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Section 604 Report, Annual Military Construction Authorization Act. (DD-M(A) 1206).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0500-0-1-051 / Military Construction, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Appropriations; House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Military Construction Authorization Act of 1979 (P.L. 95-356, § 604; 92 Stat. 583).

Requirement: The Secretaries of the military departments shall report annually to the Congress a breakdown of the dollar value of construction contracts completed by each of the several military construction agencies, together with the design, construction supervision, and overhead fees charged by each of the agents in the executive of the assigned construction. They shall also report annually to the Congress all contracts awarded on other than a competitive basis to the lowest responsible bidder. Such reports shall also show, in the case of the ten architect-engineering firms which were awarded the most business, the names of such firms, the total separate contracts awarded each firm, and the total amount paid or to be paid to each firm under all contracts awarded to it.

Agency Contact: (202) 695-7006.


Report of Architect-Engineer Firms Receiving Highest Dollar Amounts of DOD Contracts.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / December 31.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0300-0-1-051 / Procurement, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Military Construction Authorization Act of 1980 (P.L. 96-125, § 604; 93 Stat. 943).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Secretaries of the military departments shall report annually to the Congress the names of the ten architectengineering firms which were awarded the most business in terms of total dollars. The report shall include the total of all the separate contracts awarded to each firm and the total amount paid to each firm under all contracts awarded to it. This report includes information on the types of contracts issued and descriptions of the projects involved.

Agency Contact: (202) 272-0744.


Report on Advance Planning and Design.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0500-0-1-051 / Military Construction, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Military Construction Authorization Act of 1967 (P.L. 89-568, § 612; 69 Stat. 352).

Availability: Not Publicly Available (Internal Use Only)
Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the House and Senate Committees on Armed Services a report on any proposed public works project for which advance planning, construction design, and architectural services are estimated to cost $150,000 or more not less than 30 days prior to the initial obligation of funds for the project. The report shall include a description of the project and the estimated cost of the planning, design, and architectural services.

Agency Contact: (202) 695-2713.


Rationalization/Standardization within NATO. (DD-ISA(A)1462).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / January 31.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services;
Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Department of Defense Appropriation Authorization
Act of 1975 (P.L. 93-365, § 302(c); 88 Stat. 402).
Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: The Secretary of Defense shall send to the Congress by January 31 of each year a report discussing the results of the assessment of the costs and possible loss of nonnuclear combat effectiveness of the military forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries caused by the failure of NATO members, including the United States, to standardize weapons systems, ammunition, fuel, and other military impedimenta for land, air, and naval forces. The report shall include an evaluation of the relative priority and effect of each standardization action which could improve the overall NATO nonnuclear defense capability or save resources for the alliance as a whole. Abstract: The primary focus of the report is on progress made by the U.S. and its NATO allies (1) in improving and modernizing their forces committed to NATO through programs such as the NATO Long-Term Defense Program and (2) in enhancing the defense of NATO through bilateral and multilateral cooperation in training, logistics, communications, intelligence, exercises, development of joint tactics and doctrine, and the research, development and production of arms and equipment.

Agency Contact: (202) 697-1386.


Acquisition of Individual Reserve Forces Facilities Costing More Than $100,000.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0300-0-1-051 / Procurement, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Act of July 27, 1962 (P.L. 87-554, § 701; 76 Stat. 243; 10 U.S.C. 2233a(1)).

Availability: Not Publicly Available (Internal Use Only)
Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Secretary of Defense must notify the Congress of the location, nature, and estimated cost of any facility to be used by reserve components of the Armed Forces. No expenditure or contribution that is more than $100,000 may be made for any such facility until after the expiration of 30 days from the date of notification. This requirement includes construction, rehabilitation conversion, and expansion projects involving such facilities but does not include facilities acquired by lease or projects to replace facilities which have been damaged or destroyed where the Congress has been notified of that action.

Agency Contact: (202) 695-5296.


