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AMONG the documents in the library of the Maine Historical Society, are the several treaties made with the Eastern Indians, by the colony of Massachusetts, between the years 1717 and 1753. These are contained among the Pejepscot papers, and were used in the numerous controversies, which for many years occupied our courts, in the establishment of the title of the Proprietors claiming large tracts of land on the Androscoggin river, under the propriety of that name. They are printed in the small quarto form, and it is now rare to find them. They are more valuable from the fact that the originals of several of them are not now to be found in the public offices of Massachu setts. In order to use the printed copies at the trials referred to, it became necessary to show that the originals could not be found or were destroyed. Several of these printed copies have entered upon them the certificate of that old and venerable Secretary, John Avery, whose name in our early days, we heard so many times from the pulpit, connected with thanksgiving and fast proclamations. The certificates run as follows.


Secretary's office, Boston June 29, 1796.

This may certify whom it may concern, that I have made diligent search in the said Secretary's office of the said Com

monwealth for the foregoing treaty and conference with the Penobscot and other Eastern Indians and for the record thereof, and cannot find such Treaty or Conference or Record thereof: but believe the same hath been lost or consumed by fire. JOHN AVERY, Secretary."

This certificate is on the treaties of 1717, 1727 and 1732: on those of 1749 and 1752, is the certificate of the same Secretary, that they are true copies from the record.

We believe it to be within the scope and objects of our Society to preserve and give publicity to documents like these; which throw a strong light upon an exceedingly interesting por tion of our history, and present to us with dramatic form and effect, the wants and grievances of the aboriginal inhabitants of our territory, and the mode of treatment of those who gradually encroached upon their rights, their property, and all that was dear to them.

Their hunting grounds were narrowed, their fishing places reduced in number and importance: they were pursued as wild beasts through their own forests, and debased by the corrup tions, without partaking of the blessings of civilized life, until at last there was no room for them in a country over which, they had once roamed, free and unmolested, lords of the emi nent domain.

This no doubt was in the order of Providence, and conformable to the experience which has passed along the line of history from the earliest records written by the hand of nature upon the solid crust of our globe, to the latest revolution of a state. Civilization was to occupy and improve the earth and the greatest good of the greatest number was to be the rule of its advance. This law of society is now in progress.


The Rev. Mr. Smith, minister of Falmouth, in his interesting Journal, published at Portland in 1849, notices the meetings for the several treaties which were made at that place.






His Excellency being Arrived here in His Majesty's Ship the Squirrel, the Indians sent a Message to him from Puddlestones-Island, (where they were assembled) Desiring to know when it would be his Excellency's pleasure that they should attend him.

His Excellency told them at Three a Clock this Afternoon, when he would order the Union Flagg to be displayed, at the Tent Erected near Mr. Watts his House, And ordered a British Flagg to be delivered to the Indians for them to wear when they came, in Token of their Subjection to His Majesty King GEORGE.

At the Time appointed, the Flagg being set up, the Indians forthwith came over, with the British Flagg in their headmost Canoo.

His Excellency being seated under a large Tent (Erected for the occasion.) Attended by Samuel Sewall Esq; Penn Townsend Esq; Andrew Belcher Esq; and Edmund Quincey

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Esq; of the Council of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. And Samuel Penhallow Esq; Mark Hunking Esq; John Wentworth Esq; Shadrack Walton Esq; and Richard Wy bird Esq; of the Province of New-Hampshire: and several other English Gentlemen. Eight Indian Sagamores and Chief Captains, Namely Moxus, Bommeen, Waundagumboit, Wiwurna, and Queguaroomanit of Kennebeck. Querenebuit of Ponobscut. Adeawando, of Pegwackit, and Sabbadis of Ammarescoggin, Approached and made their Reverence to his Excellency, who was pleased to give them his Hand. And then directed that Capt. John Gyles, and Mr. Samuel Jordan Interpreters of the Indian Language should be Sworn to be faithful in that Service, and Judge Sewall administred to them an Oath accordingly. And his Excellency was pleased to make a Speech to the Sagamores, &c. which was deliberately Recited and Interpreted to them. And is as follows, Viz.

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Interpreter. Tell the Sachems, That notwithstanding the 'great Fatigue and Danger of this Expedition, yet to comply 'with my own Word, and their Desire, I am now come to see 'them, and am very glad to find so many of them in Health.

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Tell them, That I find by the Records of His Majesty's 'Government of New-England, which I have now the Honour 'to be Intrusted with, that there have been many Treaties be 'tween the English Government, and them, as there was occa sion: And that the last Interview was at Piscataqua about four Years ago, and that then my very worthy Predecessor, 'Governour DUDLEY accepted their Submission, and Rat'ified all former Treaties and Agreements with them; and that 'he gave them all possible Assurances of Justice, Friendship, 'Protection, and fair Commerce and Dealing upon their Fidel. ity, Peace and Obedience to the Crown of Great Briain ; and that I shall Build on that Foundation.

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Tell them, 'That since that good Treaty was made, the

'Crown of Great Britain is happily Descended to His Most 'Excellent Majesty KING GEORGE, and for ever Estab 'lished in His Royal Protestant Family, which GOD be Prais'ed, are many. That it is in the Name and by the Command 'of KING GEORGE, that I am now speaking to them, and 'that they may, and should Esteem it as an Instance of the 'King's great Favour, that I have so soon visited them.

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Tell them, That there is a very good agreement between 'KING GEORGE, and His Neighbours, more especially the French Nation, who have a Just and Great Esteem for 'His Majesty, and are very desirous of His Friendship, and 'Peace with Him: And that His Majesty's Subjects at home and abroad account themselves, very happy in His Majesty's 'Government, for that, It is Wise, Just and Kind; His Majesty consulting the common Welfare of His People, as to their Re'ligion, Civil Liberties, Trade, and every other Thing.

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Tell them, That this Great, Good and Wise Prince KING ‹ GEORGE, is their KING, as well as Ours, and that there'fore we look upon them, and shall always Treat them as fellow Subjects; and that they must likewise remember at all times, that they are KING GEORGE's Subjects, under His Allegiance and Protection, and they must by no means hearken 'to any contrary Insinuations, that they will always find them'selves safest under the Government of Great Britain.

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Tell them, That KING GEORGE, and the British Na'tion, are Christians of the Reformed Protestant Religion; That the great and only Rule of their Faith and Worship, and 'Life, is contained in the BIBLE, [the Governour holding one in his hand] here in this Book which is the Word of GOD "(Sachems) is contained our Holy Religion; and we would 'gladly, have you of the same Religion with us, and therefore we have agreed, to be at the Charge of a Protestant Mission'ary among you, to instruct you, and this is the Gentleman


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