Gambar halaman

both to goe about the towne every night and to observe former orders folio 11 of this booke.

Vpon the motion of seuerall Merchants & Gentlemen of this towne that some person may be allowed to sell Coffee, John Sparry is aproued of by the select men to keepe a publique house for sellinge of Coffee, if ye honored Countie Court shall be pleased to admit him.

Dec. 4th. At a Meetinge of John Joyliffe, L' Daniell Turine, Capt James Olliuer, Capt Thomas Brattle, & Mr John Lake who mett this day because yt ye 27th of Nov" they were preuented by y sad desolation by fire at the North end of ye Towne.

A list was giuen to Mrs Elizabeth Lidget Relict & Administratrix to ye Estate of Mr Peter Lidget deceased, of seueral poore people of this towne to be releiued of out of a Legacie of 801a. giuen to y poore of this towne by the last will & testament of the sa Mr. Peter Lidget.

[Following in margin] "Dec 11. A Rate was Comited to all ye Constables belongeinge to ye. towne to collect 22291. 113.”

Dec 25. At a meetinge of Lt Daniell Turine, Capt. James Olliuer, Capt Thomas Brattle, Mr. John Lake & John Joyliffe

Vpon the Motion of Capt Brackett of Braintree for the Cuttinge of soe much Tymber vpon the Comon land at Braintry as may serue for ye buildinge of pte of a vessell of 25 Tun Libertie is granted him for soe much but not to exceede & is in consideration of his Care & inspection, yt others doe not transgresse in cuttinge timb without licence.

Then Recd an ord' from the Honrd Council, whereof the followinge is a coppie dated y° 21 of Dec 1676. Whereas Complaint is made to the Councill yt yo towne is in great danger of beinge Fired by ye insuffitiencie of Chimneys. & neglect of the Owners seasonablie to cause them to be swept & kept cleane; seuerall psons yt wish the welfare & preseruation of the place beinge informed, haue exprest themselues willinge to inspect the same as the Council Judge mecte to order therein and to be instrumentall to preserve the towne from firinge as Mr Richard Callicott, Mr John Cony, Mr Wm Whitwell, Mr Christopher Clarke, Mr Hopestill Foster, Mr Wm Ingram, Mr Thomas Smith, & Mr Edward Cowell; It is Ordered yt ye psons aboue named be and are hereby comended to ye consideration of y select men of Bostone by their order, or such others aa they shall see meete to apoynt and impowre to take continuall and effectuall care througlie and tymouslie to call upon the Masters of the severall families to amend forthwith what they finde defective as to the Chimnies, and to inspect and order the seasonable sweepinge thereof on such penaltie as by lawe, the Select men shall sett for any neglect therein.

By ye Council


[101.] 1676 Dec 28th. At a meetinge of the Selectmen of Bostone.

Whereas the Honrd. Councill the 21th. of this instant have represented to the Selectmen of this towne the greate danger thereof by fire through the insuffitiencie of Chimneyes and the neglect of the owners seasonablie causeinge them to be swept and kept cleane have alsoe comended to them severall persons that are willinge to inspect the same and have ordered that they and such others as the Selectmen shall apoynt and impowre should inspect and take care thereof for prevention of such a danger. These are therefore to impowre and authorize Messrs. Richard Callicott, John Cony, William Whitwell, Christopher Clarke, Hopestill Foster, William Ingram, Thomas Smith, Edward Cowell, John Merion, Thomas Blith, Thomas Fitch and Samuell Sendall every and either of them to take continuall and effectuall care (till further order) to call upon the Masters of the severall families forthwith to amend what they finde defective in the Chimneys of any of them. And the severall inhabitants of this towne are hereby ordered and required to pmit and give leave to the forenamed persons or whome elce the Select men of this towne shall depute and impowre to veiw and inspect theire Chimneys and to cause whatsoever they finde amisse about them to be amended and reformed upon notice given thereof upon the penaltie of 203. for any and every neglect or refusall of the observation of this order.

Coppie of a release given M". Eliz". Lidget for a legacie given by her husband and distributed by her to the poore of this towne.

Whereas Mr. Peter Lidget late of Bostone Merchant deceased by his last Will and Testament did give and bequeath to the poore of this towne the sume of £80 to be paid to them in goods as he sould for mony, which sume Mr. Eliz. Lidget his relict and Executrix hath faithfullie and fully distributed to seuerall poore inhabitants of this towne to the satisfaction of the Selectmen thereof as by a particular accompt of her disbursements given to them apeareth. The said Selectmen in the behalfe of the towne and poore thereof doc hereby fullie and absolutelie release acquit and discharge the said Eliza. Lidget Executrix as above her executors and administrators of and from all and every parte of the said £80. Dated in Bostone 28th. December 1676.

