for supplyinge of sd Couill in ye time of her sicknesse.

[155.] Jan 21th. At a meetinge of the freemen of this towne upon lawfull warninge.

Vpon readinge and publishinge his Majesties Declaration dated 26th of July 1683 relateinge to the Quo Warranto issued out against the Chart'. and priueledges claymed by the Govern & Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, It beinge put to the vote, Whether the Freemen were minded that the Generall Court should make a full submission and intire resignation of Our Charter & priuiledges there in granted to his Majesties pleasure as intimated in the said Declaration now read.

The Question was resolued in the Negatiue, Nemine contra dicente.

Ralph Carter moves to be allowed for his lookinge to the Engine formerlie, It was agreed at a meetinge of all the Selectmen this day that he be allowed 30°. in mony for the time past untill March 26th. last and to haue 20". p. an. for the time to come.

Feb 13th. To the Honrd Generall Court now sittinge in Bostone The Humble petition of yo selectmen of Bostone on the behalfe of Sundry Inhabitants of this Towne - Showeth

That Whereas this Townes Valuation of Estates was taken for this yeare, since which time, by the prouidence of God many of the habitations & much of the Estate of sundry psons to the value of several thousand pounds hath beene consumed by the late fire, whereby severall haue beene disenabled to pay theire rates, and some Wholie impoverished, wch of necessitie must be releiued by the Towne, Therefore they Humblie request the Honrd Court that theire rates may be abated to ye Towne as you in your wisedomes may seeme meete, And wee shall pray, &c.

In y name of ye Selectmen, J. J. R.

Feb. 25th. At a meetinge of Deacon Henery Allen, L. Turill, John Joyliffe, Capt. Huchinson, Nath". Greenwood & M'. Tymo. Prout.

Agreed with Ensigne Bozoone Allen to mend the highway from John Thiwings land to ye lane by Mr Houchins house & to make ye water yt comes of the Hill to run downe sd land by Mr Saffines & to keepe & maintaine the sa way; for which he is to have allowed him twentie shillings.

March 10th. At a publique meetinge of inhabitants of Bostone upon lawful warninge the proposall followinge was presented to ye. Selectmen.

The proprietors of ye land where ye late fire made ruins on y south side of y Dockes mouth doe request yt you please to propose vnto the Towne, That ye regulateing ye high way leading from e Docks mouth to Mr Nowells corn' on ye East side of y way may

be left to the discretion of the Selectmen, that they may haue powre to make such agreem with them, & lay out the said high way soe as may be most for the publique good of the Towne for the future, they beinge about to build with Bricke, & therefore it is hoped noe alteration will be made in many yeares; And in case they finde it needfull to lay any of the proprietors land to ye high way to inlarge it, that they may haue powre to make it vp to them by longer lease or otherwise as they see most convenient for the good of the Towne.

Voted by the Towne in the affirmatiue ye 10th March 1683/84. Then alsoe Voted yt there be 9 Selectmen chosen for ye yeare ensueing.

[156.] 1683 March 10th. At a publique meetinge of the inhabitants of Bostone upon lawfull warninge for the election of officers of the Towne for the yeare ensueinge were chosen for Moderator. Capt Wm Gerrish.

9 Selectmen

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John Joyliffe Capt Tymothy Prout, Deacon Hen. Allen Capt Theophilus Frary Capt. Daniell Turill, Capt Elisha Huchinson, L. Edward Willis Capt John Faireweath". Mr. Nath'. Greenwood

8 Constables. T

Sam" Johnson, Wm Grigs, Thomas Hunt, WTM Clarke, Daniell Quinsey, John Hayward, Wm Robie, Thomas More.Constable of Muddy Riuer

Constable of Rumny Marsh.

4 Clarkes of ye Market.

Benj" Breame.

Vriah Clarke.

John Tuttle Jun'.

Ed Smith, Isack Miriam, Isack Goose,

4 Surveyors for Bostone. - Rich Medlecot, Cheev's, Tho: Walker, James Meeres.

2 Surveyors of Muddy Riuer. - Thomas Gardner sen', Edwd Kibbie.

1 Surveyor of Rumny Marsh-Capt John Floyd.

4 Sealers of Leather & to inspect the cuttinge & Gashinge of Hydes. John Miriam Jun', Wm Gilbert, James Maxwell, Isack Grigs.

