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ensuing the date hereof, and also In case the Relickt of Wm Blanton deceased desire to hold the land after 7 yeares is expired the sa Capt Thos. Sauadge is to rent it to her during the terme of her life not exceeding 20 p. Annum, which said land is in consideration of a garden plott graunted to hime formerly by the Towne as ap'. on Records

John Shaw haueing assigned his lease of Deere Island to Sr Thom: Temple Knight & Baronight who desireth to renew the sa lease which is graunted to hime, viz the said Island is graunted to th said S Thomas Temple Knight and Barronight, for himselfe his heayres and assignes from the 1". of March next ensuing the date hereof for the tearme of 31 yeares after the 1. of March next, att £14 rent to be payed yearly euery first day of March to the Towne Treasuerer, for the vse of the Free schoole, during which time hee is not to fell any Timber, saue what shall bee for Buildinge, fenceing And fire wood one the said Island And att the end of the s tearme to yeald vpp the said Island with all buildinges, fenceinges &c that shall be vpon the sd Island when the said tearme of 31 yeares is expired.

2. 1. 1662/3. Att a meeting of the freemen upon publique notice Capt John Leuerett, Capt Thomas Clarke are chosen deputies for the yeare next ensueing in ordinary and extreordinary Courts.

March 9. 1662/3. Att a publick meeting of all the inhabitants upon lawfull warninge from house to house were chosen for the yeare ensueing.

Moderatour-Capt Thomas Sauadge.


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- Cap Thomas Lake, Joshua Scottow, John Hull, Petter Olliuer, James Olliuer, Edward Ranceford, Hezekiah Vsher. Counstables John Peas, Benj Negus. Rob' Sandersonne, Edward Blake, Elias Mauerick for Rumny Marsh: Ed: Deuotion for Muddy Ryver.


Clarks for ye Markitt-Barthellmew Cheeuers, Ralph Masson, Godfery Armitage.

Surueyors of highway-Richard Bennitt Arthur Masson, Gandy James, Josiah Belcher. for Boston. John Doolittle for Rumny

Marsh, John Moore for Muddy Ryver.

Sealers of Leather -Thomas Grubb: Nathan Bishopp.

Watter Bayliffs-Jonathan Baulstone, Nathan Addams sen'. Packer of meat & fishe William Dinsdall.

[12.] Vpon the petition of James Burgis for a peice of ground to sett a dwelling house vpon, it is left to the Seleckt men to order the same.

Upon the petition of Stephen Barrett for a peice of ground to sett a dwelling house upon, it is left to the Selecktmen to order the


Vpon this petition of M' Petter Oliuer for the point of marsh one Long Iland Butting on M' Ranceford Iland & bounded by the vpland was granted to hime.

Hezekiah Vsher is chosen for Recorder.

John Hull is chosen for Treasurer.

Corn Petter Oliuer is chosen for Sealer of weights & measures.

March 9 1662/3. Att a metting of the freemen upon publique notice in the afternonne

Capt Wm Dauis is chosen Commissioner to carrye in the votes for Magistrats and County Treasurer. Att the same time Itt is voted that Capt Sauadge, Capt Wm Dauis, Capt Hutchesonne and Elder Penn ar to Joine with the Select men to draw vpp Instructions for the deputyes of the Gennerall Court concerning the concernements of the Towne to act by.

30. 1. 63 Att a mettinge of Thomas Lake, Joshua Scottow, James Olliver, Petter Oliver, Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Hezekiah Usher Edward Weeddine is allowed £6. p. anñ for the dyate and lodging of Elizabeth Ward to be payed by the Towne Treasuerer, the yeare to beginne the 30: 1mo: 63.

Francis Hudshon and Ralph Sammies are made choice of by the Selectmen for to be Cullers of fishe & to be presented by Capt Olliuer & Hezekiah Vsher to the next County Court for theare approbation.

William Densdall is made choice of by the Selectmen for to joyne with Mr. Bellcher for to assist in the cullinge of hogshead & pip staves and to be p'sented by Capt Oliuer & Hezekiah Usher to the next County Court for approbation.

Goody Vpshall is licensed. for ye yeare ensueing to draw beer prouided shee doe committ the trust and care thearof to some able honest man, whom the Towne men shall approue of. John Vyall Wm Pollard are alloued to draw Beere for the yeare ensuinge. John Vyall hath the like lybertie for winne.

