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Annual Inventory of Stored Equipment (JCP 6).

Frequency/Due Date: Fiscal Year (Annually) / 60 days after end of Fiscal Year.

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900024.

Agency Contact: (202) 632-2517.


Excess Equipment Disposal Report.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / 30 days after occurrence of


Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900025.

Agency Contact: (202) 632-1632.


Response to OMB Report on Agency Information Management Activities.

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / 60 days after occurrence of


OMB Funding Code/Title: 19-0113-0-1-153 / Salaries and Expenses

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign; National

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900030.

Agency Contact: (202) 632-3602.


Evaluation of Federal Agency's Progress to Improve Consultant Service
Contractual Arrangements.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / When budget justification is sub


OMB Funding Code/Title: 19-0113-0-1-153 Salaries and Expenses

Availability: Agency; OMB Congress

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900031.

Agency Contact: (202) 632-3766.


Estimated Amount of Funds Requested for Consulting Services.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / When budget justification is sub


OMB Funding Code/Title: 19-0113-0-1-153 / Salaries and Expenses

Availability: Agency

Abstract: This report is required of several agencies. For complete citation see 99900032.

Agency Contact: (202) 632-014.




Annual Report of the Secretary of Transportation on Hazardous Materials Control.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / May 1.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 69-0102-0-1-407 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.

Authority: Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (P.L. 93-633, § 109: 88 Stat. 2160; 49 U.S.C. 1808(e)).

Requirement: The Secretary of Transportation shall submit to the President for transmittal to the Congress on or before May 1 of each year a comprehensive report on the transportation of hazardous materials during the preceding calendar year. Abstract: This report contains a thorough statistical compilation of the accidents and casualties that involved the transportation of hazardous materials, a list of relevant Federal standards in effect or established, a summary of the reason for each waiver or exemption granted, an evaluation of the degree of observance of safety standards for the transportation of hazardous materials, and a summary of outstanding problems created by the transportation of hazardous materials.

Agency Contact: (202) 472-2784.


Annual Report of the Secretary of Transportation on the Administration of the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually/June 15.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 69-0102-0-1-407 / Salaries and Ex


Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.

Authority: Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-481, § 14; 82 Stat. 728; 49 U.S.C. 1683).

Requirement: The Secretary of Transportation shall submit to the President for transmittal to the Congress on June 15 of each year a comprehensive report on the administration of the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968, as amended, during the preceding calendar year. The report shall include information on all accidents and casualties; Federal gas pipelines safety standards; reasons for any waivers of such standards; an evaluation of the degree of observance of standards; and analysis and evaluation of research activities on pipeline safety: a list of completed or pending judicial actions; a review of the dissemination of technical and consumer-oriented information; information on State participation in safety programs; and recommendations for legislative action.

Agency Contact: (202) 472-2784.


Annual Report under Subsection 28(w)(4) of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920: Potential or Actual Danger of Pipeline Spillage or Explosions.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 69-0102-0-1-407 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Mineral Lands Leasing Act, as amended (P.L. 93-153, § 28; 87 Stat. 583; 30 U.S.C. 185(w)(4)).

Requirement: The Secretary of Transportation shall report annually to the President and to the Congress any potential dangers of or actual explosions or potential or actual spillage on Federal lands involving pipelines used for the transportation of oil, natural gas, synthetic liquid or gaseous fuels, or any refined product producted therefrom. The report shall include a statement of corrective action taken to prevent such explosion or spillage. Agency Contact: (202) 426-2392.


Department of Defense Military Personnel Detailed to the Department of Transportation.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / April 1.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 69-0102-0-1-407 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: Department of Transportation Act (P.L. 89-670, § 9(d)(2); 80 Stat. 944; 49 U.S.C. 1657(d)(2)).

Requirement: The Secretary of Transportation shall report annually in writing to the appropriate committees of the Congress on personnel appointed and agreements entered into to provide for participation of military personnel in carrying out the functions of the Department of Transportation. The report shall include the number, rank, and positions of members of the armed services detailed to the Department.

Agency Contact: (202) 426-4122.


Annual Report of the Department of Transportation.

Frequency/Due Date: Fiscal Year (Annually) / At the end of the Fiscal Year.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 69-0102-0-1-407 / Salaries and Ex


Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Authority: Department of Transportation Act (P.L. 89-670, § 11; 80 Stat. 949; 49 U.S.C. 1658).

