Gambar halaman

to pay a fine.

And if any such offence be committed on board any If on board vessel, the master or commander thereof, shall for- vessel, master feit and pay a sum of twenty dollars for each and every such offence. And it shall be the Harbour Harbor Mas Master's duty, to acquaint every captain of a vessel, ter's duty. on his arrival in port, with this clause as well as with the other clause of this ordinance, relative to the badges and wages of porters and labourers on hire, and to annex the same to the printed copy of the ordinance, with which he is obliged to furnish every captain of a vessel, when coming into port.

to be recover

24. That every fine, payable for any offence against How fines are this ordinance, or any part thereof, shall go into the ed and dispos City Treasury; but any person prosecuting any of- ed of. fender or offenders against the same, shall be entitled to one half of the fine, recovered by virtue of such prosecution, provided the offence be proved by the testimony of some other witness or witnesses, being competent and disinterested.

not permitted

25. That no negro or other person of colour shall Slaves, &c. smoke a pipe or segar, in any street, lane, alley, or to smoke, &c. open place in Charleston, or walk with a cane, club or other stick, except such as may be blind or infirm. And every negro or person of colour, who shall smoke a pipe or segar, or who shall walk with a cane, club or other stick, contrary to this ordinance, shall receive such a number of lashes, as any Warden of the city shall adjudge, not exceeding twenty; and shall moreover forfeit every such pipe, segar, cane, club or other stick to any white person seizing the same.

26. That every sergeant and private of the City Guard liable to Guard shall be obliged to carry to the Work-House, pay penalty any negro or person of colour, offending against this hending offenordinance, or any part thereof, whenever required by ders. any Warden of the city, or by the City Marshal, under a penalty of ten dollars for each and every negIlect or default, which sum shall be deducted from his monthly pay, and noted by the Captain of the City Guard in the Pay-Roll.


27. That the Master of the Work-House, shall be Master of the obliged to have the stripes adjudged by any Warden to inflict of the city, inflicted upon each negro or person of

stripes adjudg- colour, without any fee or reward, on pain of being ed by a War dismissed from office, for every neglect or violation of this part of his duty.

den, &c.

Passed, Feb.

1st. 1813

1. Be it ordained, That from and immediately after the passing of this ordinance, the sum of Five Dollars shall be paid by every seller of fruit and cakes, or any article not prohibited by any ordinance, for a be paid for a ticket or badge, to vend the same; and that every person violating this ordinance, by having a different badge, from the one required, shall forfeit the sum of Five Dollars.

Five dollars to

fruit seller's


Passed, July 5th, 1815.

Owners of

suffer them to appear manacled in the

public streets.




1. Be it ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any owner, or for any other person, having the control of slaves, to permit or suffer any slave to appear in the streets, or any public part of the city in irons, Slaves not to or with an iron or irons put round or on the neck, head, legs, hands or any part of the body: Neither shall it be lawful for any owner, or for any other person, having the control of slaves, to permit or suffer Negroes to be any such slave to appear in the streets, or any public part of the city, without sufficient clothing. And in case any owner or other person or persons, as aforesaid, shall transgress or offend in manner aforementioned, he, she or they, shall forfeit to the use of the city, for each and every offence or transgression, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, to be recovered in the Inferior City Court, paid into the Treasury, and Marshal's du- appropriated as Council may direct. And it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to enforce this ordinance; and also, it shall be his duty, and it shall be lawful for any person, meeting any slave in irons, or with an iron or irons, or without sufficient clothing as aforementioned, to commit or carry every such slave to the Work-House, there to remain at the charge and expence of the owner or other person, having the charge of the said slave, until the charges and expences at the Work-House, and the fine or forfeiture aforesaid, be paid with all costs of suit. Provided however, that nothing in this Ordinance shall extend to fugitive slaves who have escaped from the country.



Whereas, it is highly necessary for preserving the Passed, Sept. health of the citizens, that every precaution be adopt- 2d, 1795. ed to prevent the continuance of any putrid or stagnated waters, or other nuisances:


1. Be it ordained, That the Commissioners of the To order reStreets be authorized, to direct the proprietor, or pro- moval of nuiprietors of any lot, or lots, within the city of Charleston, which may be complained of, on account of any stagnated water or other nuisances remaining on said lot, or lots, to remove the same after notice being given in writing by the said Commissioners, and in case of refusal, or neglect, the said Commissioners shall have the same removed, at the expence of the said owner, or owners of any of the said lots.

deduct ex

pence from

2. That if any tenant or tenants of any house or Tenants may lot where any nuisance may exist, shall, and they are hereby authorized to have the same removed as di- rent. rected by the Commioners of the Streets, and to deduct the expense for defraying the same, from any rent that is or may become due.

