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terms on which there remains outstanding any unpaid obligation; and the status of each transaction with respect to which a loan, contract or guarantee of insurance, or extension of credit with respect to which there remains outstanding any unpaid obligation or any other potential liability. Abstract: The report presents a detailed record by program and country of delinquent international debts owed the U.S. on the foreign credits of the U.S. Government which are due and unpaid 90 days or more. The delinquencies reported are classified by the various operating agencies into three categories on the basis of the original or formally agreed to maturity of repayment obligation: accounts receivable (90 days credit), short-term (more than 90 days but less than one year), and long-term (one year or more). The delinquencies reported are frequently technical, pending conclusion of discussions or negotiations between the debtor country and the collecting agency. Included are: an analytical summary table; consolidated amounts by type obligor; detail of long term with date of oldest delinquency and code for status of collection effort; and time series and aging tables (long-term) by agency.

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(International Affairs)

U.S. Opposition to Any Loan, Financial Assistance, or Technical Assistance for Reasons Regarding Human Rights.

Frequency/Due Date: Quarterly / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0101-0-1-803 Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Authority: Act of June 3, 1980 (P.L. 96-259, § 501(b); 94 Stat. 432; 22 U.S.C. 262d).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall report quarterly to the chairpersons and ranking minority members of the House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, the Subcommittee on International Development Institutions and Finance of such Committee, and the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on each instance in which the U.S. Executive Director of the International Development Association, the International Bank for Reconstruction Development, the International Finance Corporation, the Inter-American Development Bank, the African Development Fund, and/or the Asian Development Bank opposes any loan, financial assistance, or technical assistance for reasons regarding human rights. Each report shall include the reasons for such opposition, all policy considerations evaluated, a description of the human rights conditions in the country involved, a record of how the U.S. Government voted on all previous assistance to such country during the preceding 2 years, and information on how the opposition relates to overall U.S. policy on human rights in that country.

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Agency Contact: Assistant fairs). (202) 566-2773.


Quarterly Report on All Loans Considered by the Boards of Directors of Certain Banks Identified in P.L. 96-259.

Frequency/Due Date: Quarterly / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0101-0-1-803 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Authority: Act of June 3, 1980 (P.L. 96-259, § 501(a); 94 Stat. 431; 22 U.S.C. 262d).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: The Secretary of the Treasury shall report quarterly to the House Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs and to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on all loans considered by the Boards of Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Development Association, the International Finance Corporation, the InterAmerican Development Bank, the African Development Fund, and the Asian Development Bank. Each such quarterly report shall include a list of all loans considered by the Boards of each institution and shall specify with respect to each such loan the institution involved, the date of final action, the borrower, the amount, the project or program, the vote of the U.S. Government, the reason for U.S. Government opposition, if any, the final disposition of the loan, and, if the U.S. Government opposed the loan, whether the loan meets basic human needs.

Agency Contact: Assistant Secretary (International Affairs). (202) 566-8171.

Progress Toward Achieving Goals Set Forth in Title VI of P.L. 96-259. Frequency/Due Date: Annually / December 3.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0101-0-1-803 / Salaries and Ex


Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Authority: Act of June 3, 1980 (P.L. 96-259, § 602(c); 94 Stat. 434; 22 U.S.C. 262j).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Director of the United States International Development Cooperation Agency, shall report to the Congress not later than 6 months after June 3, 1980, and annually thereafter on the progress toward achieving the goals set forth in title VI of Public Law 96-259, which is concerned with encouraging the Inter-American Development Bank, the African Development Fund, and the Asian Development Bank to promote the use of renewable resources for energy production in poor and developing countries.

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Authority: International Investment Survey Act of 1976 (P.L. 94472, § 4(c)(2); 90 Stat. 2062; 22 U.S.C. 3103). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National; International/Foreign

Requirement: The President shall annually compile available data on United States portofolio investment abroad including items such as data on the magnitude and aggregate value of portfolio investment, form of investments, types of investors, nationality of investors and recorded residence of private holders, diversification of holdings by economic sector, and holders of records. The President shall submit an analysis of such data to the Congress not later than the first day of July of each year. Abstract: This report is a compilation of available data on U.S. residents' portfolio investments abroad.

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Requirement: The trustees of each New York City public employees' pension plan shall furnish a copy of the annual report filed by such plan with the New York State Insurance Department for each fiscal year to the Secretary of the Treasury not later than 30 days after the date the report is filed with the New York State Insurance Department. The Secretary of the Treasury shall furnish a copy of each report received to the chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means and to the chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance. Abstract: This report contains an audit of Pension Plans and a projected cash flow of Pension Plans.

Agency Contact: Assistant Secretary (Domestic Finance). (202) 376-1551.