2 Water Bayliffes-John Skarlet, Wm Holloway.

2 Packers of Fish & Flesh - John Dinsdall Addam Dinsdall

1 Measurer of Salt Francis Hudson.

4 Scauengers. John Crosse, John Howen, John Tucker, Robert Withall.

4 Hogg Reeues - Daniell Fairefeild, Benja Emans, John Roberts, Grimsone Bowde.

4 Cryers. Withall.

John Crosse, John Howen, John Tucker, Robert

Voted, That the Custome or practice taken vp by ye Towne at the chooseinge of Jurors, not to choose any to that service yt were present at the Meetinge, be hence forth made Voyde, & that it be free to choose as well of those present as out of such as are absent.

At a meetinge of s. 9 Selectmen yo. same day were chosen
Recorder John Joyliffe.

Treasurer -- Lt. Edward Willis.

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Aron Way & Wm Ireland were apoynted pambulators to run y line betweene Charlestowne & Bostone upon Tuesday the 25th. of March instant accordinge to an order reca. from the Selectmen of Charlestowne.

March 11th. At a publique meetinge of the freemen of Bostone upon lawfull warninge to bringe in theire votes for nomination of Majestrates & a Countie Treasurer choyce of Deputies for the next Generall Court of Election & other officers


3 Deputies were chosen for the whole yeare ensueinge viz1- Mr Anthony Stoddard, Doct Elisha Cooke, Capt Eli: Huchinson.

Comiss to receave ye votes for nomination of Magestrates & Countie Treasurer & carry them in as ye Law directs Doctor Elisha Cooke.

John Miriam Sen' chosen to inspect the transportation of Hydes contrarie to the Lawe.

Capt John Faire weather, Mr. Arthur Mason, & Capt Pen Townsend were chosen for yo settinge of yo price of wheate to the Loafe bread bakers.

[157.] 1682 March 17th. At a meetinge of the Selectmen of Bostone other officers were chosen for the yeare ensueinge vizt. Cullers of Staves Samuell Mattocke & George Burrell

Cords of Wood - Sam". Davis, William Middleton, Percie Clarke, Wm. Parram, John Tuckerman Sen'. Tho. Forbes, Sam". Ruggles, Feare not Shawe, Thomas Narramore, Daniell Fairefield, John Crosse, David Cumins, Lawrence Willis.

Measurers of Corne.
Measurers of bords.

Packer, John Temple.

John Marshall, and John Tucker.

Tho: Barnard, Daniell Trauis, James

1684. March 31th. At a meetinge of John Joyliffe, Capt. Tymothy Prout, Deacon Henery Allen, Capt. Theophilus Frary, Capt. Daniell Turill, L. Edward Willis, Capt. John Faireweath', and Mr. Nathaniell Greenwood.

It is ordered that whereas there haue beene severall Wholesome Ordr made & renewed relateinge to the streets, comons & publique places of this towne for the prevention of Infection or other dangers which might accrue to the Inhabitants thereof, by not attendinge thereunto, and whereas by ye populousnesse thereof, there is a necessitie to put life into them by a due execution thereof, And to preserve the Townes rights in theire streetes, and publique places now by divers incroached upon and to remove all obstructions out of the highwayes that are a present annoyance It is now ordered that the present scavengers and those that shall be yearlie chosen for the future doc see and take care that the severall orders of the towne a coppie whereof is to be deliverd to them, be duely observed and they are hereby required that they be faithfull and diligent in the performance of theire duties and trust commited to them therein and least any should pleade ignorance, they are before the utmost prosecution hereof to give every person trans

gressinge notice thereof and fortie eight howres space to redresse the same, but upon theire neglect or refusall to conforme to the said orders the said Scavengers are to repaire to the Treasurer or Recorder of the Town who shall forthwith grant them a warrant to distraine the penaltie accordinge to the breach of any order the onehalfe whereof shall be delivered to the Towne Treasurer for the use of the towne, the other halfe to the said scaveng". for theire care and paines therein.

The agreem* made with Wm Ireland & Aron Way for ye repairinge of ye high way from ye foot of powder horne hill to Mr. Newgatts lott, made the 27th. of the 8. mo. 1661 & renewed the 27th. of the 9m0. 1671, is now agreed on betweene the Selectmen and the said Ireland and Way to be continued for the space of 10 yeares more the towne payinge them as formerly 253. p. ann. from this day.

