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U.S.-Canada Electric Transmission Right-of-Way Actions. (ERA-17).
Frequency/Due Date: Annually / November 12.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0217-0-1-276 / Economic Regula-
tory Administration

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and
Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Authority: Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-
617, § 602(2)(f); 92 Stat. 3164; 16 U.S.C. 824a-4).
Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign #P.L. 95-617,

Requirement: The Secretary of Energy shall report annually to the Congress on actions, if any, taken in connection with acquisition of rights-of-way for transmission facilities for the seasonal diversity exchange of electric power to and from Canada.

Agency Contact: Economic Regulatory Administration. (202) 653-3900.


Standby Conservation Plan No. 2, Commuter Parking Management and Carpool Incentives. (ERA-20).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0215-0-1-272 / Energy Conservation

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Education and
Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources.
Authority: Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (P.L. 94-
163, §201(a); 89 Stat. 890; 42 U.S.C. 6261).
Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: Within 180 days after enactment of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, the President shall transmit to the Congress one or more energy conservation contingency plans and a rationing contingency plan. He may at any time submit additional contingency plans (energy conservation contingency plans or rationing contingency plans).

Agency Contact: Economic Regulatory Administration. (202) 632-6500.


Standby Conservation Plan No. 4, Restrictions on Advertising Lighting. (ERA-22).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Unspecified.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0215-0-1-272 Energy Conserva-

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Education and
Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources.
Authority: Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (P.L. 94-
163, § 201(a); 89 Stat. 890; 42 U.S.C. 6261).
Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: Within 180 days after enactment of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, the President shall transmit to the Congress one or more energy conservation contingency plans and a rationing contingency plan. He may at any time submit additional contingency plans (energy conservation contingency plans or rationing contingency plans).

Agency Contact: Economic Regulatory Administration. (202) 632-6500.


Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Rationing Plan. (ERA-23).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Unspecified.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0215-0-1-272 / Energy Conserva-

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Education and
Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources.
Authority: Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (P.L. 94-
163, § 201(a); 89 Stat. 890; 42 U.S.C. 6261).
Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: Within 180 days after enactment of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, the President shall transmit to the Congress one or more energy conservation contingency plans and a rationing contingency plan. He may at any time submit additional contingency plans (energy conservation contingency plans or rationing contingency plans).

Agency Contact: Economic Regulatory Administration. (202) 633-3313.


Proposed Rules Implementing U.S. Obligations under the International Energy Program. (ERA-26).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Prior to occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0215-0-1-272 Energy Conservation

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.

Authority: Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (P.L. 94163, § 251(b); 89 Stat. 894; 42 U.S.C. 6271(b)).


Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign; National

Requirement: Rules prescribed by the President to implement U.S. obligations with respect to the International Energy Program may not take effect unless the President: has transmitted such rules to the Congress; has found that putting such rules into effect is required in order to fulfill U.S. obligations under the program; and has transmitted such finding to the Congress, together with a statement of the effective dates and manner for exercise of such rules.

Agency Contact: Economic Regulatory Administration. (202) 653-3256.


Declaration of a Natural Gas Supply Emergency. (ERA-27).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / 90 days after occurrence of


OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0217-0-1-276/ Economic Regulatory Administration

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and
Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Authority: Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-621, § 304(c);
92 Stat. 3387; 15 U.S.C. 3364(c)).
Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The President shall report to the Congress, not later than 90 days following the termination of any declaration of a natural gas supply emergency (or extension thereof) respecting the exercise of his emergency authority under sections 3361, 3362, or 3363 of title 15 of the U.S. Code.

Agency Contact: Economic Regulatory Administration. (202) 653-3280.


Investigations Relating to Electric Power. (ERA-5).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0212-0-1-276 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Federal Power Act (P.L. 74-333, § 311; 49 Stat. 859; 16 U.S.C. 825j).

Availability: Not publicly available (Internal Use Only)

Requirement: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission shall report to the Congress the results of any investigations regarding the generation, transmission, distribution, and sale of electric energy, however produced. Abstract: Current information is provided regarding the ownership, operation, management, and control of all such facilities; the rates, changes, and contracts pertaining to sales and service of electric energy; and the relationship of such facts to the development of navigation, industry, commerce, and the national defense.

Agency Contact: Economic Regulatory Administration. (202) 653-3825.


Electric Utility Reliability Issue. (ERA-25).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0212-0-1-276 / Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

Authority: Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (P.L. 95617, § 209; 92 Stat. 3143; 16 U.S.C. 824a-2(b)).

Requirement: The Secretary of Energy, in consultation with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, may request reliability councils or other appropriate persons or agencies to examine and report to him concerning any electric utility reliability issue. He shall report to the Congress (in his annual report or in the report required in connection with the reliability study, if appropriate) the results of any such examination.