Report Establishing the Conditions of the Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Act of 1979 Have Been Met.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Prior to occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0113-0-1-376 Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Program

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

Authority: Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Act of 1979 (P.L. 96-185, § 5(b); 93 Stat. 1328; 15 U.S.C. 1864). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign; National

Requirement: The Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Board shall transmit to the appropriate committees of the Congress a written report setting forth each determination made under the Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Act not less than fifteen days prior to the issuance of any guarantee. Abstract: Sections 4 and 5 of the Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Act of 1979 specify some 29 findings that the Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Board must make before it can commit to guarantee or actually guarantee loans to the Chrysler Corporation. The requirement for transmittal of these

findings to the Congress is at Section 5(b). These findings are listed in the attachment.

Agency Contact: Assistant Secretary (Domestic Finance). (202) 376-0260.


Report on the Activities of the Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Board under Its Respective Act.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Semiannually during 1980 and 1981, and annually thereafter.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0113-0-1-376 Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Program

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

Authority: Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Act of 1979 (P.L. 96-185, § 14(a); 93 Stat. 1334; 15 U.S.C. 1873). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign; National

Requirement: The Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Board shall submit to the Congress semiannually a full report of its activities during fiscal years 1980 and 1981, and annually thereafter so long as any loan guaranteed under the Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Act is outstanding. Abstract: The report required by Section 14(a) discusses all activities of the Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Board. In addition to specific findings, reported under Section 5(b), administrative and analytical efforts of the Board are discussed. Agency Contact: Assistant Secretary (Domestic Finance). (202) 374-0260.


Annual Report of the Federal Financing Bank.

Frequency/Due Date: Fiscal Year (Annually) / End of fiscal year.
OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-4521-0-4-376
Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Ways and
Means; House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs;
Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.
Authority: Federal Financing Bank Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-224, § 13;
87 Stat. 941; 12 U.S.C. 2292).

Requirement: The Federal Financing Bank shall, as soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year, transmit to the President and to the Congress a report of its operations and activities.

Agency Contact: Assistant Secretary (Domestic Finance). (202) 566-2468.


Report to Congress/New York City Loan Guarantee Act of 1978.

Frequency/Due Date: Semiannually / Within 3 months after 8/8/78, at 6 month intervals until 6/30/82, thereafter at 12 month intervals.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0110-0-1-852 / New York City Loan Guarantee Program

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

Authority: New York City Loan Guarantee Act of 1978 (P.L. 95339, § 108; 92 Stat. 460; 31 U.S.C. 1528). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: New York, NY

Requirement: Within 3 months after August 8, 1978, and at 6 month intervals until June 30, 1982, and thereafter at 12 month intervals, the Secretary of the Treasury shall transmit to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and to the

House Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs a report containing a detailed statement of his activities under the New York City Loan Guarantee Act of 1978. Abstract: This report contains a statement of the Treasury Secretary's activities under Public Law 95-339, including issuances of guarantees of New York City bonds, any actions concerning the City's four-year budgetary plan and fouryear financing plan, and activities under accompanying legislation Public Law 95-497.

Agency Contact: Assistant Secretary (Domestic Finance). (212) 466-2180.



Financial Recordkeeping and Reporting Regulations.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / December.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0602-0-1-751 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Ways and Means; House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance.

Authority: Federal Deposit Insurance Act, as amended (P.L. 91508, § 101(h); 84 Stat. 1115; 12 U.S.C. 1829b(h)). Availability: GPO

Requirement: The Secretary of the Treasury shall include in his annual report on the state of the finances to the Congress information in his implementation of the authority granted him to prescribe regulations for the maintenance of appropriate types of records needed for tax, regulatory, or criminal investigations and/or proceedings by insured banks for the reporting of certain types of information to Federal agencies by such institutions. Abstract: This report describes major developments in implementing the Act requiring the recordkeeping and provides statistics on the reports filed in compliance with regulations.

Agency Contact: Assistant Secretary (Enforcement and Operations). (202) 566-5630.


Right to Financial Privacy Act: 1980 Annual Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / April.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0101-0-1-803 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

Authority: Right to Financial Privacy Act (P.L. 95-630, § 1121; 92
Stat. 3697; 12 U.S.C. 3421(b)).
Availability: Agency

Requirement: In April of each year, each government authority that requests access to financial records of any customer from a financial institution pursuant to 12 U.S. Code 3404, 3405, 3406, 3407, 3408, 3409, or 3414 shall send to the appropriate committees of Congress a report describing requests made during the preceding calendar year. This report shall include the number of requests for records made pursuant to each section and any other related information deemed relevant or useful by the Government authority.

Agency Contact: Assistant Secretary (Enforcement and Operations). (202) 566-5630.




Annual Report on Antirecession Fiscal Assistance.

Frequency/Due Date: Calendar Year (Annually) / End of each calendar year.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0107-0-1-851 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Finance.

Authority: Public Works Employment Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-369, § 213; 90 Stat. 1009; 42 U.S.C. 6733).

