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Mr. G. Smith:

(1) Rhyolite of Pre-Cambrian age, showing perlitic and spherulitic structure, Wrockwardine, Shropshire. (2) Pitchstone, Ponza Island, showing glass in a condition of strain. (Polarized light.)

Mr. J. H. Steward:

Hydra vulgaris.

Mr. C. Tyler:

Mr. A. Topping:

(1) Section of Hoof of Horse (double stained). (2) Palate of Octopus (double stained). (3) Earth Parasite, Trombidium (South Africa). Mr. J. J. Vezey:

Ciliary Processes of the Eye of an Ox (injected).

Mr. H. J. Waddington:

(1) Alloxanate of Ammonia (polarized). (2) Parabanic Acid (polarized).

Messrs. Watson and Sons:

(1) Type Slides of British and Foreign Foraminifera. (2) Jaw of Mole, long. sect. through teeth. (3) Type Slides of Spines of Echinus, Holothuria, and Synapta.

Mr. T. Charters White:

Album of Photomicrographs.

The second Conversazione of the Session was held on the 27th April, 1887.

The following objects, &c., were exhibited:

Mr. Badcock:

Lophopus cristallinus, Floscularia, &c., from Victoria Park. Mr. C. Baker:

Apochromatic Objectives by Zeiss. Oil-immersion Objectives by various makers, especially suited for bacteriological work. New Photo-micrographic apparatus complete, with Nelson Model Microscope and Lamp, showing image of Amphipleura pellucida (× 3000) projected on the focusing glass.

Rev. G. Bailey:

Foraminifer? from interior of Chalk Flint.

Mr. Bolton:

Tilmadoche nutans.

Mr. Crisp:

Gold-plated Diatoms.

Mr. Enock:

Elver or young Eel. Stentor polymorphus.

Various Insects and parts of same, showing all organs in natural form and colour.

Mr. F. Fitch:

Mouth, Upper Lip, Gizzard, Ventriculus, and Pancreas of Dytiscus marginalis.

Mr. Hardy:

Marine Polyzoa, Acineta, and Insects' Eggs.

Mr. Ingpen:

Dendrospongia and Diatoms mounted in Bromide of Antimony.

Mr. Karop:

Ciliary Muscles (Homo): left in Presbyopia, right in Emmetropia ; both from normal eyes.

Mr. McIntire:

Circulation of the Blood in the Heart and Gills of the Tadpole of the Frog.

Mr. Maniland:

Pupa of Cynips (sp.) from leaf-gall on Rosa canina.

Mr. Michael:

Nothrus spiniger.

Dr. Millar:

Darwinella aurea: triradiate horny spicule. Messrs. Nelson and C. L. Curties:

A new Photomicrographic Apparatus.

Messrs. Powell and Lealand:

Amphipleura pellucida with 1/12 in. Apochromatic Homogeneous-Immersion Objective and Achromatic Oil-immersion Condenser.

Mr. Priest:

Sponge Structure from interior of Flint found at Bexley in a gravelpit.

[blocks in formation]

Olivene Basalt: Boulder from Glacial Drift of Finchley. Trachydolerite. Twin Crystals of Orthoclase (v. Sanidine). Quartzite, the Wrekin, Salop.

Mr. Suffolk:

Lips of Blow-fly viewed by reflected light, showing entrance to throat, teeth, and exits of pseudo-tracheal canals.

Mr. Topping:

Various groups of Polycystina from Springfield, Barbadoes. Mr. T. Charters White:

Photomicrographic Camera. Album of Photomicrographs.

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