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Liable to re


time, when occasion may require, or when summoned by the said Chairman, in order to report to him the state of the lamps, in every street, lane, alley or open court, in his division, to give him notice of all lamps, that were broke by high winds or otherwise, and to receive from him such orders, as he may think moval for proper to give concerning the same. And if any City off and for- Lamplighter shall refuse or neglect, to perform his duty agreeably to his contract, and as herein directed or as prescribed by any City Ordinance, now being or hereafter to be of force, or by any resolution of the City Council, or of the Commissioners of the Streets and Lamps, he shall be liable to removal from his office; besides which he shall forfeit fifty cents for every lamp, not lighted at all, or lighted later than one hour after dark, or not burning as long, as is or may be ordered, by the Commissioners of Streets and Lamps, or by their Chairman, unless he shall prove to their satisfaction, that the light was extinguished by wind, or otherwise, and without any fault or neglect on his part.

Time of electing, &c.

Clerk of Coun cil's duty.

7. That the Clerk to the Commissioners of Streets and Lamps, the two City Scavengers, and the two City Lamp Lighters, to be elected by the City Council on the third Monday of the present month, shall hold their respective appointments until the last day of December, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven, unless previously removed; but all future elections of the foregoing officers, or any of them, shall be held by the Commissioners of Streets and Lamps, at least ten days before the last day of December, in every subsequent year.

8. That the Clerk of the City Council, shall open his office at the Council Chamber, every day at nine o'clock, A. M. and personally attend there, until two o'clock P. M. (Sundays and general holydays excepted) in order to transact such business, as shall or may appertain to his office; he shall also open the Council Chamber for any member of the City Council, whennever he or they wish to resort thereto, and shall shut it again, after they retire.


9. That, as the City Officers, elected by the City Respecting Council, are annually elected, so shall likewise all elections by persons employed in the public institutions, and de- ers, &c. partments of the city, whose election is delegated to he Commissioners thereof respectively, be annually elected from and after the expiration of the present iscal quarter; and all elections or engagements, heretofore made differently from this ordinance, shall hen cease, and new elections be held conformably to this ordinance.

10. That whenever any City Officer, or other per- Electious genson employed in any public institution or department erally. of the city, resigns or dies, or is removed from office, a new election shall be held within a fortnight afterwards, ten days previous notice thereof having been given in the city paper, to fill the vacancy during the unexpired term, for which such office or employment had been conferred on the person, so resigning, dying or removed.

of by Council

11. That all and every election of a person or per- Elections to sons, employed in any of the public institutions or be approved departments of the city, whose election is committed to the respective Commissioners thereof, shall be subject to the approbation of the City Council; to which end the Chairman of every Board of Commissioners shall immediately after such an election hath been held, give to the City Council official notice of the same, and of the person or persons, who shall have been elected. And if the City Council should not approve of any person, elected by the Commissioners as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of such Commissioners, to fill the vacancy thereby occasioned, by a new election of another person, within the time and in the manner above prescribed, and submit every such new election to the City Council for their approbation.

on their sure

12. That every applicant for an office or employ- Persons apply. ment, either in the gift of the City Council, or of the ing for an ofCommissioners of any of the public institutions or fice to mentidepartments of the city, shall mention in his letter ties, &c. of application his surety or sureties, if such be required, and shall within a fortnight after being elected,

Respecting Commissioners, &c.

give his bond with such surety or sureties, and in such a sum, as shall be approved of, and demanded by the City Council, or by the respective Commissioners, by whom he hath been elected as aforesaid: and in default of his complying with the aforesaid conditions, he shall forfeit his office or employment, as the case may be; whereupon a new election shall be held, within the time and in the manner above prescribed, to fill the vacancy thereby occasioned.

13. That if the City Council should at any time dispense with the appointment of Commissioners of any public institution or department of the city; or if any Board of Commissioners should refuse to accept of their appointment, or should resign before the expiration of the term for which they were appointed, the Wardens of the City or a committee of their body, shall perform all the functions, and exercise all the powers, appertaining to such Commissioners, until a new board shall be appointed by the City Council.

14. That from and after the next annual election of City Officers, the City Recorder shall be allowed the annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars, payable City Treasur- quaterly.

er's fees.