Report on Implementation of 10 U.S.C. 1581 (Appointment: Professional and Scientific Services). (DD-M(Q&A)411).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / February 1.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051/ Operation and
Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Act of September 23, 1959 (P.L. 86-377, § 3; 73 Stat. 701; 10 U.S.C. 1582).

Requirement: The Secretary of Defense shall submit an annual report to the Congress setting forth the number of positions established in the Department of Defense to carry out research and development relating to the national defense, military medicine, and other activities of the Department that require the services of specially qualified scientists or other professional personnel. The report shall list the name, rate of compensation, functions, and qualifications of each incumbent. Items may be omitted from this report if deemed detrimental to the national security.

Agency Contact: (202) 695-7901.


Status of Nuclear and Chemical Weapons Storage Site Upgrade Programs. (DD-M(SA)1423).

Frequency/Due Date: Semiannually / March; September.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and
Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services;
Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: H. Rept. 94-1243; S. Rept. 94-856.

Abstract: This report provides the status, by site, of nuclear and chemical weapon storage, security upgrade listing of work to be done, estimated cost, design and construction award, and usable completion dates.

Agency Contact: (202) 695-7006.


Non-Prior Service Accessions by Mental Category-Male and Female. (DD-M(M)1391).

Frequency/Due Date: Monthly / 20th of following month.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and
Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services;
Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Requested by Senator John C. Stennis.

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Abstract: This report describes the new enlisted personnel of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps by mental category and educational attainment. Statistics are by month and year but do not distinguish between sexes.

Agency Contact: (202) 695-5525.


Annual Defense Department Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / January 31.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051/Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Act of September 7, 1962 (P.L. 87-651, § 202; 76 Stat. 517; 10 U.S.C. 133(c)).

Requirement: The Secretary of Defense shall submit an annual report to the President and to the Congress on the expenditures, work, and accomplishments of the Department of Defense during the preceding year. This report provides justification for and descriptions of national security policies and programs and statistics related to the Department's budget request.

Agency Contact: (202) 697-8191.


Acquisition of Individual Reserve Forces Facilities Where Costs Exceed $100,000 and Also Exceed 125% of Authorized Cost.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and
Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services;
Senate Committee on Armed Services.
Authority: Voluntary.

Availability: Not Publicly Available (Internal Use Only)
Geographic Relevance: National

Abstract: This report notifies Congress of a project involving reserve forces facilities in which the costs exceed 125% of the funds authorized and approved by Congress.

Agency Contact: (202) 695-5296.


Amounts for Recycling, Environmental Improvements, and Energy Conservation Programs on Military Bases. (DD-M-(A)1436).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0500-0-1-051 / Military Construction, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Military Construction and Reserve Forces Facilities Authorization Acts, 1975 (P.L. 93-552, § 612; 88 Stat. 1766). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Secretary of each military department shall submit to the Congress an annual report on the operation of recycling, environmental improvements, and energy conservation programs. The report includes information on the sale of the recyclable material collected and the expenditures for the recycling, environmental improvement, and energy conservation programs. Agency Contact: (202) 597-3689; 272-0588; 697-6244.


Expenditure Report of Protective Services by Department of Defense. Frequency/Due Date: Semiannually / 75 days after March 31 and September 30.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051/ Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Appropriations; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on the Judiciary.

Authority: Presidential Protection Assistance Act of 1976 (P.L. 94524, § 9; 90 Stat. 2476; 18 U.S.C. 3056 note).

Requirement: The Secretary of Defense shall transmit to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, Committees on the Judiciary, and Committees on Government Operations detailed semiannual reports of expenditures made pursuant to the Presidential Protection Assistance Act of 1976 during the preceding sixmonth period. Abstract: This report of the expenditures of the Department of Defense in support of the Secret Service includes listings of the persons, trips, and dates involved in the reported costs. Agency Contact: (202) 695-6815.


Section 603(e) Report of Project Scope Reductions or Cost Increases.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Military Construction Authorization Act of 1979 (P.L. 95-356, § 603(e); 92 Stat. 565).

