Gambar halaman

Geographic Relevance: State

Requirement: The Secretary of the Interior shall make an annual report to the Congress of all claims resulting from the failure of the Teton Dam in Idaho submitted to him under Public Law 94-400. The report shall state the name of each claimant, the amount claimed, a brief description of the claim, and the status or disposition of the claim, including the amount of each administrative payment and award under the Public Law. These reports shall be filed annually until the end of the claims program.

Agency Contact: Bureau of Reclamation. (208) 544-1917.


Feasibility of Water Resource Projects as Authorized by Section 4 of Public Law 89-561. (LBR-1-CON-66-063).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-5060-0-2-301 / General Investigations

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Act of September 7, 1966 (P.L. 89-561, § 4; 80 Stat. 714). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: Pursuant to Section A of P.L. 89-561, the Secretary of the Department of the Interior shall submit to the Congress reports on water resource development projects authorized for study under sections 2 and 3 of the Act. Abstract: The reports present the results of feasibility studies on each potential water resource development project.

Agency Contact: Bureau of Reclamation. (202) 343-4787.


Report on Modifications Required To Insure Safety of Existing Dam. (LBR-1-CON-78-230).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-5061-0-2-301 Construction and Rehabilitation

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Reclamation Safety of Dams Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-578, § 5; 92 Stat. 2471; 43 U.S.C. 509). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: State; 17 Western States

Requirement: The Secretary of the Interior shall transmit a report on an existing dam to the Congress, including a finding that modifications are required to insure the safety of the dam. Accompanying the finding shall be a technical report containing information on the need for structural modification, the corrective action required, alternative solutions considered, the estimated cost of needed modifications, and environmental impacts resulting from the implementation of the recommended plan of modification. Abstract: A brief description is given of the overall project and the existing situation with its need for modifications to a dam. Design criteria such as inflow design flood, seismic evaluation, and condition of existing structures are presented. Proposed corrective alternatives are discussed and compared and a recommendation is made based on design and construction considerations, costs, environmental impacts, and other factors. Brief presentations on the topics of construction schedule, repayment requirements, and interim operating procedures are included. Agency Contact: Bureau of Reclamation. (202) 343-4846.


Planning Reports on Certain Units in the Colorado River Water Quality Improvement Program. (LWP-1-CON-74-048).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0684-0-1-301 / Construction Program

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act (P.L. 93-320, § 203; 43 U.S.C. 1593).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: After receipt of a planning report on a Colorado River Basin unit, the Secretary of the Interior shall submit each final report with his recommendations, simultaneously, to the President, other concerned Federal departments and agencies, the Congress. and the Colorado River Basin States. Abstract: The Secretary of the Interior shall submit final reports and recommendations simultaneously to the President, concerned Federal agencies, the Congress. and the Colorado River Basin States for the projects described in the Secretary's report "Colorado River Water Quality Improvement Program, February 1972" and further identified in Section 203 (a)(1) of P.L. 93-320. The reports present plans for the enhancement and protection of the quality of water available in the Colorado River for use in the United States and Mexico.

Agency Contact: Bureau of Reclamation. (202) 343-3125.


Determinations Regarding Repayments of Project Cost for Rehabilitation and Betterment of Irrigation Systems. (LWP-1-CON-49-058).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / 60 days prior to occurrence of event.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0667-0-1-301 / Loan Program Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Act of October 3, 1975 (P.L. 94-102; 89 Stat. 485; 43 U.S.C. 504).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: No determination of the Secretary of the Interior regarding small reclamation projects shall become effective until the expiration of 60 days after it has been submitted to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the House of Representatives, except that any such determination may become effective prior to the expiration of such sixty days in any case in which each such committee approves an earlier date and notifies the Secretary, in writing, of such approval.

Agency Contact: Bureau of Reclamation. (202) 343-5671.


