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" Government, the State and local governments, and nongovernmental entities or individuals, with particular reference to their effect on the environment and on the conservation, development and utilization of natural resources; and (5) a program for remedying... "
Requirements for Recurring Reports to the Congress: A Directory - Halaman 2
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Laws Relating to the National Park Service, the National Parks and Monuments

United States - 1933 - 566 halaman
...programs and activities (including regulatory activities) of the Federal Government, the State and focal governments, and nongovernmental entities or individuals,...development and utilization of natural resources; and (5) a program for remedying the deficiencies of existing programs and activities, together with recommendations...
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Laws Relating to Shipping and Merchant Marine, Volume 2

United States - 1968 - 894 halaman of the programs and activities (including regulatory activities) of the Federal Government, the State and local governments, and nongovernmental entities...development and utilization of natural resources; and (5) a program for remedying the deficiencies of existing programs and activities, together with recommendations...
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Committee Prints

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs - 1968 - 1246 halaman
...activities) of the Federal Government, the State and local governments, and nongovernmental en- 1 tities or individuals, with particular reference to their...development and utilization of natural resources; and (5) a program for remedying the deficiencies of existing programs and activities, together with recommendations...
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Hearings, Volume 5

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations - 1970 - 1724 halaman of the programs and activities (including regulatory activities) of the Federal Government, the State and local governments, and nongovernmental entities...development and utilization of natural resources; and (5) a program for remedying the deficiencies of existing programs and activities, together with recommendations...
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Second Supplemental Appropriation Bill: 1970, Hearings ... 91st Congress, 2d ...

United States. Congress. House. Appropriations - 1970 - 942 halaman of the programs and activities (including regulatory activities) of the Federal Government; the State and local governments, and nongovernmental entities...development and utilization of natural resources; and (5) a program for remedying the deficiencies of existing programs and activities, together with recommendations...
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Hearings, Reports and Prints of the Senate Committee on Appropriations

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations - 1970 - 1124 halaman of the programs and activities (including regulatory activities) of the Federal Government, the State and local governments, and nongovernmental entities...development and utilization of natural resources; and (5) a program for remedying the deficiencies of existing programs and activities, together with recommendations...
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Pamphlets on Conservation of Natural Resources, Volume 32

1970 - 866 halaman of the programs and activities (including regulatory activities) of the Federal Government, the State and local governments, and nongovernmental entities...development and utilization of natural resources; and (5) a program for remedying the deficiencies of existing programs and activities, together with recommendations...
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Basic Laws and Authorities on Housing and Urban Development

United States, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Banking and Currency - 1970 - 1078 halaman of the programs and activities (including regulatory activities) of the Federal Government, the State and local governments, and nongovernmental entities...development and utilization of natural resources; and (5) a program for remedying the deficiences of existing programs and activities, together with recommendations...
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Second Supplemental Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1970, Hearings ... 91-2 ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Appropriations - 1970 - 1124 halaman of the programs and activities (including regulatory activities) of the Federal Government, the State and local governments, and nongovernmental entities...development and utilization of natural resources; and (5) a program for remedying the deficiencies of existing programs and activities, together with recommendations...
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Hearings, Reports and Prints of the House Committee on Appropriations, Bagian 4

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1970 - 962 halaman of the programs and activities (including regulatory activities) of the Federal Gpvernmentj the State and local governments, and nongovernmental entities...development and utilization of natural resources; and (5) a program for remedying the deficiencies of existing programs and activities, together with recommendations...
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