Agency Contact: Economic Regulatory Administration. (202) 252-1311.



Report of Permits and Licenses Issued under Part I of the Federal Power Act.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / January 3.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0212-0-1-276 / Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and
Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Authority: Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 797(d)).
Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, on or before January 3 of each year, shall submit to the Congress for the fiscal year preceding a classified report showing the permits and licenses issued under Part I of the Federal Power Act and in each case, the parties thereto, the terms prescribed, and moneys received if any, or account thereof. The reports shall contain the names and show the compensation of persons employed by the Commission. Abstract: This report, included within the comprehensive Annual Report of the Commission to the Congress, includes a classified listing of hydroelectric licenses and permits in effect, and pending applications which are regulated under Part I of the Federal Power Act. The report includes tabular listings of each category of project covered for the preceding fiscal year, as well as cumulative listings of all sucb licenses and permits in effect as of the end of the previous fiscal year.

Agency Contact: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. (202) 376-9171.


Annual Report of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. (FERC3).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0212-0-1-276 Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Voluntary.

Availability: GPO

Abstract: This report provides information on the major Commission actions. litigation, changes in Commission rules and regulations, legislation, personnel, and appropriations. In addition, the report provides information on electric power, including production and capacity, sales, industry growth, a financial review, technical developments, costs, fuels, State cooperation, power supply adequacy, electric rates, mergers and consolidations, accounting regulations, hydroelectric power resources, and river basin appraisals. The report also provides information on natural gas activities, including natural gas supply, area rates, exploration, special relief from area rate ceilings, and several other areas. In addition, the report provides information on the environment and the regulatory information system.

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Federal Power Act, and any other provision of law. Such annual reports shall be included in the Commission's annual report required under the Department of Energy Organization Act.

Agency Contact: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. (202) 376-9376.


Effect and Operation of Interstate Compacts Governing Conservation, Production, Transportation or Distribution of Natural Gas.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0212-0-1-276 / Salaries and Ex


Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Natural Gas Act (P.L. 75-688, § 11; 52 Stat. 827; 15 U.S.C. 717j(b)).

Requirement: The Secretary of Energy shall report to the Congress, from time to time, information relative to the effect and operation of any compact between two or more States regarding the conservation, production, transportation, or distribution of natural gas. Recommendations for actions or legislation appropriate or necessary to promote the purposes of such compacts should also be included.

Agency Contact: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. (202) 357-8500.


FERC Report to Congress: Values of Property Owned or Used by Oil Pipeline Common Carriers.

Frequency/Due Date: Congressional Session (Annually) / Beginning of each session of Congress.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0212-0-1-276 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Interstate Commerce Act (P.L. 95-473, § 4(c); 49 U.S.C. 19a(d)). Department of Energy Organization Act (P.L. 95-91, § 402(b); 42 U.S.C. 7155, 7172). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: Investigations of the value of property owned or used by oil pipeline common carriers shall be commenced within 60 days after March 1, 1913, and shall be prosecuted with diligence and thoroughness, and the result thereof reported to Congress at the beginning of each regular session thereafter until completed. Abstract: This report involves letters to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the President of the Senate informing Congress of those common carrier oil pipelines on which valuations of property have been made.

Agency Contact: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. (202) 357-8500.



Annual Report on Federal Columbia River Power System. (CE-104).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-4045-0-3-271 / Bonneville Power Administration Fund

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate

Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Authority: Federal Columbia River Power System (P.L. 89-448, § 2; 80 Stat. 200; 16 U.S.C. 835j).

Availability: Bonneville Power Administration
Geographic Relevance: Regional

Requirement: The Secretary of Energy shall prepare, maintain, and present annually to the President and to the Congress a consolidated financial statement for all projects from or by means of which commercial power and energy is marketed through the facilities of the Federal Columbia River power system and associated projects. Abstract: This report presents a consolidated financial statement on a payout basis for the Federal Columbia River Power System. It demonstrates the adequacy of wholesale power rates by forecasting revenues, expenses, interest, and amortization for the next 75 years. Other factors considered are purchase and exchange power, investment placed in service, unamortized investment, allowable unamortized investment, irrigation assistance, and cumulative surplus revenues.

Agency Contact: Resource Applications. (503) 429-5117.


Report on Bidding System Authorized for Oil and Gas Lease on Outer Continental Shelf Lands.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0222-0-1-251 / General Science and Research-Operating Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Re


Authority: Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1978 (P.L. 95-372, § 205(a); 92 Stat. 641; 43 U.S.C. 1337).

Requirement: The Secretary of Energy shall submit any bidding system authorized in 43 U.S.C. 1337 to the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Agency Contact: Resource Applications.