Proposed Modifications to Projects Authorized by the Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act (P.L. 93-320). (LWP-1-CON-74-112). Frequency/Due Date: As Required / 60 days prior to occurrence of event.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0684-0-1-301 / Construction Program

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and In sular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act (P.L. 93-320, § 104, 208; 88 Stat. 270, 274; 43 U.S.C. 1574, 1598). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Department of the Interior: Office of Youth Programs

Requirement: No funds for Colorado River Basin project modifications necessary to meet international settlement objectives shall be expended until the expiration of sixty days after the proposed modification has been submitted to the appropriate committees of the Congress, unless the Congress approves an earlier date by concurrent resolution. Abstract: The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to provide for modifications of projects authorized by Title I of P.L. 93-320 for purposes of meeting international settlement objectives of Title I. Funds shall not be expended until the expiration of 60 days after the proposed modification has been submitted to the appropriate congressional committees unless the Congress approves an earlier date by concurrent resolution.

Agency Contact: Bureau of Reclamation. (202) 343-5275.



Receipts, Expenditures, and Work of State Mining and Mineral Resources and Research Institutes. (OSM-1-CON-77-161).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0900-0-1-302 / Regulation and Technology

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-87, § 304(c); 91 Stat. 454; 30 U.S.C. 1224(c)). Availability: Agency

Requirement: The Secretary of the Interior shall make an annual report to the Congress of the receipts, expenditures, and work of the State mining and mineral resources and research institutes in all States. The report shall indicate whether any portion of an appropriation available for allotment to any State has been withheld and, if so, the reasons for such withholding.

Agency Contact: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. (202) 343-6912.


Operations under the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund. (OSM-1CON-77-162).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / January 1.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0900-0-1-302 / Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-87, § 411; 91 Stat. 466; 30 U.S.C. 1241). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Secretary of the Interior shall submit a report to the Congress on January 1 of each year on the operations of the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund, together with his recommendations for future uses of the Fund.

Agency Contact: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. (202) 343-8083.


Report on the Effectiveness of State Anthracite Coal Surface Mine Regulatory Programs. (OSM-1-CON-77-163).

Frequency/Due Date: Biennially / December 31.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0900-0-1-302 / Regulation and Technology

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-87, § 529(b); 91 Stat. 515; 30 U.S.C. 1279(B)). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Secretary of the Interior shall submit a report to the Congress on December 31 of odd-numbered years as to the effectiveness of State anthracite regulatory programs operating in conjunction with the Surface Mining and Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 with respect to protecting the environment. The report shall include recommendations for program changes needed to better meet the environmental protection objectives of that act.

Agency Contact: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. (202) 343-5365.


Annual Report on the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977. (OSM-1-CON-77-164).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0900-0-1-302 / Regulation and Technology

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-87, § 706; 91 Stat. 521; 30 U.S.C. 1296). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National

Requirement: The Secretary of the Interior shall submit to the President and to the Congress a report concerning the activities conducted by him, by the Federal Government, and by the States pursuant to the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977. The report shall include recommendations for additional administrative or legislative action necessary to accomplish the purposes of that act.

Agency Contact: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. (202) 343-4264.



Report of the Young Adult Conservation Corps-Department of the Interior's Portion of Joint Report Signed by the Secretaries of Labor, Interior, and Agriculture. (OYP-1-CON-78-270).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / February 1.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 16-0174-0-1-504 / Employment and Training Assistance

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources. Authority: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Amendments of 1978 (P.L. 95-524, § 2; 92 Stat. 2017; 29 U.S.C. 997). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National; State

Requirement: The Secretaries of the Departments of Labor, the Interior, and Agriculture shall jointly prepare and submit to the President and to the Congress a report detailing the activities of the Young Adult Conservation Corps for each fiscal year. The report shall be submitted not later than February 1 of each year following October 17, 1978. The Secretaries shall include in the report such recommendations as they deem appropriate. Abstract: The contributions of the Young Adult Conservation Corps (YACC) to the youth and natural resources of the United States are detailed. Infor

mation is provided on program administration, and budget and cost data, and conclusions and recommendations are presented. Agency Contact: Office of Youth Programs. (202) 343-8086.