An addition was made to the order above respectinge Chimnyes as fōll. It is further ordered that the severall persons above or either of them may take with them or upon occasion call any bricklayer or bricklayers (who are hereby desired) to veiuc and judge of any Chimneys that are suspected to be defective and to make returne of those that are soe, that upon neglect or refusall in mendinge and repaireing the defects, warrant may be granted for levyinge the penaltie by distresse and it is to be understood that Coopers and Smiths Chimneyes as well as any other are concerned in this order. The aforesaid Gentlemen are further desired to take notice of any inhabitant that hath not a suffitient Ladder to his house and to make returne to the Selectmen of all such as they finde defective therein.

Coppie of an Order recd from ye Honrd Councill dated Dec 28th.

1676. Vpon Complaint made by the Select men of Inconveniencie of ye straightnesse of ye streetes latelie laid wast by the fire, It is ordered y' noe person presume to build there againe without the aduice & order of ye select men till the next Generall Court.

By the Councill EDWARD RAWSON Secret. [102.] 1676 Jan' 1st. At a meetinge of the Selectmen with diuers of ye Inhabitants at ye North end of this towne, whose houses were layd wast by the late fire the Order of the Hond Councill foregoinge was read to them, and the Select men staked out the streete, & declared that any man might rebuild his house with theire aprobation and consent that should obserue the ensueinge directions concerninge the streete.

That the west side of the streete from Majr Tho' Clarkes bricke wall run to a stake neere the corner of Thomas Joys land in that lane wch leads to the place of ye Meetinge house & from that stake alonge the swest side of the way as now staked out to the corner of Edmond Mountforts foundation, on ye same side of y way. And from the corner of Mr Humphrey Warrens house on the East side of the way to a stake in the land of Dan1 Turine Jun' ouer against yt at Thomas Joys corner, where the streete is to be 22 foote in breadth & soe all alonge the streete to Edmond Montforts 2 houses on each side the way, The line to runn from ye stake at Dan1 Turines to another at Henery Cooleys, from thence to Edmond Montforts on the East & soe to the Corner of Peter Gees house. as now staked out.

Jan 8. Granted libertie and Agreed with Henery Cooly that he take in but one foote of his cell wall at the northern corn' of his cell. and 2 foote at the northerne corner of the way goeinge into the Celler provided he allow soe much out of his land on the other side as may make the streete 22 foote in that place.

Whereas Majr Thomas Clarke did consent and giue leaue before the Councill that as farr as he had an interest and was concerned in a strip of land wch he bought of Mr Stanlie & left for a wharfe & place of landinge Goods for himselfe & such tenents of his as he should allowe of. That Edmond Mountfort might remoue ye house or shop that he hath lately erected backe into ye sd strip of land for the accomodation of the high way, And Edward Barker & Wm Johnson Tenents allowed by Major Clarke haue granted and giuen ther consent thereto. It is now ordered and agreed that the sd Mountfort doe remoue his said house or shop about 6 foote towards to sea into the sd strip of land obseruinge his due distance from the widdow Bastorrs wall.

Agreed with John Farnam sen & Wm Greenough that what charge or damage Extraordinary either or both of them shall suffer or be at for digginge a new foundation for theire cell wall at that end toward the sea, shall be allowed them & made good by the Towne ; likewise that John Farnam shall be allowed for the charge of filling vp that end of his old cell' to inlarge the streete & digginge a new foundation there.

Jan 23th. By ord' of ye Honra Gou' & Mr Joseph Dudlie Assist

ant The Selectmen received of Mr Paul Dudlie out of the Irish prouision brought in for the releife of y° distressed yt had suffered by the warr with the Indians as a proportion for those yt are resident in this towne 38 Barrells of Oatemeale, 25 Barrld of wheate meale, two Barrils of wheat, 5 Barrells of mault, all valued at 18. p. Barr", & one caske of Butter Vallued at 31d all amontinge to 66 pounds, which were distributed to seuerall poore Families, of this towne, & such as came hither from the Easterne ptes & other places, now resident here, as p a list of pticulars apeares.

29 Jan. At a meetinge of Capt. James Olliuer, Capt. Thomas Brattle, Mr. John Lake, John Joyliffe & Daniell Turill

Elizabeth Gibbs yt came from Marbell head, Wm Nicholson, Tayl', Edmond Fitz Morris, & John Springfeild were returned to ye Court.

