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Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs. Authority: Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Establishing Act (P.L. 86-380, § 5(3); 73 Stat. 705; 42 U.S.C. 4275).

Requirement: The Advisory Committee on Intergovernmental Relations shall submit a report to the President and to the Congress by January 31 of each year. Abstract: This report contains information on the work of the Commission, which centered on efforts to identify remedies for the revenue problems of State and local governments, the structural problems of those units, and the problems of providing services at the State, regional, and local levels. The report provides information on research and policy making, implementation, information services, monitoring revenue sharing, property tax, local government modernization and reassignment of functions, transportation, local revenue diversification, and trends in fiscal federalism since 1954, and studies in progress. The report also provides a list of the permanent staff, official consultants, financial support, salaries and expense statements, and a list of publications. Agency Contact: (202) 653-5640.


Congressional Directory Update Report (Joint Committee on Printing). Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900002.

Agency Contact: (202) 653-5640.


Organization and Personnel Assignments of Executive Departments and Agencies.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / March 1.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation sce 99900007.

Agency Contact: (202) 653-5640.


Printing Plant Report (JCP 2).

Frequency/Due Date: Semiannually March 31; September 30; not later than 60 calendar days after close of reporting periods. Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900020.

Agency Contact: (202) 653-5640.


Acquisition of Power Operated Collators for Use in Facilities Other Than Printing Plants (JCP 3).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900021.

Agency Contact: (202) 653-5640.


Annual Inventory of Stored Equipment (JCP 6).

Frequency/Due Date: Fiscal Year (Annually) / 60 days after end of Fiscal Year.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900024.

Agency Contact: (202) 653-5640.


Duplicating Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Quarterly 30 days after end of quarter.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900026.

Agency Contact: (202) 653-5640.



Delaware River Basin Commission Annual Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 46-0102-0-1-301 Contribution to Delaware River Basin Commission

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Authority: Delaware River Basin Compact (P.L. 87-328, § 14.12: 75 Stat. 710).

Requirement: The Delaware River Basin Commission shall make and publish an annual report to the legislative bodies of the signatory parties to the Delaware River Basin Compact and to the public concerning its programs, operations, and finances. Abstract: This report evaluates the durability of the interstate-Federal Delaware River Basin Compact and describes the Delaware River Basin Commis sion's responses to the United States' changing environmental mood. The report discusses the many problems and studies in effect that deal with water resources problems and describes the year's specific policy decisions and developments in the areas of water supply, flood loss reduction, environmental protection, project reviews, water pollution, and program planning.

Agency Contact: (609) 883-9500.


Water Resources Program.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 46-0102-0-1-301 Contribution to Delaware River Basin Commission

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Authority: Delaware River Basin Compact (P.L. 87-328, § 3.2(b); 75 Stat. 710).

Requirement: The Delaware River Basin Commission shall adopt a water resources program, based upon the comprehensive plan for the development of the basin's water resources, which shall include a systematic presentation of the quality and quantity of water resources needs of the area to be served for such reasonably foreseeable period as the Commission may determine, balanced by existing and proposed projects required to satisfy such needs, including all public

National Capital Planning Commission

and private projects affecting the basin, together with a separate statement of the projects proposed to be undertaken by the Commission during the period. Abstract: This report discusses problems, plans, and programs related to increased water demands. These demands include: water supply, water quality improvement, stream flow regulation, flood loss reduction, fish and wildlife, recreation, and preservation and enhancement of environmental quality. Projects are outlined which address these demands during the forthcoming 6 years.

Agency Contact: (609) 883-9500.


Audit Report (Delaware River Basin Commission).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 46-0102-0-1-301 / Contribution to Delaware River Basin Commission

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Authority: Delaware River Basin Compact (P.L. 87-328, § 14.11; 75 Stat. 710).

Requirement: An audit shall be made of the financial accounts of the Delaware River Basin Commission as soon as practical after the close of each fiscal year. The report of the audit by a qualified certified public accountant shall be distributed to each commissioner and shall be made available for public distribution. Abstract: This report includes audited financial statements and other financial information pertaining to the Commission, which is concerned with water resources programs and projects for the Delaware River Basin.

Agency Contact: (202) 343-5761.


Congressional Directory Update Report (Joint Committee on Printing). Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900002.

Agency Contact: (202) 343-5761.


Organization and Personnel Assignments of Executive Departments and Agencies.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / March 1.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900007.

Agency Contact: (202) 343-5761.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 95-2500-0-1-451 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Authority: Act of June 6, 1924 (P.L. 68-203, § 13; 43 Stat. 464; 40 U.S.C. 74).