Youth Conservation Corps Program Joint Report with the Department of Agriculture. (OYP-1-CON-70-016).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / April 1.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0109-0-1-302 / Management of Lands and Resources

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Youth Conservation Corps Act of 1970, as amended (P.L. 93-408, § 5; 88 Stat. 1068; 16 U.S.C. 1705).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: National; State

Requirement: The Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture shall prepare an annual joint report detailing the activities of the Youth Conservation Corps and providing recommendations for the program. Each report for a program year shall be submitted to the President and to the Congress not later than April 1 following the close of the program year. Abstract: This report details the contributions of the Youth Conservation Corps to the employment of youth and the development of natural resources. Information is provided on levels of youth employment in each state, program costs, value of work accomplished, and enrollee demographic characteristics.

Agency Contact: Office of Youth Programs. (202) 343-8086.



Annual Report of the Governor of Guam. (TIA-1-CON-68-018).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Organic Act of Guam (P.L. 81-629, § 6; 64 Stat. 386; 48 U.S.C. 1422).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: Guam

Requirement: The Governor of Guam shall submit to the Secretary of the Interior for transmittal to the Congress an annual report of the transactions of the government of Guam including the Administration of the Guam Development Fund. Abstract: This report on the transactions of the Government of Guam contains a reprint of the Guam Annual Economic Report prepared by the Department of Commerce; highlights from departmental reports related to education, social welfare, health, and law enforcement; and statistical tables, which were also prepared by the Department of Commerce. Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Affairs.Guam 477-8637.


Annual Report of the Governor of the Virgin Islands. (TIA-1-CON-54019).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Department of the Interior: Office of Youth Program

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and In sular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Authority: Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands (P.L. 83-517 § 11, as amended by; P.L. 96-470; 68 Stat. 503; 48 U.S.C. 1591). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: Virgin Islands

Requirement: The Governor of the Virgin Islands shall submit to the Secretary of the Interior for transmittal to the Congress an annua report on the transactions of the government of the Virgin Islands Abstract: This report provides information on legislative activity in the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as activities related to health, educa tion, social welfare, commerce, agriculture, labor, conservation and cultural affairs, public works, the Virgin Islands Port Authority, bond issues and interim financing, public relations and information, the College of the Virgin Islands, finance, budget, housing and com munity renewal, and property and procurement. In addition, the report provides information on law, public safety, the Municipal Court of the Virgin Islands, probation and parole, civil defense, planning, the youth commission, personnel, selective service, elections. the water and power authority, consumerism, real estate, and community services, as well as numerous statistical tables. It also lists all legislation enacted each year.

Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Affairs. (809) 774-001.


Annual Report of the Fiscal Condition of the Government of the Virgin Islands. (TIA-1-CON-68-021).

Frequency/Due Date: Fiscal Year (Annually) / Unspecified. OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands (P.L. 90-496, § 9; 82 Stat. 841; 48 U.S.C. 1599(h)). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: Virgin Islands

Requirement: As soon after the close of the fiscal year as the accounts of that year may be examined and adjusted, the government comptroller shall submit to the Governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Secretary of the Interior an annual report of the fiscal condition of the government of the Virgin Islands, showing the receipts and disbursements of the various departments and agencies of the government. The Secretary of the Interior shall submit this report, together with his comments and recommendations, to the Congress. Abstract: This report provides information on receipts and expendi tures; a followup analysis on the status of the principal findings covered in prior reports; a determination of the extent and effectiveness of accountability for government assets; a review of the adminis tration of the Industrial Incentive Programs; and a review of the operations of certain departments, the Legislature, and the Municipal Court of the Government of the Virgin Islands.

Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Affairs. (809) 774-8300.


Annual Report of the Fiscal Condition of the Government of Guam. (TIA-1-CON-68-023).