Capt. Ephraim Sauage, Capt. Townsend, Lt. John Smith, & Capt. John Floyd, are chosen and apoynted to run the line of the bounds betweene Rumny Marsh and Lin, Malden and Readinge and to meete those of Linn at Goodman Edmonds house upon Tuesday the 22th of this instant Aprill at 8 of the clocke in the morninge, the Pambulat's of Malden at Aron Wayes house about 12 of the clocke; and of Readinge at the begininge of the line aboute 3 of the clocke all in the same day, To the 4 psons above were afterward added for the said service Lt. Edward Willis Lt. Ephraim Sale and Mr John Wiswall

[158.] 1684 Aprill 21th. At a meetinge of the freemen and others upon lawfull warninge for the election of Jurymen for yo next County Court upon the neglect of a Constable to bringe ye warrt. in season to ye meetinge for choyce of Jurors, it was then voted that whatsoever Constable to whome the warrant shall be comitted for the choyce of Jurymen for the future & shall neglect to attend ye service in the season of it shall be fined 10 shillings in mony.

It was further voted at ye same meetinge That for a more orderlie choyce of Jurors for the time to come there should be a comittee chosen to take a list of such persons in all ptes of the Towne, as are able & discreete men fit for that service, accordinge as ye Law directs, to be presented at such Meetings for a more orderlic choyce then formerly that ye Courts may be the better supplied with able & suffitient men, & the burden of yt seruice not lie vpon a few.

Voted, that Mr John Saffine, Mr. Symon Linde, and Capt Wm Gerrish be the sa Comittee, to take ye sa list against yo next meetinge on such an occasion.

April 30th. A list of Tythinge[men] chosen by ye Selectmen & presented to the Honrd Countie Court for the yeare ensueinge

In Major Richards Comp. Joseph Williams, Arthur Smith, John Mills.

Capt Turill's Compa. - Tymothy Pratt, Henery Emes, Benja Duninge.

Capt John Wings Comp. - John Dyer, Giles Dyer, Sam". Chickley.

In Cap Huchinsons Compa. -Jeremy Dumer, Henery Deeringe, James Pecker.

Capt Savages Compa. - Moses Bradford, James Taylor, Edward Brumfeild.

Cap Tounsends Compa. - Wm Haberfeild, Gilbert Cole, Sam". Marshall.

In Capt Hills Compa. - Sam" Bicknall, Wm Hoare, Savill Simson, John Benjamine.

In Capt Sewalls Comp. - John Blake, Elisha Oadley, Joseph Wheeler.

Coppie of the Generall Court Order held at Bostone 3th of Febr 1683. In answere to the Petion of John Joyliffe in the name of the Selectmen of Bostone It is ordered that ye Selectmen shall have power to abate the rates of such p sons that haue lately suffered by fire & disabled to pay their rates, not exceedinge 25ld. That this is a true Coppie taken out of the Court Booke of Records Attests Edward Rawson Secretary.

May 9th. At a meetinge of yo. freemen of Bostone for the choyce of 2 Deputies for ye. Generall Court in yo. place & steed of Doctor Elisha Cooke & Capt Elisha Huchinson who at ye. late election were chosen Majestrates

Mr John Saffine & Mr John Faireweather were chosen for that service for the yeare ensueinge.

May 12th. At a meetinge of the inhabitants of this towne upon lawfull warninge for choyce of a Constable in the place of John Hayward, chosen Constable the 10th of March last & refused to serue in that office, It was Voted. That a fine of 10ld be imposed on sa Hayward for his refusall & Sam" Mason was chosen Constable in his steed for the yeare ensueinge. And a warrant was delivered to a Constable from the Selectmen to Leavie the sume of 10ld vpon the sa Haywards estate & d'd the same to Edward Willis, Treasurer. [159.] Returne of the Constable warrt. extended upon the estate of John Hayward.

I have levied vpon the Estate of John Hayward shopkeeper who Liues at y south end of Bostone by way of distresse the sume of 10ld in goods, which were prized by Mr John Blake, & Mr Seth Perry & d'd to Mr Edward Willis Treasurer of this Towne, for the use of the said towne beinge for a fine imposed on him the 12th of May 1684 by the inhabitants at theire publique meetinge for his refuseing to serve in the office of a Constable to which he was lawfully chosen by said inhabitants the 10th. of March last which is accordinge to lawe. p. me, WILLM GRIGGS Constable

in Bostone.


27th. May. At a meetinge of Deacon Henery Allen, Capt. Theo. Frary, Capt. Turill, Capt. Elisha Huchinson, L. Edward Willis, Capt. John Faireweath. Mr. Natha. Greenwood, Jno. Joyliffe, & Capt. Prout,

Whereas the Honrd. Generall Court the 7th. of Nov 1683 did impowre the Selectmen of Bostone to heare and determine all controver

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