Requirement: The National Capital Planning Commission shall submit to the Congress on the first Monday in December of each year a report on the lands acquired during the preceding fiscal year, the method of acquisition, and the cost of each tract. This report presents this information for lands acquired for parks, parkways, and playgrounds in the District of Columbia.

Agency Contact: (202) 724-0187.


Congressional Directory Update Report (Joint Committee on Printing). Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900002.

Agency Contact: (202) 724-0209.


Budget Execution (SF 133).

Frequency/Due Date: Quarterly 20 days after end of quarter.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900003.

Agency Contact: (202) 724-0187.


Activities under Freedom of Information Act. (File 1375).
Frequency/Due Date: Annually / March 1.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900004.

Agency Contact: (202) 724-0209.


Proposal to Alter or Establish System of Records (Privacy Act). (File 1422).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Prior to occurrence of event.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900005.

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Estimate of Additional Expenditures over $1,000,000 for Personnel and Other Resources in Proposed Legislation.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900012.

Agency Contact: (202) 724-0187.


Statement of Agency Actions Regarding General Accounting Office Recommendations.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / 60 days after GAO report.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900013.

Agency Contact: (202) 724-0187.


Response to OMB Report on Agency Information Management Activities.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / 60 days after occurrence of


OMB Funding Code/Title: 95-2500-0-1-451 Salaries and Expenses

Availability: Agency

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900030.

Agency Contact: (202) 724-0176.



National Commission on Productivity and Work Quality Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 95-0700-0-1-376 Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs.

Authority: Voluntary.

Abstract: Part I of this report provides a review of national productivity and its effect on the economy. The recent changes in, and long term challenges of productivity are discussed in depth. An analysis of the background for possible policies to increase productivity is made for the private sector and the Government. Part II summarizes the activities and progress of the Commission whose efforts are concentrated on 1) the morale and quality of work of the American worker, 2) the international competitive position of the United States, 3) the efficiency of government, and 4) the cost of those goods and services which fulfill the most basic needs of Americans. The benefits of labor-management committèes, and of four work quality programs, are being studied. The Commission worked extensively to increase productivity and quality in the private sector with the food, transportation, construction, and health care industries, and on productivity in Federal, State, and local governments. A comprehensive program was initiated to publicize the Commis

sion's goals and efforts.

Agency Contact: (202) 395-3122.

R07155-001 Annual Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually December 31.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 95-0700-0-1-376 Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs. Authority: National Productivity and Quality of Working Life Act of 1975 (P.L. 94-136, § 208(a); 89 Stat. 740; 15 U.S.C. 2418).

Requirement: The National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life shall submit to the President and to the Congress by December 31 of each year a report on its activities during the preceding fiscal year. This report shall include a detailed statement of all public and private funds received and expended, together with any appropriate recommendations. The report shall also include an analysis of the extent to which each Federal agency having significant responsibilities for assisting in the improvement of productivity is carrying out its responsibilities.

Agency Contact: (202) 395-3122.


Activities under Freedom of Information Act.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / March 1.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900004.

Agency Contact: (202) 254-9890.


Proposal to Alter or Establish System of Records (Privacy Act).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Prior to occurrence of event.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900005.

Agency Contact: (202) 254-9890.


Statement of Agency Actions Regarding General Accounting Office Recommendations.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / 60 days after GAO report.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900013.

Agency Contact: (202) 254-9890.


Expenditure or Obligation in Excess of Available Funds (RS 3679 Violation).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900014.

Agency Contact: (202) 254-9890.



New England River Basins Commission Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 85-0100-0-1-301 Water Resources Planning

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Authority: Water Resources Planning Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-80, § 204(2); 79 Stat. 248; 42 U.S.C. 1962b-3). Geographic Relevance: Regional NE

Requirement: Each river basin commission established pursuant to the Water Resources Planning Act, as amended, shall submit to the Water Resources Council and to the Governor of each participating State a report on its work at least once each year. This report shall be transmitted through the President to the Congress. Abstract: This report summarizes the progress in the preparation of a comprehensive, coordinated joint plan (CCJP) for water and related land resources of the New England River Basins. The New England River Basins Commission's major planning studies include Long Island Sound, Southeastern New England, and the Connecticut River Basin. Descriptions of the projects conducted under this plan are contained in the body of the report.

Agency Contact: (617) 223-6244.


Missouri River Basin Commission Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 85-0100-0-1-301 / Water Resources Planning

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Authority: Water Resources Planning Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-80, § 204(2); 79 Stat. 248; 42 U.S.C. 1962b-3).