Financial Report on the Geothermal Resources Development Fund. (CE-105).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0206-0-1-271 / Geothermal Resources Development Fund

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Geothermal Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-410, § 204(d); 88 Stat. 1088; 30 U.S.C. 1144(c)).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Secretary of Energy shall submit a businesstype financial report to the Congress on the operations of the Geothermal Resources Development Fund. The report shall be made annually upon the completion of an appropriate accounting period. This Fund was established to carry out the loan guaranty and interest assistance program established in conjunction with the geothermal energy research, development, and demonstration program. Abstract: This report describes balances and uses of funds in the Geothermal Development Fund.

Agency Contact: Resource Applications. (202) 633-8814.


DOE Annual Report (Demonstration, Production and Conservation of Energy). (RA-12).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / August 25.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0219-0-1-271 / Energy Production, Demonstration, and Distribution

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Department of Energy Act of 1978-Civilian Applications (P.L. 95-238, § 207; 92 Stat. 61; 42 U.S.C. 5919). Availability: Congress

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Secretary is directed to submit a report to the Congress within 180 days after February 25, 1978, setting forth his recommendations on the best opportunities to implement a program of Federal financial assistance with the objective of demonstrating production and conservation of energy. Such a report shall be updated and submitted to Congress at least annually and shall include specific comments and recommendations by the Secretary of the Treasury on the methods and procedures for determining the extent to which it is feasible to commercialize the technologies as they affect different regions of the nation. Abstract: The study shall include a study of the purchase by the Federal Government of the products of any alternative fuel facilities constructed under a program as a direct or alternate form of Federal assistance and a comprehensive plan and program to acquire information and to evaluate various impacts of the Federal financial assistance program.

Agency Contact: Resource Applications. (202) 252-6024.



Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products Other Than Automobiles. (CE-9).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0203-0-1-272
Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and
Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Authority: Energy Policy and Conservation Act (P.L. 94-163, §
338; 89 Stat. 932; 42 U.S.C. 6308).
Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Secretary of Energy shall submit an annual report to the Congress and to the President on the energy conservation program for consumer products other than automobiles and on the energy savings impact of such programs. The report shall include information on those actions undertaken by the Secretary in carrying out this program during the period covered by the report and on those actions which the Secretary was required to take but which were not taken and the reasons for not taking such actions.

Agency Contact: Conservation and Renewable Energy. (202) 252-9143.


Operation of State Energy Conservation Plans. (CE-8).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / March 31.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0203-0-1-272

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and
Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Authority: Energy Policy and Conservation Act (P.L. 94-163, §
365(c); 89 Stat. 935; 42 U.S.C. 6325).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: State

Requirement: The Secretary of Energy shall report annually to the Congress and to the President on the operation of the State energy conservation program. This report shall include an estimate of the energy conservation achieved, the degree of State participation and achievement, a description of innovative conservation programs undertaken by individual States, and recommendations for any necessary additional legislation.

Agency Contact: Conservation and Renewable Energy. (202) 252-2344.


Annual Report on the Electric Hybrid Vehicle Program. (CE-1).
Frequency/Due Date: Annually / January 30.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 89-0203-0-1-271
Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and
Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

Authority: Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-413, § 14; 90 Stat. 1270; 15 U.S.C. 2513).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Secretary of Energy shall submit to the Congress an annual report on all activities being conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1976. The report shall include projections and estimates necessary to evaluate the progress of the project and to indicate the extent to which the objectives of the act are being achieved and a statement of the extent to which imported automobile chassis or components are being used, or are desirable. for the production of such vehicles and of the extent to which restric tions imposed by law or regulation on the importation of such items are impeding the achievement of the purposes of the act.

Agency Contact: Conservation and Renewable Energy. (202) 376-4614.


National Plan for Accelerated Commercialization of Solar Energy. (CE-16).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / December 31.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 80-0203-0-1-276
Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and
Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Authority: Energy Conservation and Production Act (P.L. 94-385,
§ 109(a); 90 Stat. 1130; 15 U.S.C. 774(e)(2)).
Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Secretary of Energy shall submit to the Presi dent and to the Congress an annual report which includes an analysis of the energy needs of the United States and the methods by which such needs can be met, including both tax and nontax proposals and energy conservation strategies. This report shall include an analysis of the alternate methods of meeting the energy needs and of the relative capital and other economic costs of each such method, the relative environmental, national security, and balance-of-trade risks of each method, and the other relevant advantages and disadvantages of each method. Abstract: The report contains a program of policies, plans, and implementation strategies designed to promote the accelerated commercialization of solar techniques.

Agency Contact: Conservation and Renewable Energy. (202)


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