Frequency/Due Date: Fiscal Year (Annually) / Unspecified. OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Guam Elective Governor Act (P.L. 90-497, § 5; 82 Stat. 845; 48 U.S.C. 1422d(g)).

International Affairs

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: Guam

Requirement: As soon after the close of each fiscal year as the accounts of that year may be examined and adjusted, the government comptroller shall submit to the Governor of Guam and the Secretary of the Interior an annual report of the fiscal condition of the Government of Guam, showing the receipts and disbursements of the various departments and agencies of the government. The Secretary of the Interior shall submit the report, together with his comments and recommendations, to the Congress.

Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Affairs.Guam 472-6873.


Annual Report of the Fiscal Condition of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. (TIA-1-CON-68-024).

Frequency/Due Date: Fiscal Year (Annually) / End of the Fiscal


OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Act of September 21, 1973 (P.L. 93-111, § 2; 87 Stat. 354; 48 U.S.C. 1681b(g)).

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

Requirement: As soon after the close of each fiscal year as the accounts of that year may be examined and adjusted, the government comptroller shall submit to the High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and the Secretary of the Interior an annual report of the fiscal condition of the Government of Guam, showing the receipts and disbursements of the various departments and agencies of the government. The Secretary of the Interior shall submit this report to the Congress, together with his comments and recommendations. Abstract: The report provides information on the several funds and systems, including a combined balance sheet of all funds, a combined balance sheet of appropriated funds, and the general fund. The other funds include those for capital improvements, the high commissioner, judiciary, office of the Federal comptroller, copra, Gallemore, Kili Bikini, Saipan, Ujelang, economic development, marine resources development, production development, Congress of Micronesia, Micronesian claims, and the Trust Territory social security system. The report also contains the followup on General Accounting Office's recommendations, the report of the comptroller's activities, and other items.

Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Affairs.Guam 472-6873.


Annual Report of the Governor of American Samoa. (TIA-1-CON-67CAS).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Constitution of American Samoa, Art. IV, § 8. Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: American Samoa

Abstract: This report summarizes the transactions of the Government of American Samoa for the fiscal year. Descriptions of activities and accomplishments are provided for general government, education and humanities, economic development, health, environment, transportation, legal affairs, and public services. Specific statistical information on these areas is included in the appendix.

Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Affairs.American Samoa 548-2244.


Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report. (TIA-1-CON-682918).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / Unspecified.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Voluntary.

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

Abstract: The report provides information on the transactions of the Government of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and includes sections on government, education, finance, health services, personnel, public affairs, public works, resources and development, and transportation and communications, as well as various statistical tables.

Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Affairs.Saipan 9411 or 9455.


Notice of Intention To Remove or Transfer Government Comptroller of Virgin Islands. (TIA-1-CON-54-025).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Virgin Islands Elective Governor Act (P.L. 90-496, § 9; 82 Stat. 840; 48 U.S.C. 1599(a)). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: Virgin Islands

Requirement: The Secretary of the Interior shall appoint in the Department of the Interior a government comptroller for the Virgin Islands who shall be under the general supervision of the Secretary of the Interior and shall not be a part of any executive department in the government of the Virgin Islands. Sixty days prior to the effective date of transfer or removal of the government comptroller, the Secretary of the Interior shall communicate to the Congress his intention to so transfer or remove the government comptroller and his reasons for the proposed action.

Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Affairs. (202) 343-4736.


Notice of Intention To Remove or Transfer the Government Comptroller of Guam. (TIA-1-CON-50-027).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Insular Areas Appropriation Authorization Act (P.L. 96205; 48 U.S.C. 1422d(a)). P.L. 94-395. Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: International/Foreign

Requirement: Sixty days prior to the effective date of transfer or removal of the government comptroller for Guam, the Secretary of the Interior shall communicate to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives the intention to transfer or remove the government comptroller and the reasons for that

action. Abstract: The Secretary of the Interior shall appoint in the Department of the Interior a government comptroller for Guam who shall be under the general supervision of the Secretary of the Interior and shall not be a part of any executive department in the government of Guam. This report notifies the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Secretary's intention to transfer or remove the government comptroller for Guam from that appointed position.

Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Affairs. (202) 343-4736.


Conveyance of Submerged Lands to Territorial Governments. (TIA-1CON-74-115).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / 60 days prior to event. OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: (P.L. 93-435, § 1; 88 Stat. 1211; 48 U.S.C. 1705(c)). Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: Territories of the United States

Requirement: Upon the request of the Governor of Guam, the Virgin Islands, or American Samoa, the Secretary of the Interior may convey all right, title, and interest of the United States in any submerged lands adjacent to property owned by the United States, improved by the United States, or administered by U.S. departments and agencies other than the Department of the Interior, and certain other submerged lands, to the Government of Guam, the Virgin Islands, or American Samoa, with the concurrence of the agency having custody of the land involved. However, no conveyance shall be made by the Secretary until the expiration of 60 calendar days from the date on which the Secretary submits to the House and Senate Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs an explanatory statement indicating the tract proposed to be conveyed and the need for the conveyance.

Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Affairs. (202) 343-4736.


Annual Report on the Fiscal Condition of the Government of American Samoa. (TIA-1-CON-77-168).

Frequency/Due Date: Fiscal Year (Annually) / End of Fiscal


OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Secretary of the Interior Order No. 3009, dated September 13, 1977.

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: American Samoa

Abstract: This is a report on the fiscal condition of the Government of American Samoa, showing receipts and disbursements of the various departments and agencies of the Government.

Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Affairs.American Samoa 633-1711.


Audit Reports of the Activities, Entities, and Branches of the Government of American Samoa. (TIA-1-CON-77-167).

Frequency/Due Date: As Required / Upon occurrence of event.

International Affairs

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Secretary of the Interior Order No. 3009, dated September 13, 1977.

Availability: Agency

Geographic Relevance: American Samoa

Abstract: This is a report on the fiscal condition of various departments and offices within the Government of American Samoa.

Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Affairs.American Samoa 688-1711.


Report on the Implementation of the Radiation Exposure, Compensation, Research, and Medical Care Plan. (TIA-1-CON-80-281).

Frequency/Due Date: Annually / January 1.

OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0412-0-1-806 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Insular Areas Appropriation Authorization Act (P.L. 96205, § 102; 94 Stat. 84; 48 U.S.C. 1681 note). Availability: Agency

Requirement: The Secretary of the Interior shall report to the appropriate committees of the Congress and to the people of the affected atolls in the Marshall Islands annually, or more frequently if necessary, on the implementation of the health plan for individuals exposed to radiation from the U.S. nuclear weapons testing program on those islands. Each report shall include a description of the health status of the individuals examined and treated under the plan, an evaluation of the implementation of the plan by the scientific advi sory committee, and any recommendations for improvement of the plan. The first report shall be submitted not later than January 1, 1982. Abstract: The report provides information on a health plan called for in P.L. 96-205 for the people of the atolls of the Marshall Islands as may be found to be or have been exposed to radiation from the U.S. nuclear testing program. The plan is to provide a program of medical care and treatment and environmental research and moni toring for any illness or condition which may be the result directly or indirectly of the testing program. The report shall include a description of the health status of the individuals examined and treated under the plan, an evaluation by the scientific advisory committee called for in the Statute, and any recommendations for improvement of the plan.

Agency Contact: Office of Territorial and International Af fairs. (202) 343-6816.



Employee Disclosures under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. (PBA-1-CON-75-114).

Frequency/Due Date: Calendar Year (Annually) / June 1. OMB Funding Code/Title: 14-0102-0-1-306 / Administration of Territories

Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Authority: Energy Policy and Conservation Act (P.L. 94-163, § 522; 89 Stat. 962; 42 U.S.C. 6392(b)(2)).

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