Requirement: Each river basin commission established pursuant to the Water Resources Planning Act, as amended, shall submit to the Water Resources Council and to the Governor of each participating State a report on its work at least once each year. This report shall be transmitted through the President to the Congress. Abstract: This report describes the progress in the preparation of a comprehensive, coordinated joint plan (CCJP) for water and related land resources of the Missouri River Basin by the Missouri River Basin Commission (MRBC).

Agency Contact: (402) 864-9351.


Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 85-0100-0-1-301 / Water Resources Planning

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Authority: Water Resources Planning Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-80, § 204(2); 79 Stat. 248; 42 U.S.C. 1962b-3).

Requirement: Each river basin commission established pursuant to the Water Resources Planning Act, as amended, shall submit to the Water Resources Council and to the Governor of each participating State a report on its work at least once each year. This report shall be transmitted through the President to the Congress. Abstract: This report on the activities of the Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission provides information on aquatic plant and insect control, power planning, hydrology and hydraulics, economic studies, meteorology, fish and wildlife, urban and rural lands, and water supply and water pollution control, as well as providing statements of receipts and expenditures and available funds. Agency Contact: (206) 422-7551.


Report to the Congress of the United States on Level B (Section 209) Planning.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 85-0100-0-1-301 / Water Resources Planning

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Authority: Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (P.L. 92-500, § 2; 86 Stat. 843; 33 U.S.C. 1289(b)). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The President, acting through the Water Resources Council, shall report annually to the Congress on the progress being made toward the preparation of a Level B plan under the Water Resources Planning Act of all basins in the United States to achieve the integration of all related and water planning resources. Agency Contact: (202) 254-6303.


Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission Report.
Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 85-0100-0-1-301 / Water Resources

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Authority: Water Resources Planning Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-80, § 204(2); 79 Stat. 248; 42 U.S.C. 1962b-3). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: portions of six States

Requirement: Each river basin commission established pursuant to the Water Resources Planning Act, as amended, shall submit to the Water Resources Council and to the Governor of each participating State a report on its work at least once each year. This report shall be transmitted through the President to the Congress. Abstract: The report details the progress made on the preparation of a comprehensive, coordinated joint plan for water and related land resources of the Upper Mississippi River Basin. This report of the Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission also contains comparative statements of cash receipts, disbursements, cash balances, comparative statements of assets, liabilities, and fund balances, and statements of changes in the fund balances.

Agency Contact: (612) 725-4690.



Ohio River Basin Commission Annual Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 85-0100-0-1-301 / Water Resources Planning

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Authority: Water Resources Planning Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-80, § 204(2); 79 Stat. 248; 42 U.S.C. 1962b-3).

Requirement: Each river basin commission established pursuant to the Water Resources Planning Act shall submit to the Water Resources Council and to the Governor of each participating State a report on its work at least once each year. This report shall be transmitted through the President to the Congress. Abstract: The report details the annual progress on the preparation of a comprehensive, coordinated joint plan (CCJP) for water and related land resources by the Ohio River Basin Commission.

Agency Contact: (513) 684-3831.


Great Lakes Basin Commission Annual Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 85-0100-0-1-301 / Water Resources Planning

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Authority: Water Resources Planning Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-80, § 204(2); 79 Stat. 248; 42 U.S.C. 1962b-3). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign; State; Regional

Requirement: Each river basin commission established pursuant to the Water Resources Planning Act shall submit to the Water Resources Council and to the Governor of each participating State a report on its work at least once each year. This report shall be transmitted through the President to the Congress. Abstract: This report provides information on coordination of land and water resources planning in the Great Lakes Basin; the Great Lakes Basin; the progress in the development of a comprehensive, coordinated joint plan; long-range priorities; State activities; and a financial report. Also, the staff of the Great Lakes Basin Commission is listed. Agency Contact: (301) 668-2300.


Congressional Directory Update Report (Joint Committee on Printing). Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900002.

Agency Contact: (202) 254-8290.


Activities under Freedom of Information Act.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / March 1.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900004.

Agency Contact: (202) 254-8290.


Proposal to Alter or Establish System of Records (Privacy Act). Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Prior to occurrence of event.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900005.

Agency Contact: (202) 254-6448.


Organization and Personnel Assignments of Executive Departments and Agencies.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / March 1.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900007.

Agency Contact: (202) 254-6448.


Estimate of Additional Expenditures over $1,000,000 for Personnel and Other Resources in Proposed Legislation.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900012.

Agency Contact: (202) 254-6448.


Statement of Agency Actions Regarding General Accounting Office Recommendations.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / 60 days after GAO report.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900013.

Agency Contact: (202) 254-6448.


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