Requirement: No individual project authorized under titles I through IV of the Military Construction Authorization Act of 1978 for any specifically listed military installation for which the current working estimate is $400,000 or more may be placed under contract if the approved scope of the project is reduced in excess of 25% or if the current working estimate, based upon bids received, exceeds the amount authorized for the project by more than 25% until a written report of the facts relating to the reduced scope or increased cost of the project has been submitted to the House and Senate Committees on Armed Services. The report should include a statement of the reasons for the reduction in scope or increase in costs. The project may be placed under contract if no objection is received from either committee within 30 days.

Agency Contact: (202) 695-7006.


Adjusted Payments Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Calendar Year (Annually) / Not later than 210 days after end of Calendar Year.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Act of September 2, 1958 (P.L. 85-861, § 1(25)(b); 72 Stat. 1449; 10 U.S.C. 1081).

Requirement: The Secretary of Defense shall report to the House and Senate Committees on Armed Services not later than 90 days after the close of the review of payments made under contracts for the medical care of dependents of members of the uniformed services, setting forth the amounts paid during the year covered by the review and the adjustments made in payments pursuant to the review. Abstract: This report shows adjustments made to payments for the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) for the previous calendar year.

Agency Contact: (202) 697-8973.


Report of the Value of Property, Supplies and Commodities Received in Accordance with Mutual Defense Agreements and Occupational Arrangements and/or Services Furnished by Foreign Countries as Reciprocal International Courtesies.

Frequency/Due Date: Quarterly 30 days after the end of the


OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations.

Authority: Department of Defense Appropriation Act, 1981 (P.L. 96-527, § 720; 94 Stat. 3084; 31 U.S.C. 700a).

Requirement: Agencies of the Department of Defense may accept real property, services, and commodities from foreign countries for the use of the United States in accordance with mutual defense agreements or occupational arrangements and such agencies may use the same for the support of the United States forces in such areas, without specific appropriations therefor. Within thirty days after the end of each quarter the Secretary of Defense shall render to Congress

and to the Office of Management and Budget a full report of such property, supplies, and commodities received during such quarter. Agency Contact: (202) 697-0021.


Human Subjects for Testing Biological and Chemical Agents. (DDDR&E(A)1477).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / October 1.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Department of Defense Appropriation Authorization Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-79, § 808(a)(1); 91 Stat. 334; 50 U.S.C. 1520).

Requirement: The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the House and Senate Committees on Armed Services a full accounting of all experiments and studies conducted by the Department of Defense within the preceding year, whether directly or under contract, which involved the use of human subjects for the testing of chemical or biological agents.

Agency Contact: (202) 697-8714.


Report of Emergency or Unanticipated Extraordinary Expenditures. (DD-COMP(Q)1390).

Frequency/Due Date: Quarterly Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051/Operation and
Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Appropriations;
House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Appro-
priations; Senate Committee on Armed Services.
Authority: Department of Defense Appropriation Authorization
Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-106, § 804(c); 89 Stat. 538; 10 U.S.C. 140(c)).

Requirement: The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the House and Senate Committees on Armed Services and Committees on Appropriations quarterly reports setting forth any emergency or extraordinary expenditures which could not be anticipated or classified in the regular budgets.

Agency Contact: (202) 697-4829.


Table 309C, DOD Dependent Strengths by Regional Area and Country. (DD-COMP(M&SA) 1052).

Frequency/Due Date: Monthly / 30th of each month.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and
Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Appropriations;
Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Armed

Authority: Letter of September 23, 1974 from chairman, Senate Appropriations Committee.

Availability: Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, 3E843 The Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301 Geographic Relevance: National; International/Foreign; Regional

Abstract: This report contains data on the number and location by country of dependents of Department of Defense military and civilian employees, including those living in the United States, United States territories, and foreign countries.

Agency Contact: (202) 694-5858.


Table 309B, DOD Civilian Personnel Strengths by Regional Area and by Country-Military Functions. (DD-COMP(Q)879).