Capt Sauadge & Cap' Dauis are made choice of by the Selectmen of Boston to apeare in the behalfe of the Towne to giue ansure to anny Complaint that shall be p'ferd by the towne of Cambridge against the high way that was agreed one by the Committy that was made choice of by the sd Towne and was returned under thear hands as ap. one Record fo. 11.

Itt is ordered that Thomas Leader shall see to the exicution of the order about Swinne as he did the yeare past the same order about Swinne standing in force as apeares in fo. 8.

Alexander Beck is authorized to put in excution the like order for Swine at Muddy Ryuer.

27:2: 63. Att a metting of Hezekiah Usher John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Petter Olliver James Olliver, Joshua Scottow, Thomas Lake

Wm Wardall, Wm Whittwell, Clemment Grosse hath libertye to draw beere for the yeare ensueing.

Goody Course is aproued by the Select men to still strong Watters and retaile the same.

Wm Spowell is chosen Cow kepp' for the yeare ensueing and is to bee allowed 2s. 6d. for euery head. & In case any person should putt his Cow abuv fortnight in the summer into the heard shall pay for the kepping the whole summer.

[13.] Wheareas Mr John Hayman had liberty to make vse of the high way from Goodman Reade house towerds the Watter side to accommidate his trade of makeing roopes during the Towne pleasure, Itt is ordered by the Select men that the sd Mr John Hayman is by this and the 1st day of May to take vpp those posts that he hath sett vpp for the end before mentioned. & In case of his non obseruance of this order then hee is paye 20. p. weeke weekly for his defect which is to be leued in way of distress. Symon Rogers, Wm Cane. Abraham Hagburne, Will Hamilton, James Webster and John Glouer, Are apointed to be a standing watch from the 1st of May vntill last of Sept for consideration of which seruice they are each of them to haue 18a. a night allowed them out of the Town raite what the volantary gift of the Townes Inhabitants fall short And in case the Court shall order a Millitary watch then abatem to be made for euery night. The said watch is to be sett by the Counstables according to Towne Instructions. Orders for the Water Baliffs.

1. That you take care that noe wood logges, Timber stonnes or any other lumber be layed upon the flatts to the anoyance of any vesselles unles some Beacon or poole be sett upon the same, one penalty of 5. for euery day to be leuyd by distresse on euery such offender, and to pay all dammadge done theareby

2. That all anchors that shall att any time be layed upon the flatts and left theare, that you take upp the same and secuer and returne ym to the Towne Treasuerer who is to pay you for the chardge yo" ar at about the same.

3. If any belonging to any vessell of vessells doe drop any ancor, Grapnell or Kelleck upon the flatts or within the Coue and haue noe Boy theareunto theay ar to pay tenn shillings for euery default which yo" ar to leuy by distress besids the payeing of all such dammadg that may accrew.

4. That you cleare the ends of all streets and wharfes that butt upon the watter from all Lumber and other goods, as to remayne theare aboue 48 howers.

5. That noe prson cast any Dung, Draught, Dirte or anything to fill up the Coue or to annoy theare neightbours on penaltie of 20 shillinges.

6. That noe ship or other vessell cast out any Ballast in the channell or upon the flatts or any other place inconveanient upon the penaltye of 10 pounds.

7. That noe fier shall be kindled within 3 Rod of any Warehouse or Wharfe or wood-pile or any combustable matter subjec to take fier nor shall any kep fier in any vessell lying in any dock or to any warfe after 9 of the clock in night or befor 5 a clock in the morning one penalty of every offence 10 shillinges.

25:3: 63. Att a metting of Petter Olliver, Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Cap' Olliver, Joshua Scottow, Thomas Lake, Hezekiah Usher.

Mrs Collbourne hath lybertye for her Mare to goe vpon the Common, without poundage.

[13.] Wheareas wee finde by experience that seuerall strangers

both Marchants and others whoe bring goods into the Towne and make saile theareof, who depart out of the Towne and Country befor any raite is made, Wheareby the trade of our Inhabitants is much impared, that beare part of the burthen and chardge of the place.

Itt is hearby ordered and agreed that all such Marchants, or other p'sons shall be lyable to beare part of the Towne chardges, according to the discression of the Select men, And a Raite occasionally shall be mad for leuey of the same.

Whereas, upon a publike Towne metting bearing date 9 March 62-63 Itt was left to the Select men to order & apoint a peice of ground to accommidate James Burgis for to erect & sett vp a dwelling house.