Requirement: The Secretary of the Treasury shall submit to the Congress, as soon as practical after the end of each calendar year, a report containing detailed information on the amounts paid to State and local governments under the antirecession provisions of the Public Works Employment Act of 1976, as amended, during the previous calendar year. Abstract: The report provides information on the following: the amount of Antirecession Fiscal Assistance (ARFA) funds paid to State and local governments; the amount of ARFA funds withheld from State and local governments; and an evaluation of fund use and the economic effect of fund expenditures. Agency Contact: Office of Revenue Sharing. (202) 634-5158.


Annual Report of the Office of Revenue Sharing.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / June 1.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0107-0-1-851 Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Finance.

Authority: State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 (P.L. 92512, § 105(a)(2); 86 Stat. 921; 31 U.S.C. 1224(a)(2)). Availability: Agency

Requirement: The Secretary of the Treasury shall report to the Congress not later than June 1 of each year on the operation and status of the State and Local Government Fiscal Assistance Trust Fund during the preceding fiscal year. Abstract: This report contains information on the revenue sharing process, including eligible governments, the operational cycle, data, allocations to recipients, cumulative payments by State, reporting on uses, and uses of funds by recipients; the trust fund status, including an overview, a cumulative summmary, an interim report for the fiscal year, and an analysis of changes in the fund balance; program progress, including Disaster Relief Act implementation, data improvements, State optional funds, State maintenance of effort, legal developments, and assistance to recipients; and compliance, including audits and reviews, audit guide, State agreements, quality of audits, sample audits, interagency cooperation, correcting discrepancies, public participation, information, complaints, case illustrations, and corrective action.

Agency Contact: Office of Revenue Sharing. (202) 634-5248.



Extraordinary Contractual Actions Taken to Facilitate the National Defense.

Frequency/Due Date: Calendar Year (Annually) / January 1. OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0101-0-1-803 Salaries and Ex


Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Department of the Treasury: Multi-Agency Reports

Authority: Act of August 28, 1958 (P.L. 85-804, § 4; 72 Stat. 972; 50 U.S.C. 1434(a)).

Requirement: Every department and agency authorized to enter into extraordinary contracts to facilitate the national defense shall make an annual report to the Congress of all such actions taken during the preceding calendar year. If the actions involve actual or potential costs in excess of $50,000, the report shall include the name of the contractor, the actual or estimated potential cost, a description of the property or services involved, and a statement of further circumstances justifying the action taken.

Agency Contact: Assistant Secretary (Administration). (202) 3760650.



Intelligence Activities.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0101-0-1-803 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Authority: National Security Act of 1947, as amended (P.L. 96-450, § 407(b)(1); 94 Stat. 1981; 50 U.S.C. 413(a)(1)). Availability: Not Publicly Available (Internal Use Only) Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: The head of all departments, agencies, and other entities of the United States involved in intelligence activities shall keep the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence fully and currently informed of all intelligence activities which are the responsibility of, are engaged in by, or are carried out for or on behalf of, that governmental unit, including any significant anticipated intelligence activity. Abstract: This report contains information on any intelligence activity in the Department of the Treasury that raises any question of legality or propriety under the National Security Act of 1947 and Executive Order 12036, dated January 24, 1978, and any actions taken toward resolution of any such questionable activity. Agency Contact: Office of the Inspector General. (202) 566-6900.

RO 1221-002

Illegal Intelligence Activity or Failure and Corrective Action.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 20-0101-0-1-803 Salaries and Ex


Congressional Relevance: House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Authority: National Security Act of 1947, as amended (P.L. 96-450, § 407(b)(1); 94 Stat. 1982; 50 U.S.C. 413(a)(3)). Availability: Not Publicly Available (Internal Use Only) Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: The heads of all departments, agencies, or other entities of the United States involved in intelligence activities shall report in a timely fashion to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence any illegal intelligence activity or significant intelligence failure and any corrective action which has been taken or is planned to be taken in connection with such illegal activity or failure. Abstract: This report contains information on any intelligence activity in the Department of the Treasury that raises any question of legality or propriety under the National Security Act of 1947 and Executive Order 12036, dated January 24, 1978, and any actions taken toward resolution of any such questionable activity.

Agency Contact: Office of the Inspector General. (202) 566-6900.



Budget Execution (SF 133).

Frequency/Due Date: Quarterly 20 days after end of quarter. Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Appropriations.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900003.

Agency Contact: (202) 566-2825.


Freedom of Information Act Annual Report.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / March 1.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900004.

Agency Contact: (202) 376-1577.


Proposal to Alter or Establish System of Records (Privacy Act). Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Prior to occurrence of event. Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900005.

Agency Contact: (202) 376-1577.


Statement of Agency Actions Regarding General Accounting Office Recommendations.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / 60 days after GAO report.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900013.

Agency Contact: (202) 376-0715.


Notice of Completion of Transaction Authorized by Joint Committee on Printing.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Prior to occurrence of event.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation See 99900018.

Agency Contact: (202) 566-2902.


Printing Plant Report (JCP 1).

Frequency/Due Date: Semiannually March 31; September 30; not later than 60 calendar days after close of reporting periods.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900019.

Agency Contact: (202) 566-2902.

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