Frequency/Due Date: Quarterly / 60 days after the end of the


OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Letter of September 23, 1974 from chairman, Senate Appropriations Committee.

Availability: Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, 3E843 The Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301 Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Abstract: The data presented in this report include the number and location, by region and by country, of all Department of Defense directly and indirectly hired civilian employees involved in military functions.

Agency Contact: (202) 694-5858.


Net Assessment of US/USSR Command Control and Communications Systems.

Frequency/Due Date: Biennially / January 1.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services. Authority: H. Rept. 95-451.

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign; National

Abstract: This biannual report provides a net assessment of United States and Soviet Union command control and communications programs.

Agency Contact: (703) 695-2085.


Military Manpower Training Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / March 1.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 48-0066-0-1-054 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Department of Defense Appropriation Authorization Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-155, § 803(a); 87 Stat. 612; 10 U.S.C. 138(d)(2)).

Availability: Agency

Requirement: The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Congress a written report by March 1 of each fiscal year, recommending the average student load for each category of training for each component of the armed forces for the next 3 fiscal years. The report shall include justifications for, and explanation of, the average student loads recommended. Abstract: This report recommends and justifies the average military student load (average number of military students in training status) for the next 3 fiscal years for each component of the armed forces. The report forms the basic justification of the student loads requested annually for authorization by Congress. Information in the report includes, for each type of training, student entrants, graduates, and loads; funding; supporting manpower; and training improvements.

Agency Contact: (202) 695-9053.


Annual Educational Assessment - Department of Defense Dependents Schools.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Department of Defense Dependent Schools

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Appropriations.
Authority: Education Amendments of 1978 (P.L. 95-561, § 1405;
92 Stat. 2366; 20 U.S.C. 924(b)).
Availability: Agency

Requirement: The Director of Dependents' Education shall make an annual assessment of the performance of the defense dependents' education system in providing high quality education to students. The results of each assessment with respect to an individual enrolled in the system shall be made available to the individual's sponsor, and summary results of each assessment shall be made available to Members of Congress and to professional employees in the system.

Agency Contact: (202) 325-0188.


Department of Defense Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 Annual Report. (DD-COMP(A)1538).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / April.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

Authority: Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-630, § 1100; 92 Stat. 3697; 12 U.S.C. 3421(b)). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: In April of each year, each Government authority that requests access to financial records of any customer from a financial institution shall send to the appropriate committees of Congress, a report describing requirements made during the preceding calendar year, including the number of requests for records made pursuant to 12 U.S.C., sections 3404, 3405, 3406, 3407, 3408, 3409, or 3414 and other relevant information. Abstract: Statistical data to be reported on efforts of the agency to gain access to financial records includes: additional time required to obtain financial records; the number of requests using administrative subpoena, judicial subpoena, search warrants and formal written requests; the number of customer challenges; and the time to resolve the challenges.

Agency Contact: (202) 694-3027.


Report to the Congress on the Department of Defense Audit, Inspection, and Investigative Organizations.

Frequency/Due Date: Semiannually / Within 60 days of March 31 and September 30.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and
Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Government
Operations; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs.
Authority: Inspector General Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-452; 92 Stat.
1105; 5 U.S.C. App. I 5(a)).
Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Congress semiannual reports during the period ending October 1982 (within 60 days of the close of the reporting periods ending March 31 and September 30), summarizing the activities of the audit, investigative, and inspection units of the Department of Defense. The reports should include: a description of significant instances or pat

terns of fraud, waste, or abuse disclosed by activities of the units during the reporting period and recommendations for corrective action; a summary of matters referred for prosecution and results of such prosecutions; and a statistical summary, by categories by subject matter, of audit and inspection reports completed during the reporting period.

Agency Contact: (202) 694-1234.


Quarterly Report on U.S. Cost of Construction of Military Installations for Collective Defense of North Atlantic Treaty Area.