15. That the City Treasurer shall be entitled, to receive two per cent on such amount of all taxes and assessments, and of all licences by him issued, as Clerk of coun- shall he by him collected without the intervention of

cil's fees.

fees, &c.

an execution. That the Clerk of the City Council shall be entitled to receive one dollar from every person, applying for a licence, to keep a liquor City Marshal's store, or tavern, or retail shop, and one dollar from every person, at whose instance he fixes the seal of the city to any papers. That the City Marshal shall be entitled, to receive the proceeds of all sales of goats and swine,* running at large within the city, and by him or his servants seized, and likewise one half of every fine, paid for any offence or offences against any of the City Ordinances, Provided, that he prosecutes such offence or offences, and proves the same by other evidence than his own.


* See an Ordinance directing City Marshal to seize all goats or swine, Page 172.

That the Harbour-Master shall be entitled to one dollar per year, from the captain or commander of every vessel coming to this port, agreeably to an ordinance, ratified on the first day of July in the pre

sent year. And that the City Sheriff shall be entitled City Sheriff's o receive such fees of office, as are allowed by fees.


Officers not

to be discharg

16. That every City Officer, who is not entitled to entitled to fee any fee, emolument, commission, or perquisite, by ed on receiv virtue of any ordinance, who shall charge or take ing it. any fee, emolument, commission or perquisite, whatever, for any act or service done in his official capacity; and every City Officer, who shall charge or take any fee, emolument, commission or perqusite, higher than what he is entitled to shall, on conviction thereof, be dismissed from his office, for such mal-practice and want of good behaviour.

18. That the persons employed in the Orphan- Rations to be House, Poor-House, and Marine Hospital, shall in allowed, &e. addition to their salaries, be entitled to such rations for their subsistence, and to such other emoluments for their services, as the respective Commissioners of the said public institutions may think proper to allow them respectively, subject always nevertheless, to the control of the City Council.

to alter their

19. That the City Council shall at all times have Council to a right to alter the salaries, compensations emolu- have a right ments and perquisites of all City Officers, and any or salaries, &c. either of them, as to them may seem fit and expedient, except the salary of the City Recorder; and also to prescribe to the City Officers, and any of them, such other and additional duties and regulations, as they may think proper in regard to their respective offices. And so shall likewise, the Commissioners Commissionof the public institutions and departments of the city ers empower be authorized and empowered, to prescribe from time additional reto time, to the persons employed by and under them respectively, such other and additional duties and regulations, as to the said Commissioners may appear suitable and meet.


Passed, July


1. Be it ordained, That the Physician of the Ma17th, 1812 rine Hospital, shall and do attend on, and administer medicines to all sick persons in the said institution, Physician of whether such persons be maintained and relieved in Marine Hospi- the same, or whether they employed therein as officers, assistants or servants.

Duty of the


Salaries of the

2. That the salary of the Master of the Poor-House, Master and from the twentieth day of November next, shall be Matron of the five hundred dollars, payable quarterly; and that the

Poor House,



Passed, Aug.

Salary of the Matron of the Poor House, shall from the date last mentioned, be four hundred dollars, payable in the manner aforesaid. Provided, that neither of them shall hold any other office or appointment, unconnected with their respective employments in the Poor-House.

1. Be it ordained, That from and after the twenti5th, 1812 eth day of August inst. the following salaries, payable quarterly, shall be allowed to the City Officers respectively, in lieu of those heretofore paid by the city, viz:

Salaries of Of ficers.

Salary of Officers.

The City Treasurer, for himself and Clerk, six hundred dollars-the Harbour Master, for himself and deputy, four hundred and fifty dollars*-the City Sheriff, two hundred dollars-the Keeper of the Clock at St. Michael's Church, one hundred and forty dollars.

2. That the following persons, employed in the public institutions and departments of the city, whose election is confined to the respective boards of Commissioners thereof, shall, from and after the twentieth of August inst. be entitled to the undermentioned annual salaries, payable quarterly, viz:

Master of the Marine Hospital, three hundred dol lars--Washer of the Marine Hospital, ninety dollars— Cook of the Marine Hospital, ninety-six dollars.— Clerk to the Board of Fire Masters, five hundred dollars.†

* For former salary, see page 126.

+ By ordinance passed January 2d, 1818, for former salary see page 92,

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