4. That the Commissioners of the Streets be, and they are hereby authorized to draw on the City Tresurer, for any expence that may be incurred by them in removing any of said nuisances, the same to be refunded when recovered, as directed by this ordi



5. That if any proprietor or proprietors of any lot or Persons may lots, shall refuse, or neglect, to pay for the removing be sued by of any nuisance from any of their lot, or lots, the ers, for expensame shall be sued for and recovered in the Court of ces of remov ing nuisances, Wardens,* if within their jurisdiction; but if the sum so due, shall exceed the sum recoverable in the Court of Wardens,* the same shall be sued for in the Court of Common Pleas of this state.

1. Be it ordained, That all and every proprietor Passed, July or proprietors of any vacant lot or lots of land in this 24th, 1815. city, above high water mark included, shall fence in and enclose the same, or cause the same to be fenced

Now Inferior City Court.

Proprietors of

must enclose

the same.

Penalty for neglect.

in and inclosed in such a manner as to prevent any vacant lots filth, dirt or rubbish being thrown or deposited therein; and in case of the neglect or refusal of any proprietor of any such lot or lots so to do, then and in such case it shall and may be lawful to and for the City Council to cause the same to be done, and to levy or cause to be levied the costs and charges attending the same, by distress and sale of the goods and chattles of such proprietor or proprietors, by warrant in writing under the hand and seal of the honorable the Intendant of the said city, for the time being; and in case such proprietor or proprietors shall have no goods or chattles within the said city, that then such lot or lots of land shall be, and the same is, and are hereby made liable to be leased from year to year, at such an annual sum as can be obtained, until the expence thereof shall be defrayed, unless the proprietor shall sooner pay the same.

Passed, July 21st, 1800.

3. Be it ordained, That no common sewer, hereafter to be laid within the city, shall be less than six feet in height and four in width, or as near to these sewer to be dimensions as the nature and situation of the ground will admit.

No common

less than six

feet high and four feet wide,


ter to enter

every vessel lying at

wharves or in the river, within one mile of the city to examine condition of cargo and state of crew.

4. That it shall be lawful for, and become a part of the duty of the Harbour Master, or of his deputy, to enter into any ship or other vessel, lying at any Harbour Mas- of the wharves, or in the river, within the distance of one mile, from any part of the city, to examine into the condition of her cargo, and the state of her crew and if any part of such cargo, of what kind or nature soever it might be, should consist of any putrifying or decayed article, or commodity, and there should issue therefrom any noisome effluvia; or that the same is likely to generate a pestilential air; or that such ship or vessel should contain any sick person or persons, infected with any putrid or malignant disease; the said Harbour Master, or his deputy, shall in any such case, forbid the landing within the city, of any such commodity or ar ticle of such cargo, or sick person, or persons, and shall thereupon order the hatches of said vessel

be immediately closed. And if any captain, own, consignee, or other person or persons, having the harge or management of such ship or vessel, reardless of the orders received from the Harbuor-Mas

obedience or

er, or his deputy, should proceed to unlade any The captain rticle, or to land any sick person, or persons, from or owner disout of such ship or other vessel, as aforesaid, or shall forfeit 20 eglect or refuse to close, or keep closed the hatches dollars for disf his said ship or vessel, such captain owner or conignee, or other person or persons, having charge or management of such vessel, shall forfeit and pay he sum of twenty dollars for every disobedience or pposition to such orders.


ers of Streets

5. That the Commissioners of Streets, be authorized Lo cause canals to be dug, and continually kept open, of a sufficient depth and breadth to afford a free passage for the water issuing from them through the docks; and that they cause gates or valves to be Commissionaffixed to the mouths of said drains, on such a con- to cause canals struction as to admit the flowing of the tide, and at to be dug and the same time to prevent the entrance of any trash or filth; to retain the same until the ebb shall be low enough to permit the opening of the valve or gate, so as to cause the water from its own weight and force to flow out, and sweep away the contents of the drains.

kept open, &c.

TITLE (0.)

Officer's Duty.

3. Be it ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Passed Oct. Clerk of the Council, to keep the journals of Coun- 30th, 1787. cil, and to copy the same fair, and make an index

thereto, and engross, for ratification, all ordinances Duty of City to be passed, and shall furnish the several offices of Clerk. the city, and all other persons, as he shall be directed by the City Council, with transcripts of all such resolves and ordinances (or parts thereof) as may be necessary for their guidance or information; he shall attend all the meetings of Council, and shall receive, and deliver, all petitions, memorials, informations or

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