Frequency/Due Date: Quarterly 30 days after end of calendar year quarter.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0500-0-1-051 / Military Construction, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Appropriations.

Authority: Military Construction Authorization Act of 1980 (P.L. 96-125; 93 Stat. 939).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: Within 30 days after the end of each calendar year quarter, the Secretary of Defense shall furnish to the Committees on Armed Services and on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives a description of the obligations incurred by the United States for the U.S. share of the cost of multilateral programs for the acquisition or construction of military facilities and installations for the collective defense of the North Atlantic Treaty Area. Abstract: The report provides information as to the United States contribution to the NATO infrastructure.

Agency Contact: (Autovon) 699-2414.


Base Structure Annex to Manpower Requirements Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Fiscal Year (Annually) / February 15. OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: Senate Committee on Appropriations. Authority: Department of Defense Appropriation Authorization Act of 1978 (P.L. 94-361, § 302; 90 Stat. 924; 10 U.S.C. 138c(3)). Availability: NTIS

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Congress, by February 15 of each fiscal year (FY), a report recommending the annual active duty end strength level for each component of the armed forces for the next FY and the annual civilian personnel end strength level for each component of the Department of Defense (DOD) for the next FY, including justifications for strength levels recommended and explanations of the relationship between recommended strength levels and national security policies. The justifications and explanations shall specify, for all military forces, the unit mission and capability; strategy which the unit supports; and the area of deployment and of potential deployment, including commitments to defend such areas. The report shall also discuss: manpower required for support and overhead functions within the armed forces and DOD, the relationship of manpower required for such functions to primary combat missions and support policies, and manpower required for foreign duty or aboard vessels outside of the United States. Abstract: The Annex contains a report on the Department of Defense base structure associated with the forces and personnel levels included in the President's Budget. It has been prepared with the intent of providing an understanding of the scope, size and purpose of the base structure as it exists. Listed in the report are installations and activities which can be directly related to the force levels of the Military Services. Base operation costs for each Service are also identified together with an explanation of actions being taken by

DOD to reduce such costs.

Agency Contact: (202) 695-0054.


Domestic Base Factors Report. (DD-M(A)1507).

Frequency/Due Date: Fiscal Year (Annually) / End of March for preceeding Fiscal Year.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0100-0-1-051 / Operation and
Maintenance, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: Senate Committee on Appropriations.
Authority: S. Rept. 95-325; S. Rept. 95-1264.
Availability: NTIS

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: Requested by Senate Committee on Appropriations Reports 95-325 and 95-1264. Abstract: The report contains information for all military installations and activities in the 50 States and Puerto Rico at which military and civilian personnel are assigned and to which base operating support resources are provided. Agency Contact: (202) 695-0054.


Design Costs, Estimated vs. Actual.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / January.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0500-0-1-051 / Military Construction, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Appropriations. Authority: H. Rept. 96-246, p. 9.

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: Requested June 7, 1979 in H. Rept. 96-246, p. 9 on the Military Construction Appropriation Bill of 1980. Abstract: A listing is given of all cases where a design contract has been entered into which exceeds the original Government estimate with detailed explanations when the original estimate is exceeded by more than 25%.

Agency Contact: (202) 695-2713.


Design Workload, Breakage, Lost Design, Change Orders and Other Information on Military Construction Planning and Design Expendi


Frequency/Due Date: Annually / January.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 97-0500-0-1-051 / Military Construction, Defense Agencies

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Appropriations. Authority: H. Rept. 96-246, p. 8.

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: Requested June 7, 1979 in H. Rept. 96-246, p. 8, on the Military Construction Appropriation Bill of 1980. Abstract: Lists are presented of total expenditures for the previous fiscal year from the Military Construction Planning and Design fund. Lists include: totals by Military Department (workload), funds lost to breakage (projects designed but not constructed), lost design (design which must be redone for various reasons), totals of change orders to design contracts, and total design personnel on board at the end of the year.

Agency Contact: (202) 695-2713.

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