Itt is granted to hime a parcell of Land att the bottom of Goodman Mattsonn laine ouer against the Bricke-kells, being 42 feet butting vpon the high way that goeth East and West, 50 foot North and Sowth, and 20 foot att the lower end towerds the Coue, and 52 foot butting vpon the Towne Land westward, he payeing 2 6 p. yeare yearly to the Treasuerer of the Towne & his Sucksessor

Instructions drawen vpp by the Committy chosen by the free men of the Towne for the deputyes of the Gennerall Court, & committed to them.

29: 463. Att a metting of Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Capt. Oliver, Petter Oliver, Hezekiah Usher.

Allexander Beck is allowed 15. for chardges disburst for measuring the Towne high way betwixt Boston and Cambridge & to be allowed out of Muddy Ryuer raite.

M' John Hayman promiseth to pluck vp the rest of the poasts remaineing erected for his calling to morrow morninge, nor will he doe any worke more in the Towne, and allso will remoue his habitation out of the Towne with all possible speed, vpon this Condition the Towne is willing to remitt all his finnes due for breach of former orders.

Symon Rogers fined 10. for setting John Euerson a worke contrary to the Towne order.

Joshua Rice fined 20°. for breach of Towne order for the same parson. John Lewis & John Jipson fined 20o. piece for the same defect. Robert Orchard fined 20. for entertaineing John White as a Journyman, contrary to Towne order.

27: 5: 63. Att a metting of John Hull, Capt, Oliver, Joshua Scottow, Thomas Lake, Hezekiah Usher, Petter Oliver, Edward Ranceford,

Vpon complaint of sundry Inhabitants, of hurt done and further danger by the lownes of Jetties ouer the towne land it is therefore ordered that noe Jettie nor pendill yt shall be erected but shall be full 8 foot in height from the ground vpon penalty of 20s a week weekly after notis giuen to the contrary.

31: 6 63. Att a metting of Capt. James Oliver, Edward Ranceford, John Hull, Petter Oliver, Hezekiah Usher, Thomas. Lake, Joshua Scottow.

The diference betwixt Vincent Drewce and Robert Stedman being referd to Wm Park, Thomas Wiswall, John Jackson to deter[14.] mine about a highway: Itt is awarded that the high way in difference betwixt the said partyes shall goe by the farme house of Mr Bowine & both partyes consenting to the award In the p'sence of ye Select men.

Vppon the request of Good Ward, Petter Oliuer, Theoder Attkinson for the makeing a high way from Good Warde Lande to the house of Good Pell, Itt is ordered & agreed that for the makeing a sufficient highway Good Ward Petter Oliuer & Theoder Attkinson is to be allowed £10. out of ye Towne Treasuerye, And further itt is declared that the neightbours butting & near bordering one the said highway are to haue theare Towne raite remitted for this next asseasm prouided theay bestow the like vallew in labour on the for sa highway.

28. 7. 63. Att a metting of Thomas Lake, Capt. Oliver, Petter Oliver. John Hull. Edw. Ranceford, Hezekiah Usher, Joshua Scottow

Mackline Knight is ordered to make vpp the high way behinde his house with sufficient Fence to secur persons as theay goe to the gouerners house by this and the 10th of Oct', for defect wheareof is to be leued by distress 20°. weak weakly.

Wheareas in the lease graunted S Thomas Temple for Deere Iland 23: 12: 1662 he is not to cutt Timber except for buildinge. &c. Itt is now further graunted to hime to cleare the Swamp on the sa Island of all timber trees whateuer And allsoe what other wood is vpon the said Iland excepting some Timber Trees.

Edward Dauis and Joseph Gridly are made choice of to be the Bellmen of the Towne attending the orders and charges of the bellman place beginning theare watch the last of Sept continnueing the same vnto the 1st of May, giueing notice when theay begine the watch and end it both at 12 of Clock and 5 of clocke in the morning att Richard Taylor house whoe hath the chardg for the regulateing of the watch.

31:8: 63. John Lewis is allowed to kepp a Cook shopp for the refreshing of Trauilers Strangers & others prouided he be aproued of by the Court.

19:8: 63. Att a publicke Towne metting of y° free men one lawfull warning it was

Voted that the Election of ye Commissioners shall be one by one.

30:9: 63. Att a mettinge of Joshua Scottow, Thomas Lake, Capt. Oliver, Petter Oliver, John Hull, Edward Ranceford, Hezekiah Usher

Itt is ordered that if any Chymney be one fier soe as to flame out of the topp theareof the partie in whose possession the chimney is shall pay to the Treasuer of the Towne for the Towne use 10. not with standing a former order, for euery defect.

Clemment Groose fined 5. to pay Widdow Bittfeild for dammadg

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