[103.] 1676-7. March 5. At a meetinge of the freemen of this towne upon lawfull warninge

Mr Anthony Stoddar & Major Thomas Sauadge were chosen Deputies of the Generall Court for the yeare ensueinge. Capt John Richards was chosen Comission'. to receave the votes for the nomination of Majestrates and a Countie Treasurer which were comitted to him to d'd accordinge to lawe.

March 12th 1676-77 At a publique meetinge of the inhabitants of Bostone for the election of Officers of the towne for the yeare ensueinge were chosen 7 Selectmen vizt.

John Joyliffe, L. Daniell Turine. Capt Thomas Brattle Mr. John Lake, Capt James Olliuer, Deacon Henery Allen and Deacon Jacob Eliott

Constables of Bostone. Mr Jonathan Corwine, Mr Hezekiah Vsher, refused & pd 10ld each. Mr John Parmiter, Lt Edward Willis, Mr John Saffine, Mr Anthony Howard, Mr Sam' Jackline, & Ephraim Sauage. Constable for Muddie riuer. Tho. Stedman. Constable for Rumney Marsh Edward Tuttle.

Clarkes of the Markett. Benj" Thurston, Edward Allen, Tho: Bingley. Surveyors for Bostone.- Moses Paine, Robert Sanford, Richard Bennet & Arthur Mason.

Surveyors for Muddy Riuer. Joseph White, John Winchester


Surveyors for Rumney Marsh Wm Ireland.

Sealers of leather - Joseph Webb, Robt Earle, John Gibson. Water Bayliffes - Thomas Pecke sen'. Wm Coleman.

Packers of Flesh & fish John Densdall, Addam Densdall Measurer of salt. Francis Hudson

Scauengers Thomas Baker sen'. Sam' Johnson, and Rob Butcher, Coop.

Hogg Reeues. John Needham, James Bostone, Abraham Spencer, James Burrowes, Sam' Bridge, Jabesh Salter, Andrew Clarke, Henery Emes.

An ord. aboute Cart wheeles goeinge unshod in this towne made the 14th of March 1669-70 folio 50 be repealed with the penaltie

thereof. Paueinge the streetes respited 'till the next yeares consideration.

Selectmens instructions formerlie giuen voted to be & continue in force 'till new are given.

Voted that it be put to the consideration of the towne against the next yeare whether they will haue 8 Constables in towne for the time to come & 4 Clarkes of ye market.

Voted yt this towne hath need of two stated & constant Cryars to crie lost or found Goods who are to keepe a booke of what they crie, yt any psons may repaire to them for satisfaction of things lost or found, & that the Crier shall haue 6. for cryinge three publique dayes & 12. if they goe through the towne. Alsoe that John Tucker Taylo' & Joseph Gridlie be the psons apoynted for that Office and all other persons are hearby prohibited without further order upon the penaltie of 5. for euery transgression therein. Voted that the Ord' lately giuen by the select men to haue two men to walke priuatelie about the towne euery night to preuent fire or disord' in the towne (beside the bellmenn) is aproued of and ordered to be continued & yt two or four men more be ioyned with them as the Selectmen judge meet till the Constables watch begin, And that in the meane time the Selectmen craue the Aduice & assistance of the Comittee of the Milicia & the Comissions of this towne for settinge of a Constables or other watch, for secureinge of the towne in the night from fire or other evill that may happen.

[104.] Wm Ingrams motion to be repaid the Charges he disbursed about ye buildinge the watch house at y neck of Land is granted to be paid by the Treasurer or what part thereof is yet unpaid.

At a meetinge of the fores". Selectmen the same day were made choyse of by them. John Joyliffe to be Record'. Capt Thomas Brattle Treasurer, Capt James Olliuer sealer of waights & measures. Cull' of pipe staues, Samuell Mattockes. Corders of wood Gaudie James, Edward Goodwine, Wm Browne, Sam Dauis, Abraham Busby, Lawrence Willis, Thomas Forbes, Mackline Knight.

Lett to Ephraim Sauage the Herbage of the old buryinge place, for 14 yeares he makeinge & maintaininge a suffitient fence about it.

26 March 1677. At a meetinge of John Joyliffe L. Daniell Turell, Capt. Thomas Brattle, Mr. John Lake, Capt James Olliuer, Deacon Henery Allen & Deacon Jacob Eliott

John Parker & Symon Gates are apoynted to ouer see and regulate the makeinge of the fences in the Comon feild at Muddy riuer amonge the proprietor" thereof.

Ordered that Lt Richard Way should be allowed £4. out of the towne Treasury, to his stable or out house pulled downe in the last fire. Henery Largine is allowed & aproued a Cord'. of wood for the yeare ensueinge

4 Aprill 1677. At a Meetinge of all the select men at Robt Harris house at Muddie riuer, Whereas the Select men of this towne

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