Requirement: As soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year, the Secretary of Transportation shall make a report to the President for submission to the Congress on the activities of the Department of Transportation during the preceeding fiscal year. Abstract: The report contains information on legislation; safety and accident prevention, including intermodal safety activities, aviation safety, maritime safety programs, automotive safety, highway safetyincluding sections on the role of the driver, alcohol and traffic safety, and research and demonstration-motor carrier safety, railroad safety, railroad safety standards and procedures, and gas pipeline safety; security of commercial transportation; transportation and the environment; Department of Transportation actions to alleviate the energy crisis; planning and formulation of national transportation policy; efforts to improve social conditions; systems development and technology; program developments; international transportation programs; emergency and national defense transportation; and administration of the Department.

Agency Contact: (202) 426-0398.


Report by the President on the Administration of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicles Safety Act of 1966, as amended.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / July 1.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 69-0650-0-1-401 / Operations and Research

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.

Authority: National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-563, § 120; 80 Stat. 718; 15 U.S.C. 1408(a)).

Requirement: The Secretary of Transportation shall submit to the President for transmittal to the Congress on July 1 of each year a comprehensive report on the administration of the National Highway Traffic and Motor Vehicles Safety Act of 1966, as amended, during the preceding calendar year. The report shall include statistical data on accidents and injuries; Federal motor vehicle safety standards in effect; the degree of observance of such standards; a summary of research grants and contracts; an analysis and evaluation of research activities; a statement of enforcement actions and judicial proceedings; and a statement on the dissemination of technical and consumer-oriented information. The report should also include recommendations for legislation to improve cooperation among the States in the improvement of traffic safety.

Agency Contact: (202) 426-9550.


Report to Congress on Activities Relating to the Deepwater Port Act of 1974.

Frequency/Due Date: Fiscal Year (Annually) / 6 months from end of Fiscal Year.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 69-0201-0-1-403 / Operating Expenses Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Authority: Deepwater Port Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-627, § 20; 88 Stat. 2146; 22 U.S.C. 1519).

Availability: Not Publicly Available (Internal Use Only)
Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: Within 6 months after the end of each fiscal year, the Secretary of Transportation shall submit to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives: a report on administration in connection with the Deepwater Port Act fo 1974, including all deepwater port development activities; a summary of management, supervision, and enforcement activities; and recom

mendations to the Congress for such additional legislative authority as may be necessary to improve the management and safety of deepwater port development and for resolution of jurisdictional conflicts or ambiguities. Abstract: Activities reported center around receipt and processing of applications for licenses to own, construct, and operate a deepwater port off the coasts of the United States. Other activities are the actual approval of licenses and the monitoring of construction and operation of such ports.

Agency Contact: (202) 755-1833.


Extraordinary Contractual Actions Taken To Facilitate the National Defense.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / March 15.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 69-0102-0-1-407 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: (P.L. 85-804, § 4; 72 Stat. 972; 50 U.S.C. 1434(a)).

Requirement: Every department or agency authorized to enter into extraordinary contracts to facilitate the national defense shall make an annual report to the Congress of all such actions taken during the preceding calendar year. If the actions involve actual or potential costs in excess of $50,000, the report shall include the name of the contractor, the actual or projected potential cost, a description of the property or services involved, and a statement of further circumstances justifying the action taken.

Agency Contact: (202) 755-1366.


Annual Comprehensive Assessments of the State of the Automobile Industry and Its Interaction in an Integrated Economy.

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified. OMB Funding Code/Title: 69-0102-0-1-407 / Salaries and Expenses

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

Authority: Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Act of 1979 (P.L. 96-185, § 12(b); 93 Stat. 1334; 15 U.S.C. 1871(b)). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Secretary of Transportation shall prepare and transmit to the Congress annual comprehensive assessments of the state of the automobile industry and its interaction in an integrated economy. Each annual assessment shall include, but not be limited to, issues pertaining to personal mobility, capital and material requirements and availability, national and regional employment, productivity growth rate, trade and the balance of payments, the industry's competitive structure, and the effects of utilization of other modes of transportation.

Agency Contact: (202) 426-4220.


Office of Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress.

Frequency/Due Date: Semiannually / April 30; October 31. OMB Funding Code/Title: 69-0130-0-1-407 / Salaries and Ex


Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Appropriations;
Senate Committee on Appropriations.
Authority: Inspector General Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-452; 92 Stat.
1103; 5 U.S.C. App. I 5(a)).

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